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I have a k'er too!


Reading: Continue OPGTR

Math: Miquon red/blue

Writing: Writing With Ease 1

Spelling: All About Spelling 1

Science: Mystery Science (with sisters)

Piano: Hoffman Academy

History: undecided (with sisters)


We have a bit until then, so this may change.

Edited by Meagan S
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My DD is actually going to be doing afterschooling since she'll be in a Spanish immersion Kindergarten. But we plan to continue doing English language arts at home.


Language Arts: AAS1 or 2. We start AAS this spring and will finish OPGTR in the next couple of months. Not sure how quickly she'll move through AAS


Handwriting: the school does cursive in K so we will continue HWOT to fine tune formation, size and spacing.


Math: the school does Singapore in Spanish so we will reinforce these concepts in English.


Art: she has several Usborne style how to draw books and Draw Write Now.

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I have a 5yo. He will be 6 next fall. I don't know whether to call him kindergarten or first grade because his birthday is just three days before the cutoff. He can read CVC words and count, but his handwriting is weak.


So, whatever grade he will be next year, he will be using

Abeka Phonics,

Abeka Handwriting,

Math Lessons for a Living Education,

and FIAR.

Edited by MyLife
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DS4 will be at kindergarten level in the fall. He will have work on math (Singapore), handwriting (Zaner-Bloser cursive - he insists!), and phonics (Prepare for the Code & Ordinary Parents Guide). He already sometimes sits in for morning time (memory work, prayers, read-alongs, poetry, etc.), and may decide to sit-in (or not) for his older brother's history & lit.


The usual arts, games, and maybe some piano & Spanish will be included, if I can swing it.

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We are excited to have another one in kindly next year!


Reading- He will continue along with AAR at which ever level he's at. He's currently working through level 1

Handwriting- continuing to use LOE'S cursive program (I forget the name)

FIAR and ivy kits for his main studies

Tag along with older brothers with winter promises air, sky and space

Math is my only undecided for him. He's almost done with mus primer right now and I'm trying to decide whether he moves on with mus or we begin using mm or something else for him.

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My dd4 will be turning 5 in fall and I'll call her a kindergartener. She adores anything school related and really loves workbooks. Here's the plan:


Continuing with MP's First Start Reading (she'll be about half done by then)

Math: Math Made Easy K moving into MM 1 when she finishes.

Homemade handwriting

Tagging along with older sis for science (NL1) and history (SOTW2). I'll get her her own student pack for NL1. She's going to be over the moon about that. 🙂

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Math - Possibly Singapore Essentials


Reading/phonics - Not sure. She's doing AAR-pre right now and she likes it, but I don't know if I want to continue with it or use OPGTR which I have from DD8. We also have HOP which *I* don't care for, but the kids love. 




Science - reading from Usborne, Let's Read and Find Out, MSB and others. Watching MSB, Bill Nye, and documentaries. Maybe tagging along a little with big sis with Elements, Botany, and Steve Spangler. 


Art with Home Art Studio. 


Tumbling and Highland Dance


Lapbooks for fun, puzzles, critical thinking games, legos, knex, playdoh, koala crate, cooking with mom, read-alouds, sensory bins, and hopefully a lot of independent play time while I work with her sister. 

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My last K'er! *sniff*


She'll be doing:

AAR with some free Starfall stuff

Mathematical Reasoning level A with lots of manipulative and games added in


Artistic Pursuits

Pfeiffer House Music

Once a week PE class

History and science as a tagalong with her older sister, mostly just listening, no output

We also do some calendar activities

Oh, and I want her to learn to tie her own shoes lol


It doesn't look very impressive listed out like that, but it's worked for the rest of them 🙂


Sent from my Z988 using Tapatalk

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Math - Possibly Singapore Essentials


Reading/phonics - Not sure. She's doing AAR-pre right now and she likes it, but I don't know if I want to continue with it or use OPGTR which I have from DD8. We also have HOP which *I* don't care for, but the kids love.




Science - reading from Usborne, Let's Read and Find Out, MSB and others. Watching MSB, Bill Nye, and documentaries. Maybe tagging along a little with big sis with Elements, Botany, and Steve Spangler.


Art with Home Art Studio.


Tumbling and Highland Dance


Lapbooks for fun, puzzles, critical thinking games, legos, knex, playdoh, koala crate, cooking with mom, read-alouds, sensory bins, and hopefully a lot of independent play time while I work with her sister.

We moved from AAR-Pre to OPGTR and really enjoyed it. I couldn't justify the AAR cost and OPGTR has worked extremely wel. I did supplement with some games and activities I found on Pinterest. But only occasionally. Now that we are about 75% of the way done we just snuggle up with the book and read. It's been great.

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My last K'er! *sniff*


She'll be doing:

AAR with some free Starfall stuff

Mathematical Reasoning level A with lots of manipulative and games added in


Artistic Pursuits

Pfeiffer House Music

Once a week PE class

History and science as a tagalong with her older sister, mostly just listening, no output

We also do some calendar activities

Oh, and I want her to learn to tie her own shoes lol


It doesn't look very impressive listed out like that, but it's worked for the rest of them 🙂


Sent from my Z988 using Tapatalk

Yes to tying shoes! My issue is that my DDs feet are so small that I don't usually find any with laces. And she's a lefty and I'm a righty which I've heard can make it harder to teach.

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My baby is going to be in kindergarten this fall 😭. I'm not really sure what to do with him because he has picked up random bits of things from listening in , but not well enough to actually say he knows it. I'm thinking:


Miquon and MEP math

Handwriting without tears K


I may also split my kids and have him do content subjects with my 2nd grader. I also want to do some crafts with him. His fine motor skills aren't where I would like.

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Currently doing K with my 5 year old: 


- Homemade bible timeline.

- Progressive Phonics.

- Explode the code. 

- Essential Math. 

- A reason for handwriting. 

- Readers from the library.

- Thames & Kosmos intro to engineering kit.

- Natural World (book) & How things work encyclopedia (DK). 


-Social skills class.

-Homeschool gym & swim class.

-Warm water & movement class (OT/sensory stuff.)

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My kindy girl will be 6 in May but I felt she wasn't really ready for kindy work last fall and I was right. I don't think that I will have to buy anything since I purchased her kindy stuff last summer but here is the lineup.


Phonics Pathways

Reading Pathways

Phonics games

A Reason for handwriting K

Saxon Math K with living math activities

Misc workbooks for fun

FIAR and some Homeschool Share units

Lots of picture book read alouds

Ballet lessons

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Our year runs May-March, so the '17-'18 school year is right around the corner for us! My K'er will be doing...


Math: RightStart B, RightStart C, Prodigy

Reading: LOE D & Levelled Readers

Handwriting: LOE D & Copywork

Social Studies: Continents & Cultures (custom)

Science: Continents & Cultures (custom)

Art: Continents & Cultures (custom)

PE: Soccer & Forest School


Plus lots of games, chapter book read-alouds & park days! ☺ï¸

Edited by Expat_Mama_Shelli
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  • 4 weeks later...

My oldest will be a K'er in the fall. He's turning 5 this week. (both YAY and *sniff*)


This is my line-up so far...


Phonics/Reading: LoE Foundations B, moving into C. Abeka Readers, Bob books, etc. for fluency practice


Handwriting: Pentime 1


Math: Rightstart A, moving into B


Social Studies: Heritage Studies 1, MP K Enrichment, What Your Kindergartner Needs To Know


Science: MP K Enrichment, The Everything Kids' Science Experiments Book, WYKNTK


Poetry/Read-Alouds: MP K Enrichment, Library Card


Bible: I have BSGFAA, but I'll probably just keep reading the Bible to them daily. We also go to BSF once a week.


We've sort of done Pre-K (RS A and LoE A/B) when we feel like it. I'm feeling a little more pressure with actual Kindergarten. Hoping he has a fun year. 





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This fall will begin DS#3's official K year.  Plans are ever changing, but atm are:


Math: MEP 3 and/or Beast Academy 3 

Language: MCT Island +/- WWE (1? 2??) +/- E-M Language Fundamentals 2

History/lit/geography: BookShark 3 + E-M Daily Geography 3
Science: ?????  E-M Daily Science 3 + Scott Foreman 3?  or maybe RS4K Building Blocks 2?  Or perhaps a combo of both or something else?

Philosophy: Sharon Kaye (RFWP) level B


He'll also attend half-day public K in an arts-integrated charter


Not really expecting to get to spelling, but if we do I have AAS.


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This fall will begin DS#3's official K year. Plans are ever changing, but atm are:


Math: MEP 3 and/or Beast Academy 3

Language: MCT Island +/- WWE (1? 2??) +/- E-M Language Fundamentals 2

History/lit/geography: BookShark 3 + E-M Daily Geography 3

Science: ????? E-M Daily Science 3 + Scott Foreman 3? or maybe RS4K Building Blocks 2? Or perhaps a combo of both or something else?

Philosophy: Sharon Kaye (RFWP) level B


He'll also attend half-day public K in an arts-integrated charter


Not really expecting to get to spelling, but if we do I have AAS.

We're holding off on spelling too. I may just do it through dictation. I've realized Dd seems to be a natural Speller and I may just let it be. She'll go to a language immersion K, so we hit English language arts at home.

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My daughter is 4, will be 5 near the end of July, so she could register for public K, but she was born early so I guess technically she could wait another year as her EDD was after the cut off (5 years old by July 31).  I may wait until next January to call it officially K.  We are recording school records for our son currently Jan-Dec. I found a vintage K lesson plan book at a thrift store a few years ago.  We'll probably do some of that.  Poetry/scripture memorization with her brother.  Lots of read alouds mostly all of the Ambleside Online Year 0 selections over and over and over.  I want to keep this year as calm as possible for her.  She is smart, but still seems just oh so little. She is currently swimming at our local Y.  I want to continue that.  I would really like to add in dance or tumbling for her.  Continue with the weekly nature group on Fridays.  Waldorf study of numbers 1-12 over the course of the year.  I wrote about this when my son was little on an EFL Arithmetic thread.  She'll join in all of the BraveWriter lifestyle activities.  Begin her journal.  I have helped her older brother keep a journal since he was 4.  I think I'll get her journal as part of her official K start.  She will do an art project and science fair exhibit for the local fair next year.    

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DS is doing TK now so some of this is just stuff he's continuing.


Math: Miquon Purple/Yellow, BA3, CTC logic and reasoning books

LA: Spelling You See D, Aesop Book of Reading Writing and Thinking 3/4

History/Geo (as desired): try SOTW 1, MCP Maps Charts Graphs D/E

Spanish: Basic workbooks and hopefully find a conversational tutor

Music: continue violin lessons

Everything else is mostly unschooled.

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Vocabulary: Boosting vocabulary skills by reading, reading, reading and discussing, discussing, discussing and using "big words" a lot.

Reading: Build independence and stamina to read longer books solo. Read longer words and complex sentences with confidence.

Reasoning, Logic, and Thinking books

Music: begin an instrument

PE: Swimming, Gymnastics and backyard shenanigans.

Math: Continue as we are.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Phonics- AlphaPhonics and 100 EZ lessons

Bob books


Math- MEP reception followed by RS A second edition

Reading some living books


Geography- Legends and Leagues plus lots of general geography books, learning about the places we travel


Handwriting without Tears K


Spelling You See A


Language and Thinking for the Young Child


History- Read alouds of holidays, famous Americans, events, ottaman empire stories, followed by CHOW


Science- read and find out books, Berienstien bears big book of science, nature study


Voss Bible, Leading Little Ones to God


Lots of read alouds

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I have a 5yo. He will be 6 next fall. I don't know whether to call him kindergarten or first grade because his birthday is just three days before the cutoff. He can read CVC words and count, but his handwriting is weak.


So, whatever grade he will be next year, he will be using

Abeka Phonics,

Abeka Handwriting,

Math Lessons for a Living Education,

and FIAR.

My daughter is in a similar situation. She will be 6 at the end of August. In our school district she could have started K this year. One district over has an August 1 cutoff so she wouldn't be starting until next fall. We are meeting her where she is on all fronts and will play it by ear for outside class weather she will be in K or 1 class groups.

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My daughter is in a similar situation. She will be 6 at the end of August. In our school district she could have started K this year. One district over has an August 1 cutoff so she wouldn't be starting until next fall. We are meeting her where she is on all fronts and will play it by ear for outside class weather she will be in K or 1 class groups.

I hear you. My son has a late August bday. I don't know what we will tell people regarding his grade...probably kindergarten, though.

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I don't know if I've posted in here yet and I'm too lazy to check.

DS4 will be 5 in June and doing kindergarten this year.


Combined with DS8

American History (mom-created with literature, excerpts from several What Your ---- Needs to Know book)

Song School Latin 1

MP 2nd Grade Enrichment

Listening in on Big Brother's FHC prep for religion and various saint literature


Everyone (including DD15):

Morning Meeting (rosary, picture study, recitation)

Trail Guide to World Geography


On his own:

All About Reading 1 (he's already started this)



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Math: Singapore Math 2a/b, sup with Beast Academy 2a?

Science: Mystery Science as interested, Quark Chronicles zoology, and Museum and Zoo classes

History/geography: Story of the World Ancients

Reading: OPGTR/ ETC/ Library Readers

Handwriting: HWOT

Other Languages Art: Undecided  leaning towards FLL 1 and Evan More 6 writing traits

Spelling: Spelling You See B

Memory: Classically Catholic Memory alpha

Art: Home Art Studio

PE: dance and tumbling

Music: ?

Lots and lots of read alouds and audiobooks

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I hear you. My son has a late August bday. I don't know what we will tell people regarding his grade...probably kindergarten, though.

We will probably say K as a rule because DD is very impulse and struggles with emotional regulation at times and people will be more understanding of her behavior if we say she is in K, I think.

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We've revised our plans a little


DD finishes OPGTR this week. Only 4 lessons left!


She got into the Spanish immersion school so we will do the following:

-Spanish vocab and phonics using Nacho Spanish or Coquito Classico. Trying to decide

-The Good and The Beautiful Language Arts Grade 1

-I decided to hold off on spelling for now. DD seems like a natural Speller so we may do it informally on our own.

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