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Best Baby Carrier(s)


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(Deep breath...) I just had Baby #4 two weeks ago. I know the first 6 weeks are always tough. But I have the feeling that in order to keep my sanity, be with my family (especially the other kids), and get a few basic things done around the house, I want to get more comfortable using a baby carrier.


So, what are your recommendations?? I have an Ergo and a Moby, which seem to be popular choices so I'll definitely be trying them again. The Ergo never felt very comfortable to me and it didn't seem too comfortable for my other kids either, but maybe that was just my perception. I like the fit and feel of the Moby much better, but it doesn't seem as supportive of her neck and head so I end up supporting her with one hand constantly. It also is time-consuming to set up and is difficult to set up out of the house, and it seems loose in certain places - this may be my own fault in tying it on, but I just can't seem to make it feel secure enough.


I'm 5'3 and short-waisted.


So, is there something else I should try? A ring sling or other carrier? Or use the Moby for a bit and then switch to the Ergo when she's bigger?


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I really liked the Maya Wrap which is a ring sling. It was perfect for us. I could nurse my wee babe to sleep, then slip the wrap on around him with one hand while holding him with the other. Then he could keep snoozing while I got stuff done! So easy. It was a little pricey but worth it to me.


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I find my Lillebaby more comfortable than the Ergo. I love the Moby when they are tiny, but I've been wearing my almost five week old in the Lillebaby lately. He's a wee bit crabby, so keeping him close and my hands free helps preserve my sanity.

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I prefer mei tais for getting stuff done around the house. I feel they are more adjustable(easier to secure) without buckles. I was able to use a hooded mei tai (soul tai brand) to support my DD's head when she couldn't hold it up herself. 


Doing a rucksack tie for a really little baby might work for you. Try it out with a short wrap(or a thick scarf) or a ring sling.


to use the mei tai with my little one under and around 3 months, I had to roll it up at the waist to make it shorter and tuck it between her legs. 

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What sort of carries do you do with your Moby wrap? Maybe you'll find another type of carry to be "more supportive" - or, better yet, maybe you'll be happier if you switch to a woven wrap instead of a stretchy one? I used my wrap until the kid was, like, three and a half!

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I learned that my problem with the Moby was that I wasn't wrapping tightly enough. Like, it needs to be 286 times tighter than you think, and it finally turns out perfect. Also, the hug hold was the only one I liked when he was really young because it offered more head support. But it does take practice, and you're right, it can be a pain to do in a parking lot.


For that reason, I tried a ring sling. My son would NOT consider being in it until he was about 3 months, and now it's my easy, go-to carrier. I really wanted to be a carrying kind of mom again, so I bought a bunch of stuff to try. Pretty much anything without a buckle. I ended up loving wraps (woven and stretchy) and the ring sling. I really wanted to like the mei tai (we have a fly tai), and I keep trying it, but I'm just not in love with it. Bf uses it with the baby, and they seem to like it just fine.


5mr.com has really great deals sometimes and If you live close to a chapter of baby wearing international, you can check out all kinds of carriers from their library and they can also help you become more confident with carrying.


It's funny, I tell all kinds of people about them, and have never been a member :p

Edited by Ailaena
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I wouldnt survive life with my 4th with babywearing. I am feeling all the wrap love this time - i use woven wraps and they are super suppprtive. There are some carries you can tie on before leaving home and then pop babe in, toghten and go.


I dont like any carrier with a waist strap, theyre just not comfortable.


If you have a Babywearing International group nearby, try to attend a meeting. Many meetings have many different types of carriers you can try and they can help you get the best use from ones you have. At our meeting, paid members can take home a carrier to borrow for a month. I am borrowing a Lillebaby carrier and I can see why people like it with its many options but I still prefer my wraps.

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I never wore mine around the house to get things done, but I might try that soon. In the beginning I didn't have a carrier I liked (I had the Moby but was pretty clueless about using it and it dragged all over the place every time I attempted to wrap). I have a Lillebaby which we wear for walks and to run errands sometimes. Most Lillebabies do not require an infant insert. My model was purchased in Nov. last year and comes with an infant strap inside if you use with a very small/young baby. Major retailers recently started carrying them in solids. I have one with a print from a baby shop.


Can you try on in a local store or a lending library? I will be honest, I did NOT enjoy my fitting in the store and my back hurt the next day. But I've used the carrier a lot lately and it's been pretty good. I wore it for a 40 min. walk recently. My baby is 18 months. We own the "all seasons" model which has a panel you unzip when it's hotter (reveals mesh lining).


Some quick info. on the Lillebaby -- higher back panel, more head/neck support in addition to hood; mult. carrying positions; cross straps so you can cross or wear backpack style (I think I should cross straps for best fit, but too lazy to do that most of the time).

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I had a wrap (Storchenweige) and a couple fabric slings (not ring slings). The slings were my go-to for quick in and out for shopping trips and around the house. The wrap was my go to for longer excursions and to tie the kids to DH's back because it was much better at weight distribution and long term comfort and it fit DH, but more of a pain to use for everyday use. It probably would've been easier if I had gotten a smaller size.

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I have a bunch that I love -- ring sling, Ergo, mei tai, Storchwenwiege woven wrap, BBSlen woven wrap, stretchy wrap like a Moby. . .


The Moby is awesome for newborns (and congratulations, by the way)!  Tie it very tightly, and with the "cummerbund" part outside the crossed pieces for a front wrap cross carry.  Put the baby facing you in the crossed pieces, and then pull up the waist part.  This is opposite of how you do it with a woven wrap, which is with the "cummerbund" part on the inside, directly against the baby's back.  It doesn't probably matter too much, but I do a stretchy with the cummerbund on the outside because it makes it a little easier to get the baby in and out when you've pretied it.  If you can tie it so the knot is on your side, it should be pretty comfortable for driving, and then you can just pop the baby in and adjust the cummerbund when you get to the store.  


Once the Moby isn't supportive enough, I like a woven wrap for around the house when the baby will still be napping a lot.  Very supportive for long periods of time.  I like a ring sling for quick trips, and the Ergo for back carrying once they're about five or six months old.  I still occasionally use my Ergo to put my almost 3yo on my back.  A mei tai lives in my van because while it's not my favorite front or back carrier, it's my favorite all purpose one and is good for both front and back for me.  (In contrast, I'm too lazy to bother with back wrapping a woven wrap because the Ergo is so quick and convenient, but I detest the Ergo as a front carrier because it's hard to reach/see around it, and I feel like its big padded straps are right in my face.)

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I really liked the Maya Wrap which is a ring sling. It was perfect for us. I could nurse my wee babe to sleep, then slip the wrap on around him with one hand while holding him with the other. Then he could keep snoozing while I got stuff done! So easy. It was a little pricey but worth it to me.


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Also a huge fan of the Maya, bought mine when I was pregnant with my 18 year old, and used it for him, my 17 year old, and very briefly with my 6 year old (this kid hated being held or worn, sadly).  Also makes a fantastic baby leash.

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I just wanted to mention that I used my Storch (woven wrap, Strong!) to piggyback my 7 year old (who has always been big for his age, so picture a 9 year old) on my back at Disneyland. Not all day - just for about 30 minutes or so because he had a sore foot.


He was HEAVY, but the wrap held him perfectly fine. It stays useful for a long time. :)

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I learned that my problem with the Moby was that I wasn't wrapping tightly enough.


Yes, that's ultimately the problem with a lot of people's carrier woes, whatever carrier they're using. Cinch it tighter, your kid won't suffocate!


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Another vote for woven wraps. My favorite brand is Girasol, so beautiful and cushy. I have a ton of Didymos wraps and tried a Storchenweige Leo that was fabulous, right up there with my Giras.

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I find that a woven wrap takes more time to put on and off than I ever feel like using.


I use a Kanga (it's an SSC like the Ergo, but somewhat bigger and definitely more adjustable).  I like it.


I've had an Ergo (okay), a Boba (great for young ones), a couple of ring slings (okay), a couple of pouches (absolutely the best for 9 mo - 14 mo or so!), a couple of mei teis (okay, but more trouble than an SSC for not much return in comfort), and a woven wrap (pain to use).  Oh, and one of those stretchy moby-like things (but two overlapping tubes of fabric instead) - completely useless.

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I have a short torso too, and agree that structured carriers like an Ergo often don't feel "right". I can't explain it. I even tried a Boba when those were all the rage, and nope, hurt. 


I LOVE mei tais. I have used the Babyhawk and the cheap one at target. Actually, although I didn't like the fabric on the one at target as much (kind of microfiberish, and it gets hot here so in my head that seemed hotter compared to cotton) it worked nearly as well. I think being able to tie them rather than have straps made all the difference in a good fit. I will definitely use a mei tai again. For infants I use it on my chest/front, with their legs frogged in it if need be, then on my back when they get older. 


I wish I could get comfy in a soft structured carrier like an ergo, just because dealing with the straps can be a pain, but the comfort level makes up for it. I just get black or dark straps so that any dirt from dragging on the ground doesn't show, lol. 

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I loved to use a wrap, a ring sling (maya wrap was my fav) or a mei tei when my babies were itty bitty. When they got bigger I mostly used a wrap or ergo.

Hop over to thebabywearer.com to see loads of pics and more info than you ever wanted about babywearing. Oh and they have a for sale/swap forum that is fantastic!

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I love, love, love, my mei tai for the NB stage. I couldn't stand the Moby wrap. (This seems to make me weird in the baby carrying world.)

I also highly prefer the Boba carrier to the Ergo for when baby is bigger.

I want to love a ring sling, but can't because it just aggravates my back/shoulder issues

I would try and search for a BW group in your area. Others would let you try their carriers and you might find something you love!

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Ergo is famous for knock offs so if there's any chance you got a knock off (buying from a trade site, for example) you would have gotten an inferior product. I borrowed an Ergo and researched it and decided it was a fake. I think that had something to do with my experience with it. It was not comfortable, the padding in the straps was thinner than it should have been. I could tell from the stitching that it was not legit once I stumbled upon a side by side comparison. Ergo has a low back panel. That was never something I wanted for my tall child and she had other issues so that had a lot to do with why I opted for a taller back panel model. The head piece on my Lilebaby is a feature I have never noticed on any other model.

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(Deep breath...) I just had Baby #4 two weeks ago. I know the first 6 weeks are always tough. But I have the feeling that in order to keep my sanity, be with my family (especially the other kids), and get a few basic things done around the house, I want to get more comfortable using a baby carrier.


So, what are your recommendations?? I have an Ergo and a Moby, which seem to be popular choices so I'll definitely be trying them again. The Ergo never felt very comfortable to me and it didn't seem too comfortable for my other kids either, but maybe that was just my perception. I like the fit and feel of the Moby much better, but it doesn't seem as supportive of her neck and head so I end up supporting her with one hand constantly. It also is time-consuming to set up and is difficult to set up out of the house, and it seems loose in certain places - this may be my own fault in tying it on, but I just can't seem to make it feel secure enough.


I'm 5'3 and short-waisted.


So, is there something else I should try? A ring sling or other carrier? Or use the Moby for a bit and then switch to the Ergo when she's bigger?


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I was a tester when the Ergo was coming out, and it never felt comfortable for me. The kids fit fine, but I'm short(er than you!) and short-waisted so it was never a great fit for ME. It was a great carrier and it's amazing to see how successful she's become. I've bought it for friends and family, but never for anyone petite!


It sounds like you'd do well with a mei tai. It's easier to get that secure, snug fit and it will naturally support her neck and head. It's easy to keep in the car and use on the go. It's more flexible in terms of fit (for the mom) so your height and type shouldn't be an issue.


If you don't feel like you're getting a soft wrap secure enough to support her neck and head, you may want to hold off on ring slings or woven wraps - the issue being how you're tying those, and not the actual product or carrier type itself.


My mother and grandmother used what are now called wraps, so that's what I used with my kids. There is a learning curve, and they are hands down my favorite type (having experimented with lots of other types and brands), but in those early months go with what's easy and feels safest to you. There is plenty of time to branch out or try new carrier types once you're back into a normal swing of things. No need to complicate those transitional weeks!


Congratulations on the newest member of your family! :001_wub:

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I learned that my problem with the Moby was that I wasn't wrapping tightly enough. Like, it needs to be 286 times tighter than you think, and it finally turns out perfect. Also, the hug hold was the only one I liked when he was really young because it offered more head support. But it does take practice, and you're right, it can be a pain to do in a parking lot.


For that reason, I tried a ring sling. My son would NOT consider being in it until he was about 3 months, and now it's my easy, go-to carrier. I really wanted to be a carrying kind of mom again, so I bought a bunch of stuff to try. Pretty much anything without a buckle. I ended up loving wraps (woven and stretchy) and the ring sling. I really wanted to like the mei tai (we have a fly tai), and I keep trying it, but I'm just not in love with it. Bf uses it with the baby, and they seem to like it just fine.


5mr.com has really great deals sometimes and If you live close to a chapter of baby wearing international, you can check out all kinds of carriers from their library and they can also help you become more confident with carrying.


It's funny, I tell all kinds of people about them, and have never been a member :p

Thank you for this! I tried the Moby again and literally said to myself, "Okay, 286 times tighter... 286 times tighter..." and she's asleep in it right now. It feels so much better! Woops!!


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I loved the ring sling for little babies.  By the time they got to seven or eight months I'd switch to something heftier that allowed the weight to be distributed over both shoulders and my waist.  I can't remember what mine was called, but there seem to be a lot out there that would work that way.


But, for the little ones, I loved having them lie down in the sling.  Plus, it was super easy to bring them in and out of it without having to do up any straps or tie anything behind me.  Having a sling is kind of like being able to put your baby in your pocket.  Great for running into the store.  I didn't ever bring the car seat with me - it stayed in the car.  But, I kept the sling with me so that it was easy to cart the baby around without a lot of disturbance.

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Ring slings, for me, were best during that "up and down" stage. You know - pick me up for five seconds! Put me down so I can sniff that flower! Scary dog, I want up! Ack, nice dog, I want down! Up! Down! Up! Down! Do the hokey pokey and turn us both around!

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I loved my ring sling.  So, did DD.  I remember a year after we'd last used it, DD was with me in my closet when we saw the ring sling.  She made a cooing noise and cuddled it.  She didn't quite remember why she liked it, but she was clear that it was the best thing ever.  


I read that some people think that the slings with leg holes can cause hip problems in babies.  I didn't run across that I was already baby wearing, also I wasn't using a kind with leg holes, so I didn't pay particular attention.   In one of the well-baby checks, the doc sent DD for a hip check at the hospital because her legs had a wide-range of motion for her age.  The hospital doc looked at her and said, "What are you here for?" (in the tone of, looks perfectly healthy to me)   He did some things to her legs, pushing and pulling.   She wasn't bothered at all.  He said she'd be screaming if there was a problem.  He said she had extremely strong hips and excellent range of motion for her legs.  He inspected the sling and gave me a good job grunt.  


An ergo was the first baby gear I purchased.   Never used it.  

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If you have facebook see if there is a babywearing group in your area. The ones i've encountered have organized bring your carrier to the park and let people try them days to help mom's find the carrier that fits them best without having to order and return.

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