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Is THIS how we say "hello" to our friends now?

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I had the weirdest thing happen to me the other night. I went to an exercise class and met up with an acquaintance there. We're maybe more than acquaintances, not really friends. We share lots of same interests but always manage to irritate each other.


Anyway, we greeted each other happily and she says, "Come here and give me a hug!"


I do, and she wraps her arms around me and puts both her hands on my butt - and gives it a little snuggle!!!


Now, she didn't do the whole "cup the butt" maneuver, so it wasn't quite a sexual attack, LOL - but the hands were definitely on the butt!


I kind of shrieked, "That's my butt, woman!", laughed it off and pulled away, but what the heck???? Am I missing something, ladies? Is the the new "handshake?"


I told dh about it and we've been giggling about it ever since. I keep thinking, "Did that really happen?" Dh thinks she grabbed my butt by accident and then brazened it out. He's just glad it wasn't her husband, LOL.


How weird is that?

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:lol:Well, I saw a report somewhere (Dateline, maybe??) that Swingin' was makin' a comeback!!


Maybe she's tryin' to feel you out?!:lol:


Do you think this is because of that tv show, Swingtown? Just figures people would choose those characters as role models.;)

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How weird is that?


Well, this may be TMI, but this is how I'm greeting *all* my friends and acquaintances these days. It's going over REAL well. I usually say something like, "How you DOIN', sweet cheeks?"


I predict I will have a distinct advantage over my peers when I start applying for jobs in a couple of weeks. I plan to save it for the call-back interview, though.

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Oh, gad. I would have felt violated. I think I might have screamed something like "Get your hands off my butt, you pervert!" I have no doubt that I would not have handled it with gentleness, lol. I would have been too freaked out.


Really. That's off limits. That's beyond. Way, way beyond.





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Well, this may be TMI, but this is how I'm greeting *all* my friends and acquaintances these days. It's going over REAL well. I usually say something like, "How you DOIN', sweet cheeks?"


I predict I will have a distinct advantage over my peers when I start applying for jobs in a couple of weeks. I plan to save it for the call-back interview, though.



Even though I often type LOL to represent the humored reaction I may have to a post here or there, I don't always mean that I really did it, out loud. This time...??? El. Oh. El.!!


You a wery funny giwl!

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