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Tamale Troubles


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So, Christmas Eve is in two days, my in-laws are here and I've struck out getting traditional Venezuelan hallacas. It will have to be Mexican tamales instead. I've got a few options.


1. I can get some tomorrow from the best local tamale shop about 30 minutes from my house and refrigerate/reheat for Christmas Eve.


2. I can just buy the deli tamales from HEB (a Texas grocery chain) and get some nice salsas to fix them up.


3. I could just ditch them completely and make a ham dinner.


FIL is probably going to complain no matter what option I choose. Dh is just too busy wrapping up the business year before the 31st to help out. Given the price of oil, this is almost a Christmas miracle so I'm not upset about flying solo, but it does open up a major source of conflict with FIL. He wouldn't dare criticize dh's Christmas dinner even if it was a Stouffer's frozen vegetable lasagna. He will let the passive aggressive barbs fly if I'm in charge. I'll zing right back. It's a bad pattern and really doesn't depend on the tamales at all.


But anyway, commiseration is appreciated and honest reviews of serving HEB tamales on Christmas Eve are welcome.





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If FIL will complain no matter what, do what you want to do.  Except don't do the ham. :)


I ended up buying frozen TJ tamales since all the Latino groceries I've found only have Salvadorean tamales.  I am at least going to make some corundas and sweet tamales.  And if I have time tomorrow, I'll see if I can go out to get some tamales to reheat and we'll save the frozen ones for another time.


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I go with option D- make whatever you want to eat since it sounds like a no win situation.  

I like this option. 


FWIW, Christmas Eve dinner will be cheesy turkey casserole. We will have 2 guests; one will complain. But, like your FIL, he will complain no matter what it is. So I am making something easy that the kids like.


That being said, I love tamales. I need to find a source of fabulous tamales near me. 

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I'd get the easiest.


I also have a difficult person present for the holidays. I made a list of fun out of the house activities I can take my dc to for free or cheap and at a moments notice (thinks like where are the best neighborhoods to look at lights). The plan being to just wonder out of the house for a short or long periods when needed. I don't think I will do it, but it is a relief knowing we can just go do something if necessary, dh is on board with the plan.

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Make it fun. Get wine. After the first complaint just tell FIL "I'm going to drink every time you complain." Then the complaining becomes good for YOU. More wine! (Or margaritas) That, or FIL gets all insulted and blustery and you get to watch his face turn purple from trying not to complain. If you see him on the verge of a complaint just hold your glass expectantly at the ready. It will be awesome. Do it!

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Tamales, Mexican rice, refried beans and maybe fruit would be a lovely meal. Ignore FIL, just pretend you didn't hear whatever he says. We get the envelope rice (I think it's actually called spanish rice), and canned refried beans (heat them up in a pan with some milk and shredded cheese, makes them creamier). Mexican is always good :)

ETA: and I understand dh is busy.. but can he "suggest" tamales for the meal when FIL is around? Would that maybe help with the complaining?

Edited by mamiof5
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I vote for tamales over ham just because I love tamales. No one else in my family eats tamales, but atleast they like all other Mexican food. They likely don't appreciate tamales because they didn't grow up in TX with a Spanish best friend whose mom made them for breakfast whenever I slept over.


We are having ham because dh's boss gives employees a good sized Honey Baked Ham for Christmas each year. Store bought potato salad, rolls, fruit salad, and broccoli casserole are on our menu to go with the ham. MIL is bringing dessert. The only thing I have to cook Is the broccoli casserole which is easy. But a tamale dinner would get my vote if the rest of the family liked tamales.

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My dh's b-day is on the 24th and HEB's tamales are tradition on Christmas Eve. Although I can't compare them to the Venezualen version, we're very happy with them. I buy the beef and pork tamales, rice, beans, and an array of salsas.


I think HEB has really good tamales for not being homemade. So, I think you're good going with that plan. Sorry about the p/a sniping.

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