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administrative assistants - gift ideas


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My husband usually tries to make it more personal, either meet the interests of his admin or follow through on a conversation that they have had during the year. My husband is an executive, so his budget might be different. 


Here are some of the things he has done: 

gift basket of RC Cola and Moon Pies after he found out those were treats his admin ate growing up and missed them 

Symphony tickets

gift certificate to outdoor store (I think it was REI)


He has had the same admin for more than ten years, so he has gleaned quite a bit of random facts over the years to spur his ideas.


ETA: I'm usually the one that does the hunting down of strange items (like RC Cola - hard to find in our area) and purchasing for him. 

Edited by TechWife
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My boss used to get me gift certificates for upscale local restaurants or Visa gift cards.  Those were always nice since Dh and I could go out to a nice dinner, or I could buy myself something I really want/need.  If you know enough for really personal items, that would be good too although I don't think most of my bosses knew me that well.  A couple times over the years I received ornaments that were really really not to my taste.


I've also received wine a few times.  Those usually went to dh since I can't drink red wine at all (headaches) and I don't really like wine.  I used to buy my supervisor a couple six packs of craft beers because I knew he was really into trying new ones.  I used to try and find ones with names that had connections to things he liked or things that were going on at work or were just funny.  


A couple of the managers in the department that I didn't really work for, just helped out with projects on occasion, used to get me small gifts that I really loved because it was sweet that they thought of me at all.  One gave me slipper socks infused with aloe and a pair of gloves, one time I got a gourmet candy apple (unusual but it was really really good), candy a few times.

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I have bought these for my dh's admin. 

Bath and body works candles and or their hand soaps

Pears from Harry and David

Gc to a doggie friendly restaurant.

There was 1 admin that loved a particular wine so DH used to buy that every year.

Certificate for a facial.

When he had a guy as admin we bought some particular alcoholic drink he used to keep talking about.

GC's to fast casual restaurants seem to be a big hit with all of them.

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As my last job I used to get three bottles of fizz from different people who appreciated me.  It was good for me but one of my colleagues didn't like wine and received it anyway....


One year I received a milk jug planted with spring bulbs. It was nice to have the bulbs on my desk through the spring and the jug is still in use.

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My husband usually buys his staff gift certificates to the local upscale steakhouse. Last year someone in the office got a Home Depot card instead because they were working on a home project and needed certain tools.


He also usually takes them out for a nice lunch.

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Last year I got some gourmet flavored caramel sauces along with the fuzzy socks and one or two other small items for the staff.  This year I will have someone who's been here a year and a brand new person.  Thinking of a mani/pedi GC and some small items for the young woman who's been here a while. How's that sound? 


I should run grab an amaryllis for her!  She loves flowers.


The new person will probably get a gift card.


We got a woman technician recently.  Just give her gift cards like the guys get??  

Edited by Tina
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One gift that dh got from his boss that turned out to be great was a Hydroflask water bottle. This was when they were first coming out and we had never heard of them, but that quickly turned into the favorite water bottle and now we all have one. They're in the $25-$30 price range.

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Probably cash in the form of a gift card, with something nice to go with it - a calendar or a book or a nice mug or maybe some reusable hand-warmers. It may seem impersonal, but if you knew each other better you probably would not have to ask us what to buy :)


If you *really* don't know much about this person, I'd avoid: food items (could have allergies or restrictions), scented products (likewise) or other personal care items (ditto again). And certainly be sure to include a gift receipt!


We got a woman technician recently. Just give her gift cards like the guys get??


If everybody else of the same job/rank gets a gift card, she should get the same. You don't want to single her out, especially if she is the ONLY woman, and she'll appreciate it. Who doesn't appreciate cash!?

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The best gift I ever got from my boss when I was a Legal Secretary was a box of Godiva chocolates. It felt so fancy; I had never had high-end chocolates before that.


That is still what I buy myself when I buy the customer Christmas gifts for our best customers. I buy boxes of Godiva chocolates and include one to myself for being such an awesome secretary!

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The best gift I ever got from my boss when I was a Legal Secretary was a box of Godiva chocolates. It felt so fancy; I had never had high-end chocolates before that.


That is still what I buy myself when I buy the customer Christmas gifts for our best customers. I buy boxes of Godiva chocolates and include one to myself for being such an awesome secretary!


See, this is why I said food is a bad idea. I'd be a little dismayed to get Godiva chocolates because their chocolate isn't ethically sourced. Like many chocolates, at least some of it is ultimately produced by child slaves.

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