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What's supposed to happen Sept 26th?


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Does anyone keep up with various doomsday theories?  My dad "warned" me that Sept 26th is going to bring gloom and doom worse than the 30s and we need to get all of our cash out of the bank. :glare:   I figured I'd make an appt to do that tomorrow.   :lol:


I thought about googling, but I don't want to get on any spam or advertisement lists for whatever it is he's being baited with.  He tells me it's from his "sources" and his sources have "never been wrong."


I've rolled my eyes (in case that's not obvious), but I am curious because my dad is the only person I've heard this from.  Usually when there's doomsday predictions it makes the news and quite a few know about it (even if not everyone believes it).

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This is perfect timing. I just drained the last of my savings and my 401K to pay the rest of the NICU bills, and DH now has to have more surgery on the 19th and will be off work for a while. So I don't have any cash left in the bank to lose!


So if it's all going to collapse, this month is okay.

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Haven't heard that one, but I have heard of random doomsday predictions coming out. About a year or two ago, one of DH's more "out there" friends was telling him there was a financial collapse happening on some particular Tuesday (don't remember the date now or why the guy believed it). It was our little joke for the week or two leading up to the day..."should I bother going to my hair appointment or are we going to be locked in the basement with the wheat barrels anyway?"

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This is perfect timing. I just drained the last of my savings and my 401K to pay the rest of the NICU bills, and DH now has to have more surgery on the 19th and will be off work for a while. So I don't have any cash left in the bank to lose!


So if it's all going to collapse, this month is okay.

Seriously. Bring it on.

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This is perfect timing. I just drained the last of my savings and my 401K to pay the rest of the NICU bills, and DH now has to have more surgery on the 19th and will be off work for a while. So I don't have any cash left in the bank to lose!


So if it's all going to collapse, this month is okay.




Two days before dd's birthday, and for once I know what we're getting her way ahead of time.  No doom allowed to happen until after the 28th!


I will let him know!


I can only find stuff for 9/26/2015.  last year it was supposed to be an asteroid.


I wonder if he stumbled across something and didn't check the date... but he sounded more like it was going to be a banking collapse due to something major.


Crud. I'm getting a small dental filling that day. My first that I know of. No wonder he said that!!


Exactly how much does your dentist charge if it's going to collapse the banking system???  :lol:


Haven't heard of anything this time around. Still waiting for the end of the world since last time.


Seriously, just check he's not been sucked into some scam. Hopefully not, but if he was my dad I'd ask just in case. Too many scammers out there :-(


I am actually starting to get worried about this.  From the way he was talking, it seemed like a "known" (but hidden) thing.  Since no one else knows, I'm wondering if someone has convinced him in person (or via e-mail) and has plans to rob him.  He openly told me he's putting his money in his safe.  Who else did he tell?


Seriously. Bring it on.




I'd rather have the asteroid.  A banking collapse or my dad getting swindled...  :glare:  I'd rather life just end and we move on to the next one.  We wouldn't need to worry about the last few weeks of the election either.

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It is the end of the world!!! It's the first Presidential Debate!!  :crying:  :w00t:  :scared:  :ph34r:



ETA: http://www.debates.org/index.php?page=2016debates and assuming everyone participates. 


Ok, this one could make sense.  The country finally wakes up and goes, "Oh ______.  We'd better get our money out of the bank and settle in by the wheat barrels!"  ;)

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My friend is really into end times prophesies and she mentioned the end of this month too.  Google John Haagie (sp?)  I don't have time this am, but she sent me some of his stuff.

Or google Biblical prophesies September, 2016.  


I think the 7 years are starting or something.  She doesn't believe in the rapture (I don't ask questions as I don't want to get into it) so she believes we all will suffer through the 7 years tribulation.


Don't quote me and then throw scriptures at me.  I am just the messenger.  I am not posting what I believe about this stuff.

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My friend is really into end times prophesies and she mentioned the end of this month too.  Google John Haagie (sp?)  I don't have time this am, but she sent me some of his stuff.

Or google Biblical prophesies September, 2016.  


I think the 7 years are starting or something.  She doesn't believe in the rapture (I don't ask questions as I don't want to get into it) so she believes we all will suffer through the 7 years tribulation.


Don't quote me and then throw scriptures at me.  I am just the messenger.  I am not posting what I believe about this stuff.


Thank you for posting this!  I'd rather my dad fall for "run of the mill" doomsday stuff than have someone near him setting him up.  We live 9 hours away and we're having to head back to my in-laws next week due to a cardiac procedure FIL is having.  I was starting to wonder what in the world I could do about dad.  If its run of the mill, the day will come and the day will go - just like the others.  He'll be able to put his money back in the bank when it's over with no harm done.

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Sept 26 is when part of the rec center where I work reopens after renovations. It will be dooms day if construction is not cleaned up and we are not otherwise ready to go. If this happens, there will be serious repercussions for my boss.


I don't think your dad was referring to a local taxpayer funded project.

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September 30 is supposed to be when the US dollar is no longer pegged to the world's currency, thus initiating a banking collapse. The purveyors of doom say this every so often and tell folks that they have a sure-fire way that you can protect your assets while still profiting from the collapse. My brother-in-law is into this stuff.

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Sept 26 is when part of the rec center where I work reopens after renovations. It will be dooms day if construction is not cleaned up and we are not otherwise ready to go. If this happens, there will be serious repercussions for my boss.


I don't think your dad was referring to a local taxpayer funded project.


I wish it were that!


September 30 is supposed to be when the US dollar is no longer pegged to the world's currency, thus initiating a banking collapse. The purveyors of doom say this every so often and tell folks that they have a sure-fire way that you can protect your assets while still profiting from the collapse. My brother-in-law is into this stuff.




I bet this is it.  He really seemed to imply it was banking rather than religious and I don't think he follows any religious fringe or person.  He probably heard from someone to get his money out of the bank before that last week and the "rush" to do so or banks would be preemptive and not let people withdraw anything.


I'm still not inclined to worry about it - for myself or him.  It's probably pretty harmless if he pulls his money from the bank and deposits it later - only a big deal if he has a house fire or robbery at the place where he's going to put it (which isn't where he lives).

Edited by creekland
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It's my birthday! But not a big catastrophic one... Maybe he's taking all his money out to buy me a present, but it's a surprise, so he made up a reason!


Well... I wouldn't hold your breath.  "I" don't ever get birthday presents (or cards or cash or anything) from him.  He might call to wish me a Happy Birthday, so I can then listen to 30 - 40 minutes of a repeat of everything he's told me in oodles of previous phone calls - usually along the lines of this thread, but adding in other woes of his too.


Happy Birthday (in advance) to you though!  Can we party early?   :party:

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I'm flying home from visiting the in laws overseas on that day. Unfortunately I seem to have developed travel anxiety, so I really don't need another cause for concern on that day :(


At least it's not an asteroid or terrorist threat or anything like that - just a banking deal that likely won't happen.  I would think as long as your plane ticket is paid for, all should be well!


If it helps at all, my dad has been batting 0% with all of his worries - back to Y2K - maybe even before.


I'm not at all concerned.  I was just really curious since I hadn't heard anything.

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At least it's not an asteroid or terrorist threat or anything like that - just a banking deal that likely won't happen. I would think as long as your plane ticket is paid for, all should be well!


If it helps at all, my dad has been batting 0% with all of his worries - back to Y2K - maybe even before.


I'm not at all concerned. I was just really curious since I hadn't heard anything.

You should ask if/how Brexit affected the prediction in any way. You would think it might have? Maybe now their dates are all off.

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Aquarium trip for us!


End of September I think is the end of the 3rd quarter for finance and the end of the fiscal year for government?  Correct me if I'm wrong.  Hope your dad doesn't get too stressed out or disappointed, either one.   :)


I suspect he'll just get wind of another date to warn me about.  He never seems to catch on that the sky might not be falling.  Someone smarter than I am will figure out why that prediction was "off" and come up with the new one.

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I suspect he'll just get wind of another date to warn me about. He never seems to catch on that the sky might not be falling. Someone smarter than I am will figure out why that prediction was "off" and come up with the new one.

Are you my long lost sister? Do we have the same dad? I'm still waiting for the hyperinflation that was supposed to hit in 2009, and for gold to reach $20,000 an ounce..and higher! Much higher.

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Are you my long lost sister? Do we have the same dad? I'm still waiting for the hyperinflation that was supposed to hit in 2009, and for gold to reach $20,000 an ounce..and higher! Much higher.


It definitely sounds like our dads have the same economic adviser.   :glare:   My dad likes to invest in silver rather than gold though.

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It definitely sounds like our dads have the same economic adviser. :glare: My dad likes to invest in silver rather than gold though.

My dad has done both. He talks about war cycles. Some guy says we go through five year (or ten? I don't remember) year cycles of war and peace. This has something to do with the stock market. I admit I don't know the details as I tune this out when he's talking about it.

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 I admit I don't know the details as I tune this out when he's talking about it.


So do I.


I know our whole lives are "fixed" by the wealthy mob bosses (with or without a traditional mob).  Every single (major) sporting event, all market prices, housing, and more are all fixed.  He pretty much believes in the Matrix and one has to be super smart and wary to navigate around them.  

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