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Terror attack in NY?


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My husband told me about it a few hours ago. It was on BBC and Reuters news so the Manhattan attack showed up on his phone’s newsfeed.



“The 29-year-old driver was shot by police in the abdomen and taken into custody after he crashed the truck into a school bus and fled his vehicle, New York City Police Commissioner James O‘Neill told a news conference.†http://www.reuters.com/article/us-new-york-shooting/eight-dead-in-truck-attack-on-manhattan-bike-path-suspect-arrested-idUSKBN1D02QU

Edited by Arcadia
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How come I'm just seeing this now? I had the news on earlier and didn't see anything about it. 8 people are dead from what I've seen. 


What news were you watching? I first heard about it mid afternoon here in the midwest from the website of our local paper.

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Sounds like lots of children were involved. :( Very sad. Prayers for the families. 


I got an alert on my phone at about 4:30 but I am in New Jersey. I was worried about DH coming home as he works in North Jersey but he got home normally. 


Yes, that location is right by an elementary school, a combined elementary/middle school, and of course Stuyvesant High School. And there's another elementary school only a few blocks away. And a preschool nearby as well, a playground, another playground... oh, it's a lot of a lot.


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He won the Visa in the "Diversity" visa program and moved to the USA.  5 of the people killed were tourists visiting from Argentina, celebrating their High School graduation, which was 30 years ago.  Apparently the NYPD had been looking at his Mosque in NJ.  He was a Uber driver. He is not the only Radical Islamic Terrorist in the USA today.  Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL)   VERY SAD...

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I'm not getting the sense that people here (lots of NYC commuters) are getting numb, its more resolved.  United 93 shows the determined type of response they'll give in the moment.  They aren't going to quiver in fear, they are going to adapt,  learn and move forward, making the best out of the situation that they can.   


I don't mean the resolve to carry on. I'm all for not giving in to terrorism. It just hit me last night that I wasn't seeing much on Facebook or here and I only got one text about the attack.

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We're people, though, not machines.  We can only handle so much input of any kind, but particularly the tragic kind.  After a while, our mind/brain will just start shutting things out to preserve our sanity.  No one human person can handle the world's sorrow, but the news media seems to disagree.  Add in the bombardments from advertising, entertainment, and social media and it's amazing to me anyone retains sensibility at all.

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He won the Visa in the "Diversity" visa program and moved to the USA.  5 of the people killed were tourists visiting from Argentina, celebrating their High School graduation, which was 30 years ago.  Apparently the NYPD had been looking at his Mosque in NJ.  He was a Uber driver. He is not the only Radical Islamic Terrorist in the USA today.  Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL)   VERY SAD...


Yes, but he's been here for 10 years! A decade of not doing this stuff...makes me think he didn't get radicalized in his home country, but here. I mean, if he'd been a terrorist then, and we messed up and let him in, why did he wait 10 years to do something? Renting a truck and driving into a crowd doesn't take 10 years of planning. 


We need to accept that this happened on our turf, with someone recruited while on our turf. 

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I don't mean the resolve to carry on. I'm all for not giving in to terrorism. It just hit me last night that I wasn't seeing much on Facebook or here and I only got one text about the attack.


I think part of it is that people are wary of the first news reports on anything - so often they prove to be inaccurate.


Actually at the time I saw it on fb, right next to it was a post "this was just a tragic accident, not a terror attack."  I waited for more information.


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Sounds like lots of children were involved. :( Very sad. Prayers for the families. 


I got an alert on my phone at about 4:30 but I am in New Jersey. I was worried about DH coming home as he works in North Jersey but he got home normally. 


I'm in NJ, too. How do you get alerts? I was flipping through the major news stations in the evening - I must have missed it on every channel. 

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Very sad.  Also sad trying to blame people for a law passed years ago under Bush.  It makes me weep.  I'm glad it seems like at least NYC is sticking together.


And by Bush, that's George HW Bush, #41.  It was part of the Immigration Act of 1990 (the diversity lottery, the specific part of the act this man got his visa through, started in 1995).  It allows 50,000 visas per year given as a lottery that randomly selects applicants (they have to be qualified, for example they are required to have work experience, so it's not like they skip the visa approval process) from countries with typically low immigration rates to the US.  Under this program, 24,194 Uzbeks have had a Visa issued or adjusted under the system between 9/05 and 9/14.  24,193 have not committed a terrorist act (nor have any of the others of the 50,000 per year granted visas since 1995).  (Side note: In 2013 the "gang of 8" - a bipartisan group - attempted to get rid of the diversity lottery in favor of a merit-based system, but it failed to pass the House; had it passed, that change would not have stopped this particular person from entering the US as he has been here since 2010.)  Sadly, this particular immigrant was radicalized while living in the US.  Radicalization within the US, both for immigrants and natural born citizens, is a problem and we can't blame that on vetting or whatever (it is often done/started via the internet by people residing in other countries).

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Radicalization within the US, both for immigrants and natural born citizens, is a problem and we can't blame that on vetting or whatever (it is often done/started via the internet by people residing in other countries).


Oh, I'm sure we can!  It won't be accurate, but we can!  Because who cares about accuracy anymore?


Sorry... sad today....

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I am not a fan of the Diversity Lottery but don't see what it has to do with this. I mean, the program has been around for decades (in some form or another) and I haven't heard that there is some sort of sinister pattern with recipients being significantyl more likely to cause trouble. 


The only way to avoid anyone from outside the country causing harm is to close the borders completely. Obviously, that is not practicable but it would literally be the only way to be 100% certain (of course there would still be plenty of crime/terrorism/attacks from people within the country...)


Horrible as it may sound, I think it is time to accept that a certain level of terrorist attacks will happen. Just like we accept that there are regular murders, car accidents etc. Yes, measures should of course be taken to limit the number and extent of such incidents as much as possible. But I don't see any way to completely eradicate them.

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People who get a diversity visa go through exactly the same vetting (background checks, financial resources, and health requirements) that every other immigrant visa recipient gets. The type of visa he entered on in 2010 has nothing to do with this, unless we somehow assume that people from countries that are underrepresented in immigration to the US are inherently more dangerous than people from countries with more immigration to the US.

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People who get a diversity visa go through exactly the same vetting (background checks, financial resources, and health requirements) that every other immigrant visa recipient gets. The type of visa he entered on in 2010 has nothing to do with this, unless we somehow assume that people from countries that are underrepresented in immigration to the US are inherently more dangerous than people from countries with more immigration to the US.


I'm sure some people will choose to assume just that.  :(

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