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What does the expression "Old Soul" mean to you?

Liz CA

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I've heard it used more pejoratively of laconic or serious personalities, especially in children. Not wisdom so much as keeping their counsel or to themselves.

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I've often been called that. In the religion I was raised in there are younger and older souls and the older souls are considered wise and often have more control over their power (energy manipulation, psychic abilities and astral projection). I was considered the most wise and powerful in my family from shortly after birth. Imagine their surprise when I became a Christian. :D

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People have described one of my children that way since she was three. They mean that she has an understanding of people and an intuitiveness about circumstances befitting a significantly older person. I remember the first time someone said that of her, I recall thinking how suitable a description of this child. I have no idea how she got that way, it's just always been part of her personality.

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That the person saying it is a bit, um, hippy dippy?


Sorry, I know it's meant in a nice way and all - that the person seems wise beyond their years, but this is one of those dopey, meaningless, lala expressions that I've never been much fond of.


Exactly my feeling. The people I know who use the expression seem to use it to explain why their child is more sensitive, mature, and generally better than my typical, rowdy boy.

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That the person saying it is a bit, um, hippy dippy?


Sorry, I know it's meant in a nice way and all - that the person seems wise beyond their years, but this is one of those dopey, meaningless, lala expressions that I've never been much fond of.

That is right there on the level of offensive to some people that saying something about Christianity which Christians take seriously is hippy zippy or fluff or superstition.


Old soul implies a person has past lifetimes of experience from which they have learned something, and are thus wise and levelheaded. It's a compliment, usually.

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Exactly my feeling. The people I know who use the expression seem to use it to explain why their child is more sensitive, mature, and generally better than my typical, rowdy boy.


is this "people"?  or person?

says more about that boy's mom. young children are rarely true "old souls".   they are more likely "supressed".

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Someone I'd just met called my dog an "old soul" after admiring his eyes and expression. I took it to mean that she literally thought he was a reincarnated soul. I doubt most of the people who use the expression mean that.  :001_smile:


Off topic, but for the record, I do believe dogs have souls (see my signature!). However, I think animals only get one go-round, just like us

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In the religion I was raised in there are younger and older souls and the older souls are considered wise and often have more control over their power (energy manipulation, psychic abilities and astral projection). 


Very interesting! If you don't mind me asking, which religion was that?

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That is right there on the level of offensive to some people that saying something about Christianity which Christians take seriously is hippy zippy or fluff or superstition.


Old soul implies a person has past lifetimes of experience from which they have learned something, and are thus wise and levelheaded. It's a compliment, usually.


I don't find that the people who say it are serious Hindus or Buddhists (or any of the other faiths that believe in reincarnation) for the most part though. If anything, the way I hear it said is offensive to anyone who has a serious belief in reincarnation because it's said in such an offhanded way.


But I apologize to anyone who was offended, though, honestly, I do think a lot of the things some Christians say about angels and so forth sound just as superstitious. I guess I find the fluffy parts of all religious expression equally hard to stomach.

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I think it means quiet and serious. Although someone said it once about my son and I felt like it was a little negative... they were talking about how he doesn't like to play with rowdy kids and keeps to himself. It felt like they meant it as "stick in the mud" but I could have been overly sensitive.

Edited by Janie Grace
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Very interesting! If you don't mind me asking, which religion was that?

There wasn't a name for it. It was a combination of our native american roots and new ageism. We agreed a lot with Sylvia brown, though we didn't know it at the time. There was a lot of mystery.


I believed in reincarnation, but I didn't think we stayed in the same families. I believed we came from "home" to learn something. This meant that Hitler was not evil because everyone that he hurt had agreed to be hurt before they got here. There was no Heaven or Hell, just home. Home is where I used to astral project to. I used to, and still do believe there is a sixth sense, which is an ability to perceive the energy contained in everything. "The Force", if you will ;). From a young age I was able to manipulate that energy to create warmth, or heal. I don't do that anymore because I'm not entirely sure that it isn't demonic. I do believe that the energy is the same energy that scientists now acknowledge, but I'm not sure the manipulation of that energy is natural. I never had a solid opinion on any sort of deity. 



Eta: And we talked to dead people. All the time.

Edited by Slache
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Interesting. thank you for your responses. I have also heard it used to mean a person could have easily lived in a different bygone era because of their interests, values, perhaps even personality. This is why I was asking here.

This is how I've always heard it used.

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There wasn't a name for it. It was a combination of our native american roots and new ageism. We agreed a lot with Sylvia brown, though we didn't know it at the time. There was a lot of mystery.


I believed in reincarnation, but I didn't think we stayed in the same families. I believed we came from "home" to learn something. This meant that Hitler was not evil because everyone that he hurt had agreed to be hurt before they got here. There was no Heaven or Hell, just home. Home is where I used to astral project to. I used to, and still do believe there is a sixth sense, which is an ability to perceive the energy contained in everything. "The Force", if you will ;). From a young age I was able to manipulate that energy to create warmth, or heal. I don't do that anymore because I'm not entirely sure that it isn't demonic. I do believe that the energy is the same energy that scientists now acknowledge, but I'm not sure the manipulation of that energy is natural. I never had a solid opinion on any sort of deity. 



Eta: And we talked to dead people. All the time.


I hear you, Slache. Thanks. 


ETA: And praise the Lord for calling you out of that.

Edited by MercyA
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There wasn't a name for it. It was a combination of our native american roots and new ageism. We agreed a lot with Sylvia brown, though we didn't know it at the time. There was a lot of mystery.


I believed in reincarnation, but I didn't think we stayed in the same families. I believed we came from "home" to learn something. This meant that Hitler was not evil because everyone that he hurt had agreed to be hurt before they got here. There was no Heaven or Hell, just home. Home is where I used to astral project to. I used to, and still do believe there is a sixth sense, which is an ability to perceive the energy contained in everything. "The Force", if you will ;). From a young age I was able to manipulate that energy to create warmth, or heal. I don't do that anymore because I'm not entirely sure that it isn't demonic. I do believe that the energy is the same energy that scientists now acknowledge, but I'm not sure the manipulation of that energy is natural. I never had a solid opinion on any sort of deity. 



Eta: And we talked to dead people. All the time.


In what way?

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Hmmm, my 24yo brother is sort of one, IMO. He relates better to older people than those his own age. Goes into the bank instead of using the ATM. Likes things simple without the newfangled bells and whistles. Listens to older music. He's a mechanic, and when I've seen him deal with customers he sounds like and has the mannerisms of a 50yo.


But, I don't consider him mature or wise. At all. My mom and I agreed he's always been 2-3 years behind, emotionally.

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Atomic energy? I don't really have a strong opinion (or understanding) of this. I was just saying that I believe the energy I was referring to is real and natural.


You believe scientists acknowledge a source of energy that heals people (how, exactly?) and has the ability to project people "astrally"? 

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In what way?

Not sure if this is what slache means, but biofeedback comes to mind. I dated a man with a hemophilic brother and learned alongside these guys how to focus on controlled breathing and visualization to reduce stress and lower body temperature [eta with the aim of slowing the rate of bleeding]. I don't think that has anything to do with midichlorians, though. 😉

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You believe scientists acknowledge a source of energy that heals people and has the ability to project people "astrally"? 

Ha! No. The energy exists in all things. I don't understand it's purpose and I never really looked into it, but I know scientists have written about energy similar to what I'm describing before. I believe that energy can be used or manipulated, but I imagine most scientist would not believe that.

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Ha! No. The energy exists in all things. I don't understand it's purpose and I never really looked into it, but I know scientists have written about energy similar to what I'm describing before. I believe that energy can be used or manipulated, but I imagine most scientist would not believe that.


I'm using energy to send the words on my computer screen to yours. Scientists do understand how this works. 


Thanks for explaining, though. I didn't understand your comment. 


BTW, I just finished the book, The Martian. There's lots of science in it that went way over my head, and lots of math that made my head spin, but it was such a great story! Talk about using energy made me think of it. Very clever story with regard to using a very limited amount of energy, but the character himself is worth the read, imo. 

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I always thought it was a positive thing. Saying that somebody you'd expect to be inexperienced and relatively ignorant (a small child or a pet) seems to be as wise as somebody who has experienced a whole lifetime (or more than one) already. I had no idea it was anything to do with being old fashioned.

Edited by IsabelC
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