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Ok Disney peeps, a whiny question...


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And that wasn't WINE-y, but whiney. My girls-only day at Epcot for our upcoming trip seems to have gotten changed to girls plus very active autistic boy who doesn't give a rip about shops in Epcot. And this is during Food & Wine, with a kid who thinks mac & cheese plus chocolate milk is something to travel for!


We've already done all the Detective P things, and he can't do them again by himself. He actually would do them again, but I'm just saying he can't do them by himself. What are our brilliant options here?


-switch to park hoppers and do half days at Epcot and HS so that he has less time in blocks

-the Remy hunt thing. Is this lame?

-some kind of bribery or Mom plan, like you have $3 to spend in every country's gift shop to buy something cool. Only problem is, he actually only has one perseverative interest, and it's something they don't let you carry at Disney. It's something they sell in some shops at Epcot, which is even WORSE because then he'll be begging for it and have meltdowns. So I can't give a blanket buy $3. It needs to be more like a project, like get a magnet from every country so we can put them on our frig. Something like that. Or buy Christmas presents for Sister. But then I have to haul them cuz we're staying off-property. I don't know.

-give him tech the whole time and have him zoned and in his own world

-Do something really, really off the grid and different like some kind of weed killer tour or learn to scuba or something. I don't know. He's 8 and my friend will be in an ECV.


I don't know. And with Irma blowing things off the map and disrupting the whole state, I kinda thought we should shift from 2-3 days of Disney with the other days for other stuff to all Disney. I'm just not sure it's reasonable to assume we'll have gas easily or that anything will be open or pleasant to go to right now, and my ds cannot handle ANY stress. Like no gas, long gas lines, that would be bad, totally bad, like meltdown, ruin the whole day bad. So I'm thinking we go to Disney every day and call it done. 


I moved us to a condo because staying with my mother fell through, so instead of Titusville we're actually much closer. Not quite super close, but I figured the pool right out the door made up for the 15 minute drive. We don't need to be in the bustle anyway.


Any advice? I don't know how my simple, $69 each way, stay with your mother, cheap easy trip to Florida suddenly got so complicated!  :lol:


Oh, for AK we are planning on doing Wilderness Explorers. Is it cool? One person said it was too young, but my ds functions young. I figured we can fill our other days easily by finishing out the Wilderness Explorers, etc. We did all the map quests in MK and all the Agent P things in Epcot. We just need more. It's a really good way for us to work together. I don't know if he'd get into hidden mickeys. They seem kinda lame to me or adult or... He has no interest in meeting characters, so I can't busy him with that. 

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I'm just realizing I forgot to teach him about the countries of Epcot! We've been doing a state study. I guess we could bone up real fast, lol. But even then, would he care? How does an 8/9 yo intersect with Epcot?


Now one of the things I was trying to do was make sure we saw street performers. Like if I got really smart, we could do a shop, do street performers, do a shop, do street performers. He might survive that. Or better, do a shop, get a snack, street performers. 


I'm not even sure *I'm* that interested in the shops. I just felt like when we did Epcot before (2 days, with him and my dad and...) we couldn't really slow down and do Epcot. Like whatever it is, the sit down and pretend you're in Paris gig, we missed it. We were always in zoom mode. We didn't slow down and try snacks and just kind if imbibe. But how do you do that with a kid in-tow?

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Wilderness Explorers is fun for that age.


I don't know about the Remy hunt, but we did the Easter Egg hunt and it was only fun because we were with other kids and someone already knew where they were, they can be in places you might miss. There is a sticker passport book for Food and Wine if he might enjoy that.


My son has always loved Epcot. He's 10 now. Watch the shows, watch the movies, you're not worried about missing something, take it slow. Bring something he'll enjoy doing or buy something.


You can use package pick up in the park, they'll have all your purchases at package pick up near the entrance.

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Ok, is Kidcot really coloring the same bear at every station?? That won't fly. He doesn't color, lol. But it might fly to have a passport and do something else there. The Remy thing would be that I guess. But yeah, he's not going to color 11 bears, lol. 


I think I thought each one was different, like a different craft at each station. 

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I think Epcot has enough stuff to do that you can alternate visiting country areas with rides.  I know that adds tremendously to the walking, but it can be done.  Some of our favorite rides are at Epcot.  Would he be able to deal with the country areas if he knows there is a cool ride coming up?


Mexico and Norway have rides in them, so maybe that can help break up the monotony.  There are some interesting 360 degree movies I think for China and Canada. 


Can you buy a fake passport (I get them at teacher supply stores for a few bucks) and a DK country flag sticker book?  Would that be something he would be interested in?  Tracking the countries you "visit"?


Have you been to Food and Wine fest before?  We did once.  The countries that are not normally represented have kiosks set up that you walk up to and purchase (without huge lines).  It has been a while but I remember them being more appetizer portions of anything as opposed to sit down meals (for example, in Italy you got 2 or 3 fried ravioli in a little plastic container, not a huge slab of veal parm).  So it is easy to sample and go and not take hours upon hours. 

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OhE, I took my posse to Epcot last October as part of our two weeks in FL in the parks.  I'd bring tech, and I wouldn't feel bad about it at all.  Enjoy Food & Wine for yourself. Really, it's quite fun for adults, and I think it's ok to plan something for *you*.  The weather is usually quite good, and provided you have a sun-umbrella or you stop in inside enough, it's actually quite lovely to be out.  I think he might really love the Matsuriza drummers in Japan and Soarin'. The fish tanks are also pretty sweet. 


I would only try to do Test Track if you have a fast pass or tech.  The lines there and at Frozen Ever After can be brutal to wait through.


But, seriously, I'd buy a couple of external batteries + tech, pack a sun umbrella and good tennis shoes for walking, and enjoy it.

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You can take anything for the cast members to sign. Like a colourful 8 by 10 world map. They can sign anything like welcome to China, etc. And stamp the map. You can frame the map when you get home and hang it in his room.


Take a picture in front of each country. Makes collage when you get home. My kids love to collect these types of things for projects.


I hate wasting time in all the shops waiting on kids to find something to buy....

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OhE, I took my posse to Epcot last October as part of our two weeks in FL in the parks.  I'd bring tech, and I wouldn't feel bad about it at all.  Enjoy Food & Wine for yourself. Really, it's quite fun for adults, and I think it's ok to plan something for *you*.  The weather is usually quite good, and provided you have a sun-umbrella or you stop in inside enough, it's actually quite lovely to be out.  I think he might really love the Matsuriza drummers in Japan and Soarin'. The fish tanks are also pretty sweet. 


I would only try to do Test Track if you have a fast pass or tech.  The lines there and at Frozen Ever After can be brutal to wait through.


But, seriously, I'd buy a couple of external batteries + tech, pack a sun umbrella and good tennis shoes for walking, and enjoy it.


Fish tanks? Were they at the Nemo stuff or in a restaurant? You're right, he'll enjoy fish for a while.


Well good, then I will just use the tech and not feel bad about it. And it *may* work out that my mother can be with him that day, but it's no longer guaranteed. I had all our FP set up for just the two of us. We probably ask for the DAS again, which will make that work out. You're right that it's all mindset. I may also split our Epcot time over two days to make it feel more flexible.


Yeah, we weren't a huge lover of Test Track. Well that's not true. He LOVED the car racing and design part, lol. We just thought the ride itself was not that interesting for the amount of time we spent in line, even with a FP. Yup, loved Soarin. 


I need to check this sun umbrella. I hadn't thought of that. It would give him something to do. He's crazy for umbrellas. As long as it's small and he's not whacking people, that might go over big. Like just give him an umbrella and he could be very entertained.



You can take anything for the cast members to sign. Like a colourful 8 by 10 world map. They can sign anything like welcome to China, etc. And stamp the map. You can frame the map when you get home and hang it in his room.


Take a picture in front of each country. Makes collage when you get home. My kids love to collect these types of things for projects.


I hate wasting time in all the shops waiting on kids to find something to buy....


Ooo, hadn't thought about a map and pics at each one! What a fun idea! I'll have to ask him. I think he might like the passport too. We'll probably go back with my father this winter, so we could do it then too. Of course even my father doesn't want to shop, lol. 



I think Epcot has enough stuff to do that you can alternate visiting country areas with rides.  I know that adds tremendously to the walking, but it can be done.  Some of our favorite rides are at Epcot.  Would he be able to deal with the country areas if he knows there is a cool ride coming up?


Mexico and Norway have rides in them, so maybe that can help break up the monotony.  There are some interesting 360 degree movies I think for China and Canada. 


Can you buy a fake passport (I get them at teacher supply stores for a few bucks) and a DK country flag sticker book?  Would that be something he would be interested in?  Tracking the countries you "visit"?


Have you been to Food and Wine fest before?  We did once.  The countries that are not normally represented have kiosks set up that you walk up to and purchase (without huge lines).  It has been a while but I remember them being more appetizer portions of anything as opposed to sit down meals (for example, in Italy you got 2 or 3 fried ravioli in a little plastic container, not a huge slab of veal parm).  So it is easy to sample and go and not take hours upon hours. 


I need to think about this some more. Turns out Disney sells a passport kit for $12 that has snazzy stickers and everything. So I definitely think we'll do that. 


Oh, oh, I have a brilliant idea!!! He could wear a t-shirt and they could write happy b-day to him everywhere he goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :D


Yes, thank you, sometimes the mother gets brilliant. He could do character m&gs and get a t-shirt signed. Then he'd actually have something to do with them. He doesn't know what to do with them, so he just stands there or refuses. But if he had a plan, like tell them it's your b-day and get the t-shirt signed, THAT he could actually do. Might be way cool. :D

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I don't know if they'll sign the shirt he's wearing, but that's a fun idea. If you get him a birthday button, everyone will say happy birthday to him. A cast member sweeping the sidewalk sang happy birthday to me the day I wore one.


The aquarium is at the exit from the Nemo ride. If you don't want to ride, you can just go in the store at the exit.

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We love the Remy hunt. Some are hidden very well and you could easily grab food from the countries while doing it. My teen and tween really got into it. There was a site that had some cool printouts for Epcot he might enjoy doing.


Wilderness explorers- my DD enjoyed it. She is a little bit older than your DS but loves animals and learning.

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Sun umbrellas are UV rated.  


I don't know that you need to go to the expense of buying a special umbrella when you don't have serious sun exposure on a regular umbrella...but a cheapie white umbrella can really make the day more pleasant. 


That's perfect. He really liked the idea of an umbrella. I think it's a sensory/withdrawal thing, that he can hide in it.



We love the Remy hunt. Some are hidden very well and you could easily grab food from the countries while doing it. My teen and tween really got into it. There was a site that had some cool printouts for Epcot he might enjoy doing.


Wilderness explorers- my DD enjoyed it. She is a little bit older than your DS but loves animals and learning.


Ooo, this is a good sign! 



How about giving him a camera and directions to take pictures of X in each country (Make him a scavenger hunt list or a bingo card --- Unique Architecture, A person in Native dress, something in the store, something specific to that country, etc...)


Good idea! 

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Has anyone used the Epcot passport kit they sell?

We got the passport kit last time we were there. It's nothing special but the kids liked stopping to get them stamped. The cast members when would usually sign it too saying something in the native language of that country. They really liked that. Then there were the stickers to put for each country. It was at the same place as the kidcot stops.

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I vote tech with no guilt. If he's happy, you will be relaxed and more likely to have a good time. Sometimes it is OK to take the easier way rather than working hard at alternatives to keep him happy. Do a couple things you think he will like and let him zone out with tech while you and your friend enjoy the other things.

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In this situation, I vote for electronics.


Food & Wine is super busy and has a lot of long lines for everything. After about 4:00 pm, there are many, many drunk people, so keep all of that in mind as you figure out how to navigate with him.


Oh dear. I had heard about this, but I was hoping it wouldn't be so prevalent on a weekday. :( Maybe we'll do half days or something, dunno.

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Oh, I forgot KidCot! Is it fun or lame? He might almost be able to do it. Like I might be able to get him onboard, hmm...


I was going to suggest this.  KidCot will hopefully keep him busy for a while.


Also, you might try a little candy from one or two different countries.  Japan has candy that you can eat the wrapper.  Norway has some interesting items to taste.

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I was going to suggest this.  KidCot will hopefully keep him busy for a while.


Also, you might try a little candy from one or two different countries.  Japan has candy that you can eat the wrapper.  Norway has some interesting items to taste.


Ooo candy, that's genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He never gets candy, so that might be big currency. :D

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EPCOT was a huge bust for us last year. My wife and I had enjoyed being there, years ago. We got there early one morning (got a parking spot so close to the entrance I couldn't believe it) and THANK GOD we were on Park Hoppers.  We had planned to spend the entire day at EPCOT.  That was the day we were in all 4 parks.  I strongly suggest buying Park Hopper tickets. 


Also, we truly enjoyed Universal Orlando and our family would go back to Universal Orlando, before WDW.



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We got the passport kit last time we were there. It's nothing special but the kids liked stopping to get them stamped. The cast members when would usually sign it too saying something in the native language of that country. They really liked that. Then there were the stickers to put for each country. It was at the same place as the kidcot stops.


We did this too -- my boys were almost 7.  They enjoyed it.  They also do the pin trading so had fun going through the stores looking at the employees' lanyards for pins to trade.


If it works for you, I would bring tech!  To be honest, Epcot is our least favorite park so we haven't been back to the countries since our first trip.  We spent 2 full days there our first trip.  Did the passports, a few Kim Possible things, and pin trading.  We go over for Test Track and Soarin now and that is it -- LOL.

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EPCOT was a huge bust for us last year. My wife and I had enjoyed being there, years ago. We got there early one morning (got a parking spot so close to the entrance I couldn't believe it) and THANK GOD we were on Park Hoppers.  We had planned to spend the entire day at EPCOT.  That was the day we were in all 4 parks.  I strongly suggest buying Park Hopper tickets. 


Also, we truly enjoyed Universal Orlando and our family would go back to Universal Orlando, before WDW.




Oh you radical soul, I hadn't really put Universal on the table, lol. We'll see. But that's a good point that with time to slow down and do the countries we might be bored, lol. But no, I've mapped out all the street performers, and just doing those would keep us busy. We only caught the Chinese acrobats when we were there in January. Ds liked them. He was even ok with the cheesy boat ride in Mexico, hehe. I like the candy across the countries idea too. I've been looking at the booths for f&w, and honestly I think the regular shops are just as interesting, maybe moreso. We'll see.


Turns out my friend hasn't been in MK for like 45 years. I think putting her on Space Mountain would blow her mind. :D


I think I'm having some guilt too, like we're spending the money, going to a place that is so wiped out. But we had this planned before we knew. Sigh. 


I think we want to wait on Universal a couple years. I think it might be a lot to do with ds and just as good with him in a few. We didn't even get to Animal Kingdom at all in January, even with 5 day tickets. We did partial days. Yes, I'm probably going to convert us to parkhoppers to be more flexible. 



We did this too -- my boys were almost 7.  They enjoyed it.  They also do the pin trading so had fun going through the stores looking at the employees' lanyards for pins to trade.


If it works for you, I would bring tech!  To be honest, Epcot is our least favorite park so we haven't been back to the countries since our first trip.  We spent 2 full days there our first trip.  Did the passports, a few Kim Possible things, and pin trading.  We go over for Test Track and Soarin now and that is it -- LOL.


I'll have to think about that. We enjoyed it so much, but you're right that we did it a totally different way, only doing the Agent P detective games and the rides. We were sort of our own world in the midst of other people doing whatever they do there. So I think you're right we'll have to magic it and do it our own way. I definitely wouldn't want to get burnt out on it, doing too much. Then he wouldn't be willing to go back. I love Illuminations. Actually I love Fantasmic. Actually, I think I just love being there and how beautiful and calm it is. I love that I walk in worried about being late or this or that and they go "No worries!" I need that back. :)

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My grandkids liked doing the passports. They LOVE to pin trade. There is so much entertainment in Epcot that's really cool to watch - almost every country has something out front for people to enjoy. We love the acrobats (I know they call them something else) in front of China - SO cool, and the drummers in Japan, the bands in the UK area, and there are several others we've enjoyed watching. I LOVE strolling around World Showcase and just taking it all in. If you aren't in a hurry, that just makes it all the better.


If you can get fast passes, be sure and pick those up for any attractions you think he'd enjoy.


I think park hoppers can be a waste of money if you are with children who aren't likely to make 10-12 hours daily in the parks - just make shorter days of each park and enjoy down time back at your resort.

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We did this too -- my boys were almost 7.  They enjoyed it.  They also do the pin trading so had fun going through the stores looking at the employees' lanyards for pins to trade.


If it works for you, I would bring tech!  To be honest, Epcot is our least favorite park so we haven't been back to the countries since our first trip.  We spent 2 full days there our first trip.  Did the passports, a few Kim Possible things, and pin trading.  We go over for Test Track and Soarin now and that is it -- LOL.


I posted this already, but what time of year are you going?  We went after Thanksgiving, but before Christmas.  We LOVED looking at all the Christmas decorations, etc. for each country.  Really beautiful!

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I posted this already, but what time of year are you going?  We went after Thanksgiving, but before Christmas.  We LOVED looking at all the Christmas decorations, etc. for each country.  Really beautiful!


I would LOVE to get to see the Christmas decorations! I didn't realize they do things differently for each country, interesting! I keep looking for excuses to go down then, so maybe I'll find one. I'm sure my dad would like to see them. :D

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