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So In A Moment Of Crazy, I Cut My Hair

Spy Car

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And I don't mean that I got a haircut, I just got out some hair scissors and went to town. Crazy.


But I was desperate. Our dear hair-cutter who we have been going to for a long time has had her ups and downs business-wise, but (thank goodness for her) landed a great job in a posh salon that puts her in high demand.


She still meets us when she can. But she was sick, and then I had a meeting the one night she was open (when the family got their hair cuts) and I was getting very wild and woolly.


For a geezer I have a lot of hair. And it has been hot here in LA. And I was over-heating. So I thought, how hard could it be?


After taking a couple whacks I wondered if this was going to be the singular dumbest thing I'd ever done. But I steeled my nerve and kept going.


And what do you know? By the time I was done I had a fabulous hair cut. When the family came home last night they asked if I'd been to see Giti? I said no. They seemed puzzled (they know I'd go to no one else).


I said: "I did it."


There was confusion.


"What do you mean, you did it?" 


"I cut my hair."


"We can see that, but who did it?"


"I did."


And so on.


Only when I produced a bag of hair clipping were they convinced.


Could have been a disaster. But somehow it worked.


Bill (who may be losing his marbles :D)







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:hurray:    Sounds like what I do. I don't have a regular stylist, but when I can't stand my hair anymore--when it's too long and heavy it gives me headaches--I grab the scissors and start whacking. No one's given my hair the side-eye afterward so I guess I'm doing ok. :laugh:

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Wow, I'm impressed!

My hair dresser forbids me to touch my hair with scissors--any time I take a whack at my bangs, it's a disaster. As in, emergency appointment, please.


Once long ago, I tried cutting my husband's hair. It's a good thing his ear didn't need stitches.

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I reached that critical point of all this hair *must go now*. So I put it in a ponytail and snipped it. People keep raving about my haircut, lol. I understand the urge.

This really works, especially a high ponytail -- instant layering! This was my basic hair cut in college, because I used to color my hair and I needed a lot of trims (and really couldn't afford them). 


My husband has some seriously weird and energetic hair, he cuts it himself and when the humidity hits you can't tell the difference between that and a professional haircut.

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What an awesome story!


I do my own bangs all the time, but I generally don't try sides or length. I cut my kids' and DH's hair for seveal years until they wanted a "real" style.

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I cut my own hair recently too. 


I had done it lots of times before, especially when I was a teenager with a punk rock boy cut but I grew up and tried to be more "normal", so I went to the beauty school once in a while to get cheapo basic haircuts. They were ok but not ever what I really wanted. 


Last month I got fed up with my hair. I have probably 3 or 4 times as much hair as some people. It's thick and mostly straight and heavy. Not fun in the TX sun. I started chopping haphazardly and ended up with the best haircut I've had in years. Took me like 15 minutes! I feel like no hairdresser has really ever understood my hair. 


This is basically the cut (not me, just a picture I found online for inspiration)



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I cut my own hair recently too. 


I had done it lots of times before, especially when I was a teenager with a punk rock boy cut but I grew up and tried to be more "normal", so I went to the beauty school once in a while to get cheapo basic haircuts. They were ok but not ever what I really wanted. 


Last month I got fed up with my hair. I have probably 3 or 4 times as much hair as some people. It's thick and mostly straight and heavy. Not fun in the TX sun. I started chopping haphazardly and ended up with the best haircut I've had in years. Took me like 15 minutes! I feel like no hairdresser has really ever understood my hair. 


This is basically the cut (not me, just a picture I found online for inspiration)



Very cool

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