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Going home...

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We've decided just to head back home so that I can get all my cancer treatment in one place. Playing it cool and strong I was able to convince dh that he should just take us home and fly back to CA to continue his job and just come back for my surgery. he does NOT want to do this...but is the best we could come up with under the circumstances. The job WILL be over by the end of November.


I'll have enough help from family and friends to get by. He is my rock, but I can do this. I think though that being without him through all this will be worse than the actual procedure. :crying:

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We've decided just to head back home so that I can get all my cancer treatment in one place. Playing it cool and strong I was able to convince dh that he should just take us home and fly back to CA to continue his job and just come back for my surgery. he does NOT want to do this...but is the best we could come up with under the circumstances. The job WILL be over by the end of November.


I'll have enough help from family and friends to get by. He is my rock, but I can do this. I think though that being without him through all this will be worse than the actual procedure. :crying:




It sounds like a wise decision, albeit a difficult one. :sad:.


I'm so glad that your dh went home and discovered the damage and it's being fixed so you don't have to deal with that upon your return.


I'm praying for you.

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Rhonda...I am so sorry you are going through this and w/o your dh being physically there. What a difficult decision to make. Glad to hear you will others around you for support and encouragement...not that your dh won't be able to support and encourage you from afar, because I am sure he will, but to have others physically with you is a blessing!


Hoping for a speedy and full recovery!!!!! Please continue to keep us posted as you have been in my thoughts!



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We've decided just to head back home so that I can get all my cancer treatment in one place. Playing it cool and strong I was able to convince dh that he should just take us home and fly back to CA to continue his job and just come back for my surgery. he does NOT want to do this...but is the best we could come up with under the circumstances. The job WILL be over by the end of November.


I'll have enough help from family and friends to get by. He is my rock, but I can do this. I think though that being without him through all this will be worse than the actual procedure. :crying:


Rhonda, :grouphug: I just want you to know that you will be in my *daily* prayers!

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We've decided just to head back home so that I can get all my cancer treatment in one place. Playing it cool and strong I was able to convince dh that he should just take us home and fly back to CA to continue his job and just come back for my surgery. he does NOT want to do this...but is the best we could come up with under the circumstances. The job WILL be over by the end of November.


I'll have enough help from family and friends to get by. He is my rock, but I can do this. I think though that being without him through all this will be worse than the actual procedure. :crying:




What a difficult situation for you to be in, I am so sorry.

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We've decided just to head back home so that I can get all my cancer treatment in one place. Playing it cool and strong I was able to convince dh that he should just take us home and fly back to CA to continue his job and just come back for my surgery. he does NOT want to do this...but is the best we could come up with under the circumstances. The job WILL be over by the end of November.




Rhonda, I'm so sorry that you're going through this. You and your family are in my prayers.


I was just reading your earlier post. Do you already have a surgeon lined up back home? I could be wrong, but I'm going to assume that the surgeon will want to see you before scheduling the surgery itself so you'll want to make that appointment as soon as you can. Will your current doctor send your medical info/test results or will you be picking these up and carrying them back home with you? (...Just wanting to make sure that you don't have to unnecessarily repeat any tests once you get back home.)


I'm glad that you'll be back home with family and that it won't be long before your dh can be with you!



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Rhonda, I'm so sorry that you're going through this. You and your family are in my prayers.


I was just reading your earlier post. Do you already have a surgeon lined up back home? I could be wrong, but I'm going to assume that the surgeon will want to see you before scheduling the surgery itself so you'll want to make that appointment as soon as you can. Will your current doctor send your medical info/test results or will you be picking these up and carrying them back home with you? (...Just wanting to make sure that you don't have to unnecessarily repeat any tests once you get back home.)


I'm glad that you'll be back home with family and that it won't be long before your dh can be with you!




Thanks Laurie. I filled out an online form at M.D. Anderson Cancer hospital to become a new patient. They should be contacting me.


Before we leave Friday morning I will be picking up my pathology slides to hand deliver to my surgeon. And yes, I agree he will want to meet with me. I have no idea how I will go about picking one out.


Once at home I have to schedule an MRI and then I guess pick a surgeon and meet with him as well as a plastic surgeon to see what type of reconstructive surgery will be best for me.


Lots to do.


Thanks again,

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Oh my soul...I must've missed something!!!! :grouphug: I'm so sorry you're going through this -- especially without dh! You'll be in my prayers.


We've decided just to head back home so that I can get all my cancer treatment in one place. Playing it cool and strong I was able to convince dh that he should just take us home and fly back to CA to continue his job and just come back for my surgery. he does NOT want to do this...but is the best we could come up with under the circumstances. The job WILL be over by the end of November.


I'll have enough help from family and friends to get by. He is my rock, but I can do this. I think though that being without him through all this will be worse than the actual procedure. :crying:

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Oh my Rhonda. Well, that is one decision made. That feels clean and neat to me...from this side of the fence. :) I know being without your dh will be stressful, but you can do it. I have to tell you the FEAR, the UNCERTAINTY, of it all was MUCH worse for us all (mom included) than the actual surgery and then treatment.


Big hugs to you and your family. My friend will be at MDA on Tuesday for her check up....if you are there then...wave to her. :)

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