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S/O meal planning: What are some easy, healthy meals/recipes that are in your repertoire?


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I'm trying to compile an go-to list of meals that are both easy and healthy. I just tend to forget about my options when I'm stressed unless I have a list or a collection to look over. So I'm open to ideas like burgers, baked potatoes with cheese and broccoli, etc. as well as actual recipes like your favorite sheet pan dinner or Instant Pot, dump-it-all-in-and-cook recipe. I know a few other people have mentioned that they're looking for things like this, so maybe we can make a nice long list to help those of us who are looking at meal planning and eating more healthfully in 2017. 



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These are some of my go-to weekday meals.


Vegetable stew.

Heat oil, brown onions, celery, carrots. Add vegetable broth or water, canned tomato, whatever vegetables you have on hand, potato or sweet potato, grains or legumes, season, simmer.

My favorite variant has sweet potatoes and red lentils.


Potato-leek-shrimp soup


Pasta + salmon in white wine cream sauce + leafy salad

Pasta + tomato sauce (tomato, garlic, herbs)

Pasta + meat sauce (ground beef, onion, tomato)


Beef stew. Brown meat. Brown onion + celery. Add meat and juices, broth, tomato, red wine, herbs. Simmer. The longer the better.


Grilled chicken or grilled salmon or pan roasted beef strips + rice + roasted vegetables or salad or stir fried vegetables 


Thai red curry (curry paste, coconut milk, meat, vegetables)

Indian curry (curry sauce, meat, vegetables)


Crepes with fresh fruit


Edited by regentrude
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Not a recipe, but my go to can't decide thing is to roast a chicken.  It's good with any sides really.  If there are leftovers, I can use them in so many things.


crack slaw....that's browned up ground meat (whatever you like) and a bag of slaw (cole or broccoli), seasoned with a bit of soy sauce and drizzled at the end with some toasted sesame oil 

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I'm going to add a few as I search and look through my own recipes too. 


Copycat Chili Cheese Hamburger Helper: http://lmld.org/2011/06/28/copycat-chili-cheese-hamburger-helper/ At first glance it sounds complicated, but you can make the dry ingredient powder in either individual portions or as a large amount and then portion it out as you need it. You can also make it cheaper (higher pasta: meat ration) or heartier (higher meat:pasta ratio) as you prefer. Grating the cheese is the hardest part!


One Pot Zucchini Mushroom Pasta: http://damndelicious.net/2014/06/13/one-pot-zucchini-mushroom-pasta/ This is so yummy. I actually stopped using zucchini (kids don't like it, and it's often kind of yucky around here off season) and started adding a ton of frozen peas at the end instead.


Shrimp and Sausage Creole: http://satisfyingeats.com/crock-pot-2/shrimp-sausage-creole-stew/ I use way more veggies than this calls for, half the tomato (because I don't like tomato), extra sausage, and frozen shrimp that's already shelled and cleaned. I also never cook it for the 20 minutes it calls for, because the sausage is heat-and-eat and the veggies are already halfway cooked from the sautéing. If you're a fast chopper, this recipe is a snap. We eat over rice or with just a little good bread on the side. 



Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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Oh, and salads!

My absolute favorite is roasted butternut squash+garbanzo beans + lemon tahini dressing. It is quick if you can by peeled and cubed butternut squash; it's the prepping that is the pain.


Kale with oranges and shredded carrot with lemon juice and soy sauce dressing


Pasta salad with any or all of: bell peppers, cucumber, tomato, hard boiled egg, fresh mozzarella, avocado


Tabuleh (lots of parsley, bulgur wheat or quinoa, tomato, cucumber, lemon juice)


Potato salad with yoghurt and herbs


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Not a recipe, but my go to can't decide thing is to roast a chicken.  It's good with any sides really.  If there are leftovers, I can use them in so many things.


crack slaw....that's browned up ground meat (whatever you like) and a bag of slaw (cole or broccoli), seasoned with a bit of soy sauce and drizzled at the end with some toasted sesame oil 



Oh!!! You have posted this before and I keep wanting to make it and forgetting! See how easily that happens? :lol: I'm adding that to my recipe database today. 

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Growing up, we had a meat (grilled or pan fried, seasoned w/ salt & pepper), a vegetable (canned or steamed, seasoned w/ salt & pepper) and plain rice. Every.single.night.


It was very exciting for us to have tacos or spaghetti, which are now my go to meals. :) 

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When it's cold out, my go-to meal is chicken soup. I usually have the veggies and broth on hand, as well as cooked or raw chicken in the freezer. If the chicken is already cooked, then the meal comes together in less than 30 minutes.


We also will often do breakfast for dinner. Eggs of some kind (scrambled, omelettes, etc.) with fruit and veggies.


Sausage (can use turkey sausage), peppers, and onions browned and cooked in the IP or oven is pretty quick and easy.


Bean and cheese burritos (with either cooked beans that I keep in the freezer or canned) with fruit and veggies.



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Depends on how you define healthy.


One of our fav quick meals is tacos- you can use chicken breast(I can throw them in the IP w/ taco seasoning and be done in 25 min), ground beef or beans(black or refried- canned are quick- just add taco seasoning)

Add rice (I make quick cilantro rice for the fam but generally skip it for me)

Serve in your pick of shell OR on a bed of lettuce w/ storebought salsa and guac or homemade(I will often do a quick guac if I can find decent avocadoes)



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Roasted whole chx - do 2, one for dinner an one for the pulled chx for another meal.


Roast some veggies with the chx or right after. I often do my chx on a low temp, then veggies on a higher one. Do some starchy root veg and something green.


Throw one chx carcass in your crock pot overnight to make chx stock for soup and put the other in the freezer for the next batch.

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Beef 'n Cabbage.  This is basically bierock filling.


Chop an onion and toss it into a large pot.  Put 2-3 lbs of ground beef on top.  Beef with a higher fat content is best.  Chop a medium head of cabbage and lay it over the beef.  Salt and pepper over the top.  Put a lid on the pot and cook it over medium heat.  Start stirring it when you can tell the beef is getting browned on the bottom, then continue to stir occasionally.  It takes 45 min to an hour for the cabbage to get really soft.  Drain the fat, add salt and pepper to taste.  Serve in bowls with shredded cheddar over the top.


If you want to stretch it, serve the filling in pita bread.

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Our easiest veggie meal that my kids love is black beans over rice.  When I heat the beans (I'm talking about from the can!  Though sometimes I cook up my own), I add a little garlic and pepper.  


Sprinkle cilantro, chopped onions and tomatoes, and grated cheese on top.



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Our easiest veggie meal that my kids love is black beans over rice. When I heat the beans (I'm talking about from the can! Though sometimes I cook up my own), I add a little garlic and pepper.


Sprinkle cilantro, chopped onions and tomatoes, and grated cheese on top.

I was just coming back to say this! My easiest meal is throwing rice in the rice cooker, dumping a couple of cans of black beans in a pot with some cumin and chili powder, and adding lemon and chopped cilantro when it's heated. I add a prepackaged salad to the meal or heat some frozen veggies in the microwave and I'm done.


If I have a little more time/energy, I sauté some finely chopped onions and garlic in olive oil, add the cumin and chili powder when the onions are done, stir briefly, and then add the canned beans. It adds some more flavor, but isn't necessary.

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I use my crockpot often. Some of these I make in there and some I don't. I never use a recipe 😳

I add fruit and veg or two veg with these.

Chili and minestrone are soup favorites.

I'm not above tomato soup and grilled cheese as a dinner.

Stuffing Mis on bottom of crockpot with chicken or boneless pork slices on top.

Roast, carrots and potatoes.

I make 2 or 3 meat loaves when I make it. I freeze the extras for another time.

Lasagna as above

Macaroni&scheme with ham.


Spaghetti. Make twice as much and then make twice baked spaghetti to freeze.

Meatball stroganoff

Meatball subs

Breakfast for dinner

Quiche-used a prepped pie crust, mix leftovers into eggs

Frittata- see above

Brats &okra it

If I find rotisserie chickens on sale (after 3pm on Sunday is prime time) i buy several. It makes

Mexican chicken

Chicken and rice

Stir fry

Chicken quesadilla

Quesadillas of any sort

Jarred Indian sauce, chick peas, peas and cauliflower on rice

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Tacos - lean ground beef, or chicken, or shredded beef (super easy if it is left over from roast), with the toppings. We usually serve as nachos with chips instead of taco shells. I eat it as a big salad, no chips.


Roast - so easy in a crock pot, with veggies.


Chicken with salad. I love to buy thin sliced chicken breast. It takes less than 10 minutes (closer to 5min) to pan-fry in olive oil or butter and some spices. While it's cooking I will roast some broccoli or asparagus under the broiler with just olive oil and sea salt. Simple easy dinner. I serve it with salad and/or pasta or bread depending on who is eating.


That's all I've got. Maybe that's why it seems like we just eat the same things over and over...

Edited by wendy not in HI
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Tonight we had a vegetable soup that is so easy to make but tastes delicious and is super-healthy. I make it whenever we have a lot of vegetables that need to be used up.


Just take any kind of vegetable you have on hand. I have used any or all of the following: carrots, onions, celery, bok choy, spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, cabbage, zucchini, squash, potato, sweet potato, turnip, etc... I don't measure but just cut everything up and put into a large pot with two boxes of vegetable broth, some garlic cloves cut up, and some fresh ginger grated. Bring to a boil then turn down and simmer until the veggies are soft. Put soup into a blender a bit at a time then leave on stove to keep warm. Serve with grated cheese and salt/pepper to taste. Can also add a little fresh cilantro and/or parsley.

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Lots of soup recipes for the crockpot are easy and good, I often wing it and dump in chicken or ground turkey and/or beans and whatever veggies and herbs I have on hand, along with broth and maybe some small pasta or rice toward the end.


We make this crockpot lentil recipe a lot. http://pinchofyum.com/crockpot-red-lentil-curry


Buffalo chicken in the crockpot for salads or sandwiches- put in 6-8 raw chicken breasts, or I often use thighs because they don't get dry, and add /2 c Frank’s Wing Sauce, 1/4 c yellow mustard, and 1/4 c apple cider vinegar. Cook on high for 5 hours (my crockpot runs high and it's more like 4 hours for mine).


Salmon with roasted veggies- easy to throw salmon in a foil lined baking pan and drizzle evoo or butter on it, season it and toss it in the oven. This recipe always comes out moist and flavorful. http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/baked-salmon

Then toss veggies with evoo and sea salt and pepper on a baking sheet and roast at 400 toward the end. We love roasted broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and asparagus especially, but carrots, green beans, and potatoes are great roasted too.


This is one of my family's favorite meals. http://foodlove.com/crispy-black-bean-tacos-with-avocado-lime-dipping-sauce/  It might seem like a lot of work because there are several steps, but I find having no meat to deal with makes it faster, I often make a big batch of the black beans ahead of time when I have some spare time, and then I assembly line the taco making by cooking big batches on my large griddle. Also, I put my kids to work, usually one will volunteer to make the dipping sauce.


Also, if your family likes eggs, I find that to be a fast and easy standy. I scramble or poach a bunch of eggs and then have lots of fresh toppings to choose from- chives, diced tomatoes, roasted red peppers (from a jar to save time), crumbled goat cheese, etc.


Frittata is another favorite here, and it's so quick. This is our favorite, though I don't like the sweet taste of coconut milk, so I can't vouch for the taste of it with the coconut milk, I just use unsweetened almond milk or whole cow's milk instead. http://callbellsbarbells.com/eat/prosciutto-herb-frittata/


The new Skinnytaste Fast and Slow cookbook is excellent, I've already made several hits from it.


Edited by Annie Laurie
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My easy, phone-it-in meals are:


Keilbasa, onions, pierogis fried in the electric skillet and served with sour cream, beets, and applesauce


Linguini with clam sauce (canned clams), bag-o-salad


Italian sausage, bell peppers, jarred sauce, penne, bag-o-salad


Zuppa Toscana -look up a crockpot recipe. Super easy.


Nachos for dinner . . . bear with me here . . . Grind (in food processor) ANY meat in your freezer (those two lonely chicken breasts or those pork chops you'll never make) brown in a pan with onions, garlic, taco seasoning. Toss in some canned tomatoes and any veggies or beans you want to use up. Cook it down until very thick. Fill a pan with extra tortilla cheese and top with meat mixture and cheese.


Pork tenderloin, green beans, some sort of potatoes


Marie Calendars or costco family sized chicken pie (also Costco enchillada casserole or stuffed peppers or rotisserie chicken - I'm not proud).


Recently, we've been doing the beef stroganoff from the McCormick packet. It's easy and delicious and something I don't think to make often.


If you have a waffle iron, and make cornmeal waffles, leftover chili is much easier to sell. You can make the waffles ahead of time and reheat for dinner.

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Very easy, fairly healthy, a family favourite:


Saute an onion or two in olive oil until translucent in the IP or a big pan, add sliced chorizo to taste (we have probably about half a cup per person) and a shake of smoked paprika powder.  Saute for a few minutes.  Start slicing potatoes thin and add to the pot.  When there's enough potato (to satisfy those eating) add lots of kale (or other greens) - enough to fill up the pot.  Pour boiling water or broth in until it just covers the potatoes - the kale will wilt a bit.  Cook in the IP for twelve minutes on manual, or on the top of the stove until the potatoes are done.  Stir and season to taste.

Edited by Laura Corin
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I keep this on hand and have never used broth from a carton or can:




It keeps so well in the fridge for a LONG time and I just add water and have broth immediately.  This is the base for a lot of things in the IP.


I have done a lot of dump and go in the IP.  I did it yesterday.  All experimental.




Better than Bullion, 3 Tablespoons (roughly, I don't measure)

6 cups of water

ham bone from Christmas

2 cups barley

cut up carrots

1 onion (I used onion flakes)

4 garlic cloves (or garlic powder)

1 potato, cut up


IP 25 minutes on Soup



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I do a lot of my own sauces, but I also buy sauces for those nights I just can't be bothered.



5 or so chicken breasts (fresh OR frozen)

1 jar of sauce (curry sauce, tomato, BBQ, whatever!)

Poultry setting


Make pasta, potato, or rice on the side

Maybe roast a veggie or make a side salad 


Dinner is DONE

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The other thing I am starting to do?????


Make double recipes or even triple, and freeze the other half for later.  If I do this enough, I will have a bunch of freezer meals as well.


I don't always remember OR it gets eaten before I can get it to t he freezer, but I am trying.  

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These are the meals we lived on in October and November, when we were in the middle of the high school application rush. (Remind me to tell you all sometime about the NYC high school admissions process. It'll make you all thank your lucky stars that all you have to worry about is college admissions.)


1. Fish tacos, with or without the taco part. (We often eat this on top of a bed of shredded cabbage instead of in a tortilla. Dress the cabbage with a little lime juice and salt first.)


Add oil to a pan. When hot, add a tablespoon or so of whole cumin seeds and (optional) a teaspoon of crushed red pepper. After 15 seconds add chopped onion, garlic (maybe three cloves), and (optional!) a bit of chile pepper to taste. Sautee over a medium-low flame until the onion is translucent, then add chunked-up thawed fish fillets, whatever was cheapest (we usually use tilapia), one per person. Stir, add chopped bell peppers, cover, cook until the peppers are soft. Season with salt, pepper, lime juice, and cilantro.


This is very adaptable and you can add or subtract components to suit your tastes. Want tomatoes or corn? Okay! Hate cilantro? Fine!


2. Chili. It's chili. We have usually broccoli on the side.


The only thing I do unusual is I add half a can of pumpkin puree and a grated carrot to my chili, and I do half beans, half meat. (And lately, partially TVP because one kid is an off-and-on vegetarian, so I make a whole batch with TVP and then add meat for the rest of us.) My chili is the type with tomatoes. I know there's a lot of debate on the chili front :)


3. Pasta with tomato sauce (that's how I use the other half a can of pumpkin puree. I also add a half bag of spinach leaves, whirred in my food processor so they cook down very small, and another grated carrot. More veggies, that's my motto. MOAR) and roasted cauliflower and steamed green beans.


4. Roasted chicken drumsticks with barley, sauteed cabbage and peas, and steamed carrots. Sometimes with applesauce as well.


5. Chana masala, and I'll just link to a recipe. I usually serve it with rice and with spinach and potatoes and more roasted cauliflower.


6. Roast chicken or duck with creamed spinach, glazed carrots, roasted potatoes, beets with lemon and dill, and broccoli. (Everybody loves broccoli in this family). This is what usually passes for an everyday meal in this house (I really love to cook), but in November I reserved it for those days when I wasn't at an open house.


7. Roasted salmon with steamed green beans, pasta pesto with cauliflower and red bell peppers, and steamed carrots with lemon.


8. Pork chops with bok choi and ginger, with a side of turnips.


9. Lamb chops with peas cooked with mint and scallions, steamed beets with lemon, and roasted broccoli.


10. BLTs or grilled cheese and tomato with broccoli and some other vegetable on the side.


11. Baked potatoes with broccoli and with peas on the side.


12. Eggs and vegetables.


13. Pizza with salad, the old standby :)

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