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Ugh, car accident while 8 weeks pregnant


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First, I'm fine, baby is fine. 


But what a way to start the week!  First, I got up a bit early because I had a grocery shipment coming. I'd run out of cat food, so was having it delivered at 8am and wanted to be sure I was up and dressed and such. Cleaned up a bit while waiting. Then my husband asked when my daughter's dance camp started, and I realized it was today! Ack! I called and said we'd be a bit late, and they said that was fine. Threw together a lunch for her, stopped at Starbucks to get her a juice box to put in it. Was doing pretty well, considering. 


Then while stopped at a stop light someone rear ended me! Thankfully, she mostly slowed down, but she said something about her shoe getting stuck under the brake pedal. My van has a nice dent now in the rear door hatch thing. The woman who hit me was very nice though, and actually had insurance, which is a first for me. My husband and I have both been rear ended in the last few years and neither time did the other car have insurance! So there is that. 


I felt okay, other than a bit of a stiff neck, but my midwife sent me to the women's hospital to be checked just in case. They did an ultrasound and cervical check and everything is fine. And the subchorionic bleed I had last time is pretty much gone. The doctor said it was so small as to not be worth talking about, and that if he had his way I'd never had known about in the first place, because it wasn't likely to cause any problems, and there was nothing to be done about it anyway. Baby's heartbeat was 140, which was good. Last time as 142, so right about the same. 


Best part, was that a good friend of mine who is a birth photographer (and doula) just happened to be at the hospital and saw my van as she was parking in the parking garage! She called me, and came right to triage and sat with me until we knew everything was okay. She was just there to take some newborn photos, total coincidence, but what a wonderful one. 


Anyway, between a hectic morning, the accident, getting daughter to her first day of camp at a new dance studio, dropping my son off with my mom, who happened to be in town babysitting my nieces, going to the ER, picking up food (I hadn't eaten yet!), picking up my son, then going back to pick up my daughter, then getting more food and coming home, I'm WIPED. (all these places were 20-30 minutes apart from each other). 


Anyway, all is well that ends well. 

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I thought I had a crazy day (which included picking up a vomiting child from VBS and having a live squirrel removed from inside our wall)! So glad you and baby are ok. Hopefully all the crazy things for this pregnancy are now done!

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What a Monday!!! Thank God baby and you are ok, also everyone in the other vehicle. Also glad everything fell in place after a hectic morning!!


Happy to hear baby is healthy, no need to worry about the bleeding that's almost gone etc.


Hope you are having a relaxing evening!!!

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Well, it was relaxing until I got a phone call from my ex husband's sister. My ex has a transplant kidney that hasn't been doing well, and now he has pancreatitis as well. He has been hospitalized since friday it turns out, and transferred saturday to the hospital that did his transplant. The kidney seems to have failed. He will be going on dialysis tomorrow. He was incoherent sunday, and very anxious to the point of scaring everyone. He's on anxiety meds now and better, but wants to see our son. Who I don't want to scare. This sucks. 

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