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S/O: Oft quoted lines from SNL

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The movie quote thread got me to thinking about how much my family uses lines from movies. Add that to the recent posts about subliminal man from SNL, and viola! A new thread.


Here are some of the SNL lines most quoted by dh and I (in no particular order):


What kind of wood was that? (Will Farrell as karate guy)

I will leave you IN! (Will Farrell as Neil Diamond)

RICK! RICK! RICK! RICK! RICK! (what's her name as ADD girl)

El Nino... that stands for... the Nino (Chris Farley as El nino)

Anything that can be said as cajun man


and last but not least.....


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Apparently, when SNL was *really* funny, I was too busy to watch. Saturday nights were meant for honky-tonks back then. It's only been the last few years that we watch, and it's sporadic at best.


However....dh and I keep quoting the Sarah/Hillary skit from a few weeks ago: "ANYONE can be VP. ANYONE. ANY ONE." That was a riot!



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I haven't watched SNL in a long time, but I do remember:


"Chee-boy-ga, chee-boy-ga, Petsi, Petsi---Cheeps!"


Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat (or was it Mr. Robinson?): "Kill my landlord. Kill my landlord. C-I-L-L my landlord."


And of course, you can't forget: "Mmm! That's good bass!"


The only modern quote I remember is something about Chris Farley "living in a van down by the river." It seems especially relevant today, given the economy...



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"I"m Matt Foley, I'm 35, divorced, and I live in VAN, down by the RIVER!"

"You look Mahvelous!"

"I'm Marty Culp, and I"m Bobbie Mohan Culp, and we head up the music department at Altadena Middle School."

"And now it's time to PUMP <clap> YOU UP!"


"I"m verklepmt. Talk amongst yourselves. I"ll give you a topic.....The French Revolution was neither French, nor a revolution. Discuss."

"We are two wild and crazy guys!"

"Yeah, that's the ticket!"

"Randy. The Randerator. Makin' copies...."

"Ohhh....could it be, SATAN??????"

"Well, isn't that SPECIAL."



"I'm Gumby, Dammit!"



and of course, one mustn't leave out the classic----


"Jane, you ignorant slut!"


Oh Man I could go on and on and on......but it's almost 11:30, and I've got to go watch it LIVE!



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Oh, my goodness. "Strategery" and "Lockbox." Those skits were SO funny!


Was Sprockets from SNL? "Now is the time on Sprockets when we DANCE!"


We have an mp3 clip of Christopher Walken on SNL, auditioning for the part of Han Solo in Star Wars. Priceless.


And going back further in time ... "We are from France."

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Was Sprockets from SNL? "Now is the time on Sprockets when we DANCE!"



OH yes! Srpockets! They are so brilliant at making fun of European culture- remember the mock-Chanel/Armani store workers? The store was so exclusive it did not have a door. The line from that one, when someone asked for assistance:


"I don't go to your job and knock the corn dog out of your hand"

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I remember some of those. I haven't watched it in a hundred years.....or so. But I do remember when, aaargh, my brain is fried right now, what's her name, the one who played Rosanna Rosanna Danna---I LOVED her! Anyway, she played an old lady. Someone remember this and explain it better than me---please! ;) The news guys were talking about natural resources, and she was a guest or something, and started railing on them for only talking about the naural RACEHORSES! What about the OTHER horses? It's unfair to talk about racehorces, whether they're natural or not, and not talk about other horsee. Other horses are important too. When they explained it, she said, "Oh, nevermind!" What was that character's name???? Anyway, I LOVED that skit!

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I remember some of those. I haven't watched it in a hundred years.....or so. But I do remember when, aaargh, my brain is fried right now, what's her name, the one who played Rosanna Rosanna Danna---I LOVED her! Anyway, she played an old lady. Someone remember this and explain it better than me---please! ;) The news guys were talking about natural resources, and she was a guest or something, and started railing on them for only talking about the naural RACEHORSES! What about the OTHER horses? It's unfair to talk about racehorces, whether they're natural or not, and not talk about other horsee. Other horses are important too. When they explained it, she said, "Oh, nevermind!" What was that character's name???? Anyway, I LOVED that skit!

Emily Litella.


Edited to add:


And here's Guido Sarducci's

. Timeless.
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LOL!! We do alot of classic SNL at our house!!


Everytime my hubby uses the blender, he refers to it as a "Bass-O-Matic"


Whenever we do something and we don't know why we did it, someone will use the Church Lady's, "Oh, I don't know...could it have been...SATAN?"


When we were studying ancient Egypt, my hubby sang Steve Martin's "King Tut" and the kids thought it was hysterical!!


"Absolutely mahvelous" is heard around our house, complete with Billy Crystal accent.


Whenever the doorbell rings, someone says, "Candygram" (from the skit with the shark from Jaws that Candice Bergen did) -- boy, we're showing our ages with that one!


Emily Latella's "Nevermind" comes up quite a bit, too!

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I'm classic SNL, too. Haven't watched it in years (though I caught that awesome Palin/Clinton skit). Yes, just about every time I make a smoothie, dh takes a big swill, smacks his lips, and says, "That's great bass!"


It never gets old. :001_smile:


I also loved Roseanna Roseannadanna, the Nuclear Family skit (perhaps my all-time favorite skit), the coneheads, the wild and crazy guys, Ed Grimley, and my all-time favorite commercial...Swill! The bottled water that's dredged from Lake Erie! Here's a transcript for any who missed it.

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My favorites are:


"Jane, you ignorant slut!" (Akroyd)

"No Coke! Pepsi" (Belushi)

"I'm a wild and crazy guy!" (Steve Martin)

"Schwing!" (Mike Myers)

"I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!" (Will Farrell)


And from the make-fun-of-NPR "Schweddy Balls" skit with Alec Baldwin: "No one can resist my Schweddy Balls." :smilielol5: CLASSIC -- but, along with the Akroyd quote, never quoted around the kids. ;-)

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Didn't see this one, from the late '70s. Anyone else remember it? Poor Mr. Bill, one disaster after another. I worked at a fast food place back then and when it was slow we created edible Mr. Bills and...Oh, no, Mr. Bill!


But after watching the Palin-Clinton skit a dozen times, my new favorite is, "You got so close to the White House...and I got even closer." It's like Nightmare and Nightmare II to me!

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Didn't see this one, from the late '70s. Anyone else remember it? Poor Mr. Bill, one disaster after another. I worked at a fast food place back then and when it was slow we created edible Mr. Bills and...Oh, no, Mr. Bill!



Oh yes, Mr. Bill! Loved it! Forgot those. Remember Toonces the Driving Cat? :smilielol5:

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In high school we used to love the Billy Crystal/Christopher Guest skits "I hate it when that happens." "doncha just hate when you're hammering a nail into your head with a ballpeen hammer?" "Yeah, I hate it when that happens. That really stings."


Another one I still will do with my friends was the 60 Minutes spoof with Martin Short as the cigarette-holding lawyer "is it him? It's me, right? It's me." or the male synchronized swimmers "I'm not a strong swimmer" "dig..a hole, dig...a hole".


Also the Palin-Clinton skit-I love the whole "I didn't want a woman to be president-I wanted to be president!"



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Anytime I fall, I have to resist the urge to jump up with my hands in the air and yell "Super-STAR!"


AND the cheerleaders-HEE-larious.


Does anyone remember the sisters-they were singers-Nora Dunn and whats-her-name?


Yes yes YES!! The Sweeney Sisters! Zing zing zing went my heartstrings! :lol:

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I always loved the "Doug and Wendy Whiner" skits, too.


My son's favorite line is "If it's not Scottish, it's CRAP!" complete with the exaggerated rolling "r" sound.


I think my all time favorite was John Lovitz doing the pathological liar. "My wife.......Morgan Fairchild......whom I've seen naked!"



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Personally I don't think Eddie Murphy has ever been funnier than on SNL. Gumby, Mr. Robinson, Velvet Jones, and Buckwheat: Those were some of the FUNNIEST moments on television! I mean, who can forget "Velvet Jones' School of Technology" or "Buckwheat Sings"?! "Fee Tines a Mady"--bwahahahaha! :lol:

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Being Adam Sandler fans, Thanksgiving always means singing "Turkey for you, turkey for me..." The Thanksgiving Song is the best.


And Halloween: "I'm crazy-spoon-head! Gimme some candy!"


But at the risk of heresy, our house quotes In Living Color more often than SNL. There is just something a little extra naughty about In Living Color.

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But at the risk of heresy, our house quotes In Living Color more often than SNL. There is just something a little extra naughty about In Living Color.
The single most oft quoted sketch comedy line in our house is, "... 10% less anal leakage!" from a

. FWIW, we quote The Kids in the Hall far more often than SNL.
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LOL! I forgot "Swill"!


My all-time favorite SNL skit of the "later years" is Alec Baldwin's Schweaty Balls. An absolute hoot!! Impossible to even watch with a straight face -- how they filmed it without cracking up is beyond me!




(Parental guidance is, of course, highly recommended!)


:iagree: Schweaty Balls are discussed often around our house. :001_wub:


And of course, every once in a while I must say, "I'm Gumby dammit" or "Oh no, it's Mr. Bill!"

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I tend to remember whole skits more than lines.


The one where Nancy Reagan just couldn't leave the White House to Barbara Bush...


The one where Reagan was just pretending to be a doddering old guy...


The one with Steven Seagal as the dad and Chris Farley coming to date his daughter...


The one with Alec Baldwin as an annoying French teacher who ends up getting beat up in Paris...


The one where the guy dies and asks St. Peter questions...



I don't get SNL from the seventies - dh says you had to be high to think it was funny. And whenever I have watched it now, I don't think it's funny, although Peyton Manning had a few good lines last year.

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