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now it's my turn to worry Update: he's home


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An ex cop on trial for the shooting of a black man was just acquitted in St Louis.

They are expecting protests and riots, and the governor has mobilized the National Guard.

This can get very ugly.

My DS' university is right downtown, and he was planning to drive home tonight.


UPDATE: he just made it home. Now let's hope for everybody in St Louis that things don't get out of control.

Edited by regentrude
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That's so hard for a mom. :grouphug:


He'll be ok, though. St. Louis is a big city. Despite the news which will make it sound like the entire city is in chaos, the protests and unrest will not be everywhere.  As Janet mentioned... don't let him do anything stupid, like seek out the hot spots even just to observe. Avoid them. Hole up in his dorm if it's quiet there and if he doesn't want to be out on the roads this weekend.

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***hugs to you***


I'd have him look at a couple of different ways to get home. I used to live off of 44 but was downtown (Lindell Blvd) a lot. There are times when things get sketchy in that part of town on a regular day---being smart enough to get OUT and then worrying about how to get home is good street sense. Poelker Park is already a set aside protest zone; Harris Stowe is likely to be another hotspot given previous protests there.

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Can he leave earlier than later? Often protests start peacefully but turn ugly as the sun starts to go down.



Any chance he can leave for his trip home sooner rather than later?


Yes, that is what I will suggest to him. He has classes until 1pm.

It will mean a disgustingly hot trip since his A/C does not work and it's going to be 90 degrees, but I would feel more comfortable if he didn't leave at night

Edited by regentrude
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That is not exactly reassuring, since that is right next to DS' campus :(

Can your son leave earlier? If he has afternoon classes, they may get cancelled so that everyone can get safely home.


When there were riots here which involved blocking freeway entrances, my husband's employer let everyone leave early to get home safely before the rioting starts. We are quite far from the riots but some employees stay in that area.



Just saw he can leave after 1pm. Here the HR warning was to leave by 3pm. That is so nasty local managers would let their staff go off.

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Yes, that is what I will suggest to him. He has classes until 1pm.

It will mean a disgustingly hot trip since his A/C does not work and it's going to be 90 degrees, but I would feel more comfortable if he didn't leave at night


A cooler option could be to leave the area and then hang out at a mall or fast food joint or somewhere with AC far away from trouble until it's cool enough to finish the drive.

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Glad he made it home!


Since he'll have to make it back here, protests are planned for Saturday morning and evening, Sunday afternoon (3pm at 20th and Olive), and Monday morning (7am, 16th and Market)  and evening (6:30 pm at Delmar Loop).  I'm just seeing info put out by one group, so don't know what else might be going on.  


(Also unsure why some of the events listed are in Central West End/Delmar Loop  -- maybe that's just this particular group?   What am I missing here as to the importance of protesting in that area?  They were meeting in the CWE tonight, and might be the group that is blocking Kingshighway right now -- I could picture walking over there if you wanted to disrupt the Forest Park Balloon Glow crowd.)


Dd was supposed to be performing in Shakespeare in the Streets tonight downtown.  They've been working long and hard on this, and have adapted King Lear to discuss the racial divisions in the city.  Ironic that they can't perform it because of the protests -- she said some of the things she's hearing the protestors say closely mirror the play.

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Glad he made it home!


Since he'll have to make it back here, protests are planned for Saturday morning and evening, Sunday afternoon (3pm at 20th and Olive), and Monday morning (7am, 16th and Market)  and evening (6:30 pm at Delmar Loop).  I'm just seeing info put out by one group, so don't know what else might be going on.  


(Also unsure why some of the events listed are in Central West End/Delmar Loop  -- maybe that's just this particular group?   What am I missing here as to the importance of protesting in that area?  They were meeting in the CWE tonight, and might be the group that is blocking Kingshighway right now -- I could picture walking over there if you wanted to disrupt the Forest Park Balloon Glow crowd.)


Dd was supposed to be performing in Shakespeare in the Streets tonight downtown.  They've been working long and hard on this, and have adapted King Lear to discuss the racial divisions in the city.  Ironic that they can't perform it because of the protests -- she said some of the things she's hearing the protestors say closely mirror the play.


Thanks for the heads-up. Do you have a link to where one can check for updates?


I am sorry about all the work the Shakespeare people have put into preparing their performances. What a bummer. I am sorry for your DD.

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Thanks for the heads-up. Do you have a link to where one can check for updates?


I am sorry about all the work the Shakespeare people have put into preparing their performances. What a bummer. I am sorry for your DD.


I found these posted in a closed Facebook group.  I'll see if I can find someplace linkable.



Edited to add:  Okay, the Indivisible St Louis facebook page, which seems to be public, has the same post I saw elsewhere -- it's grey and gold, captioned ST LOUIS CALL TO ACTION, and lists dates, times and places for the next 3 days.  Since I'm seeing it on this page, I assume they'll also post updates.  

Edited by GailV
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Yes, that is what I will suggest to him. He has classes until 1pm.

It will mean a disgustingly hot trip since his A/C does not work and it's going to be 90 degrees, but I would feel more comfortable if he didn't leave at night

I recommend the model 470 AC


  Open 4 windows and go 70!

(of course gas mileage will be bad)

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Is he headed back tonight?  They went from the police station over to SLU this afternoon. http://news.stlpublicradio.org/post/stockley-protests-day-3-crowd-starts-police-hq-moves-saint-louis-university#stream/0  That might be the only interaction with SLU ... last night they were over around WashU, so sounds like they're mixing things up to hit various areas.


I haven't actually attended any of the protests, but know several people who have.  It's really been relatively low key most of the time during the day -- people are taking along their kids and their dogs because all they're doing is basically walking around chanting things and blocking traffic.  Last night the organizers told everyone to go home at about 9pm; some people who hung around after that got destructive (and others started cleaning things up).  


One of dd's acquaintances has been involved in organizing protests before, and said it was apparent to him that Friday wasn't organized, but that going forward things will probably will be more planned out.

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By the way, he's welcome to come here as another option for a place to be in the St. Louis area that's not actually downtown.  I tried sending you a PM, but you're apparently unable to receive new messages.


Thank you so much for your generous offer, Gail. (I had not paid attention and my pm box was full; it is cleaned up now).

He does have friends in the city, so he has places to go, and he can always crash at his dojo :) But thank you for offering, that was very kind. 

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