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NJ/NY people near Princeton--want to meet up?

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you'll be at the Princeton Library? Or, do you prefer to keep it intimate? I know some Jersey girls who would be pretty excited to hear you speak.:001_smile:


Stacy and ALL,


please do. It's a public event and there's nothing worse than speaking to a mostly empty room. When I was just starting out I once gave a lecture to TWO PEOPLE. Didn't really know which one to look at....



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Stacy and ALL,


please do. It's a public event and there's nothing worse than speaking to a mostly empty room. When I was just starting out I once gave a lecture to TWO PEOPLE. Didn't really know which one to look at....




Wish I could come!


One time I attended a lecture at a library, and I was the ONLY audience member!!!! There were two or three speakers, so we sat in a circle and they told me all about being a doula and I bombarded them with questions. It was great (for me, anyway, they were pretty disappointed that no one else showed up).

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What's the topic, Susan?


Here's the info from the Princeton website:



Monday, October 6, 2008

7:30-9:00 p.m., Thinking Allowed

The Art of the Public Grovel: Sexual Sin and Public Confession in America

In this fascinating and important history of public confession in modern America, author Susan Wise Bauer explains why and how evangelical-style confession became a mainstream secular American rite. Revealing the rhetoric, theology and history that lie behind every successful public plea for forgiveness, The Art of the Public Grovel will interest anyone who has ever wondered why Bill Clinton is still popular while Jim Bakker fell out of public view.

(Fireplace area, second floor)




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:hurray:I just hired a babysitter.:hurray:


Dh is out of town on business that week. I almost:svengo:.



Do you think we will be meeting before or after you talk? If you are taking votes, I vote for before and after.;)




Good point. Before would be better for me, but I could prevail upon DH to step up to the plate if everyone else wants to meet afterward.

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Well, Panera's almost right around the corner, I think, and they have a good-sized back room for hanging out and being rowdy :D Other that, PJ's is the only other place I've eaten in there for a long time, and I'm not sure that would work. Is Triumph Brewery still there? That would probably be a fun place to eat with a group. Anyone know?

Edited by melissel
Added to the wrong post!
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Well, it depends on what you want to eat. Then there's Teresa Caffe, which is really good, and moderately priced. I just found out that The Original Soup Man (you know, "No soup for you!" from "Seinfeld.") has opened a franchise in Princeton. That could be tasty and inexpensive. And it's very conveniently located in Palmer Square, which is a short walk from the Library. I like to go to Winberie's for pub type food.


Later on there are two places, even three, that have really good ice cream.

First, there's the Halo Pub. It's owned by a local micro-dairy, and is a local favorite. Then there's Thomas Sweet, which is legendary. The original one is near the Rutgers campus. They make their own chocolate and their own ice cream and they are top notch. I've loved them since my days at Rutgers, but I also want to mention that last spring they were generous enough to donate about 20 gallons of ice cream to our Homeschool Choir's end of year picnic. :D The Bent Spoon has organic ice cream, some of which is flavored with locally grown fruit. Unfortunately they close at 6 on Mondays.


There's also a Starbucks nearby on Nassau Street.


If you're staying at the Nassau Inn, all of these places are a pleasant walk away. A few of them are actually in Palmer Square, where the hotel is located.

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I would love to come but dh plays soccer on Monday nights and I don't know if he will want to drive me to Princeton. I have to be extra nice to him the next few days and beg. Anyone around exit 9?




Normally I would be able to pick you up, or at least give you a ride from my house, but I probably won't be leaving from my house. I am trying to figure out how to get my kids from Point A to Point B while I'm heading to Point C. Yikes!

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You will be coming to Princeton, NJ on Oct. 6th at 7:30 PM. That will be the closest that I will ever get to seeing you in NJ. I live in North Jersey, but I am willing to take the hike.


I truly enjoy hearing you speak. You are one of the best motivational speakers around. I just need directions because my GPS is in the shop.


May the Lord bless you and keep you on your journey.





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You will be coming to Princeton, NJ on Oct. 6th at 7:30 PM. That will be the closest that I will ever get to seeing you in NJ. I live in North Jersey, but I am willing to take the hike.


I truly enjoy hearing you speak. You are one of the best motivational speakers around. I just need directions because my GPS is in the shop.


May the Lord bless you and keep you on your journey.






Where in NJ are you?

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I'm in Bucks County, PA, and only about an hour away from Princeton. I'd like to come too, if there's room for one more. And I know of another mom near me who also might want to come.


What's really wild is that I grew up in Princeton, and I spent my summers hanging out in the Princeton Public Library, so not only would I have a chance to hear you speak, but I'd also get a wild ride on memory lane.



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Stacy and ALL,


please do. It's a public event and there's nothing worse than speaking to a mostly empty room. When I was just starting out I once gave a lecture to TWO PEOPLE. Didn't really know which one to look at....




RockerDad needs to read this post. He doesn't believe me when I tell him that it's easier to perform in front of a large crowd.


I wish I lived in the area.

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Hello, Dr. Bauer -- ;)


I'd like to come, too. I'll ask my husband what his plans are for Monday evening and if he can cover for me with the girls, then I'll get back to let you know. Either way, thanks for the invite!


Beth B. in Ewing, New Jersey (about 25 minutes from Princeton)

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Where do we post a message? Do you mean HERE? --




I don't see any RSVPs. I must be in the wrong place. ???????


No, click on Susan's name next to her avatar above, then click on "view public profile." You should see a rectangle with lots of tabs on top, click on "visitor messages" (2nd tab), type your message in the text box and post your RSVP.


Looking forward to seeing you :001_smile:


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