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PSAT scores 2016

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Still no scores here. They had told me on Thursday they should appear by Friday. I called on Friday morning, and they told me they should appear by 6pm. I called at 6pm, and they seemed perplexed. They have now "escalated" our issue to a higher department.


I don't think we ever got paper scores last year. Do they send them to homeschoolers or only to the schools?

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Still no scores here. They had told me on Thursday they should appear by Friday. I called on Friday morning, and they told me they should appear by 6pm. I called at 6pm, and they seemed perplexed. They have now "escalated" our issue to a higher department.


I don't think we ever got paper scores last year. Do they send them to homeschoolers or only to the schools?


Counselor emailed me yesterday and told me that the paper reports had just arrived.  They will sort through them on Monday and give me a call when ready.


At least that's something.

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I finally got some progress in the PSAT score situation. This morning I got another DM on twitter from College Board saying that ds' scores have been delayed due to an SSD review and to contact SSD directly. Again, he does not have disabilities and does not receive accommodations. I tried to contact SSD but their line gives a busy signal. So I contacted the school . . . AND it turns out they are already aware of the issue. My ds and two other students have all three had their scores held up for this SSD review. Apparently CB thinks they were in a room with accommodations, even though they were not. The guidance counselor is working on it. So now we finally understand the issue! I am hoping for a resolution soon.


Sorry to keep spewing all this on you guys. I'm sure you're all bored to death with our silly PSAT problem. :lol:

Edited by Cosmos
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  • 1 month later...

Okay, we're not the only family that got a second set of scores. Great job, College Board! 

But it does make me wonder what is up with them. Last year they kept moving the date back, and this year they send duplicate scores. 

We can hope that next year they will refund our money too!

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Did the scores change at all? :lol:

We haven't received a second set (yet), but sometimes we are behind all the rest of y'all. Still waiting on postcards we sent a week and a half ago!

Our dc's scores are exactly the same as before. I thought maybe the CB decided to score those two math questions after all, but they did not. Perhaps they sent the first mailing to the schools, and the second to the students. In our case, both are the same.
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We got a set in the mail, but it was our first paper version.  Maybe some people didn't get the paper and so they sent them all out again.


My ds hasn't received any paper scores. I just checked today's mail and there's nothing there from College Board. Maybe it will show up in the next few days.

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We have actually received not one, not two, but THREE sets of paper scores!  Same big envelope, exact same contents inside.  Our first one came in the beginning of December, and our last one came about 2 weeks ago.  I honestly can not figure out what is going on, but they can feel free to stop wasting postage on our family, lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My son finally got his PSAT scores in the mail yesterday. His first set. He started getting emails from colleges in January, which is when I thought scores would be out. So I came on here and realized they'd been out for a long time. I looked online and linked his college board account with our home address. Last week, my son started getting physical mail from colleges. And then he got his paper scores yesterday. I'm wondering if he didn't write his mailing address clearly on the PSAT and that caused the delay.


I'm really glad to have the paper scores, as there is a lot more information than just the three numbers you get by looking online.

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They say they are apples to apples, but that there is a range (that will be on the score report) to look for on the SAT. The CB has a bunch of stuff for understanding scores available on their site under PSAT. No need to log in.


Well, the apples to apples might work for middle-to-low scorers, but top scorers can't be apples to apples, because the PSAT maxes out at a lower score (1520, or 760 on each section) than the SAT (1600, or 800 on each section). 


Anyway, it's very close, but if your kid is in the mid to upper 700s per subject, then you can't know for sure what your kid's top SAT possible score is until they practice or take the SAT. This is because the PSAT is slightly less challenging than the SAT, despite covering the same content. Essentially, for instance, say your kid knows all the content of the SAT quite well, but it is still likely that they might make a few random errors due to sloppiness or simply not remembering every single topic/technique perfectly every question . . . In that case, your kid might score 1480/1520 on the PSAT and then score a 1560/1600 on the SAT, etc.

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We have actually received not one, not two, but THREE sets of paper scores!  Same big envelope, exact same contents inside.  Our first one came in the beginning of December, and our last one came about 2 weeks ago.  I honestly can not figure out what is going on, but they can feel free to stop wasting postage on our family, lol.


Overachiever! :lol:


O.K. We finally caught up with AFwife Claire.  Don't tell me...you got your FOURTH copy today!

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Well, guess what showed up in our mailbox this afternoon?  Our fourth (4th!!!) set of mailed PSAT scores for DS#3!  We are just shaking our heads and laughing!  What a waste though.  Good grief!



O.K. We finally caught up with AFwife Claire.  Don't tell me...you got your FOURTH copy today!


:lol:  You're behind!

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I admit that none of us actually opened the most recent copy to grace our mailbox. It would be a huge surprise if they changed the numbers and that's why they sent the most recent copy. 


Those who received more than three copies are "above average." Those of us who only received three are "average." Those who received less than three are obviously on the less-than-average side of the bell curve.  :lol:  Fortunately for some, the results inside haven't changed no matter how many copies are sent to them.


I'd rather get three copies than still be waiting to see results. The envelope re-appearing serves as a reminder to keep up the test prep around here.  :driving:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

O.K.  We received the results for all four of our PSAT students AGAIN in the mail yesterday.  For the life of us, we do not understand why we received these results again.  Does anyone know?

MomsintheGarden figure it out today:  She is sending one of the extra copies that the College Board sent us to the school board for the annual submission.  Thanks, College Board!

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