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anyone else watch it this time of year?


I got dudeling to watch a few scene/songs on youtube - and he loved them.  - sit down john, piddle-twiddle-and-resolve (the youtube version has all the verses), the egg, and the vote (which isn't a song - but it's a phenomenal piece of history.). 


I plan on watching the whole thing with him  before we leave town.


my older sons saw it at this age - and they still quote from it.


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Sit down, John!




He plays the violin! He tucks it right under his chin, and he bows...



Yes, you, John, you, you should write it!


Yours, yours, yours, yours, yours.


Molasses to run to slaves



Momma, momma, momma look sharp.


Someone ought to open up a window!



And the tolling of the bells.




I love this movie/play.

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Dd's current favorite quote is John Adam's definition of a congress. She's been cracking us up for days with it.


I now have a medley of songs running in my head :) 1st saw this in the movies in middle school and have loved it ever since. So, so many great songs and quotes.

Edited by PuddleJumper1
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Dd's current favorite quote is John Adam's definition of a congress. She's been cracking us up for days with it.


I now have a medley of songs running in my head :) 1st saw this in the movies in middle school and have loved it ever since. So, so many great songs and quotes.


iow: nothing new.

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My dh has a good singing voice and he sings spontaneously. When ever he asks someone to or thinks to himself that a window needs opened, he sings "SOMEONE OPEN UP A WINDOW!" He's cute that way.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


dh would be singing "too many flies" . . .

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It's excellent! I remember the song about the triangle trade shocking me in elementary school (1980s).


I haven't watched the whole thing in years, though.


And of course, Hamilton is a great companion piece.  Where John Adams is a bit of an (unseen) villain, and Thomas Jefferson is the .... not exactly bad guy, but, certainly the antagonist. If you haven't seen and it would like to, feel free to PM me.

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Is this on Netflix or amazon? I've not heard of it.


it was originally a play on broadway in the 60s.  made into a movie in 1972.  the restored directors cut on dvd is what you want.

it was on comcast a few weeks ago -  you can probably rent it on amazon.


it starts off in may 1776 - and congress can't even agree on opening the windows because it is so hot, or closing them to keep the flies out.  and the steps they go through to vote on the declaration of independence.  it was a unanimous, by colony, vote.  from a group who couldn't even agree on opening or closing the windows.

the songs are great - some are very fun.  some are very serious.  you can see clips/listen to many songs on youtube.  the movie is also on youtube. 


they took a lot from the congressional record - and letters/diaries of members.


to go along with it, I purchased the children's book - those rebels, John and Tom.  it focuses on how different they were -yet such a big part of it.  they died just hours apart, on July 4th, 1826 - the 50th anniversary.

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Love it!  We watch it every 4th of July.  I knew I had raised dd right when I heard her going down the hall singing "here a Lee, there a Lee, everywhere a Lee, a Lee"


you and your infernal obsession with deviousness. if you had come straight out and asked the man, he'd have been gone a half hour ago. 


"then he'd have been doing us a favor."


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oh yes!!!

Sit Down, John!

I see fireworks!!  Does anybody see what I see?


I love Adam's tirade to the congress about useless men. 

And Benjamin Franklin talking to Rutledge about being called an Englishman


I was listening to one of the producers - they actually took that from one of John Adams letters.  he also talked about the effect of the sight of flying over america (west to east) on the evening of the 4th watching fireworks across the country.



one useless man is called a disgrace,




new brunswick to visit the troops  - and the followup to their visit (introduces the egg song)





the one thing I dislike is it makes John Dickinson out to be a moron.  He was a loyalist to the colonies - even if did think independence was a hopeless cause and refused to sign the declaration.

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he also talked about the effect of the sight of flying over america (west to east) on the evening of the 4th watching fireworks across the country.

Did you mean East to West? It seems to me you would only see fireworks in one small section of the country if you were flying from West to East. Edited by RegGuheert
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Did you mean East to West? It seems to me you would only see fireworks in one small section of the country if you were flying from West to East.


perhaps.   i'm far enough north - we don't' do fireworks until after 10pm.  it's too light before that.

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I have actually been a fan of this musical since I was in the 5th grade and that is way too many years ago.  I remember when I was in middle school I used to go to the library and check out the album and they had a copy of the script I would check out too.  I was in heaven.  



If you cannot guess I ended up a history major in college too  :laugh:

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Iirc, a history teacher wrote the musical


2776 inspired me to read many biographies. Every single person has flaws but this generation of men and women are compelling personalities and uniquely combined in time and space not to be perfect but to be remarkable and to set in motion a country formed more by principle than any nation to that time--not by conquest but by reason.


The play is beautiful in showing the gifts, intentions, challenges and impossibilities faced by well meaning, well educated and far seeing people who disagreed and did the best they could.

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The restored directors cut has "Cool Considerate Men" which was cut from the original movie, apparently out of concerns that the Nixon administration would not like it. It presents Dickinson's views as to why people would want to stay loyal to the king. It's one of the best songs in the movie IMO, but I can also see why the Nixon admin would not have appreciated it.

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1776 is coming on tonight on TCM (channel 132 on dish) at 10:15pm. I'm recording it in case I can't stay up to watch it. Just wanted to let y'all know. I'm looking forward to seeing it!

I wish they had not put it on so late.  Our DVD player is broken so that was my only chance to watch it.  Made up till Cool Considerate Men before I gave up and had to go to bed.

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oh yes!!!

Sit Down, John!

I see fireworks!!  Does anybody see what I see?


I love Adam's tirade to the congress about useless men. 

And Benjamin Franklin talking to Rutledge about being called an Englishman



"I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two is called a law-firm, and that three or more become a congress."

Edited by PrincessMommy
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Never heard of this film, but intrigued.  I've been looking for patriotic music and shows/films on this subject for DC.  


What ages would you say this is appropriate for?  Is it a film for the whole family or ?



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Never heard of this film, but intrigued.  I've been looking for patriotic music and shows/films on this subject for DC.  


What ages would you say this is appropriate for?  Is it a film for the whole family or ?




yes, family appropriate.  my boys did stuff with it in middle school.  younger kids might find it boring.


liberty's kids is geared towards kids.


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"I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two is called a law-firm, and that three or more become a congress."


.. ... . full version, much of which is cut from the dvd/telecast version.


can you imagine his complaints today?

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Cool--thanks!  I just found Liberty's Kids yesterday when searching and my 8yo and 5yo watched one on the 4th.  I paused the video several times to explain what was happening and to give context, as this isn't really the time period we've been studying for history.  I think my 8yo enjoyed it, but 5 was a bit too young. 


Thank you!

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The restored directors cut has "Cool Considerate Men" which was cut from the original movie, apparently out of concerns that the Nixon administration would not like it. It presents Dickinson's views as to why people would want to stay loyal to the king. It's one of the best songs in the movie IMO, but I can also see why the Nixon admin would not have appreciated it.


a lot was cut.   it's very very long.


there are clips of full scenes on youtube when only part are on the dvd.

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