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It's November 3rd


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It's 60 here. I can't remember when it's ever been so warm on Nov 3!


I'm grateful though, because we've out of power all week and might easily have another week before we are connected.


it's been in the 50's.  when I heard they forecast snow, I figured it would be the usual outlying/convergence zone areas.


prolonged outages suck.   I've gone without power for a week (a couple times), with freezing temps. (we now have a gas cooktop and water heater to go along with out wood fireplace.)  We eventually went and camped out at sil's, becasue even though she's more rural and we're in the middle of the city - she had power and we didn't.

in the last few years, they've built new houses on our street - and cut down the trees that would take out the power lines. I don't miss those trees.  now it's just squirrels - or widespread windstorm outages.

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All you snow people can just...invite me over to play! I love snow more than anything (except babies)!!!


:party: :party: :party:


It's 24C here... :(


it's wet slush in places and just wet everywhere else.

dudeling was mad it wasn't enough to play in. hey - if you want snow to play in, this is a good sign we'll get some this season.  

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It's still snowing here.  Very fine light dusting kind of snow.  If you go about three blocks down the hill though it changes. 

we were getting quite the amount of snow coming down a couple hours ago.  nothing sticking.

it's funny when 1& 2dss got up, and where like "what?"  2ds has to drive to work (not far) and wanted to know what the roads were like, and a long handled snow brush. (which I'm SURE I got for him!).

1ds takes the bus.

I'm sure dudeling is upset because it's not sticking.

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we were getting quite the amount of snow coming down a couple hours ago.  nothing sticking.

it's funny when 1& 2dss got up, and where like "what?"  2ds has to drive to work (not far) and wanted to know what the roads were like, and a long handled snow brush. (which I'm SURE I got for him!).

1ds takes the bus.

I'm sure dudeling is upset because it's not sticking.


It has been snowing here non-stop all day.  But despite all that we have only about half an inch.  The flakes are so tiny.  I keep seeing flying snowballs from the neighbor's yard.  They must be really scraping it up. 

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It has been snowing here non-stop all day.  But despite all that we have only about half an inch.  The flakes are so tiny.  I keep seeing flying snowballs from the neighbor's yard.  They must be really scraping it up. 


I remember one doozy of a storm that had "tiny" flakes.

at least it's too warm for any accumulations.

I assured dudeling we will probably have enough snow for him to play in at some point this season.


Just not when 1 & 2 dss are going to/from the airport ... .that's all I ask.  they're going to visit 2dd between christmas and new years.

dh has driven all the way to sea-tac, ON 405, with chains! (he's experienced driving in snow) because it hadn't been plowed and it was coming down hard. I was looking at traffic cams all the way down.  there were almost zero cars on it on a saturday evening. (unheard of- even at 3am.)  at least it was plowed going back so he could take them off.  that was the year we had two feet at our house.   The only other year I remember a winter like that was 1968. I don't know how deep it was, but I had to walk in my brother's tracks because it was too deep for me.  but I got a sled that christmas - so timing was perfect.

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