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The Marvelous Flying Marco... made it to 5!!!


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That's 5 parades here, folks! (For his amazing Momma!)


Over the years, hasn't he "flown" off of dressers and bunk beds, and worn a helmet, and required a virtually padded room, and consumed an inordinate amount of your remaining brain cells, and ... been worth every single second???








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Happy Birthday to the MFM! And mom, remember that you get a treat too, as it's the celebration of a special day where you worked really hard giving birth! And keeping him alive :) You are one great momma!

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Happy birthday and congratulations! I still think about your post with a house you were buying that had stairs. (I think it was you?)


I hope things get easier!

That was me, lol.


It's working out. Pretty much. 


Despite having a perfectly lovely bedroom upstairs (where all the bedrooms are, but the master, God help us), with matching beds for the brothers, and special carpeting with extra padding under... he sleeps downstairs, on the living room floor, or in our bed. 


We had a couple incidents involving the upstairs bedroom :P

One of which was when he decided to use the attached powder room inappropriately. At 2 or 3 a.m., by climbing into the sink, and playing in the water, with his tablet. He didn't realize the tablet connected the baby monitor, though, so it was a short-lived adventure on his part. Potentially dangerous only because he's teeny tiny and the floor in the bathroom is tile -- and he has a habit of not being able to get down from the things he manages to climb on


And he is perfectly convinced that there are evil aliens upstairs. I'm sure one of his sweet older siblings helped that idea, but it is what it is. If he wakes up alone upstairs he shrieks and screeches like he's being tortured, which I hear over the monitor, which wakes me from a dead sleep -- and I go running, tripping up the stairs, to find him perfectly fine. 


So, now we just let him sleep on the living room floor outside our master. It's carpeted. Whatever. 

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Yeah. He really is worth every second. Especially when he tucks ME in, around 6 a.m., and kisses me, and tells me that I'm his best friend -- before he runs out the bedroom door in search of pop tarts, juice pouches, and drawing paper. 


I wanted a padded room. In the end we decided to just go with the extra padding under the carpet when it was being put in... and we got them new beds, told Marco that if he jumped on them or used them to "fly," that he would have to go to the hospital and sleep in their bed (not untrue, since he had to when he fractured his skull, although he doesn't remember that one). So far, so good. He DOES jump off the bed (from the sounds of it -- he won't do it in front of me, but I hear the jumps from downstairs), but appears to be jumping to the ground these days, instead of into walls. Progress :D

:party:  :party:  :party:  :party:  :party:


That's 5 parades here, folks! (For his amazing Momma!)


Over the years, hasn't he "flown" off of dressers and bunk beds, and worn a helmet, and required a virtually padded room, and consumed an inordinate amount of your remaining brain cells, and ... been worth every single second???





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