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Grocery line etiquette


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I was at Costco and on one side of the store the lines all had people with big orders on the belt so I walk toward the other side and a cashier ushers over saying hers is free. A guy gets there before me but there is another empty one. Another lady was a little behind me heading in that direction too. I get there and had maybe 5 things loaded and my dd and I were loading more. The lady tells me that they were there already and says I need to move. I look behind me and her husband is there with a cart set back but he was not in line. I was like uhh and was not sure what to do or say and she huffs and puffs then says some words and goes off. I never purposely get in font if others or rush to get somewhere someone is obviously going. Was I in the wrong?

Edited by MistyMountain
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I don't think you can know. You obviously honestly thought you were there first. Apparently, she thought she was there first. One of you was there first, but you'll never really know which of you it was.


As long as you were honestly trying to do the right thing, you'll have to let the unsettling feeling you have right now go. Unsettling because it's distressing to be wrongly accused and it's also distressing to realize you might have been wrong. So, either way you feel unsettled, but since it's impossible to resolve the issue, you'll have to purposely put it aside.

Edited by Garga
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If the lady was behind you and her hubby and cart were behind her, I'm not really sure where she was coming from...


It'd be annoying because I'd wonder if I had missed anything, but given all facts as stated, I'd brush it off as best I could.


If new lines open up near old lines I always let those who had been in line go first, but I'm not sure that's this situation.  It sounded different.

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She was probably on a trajectory toward the checkout line when you came from an angle she wasn't expecting and got there first. She probably felt it was clear that she was heading there and that you had cut her off knowingly.


However, you had just been bounced from a line where the man beat you and probably had your eyes on the checkout line where you headed and didn't even see her trajectory in your direction.


So, from her point of view, you scrambled in to cut her off. From your point of view, you were just walking over to the checkout line and didn't have a clue that she was also on her way there.

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No. Someimes getting in line is just a quagmire. The sooner ppl come to grips with that as a cold, hard fact f life, the better.


You acted in good faith. And, really, can you imagine saying that to someone even if you truly thought they'd cut you off? If I didn't have things on the belt I can't imagine any scenario where I try to assert dominion over the line!!

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My vote is, it doesn't matter.  You had good intentions and the other lady must have just been constipated or something.  :p


She was in the wrong, because if she was in a serious hurry, she should have said something like, "excuse me, I am in a big hurry to go deal with an emergency, would you mind very much if I went ahead of you?" and you would have said, "why no, of course, anything I can help with?"


It is bad manners on her part to make you feel embarrassed - even if she really thought you did the wrong thing.

Edited by SKL
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Yeah, trying to picture things as they happened, it seems like you were fine.


But I find it very stressful when a new line opens and the clerk yells out for someone to come get in line. Then there's this mad rush and everyone thinks they're first.  I usually just stay put because I can't handle it.


I like stores that have a clerk or bagger actually get the next person in line and guide them to the newly-opened checkstand. Then there is no rushing and it's clear who is next.  I think I've only seen that in a few places though. 


People can be so weird about getting their proper turn.  

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I like stores that have a clerk or bagger actually get the next person in line and guide them to the newly-opened checkstand. Then there is no rushing and it's clear who is next.  I think I've only seen that in a few places though. 



I like a nearby urban Trader Joes.  They have one big line, and a guy in charge of directing the person at the front of the line to the next open cashier.  No one ever gets stuck behind someone who is taking forever.  You would think somewhere like Costco would do it this way; it's quicker for the individual, but also means that the store as a whole can check out customers in the most efficient way, keeping the traffic (and the dollars) flowing as fast as possible.

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I like a nearby urban Trader Joes.  They have one big line, and a guy in charge of directing the person at the front of the line to the next open cashier.  No one ever gets stuck behind someone who is taking forever.  You would think somewhere like Costco would do it this way; it's quicker for the individual, but also means that the store as a whole can check out customers in the most efficient way, keeping the traffic (and the dollars) flowing as fast as possible.

 I think you are right; TJ's has got this down to a science.  lol   (Case in point, their monthly mailer newsletter. If you didn't think you needed pumpkin cream, ranch sriracha, or whatnot, think again. ;)  )

Edited by LibraryLover
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I hate it when I think I'm in the right and then I realize maybe I cut. I am simultaneously ashamed and irritated and don't know what to feel. I think the confusion makes it worse.


If I were you, I'd assume that it was a silly mix-up and try to let it go. It happens. You did your best and so did she. Costco is stressful at checkout!

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I once started unloading my full cart and had a woman in line ahead of me try and stop me - she was saving a spot for her companion, who was no where in sight (still shopping?). I had all my stuff on the belt and was being checked out when he finally showed up. Woman was so angry I had dared "cut" in front of her - I ignored her, even as she squeezed around me to get to her cart once it eventfully showed up.  If you do not have your groceries with you then do not get in line!!!!! No place holding!!!!

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It's nothing going to get all huffy puffy about! I'd say you were fine. If i have a cart full I always let people with just a few things in front of me. By the time they've paid, I'm usually still unloading.


This.  Unless I am in a hurry, perhaps with ice cream in the cart I need to get out to the cooler in the car for the drive home - AND there is only one person in the 10-items or less line nearby.  You have only three items? Get in the line meant to speed you on your way and please do not expect me to let you pass.


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I once started unloading my full cart and had a woman in line ahead of me try and stop me - she was saving a spot for her companion, who was no where in sight (still shopping?). I had all my stuff on the belt and was being checked out when he finally showed up. Woman was so angry I had dared "cut" in front of her - I ignored her, even as she squeezed around me to get to her cart once it eventfully showed up.  If you do not have your groceries with you then do not get in line!!!!! No place holding!!!!


Ok, you win for weirdness happening in a grocery store line!


One has to wonder how often this lady does this... and how often she gets away with it.

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I've had a somewhat similar run-in at Walmart. I had my 1 year old with me and was very distracted and possibly headed for the newly opened check out when I should have been aware of another lady. She was very angry. I said I was sorry and she said "No you're not!". I was pretty shaken up. She was staring me down with her hand on her hip like she was about to do something to me. I left feeling like I had killed one of her family members. 


I guess you can never underestimate people's ability to get highly upset over trivial matters. 

Edited by pinkmint
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With your stuff already on the belt, I'd just look at her like she was nuts and get on with it. If I got there at the same time, no one had anything on the belt yet, and the other person wanted to be pushy, I'd probably give way unless I had just a few items and they had a full cart.


Either way, no one in their right mind tries to shop at Costco when they are in a hurry.

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