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An update of sorts


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I did not "Like" the first post, because of the Suicide attempt and that he has PTSD, which I have.  I had wondered, recently, if he went to the meeting for an evaluation or whatever was scheduled, by himself.  As I wrote at that time, I believe he should have been hospitalized the day the OP went with him to the E.R., but he put on a show and they let him go, after doing a   Cat Scan or something.  I am said for the Suicide attempt. I am glad that he survived and I hope that he will improve greatly.  The Dementia is not something I think can be reversed, but I am not sure about that. Exercise helps. Music by Mozart helps the Memory. Coffee helps the Memory.  They may have ways to help him, if he cooperates and if he wants to change and improve.  GL to the OP and her family and to her DH!

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God be with you on this ________road. Treacherous? Abominable? Nightmarish? I couldn't get the right adjective but it's in there somewhere.


Thank you for the update.

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