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What gift are you most excited about giving this year?


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A new German Shepherd puppy for the whole family!


This will be a surprise gift. We lost our German Shepherd in October and we were all devastated. She was 14 years old and had been with us for most or all of my kids lives. We were on a list with the breeder for a puppy in March, but in a twist of fate one of the people who had dibs on a puppy in her current litter had to postpone getting the dog. it was a sable female, just what we were looking for, and for some lucky reason we got the option of taking her.


This will be our gift to the kids. I am picking her up Sunday. The kids will be skiing with DH so they will get the surprise when they get home. I expect none of them will mind foregoing other gifts for this one!


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I've recently started quilting (about a month ago) I've made quilts for my mom, my dad and his wife, my daughters, my fil,  but the one's I'm looking forward to giving the most are for my new nieces, 1 1/2 and 6 months, who I haven't met yet.  The quilts (orange elephant themed) match and have coordinating elephant stuffies.


I'm also looking forward to the air fryer I'm giving "Us", I'll get to eat french fries again! 


I gave quilts I made to each of my children last Christmas and they loved them. It has been wonderful seeing them used all year. 

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I've recently started quilting (about a month ago) I've made quilts for my mom, my dad and his wife, my daughters, my fil,  but the one's I'm looking forward to giving the most are for my new nieces, 1 1/2 and 6 months, who I haven't met yet.  The quilts (orange elephant themed) match and have coordinating elephant stuffies.


I'm also looking forward to the air fryer I'm giving "Us", I'll get to eat french fries again! 



Holy moly. When you take on a new hobby you go all in!  That's a lot of finished quilts in a month!

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I am most excited about the gift we are giving my second son.


He has grown and matured SO MUCH in the last year. A year ago his ADHD and ODD were so out of control that we couldn't take him out of the house at all. Every day he was throwing a dozen or most violent, destructive tantrums. His room was empty except for a mattress on the floor, and every day we were forced to lock him in there on and off throughout the day when there was simply no other way to keep the family safe.


We were finally able to get him on meds about 9 months ago, and he is now a new child. He is still impulsive and distractable when his meds wear off, but he hasn't thrown a major tantrum in over 7 months. This school year he is successfully attending two gym classes, an art class and a weekly immersion Spanish class...this kid who last year could not be safely taken to the grocery store!!!


For Christmas we are giving him a trip to Florida. He and I are going to fly down and spend 5 days with my aunt at the end of January. DS is going to be over the moon. He absolutely thrives on attention and social interaction, and during this trip he will have me, my aunt and a whole state-full of old people doting on him and listening to his incessant chatter.


I am just so thrilled that his mental health has stabilized to the point that he can start exploring a larger world...so, so much larger than his locked bedroom where he was last year.




Wendy, this makes me so happy for you! Hope you have a glorious trip.

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Holy moly. When you take on a new hobby you go all in!  That's a lot of finished quilts in a month!

They're not huge, 2 are baby sized and the rest are about 44x66. But yeah, I've been busy, still not done. I'll probably be sewing until Christmas eve, finally found the perfect material for DS's quilt, then I might start on one for myself..

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I am very excited about this




It is a drone with 'Meow mode'.    You push a button and it rights itself.  This way when you crash (assuming everything is still there) you can just take off again.  



Background.   About this time last year, DD was visiting me at work.   it had just so happened that my work buddy brought a drone to work.   DD had mucho fun chasing it around and giggling.   About a week later she saw Santa.  We thought we knew what she would ask for, but she wanted 'a remote controlled bird'.   We had NO CLUE what she was talking about.  A week or so later, I realized what it was.   We'd already bought her big gift, but we filed it away for her birthday in July.   Before her birthday I had the shopping list from my buddy, an expert in this stuff.  But DD said that she wasn't interested unless'it looked like a bird'.   I was crushed.   So a couple of months ago without us asking, she mentioned that she wanted one, and it didn't have to look like a bird.  

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A small, inexpensive gift for my niece's husband. There's a movie he likes and said he wanted to own it on dvd because he wanted to know it was always there (as opposed to streaming or a digital copy he can't download). The reason I was excited about it is because I never know what to get him and want him to feel like part of our family. When she was here with her kids for a cookie baking day last weekend she happened to mention that he wanted it. 


I ordered it right away, it arrived, and he sent me a nice thank you.


BTW, the movie is Boss Baby. :D 

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Dh and I are best friends with another couple. They have been so good to help us through this past awful 18 months. Today Alan Jackson tickets went on presale and dh sent a text saying we should buy 4 and give two to our friends for Christmas.   I was online getting tickets and the husband sent dh a text asking if we were going to be in town on that date. They were online buying four tickets and planning to give two to us!   We agreed that I'd buy the tickets and they'd pay for half...they're giving us two tickets and we're giving them two. Yeah, it's the same as buying our own but it's so sweet that we both thought of the same thing. 


Oldest dd is a busy homeschooling mom of four but she dearly loves to quilt. I have a beautiful quilt kit that I'm cutting and assembling into 10 mini kits and I'll send her one a month. That is a small enough project for her to finish and it gives her something to look forward to every month. I'm so excited about this- she's been wanting to do a block of the month but was having trouble finding one that fit her budget. 



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Dh and I are best friends with another couple. They have been so good to help us through this past awful 18 months. Today Alan Jackson tickets went on presale and dh sent a text saying we should buy 4 and give two to our friends for Christmas.   I was online getting tickets and the husband sent dh a text asking if we were going to be in town on that date. They were online buying four tickets and planning to give two to us!   We agreed that I'd buy the tickets and they'd pay for half...they're giving us two tickets and we're giving them two. Yeah, it's the same as buying our own but it's so sweet that we both thought of the same thing. 


Oldest dd is a busy homeschooling mom of four but she dearly loves to quilt. I have a beautiful quilt kit that I'm cutting and assembling into 10 mini kits and I'll send her one a month. That is a small enough project for her to finish and it gives her something to look forward to every month. I'm so excited about this- she's been wanting to do a block of the month but was having trouble finding one that fit her budget. 


Both of these are utterly awesome! 


Love that your friends and you both thought of the same thing, and how y'all worked it out....so sweet! 


And the gift for your dd.....perfect! She will love that!

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You are an awesome mom.  


Ha!  When I was researching ants trying to figure what would be a good option for him, I wasn't a happy camper.  I told my dh "I don't care about ants!  Why doesn't he want to breed puppies or something?!".


But I have to admit, watching the colony is kind of cool.  Not puppy cool, but cool :D.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have three gifts I’m excited to watch being opened. One is the poster that was recommended on here where you scratch off the title as you read it. My step-mom is a big reader, so I am excited to give it to her. I could give her the moon and she would not be excited to get it, if it’s from me, so we’ll see if she has any excitement about it. Now, if someone else gave it to her, she’d be super excited about it, because it is right up her alley. The second gift is a poster that I had made for Dh where you select 50 pictures to be included on it. I was going to make my own, but then I found a company who makes it for you and it will be less expensive to do so. Dh doesn’t get excited about getting any gifts, so I’m not expecting him to be jumping up and down with joy, but I know he will like it. The third is a Playmobil hospital set (and lots of accessories) for youngest dd. She has been asking for that gift all fall. Every time she plays Playmobil she comes and tells me that the policeman told her people that they needed to take so and so to the hospital and she has to tell the policeman that there is no hospital. She finally made a dr’s office, but she says it is not the same. Funny thing is that I wanted to get her the hospital a year or two ago and she didn’t want it. She will jump up and down with joy when she opens that.


Last year, the present that was most well received was a copy of our house key for youngest dd that she got in her stocking. She was so excited and was jumping up and down. That $3 present (was a fancy key) was the hit of the day! I hope to always remember how happy she was when she opened it.

Gave the first two gifts today at one of our exchanges.


As expected, stepmom didn’t seem impressed with the poster. “What am I supposed to do with this after I scratch off the books?†Hard to tell if she actually likes it or not because it was from me. If someone else gave it to her, she would have probably had a different reaction because she can’t stand me and doesn’t want to acknowledge my presence. I guess I am disappointed because I know she would have really loved it if it came from someone else. I thought she really would act excited about it.


Dh’s poster was a hit. I haven’t even had a chance to look at myself because I didn’t open it before I gave it to him and there was too much going on this afternoon to look at it and he hasn’t taken it out since we’ve been home, but he was really happy about it.


I also gave him his other big present from me tonight because I thought it would be helpful for Xmas morning for him to have in advance. It’s a Sandisk thing to save your pictures from your iphone. His storage is full and his phone barely works because there’s no more storage on it. He likes to use it for pictures instead of our camera. The disappointing thing is that the thingy doesn’t work on his phone because it is a work phone and the program he needs to download to transfer the pictures is blocked. He’s pretty sure he can take the thingy to the tech people at work and they can do it, just won’t be done in time for xmas.


Dh also let me know tonight that he hopes to find clothes under the tree from me, or he will be disappointed. Nope. I hate buying him clothes. He has over a $1k of clothes that I have bought him, some as gifts, others that he personally picked out, with tags on, never worn, that he insisted he liked and would wear, and never did, and even though all the stores that the clothes are from would take them back even though some are years old, I don’t think it’s fair at this point. I was more than happy to return them, if he wasn’t going to wear them, but he insisted that he would and didn’t want any of them returned. Now tonight, he pulled one of the shirts out and said why he didn’t like it - because he said it didn’t match anything, but it was part of an outfit that the salesman at the store put together with pants and a sweater. He worn the pants out, I don’t remember if he wore the sweater, or if it’s one of the articles of clothing in the closet with a tag still on it. This is the second year that I didn’t buy him clothes because he doesn’t wear what I buy. I told him I am not going to and he can go buy his own clothes. Guess our Christmas morning is going to be ruined because he’s going to be disappointed and when that happens, he’s sure to let everyone know how he feels.

Edited by school17777
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