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Nine. That has to be some kind of record, doesn't it?


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Oh, man. It looks some of yours are too young to expect to make it to the bathroom on time. And even if they could, with so many, it could well be occupied. That's the record in one house as far as I've ever heard of.


The all-time worst I've known of, though, involved a bus load of high schoolers returning from a Missions Trip to Mexico. They literally hosed down some of the kids as they got off the bus, and were headed off to do the same to the inside of the bus itself. My son somehow managed to not get sick until we picked him up at the church. 

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Wow, that's pretty bad. Six of us had it last January. The worst was when someone left the toilet lid down and one of my children ran in and vomitted all over the lid. That stuff spatters!! I promise this will be a funny story someday but hugs for now.

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Wow, that's pretty bad. Six of us had it last January. The worst was when someone left the toilet lid down and one of my children ran in and vomitted all over the lid. That stuff spatters!! I promise this will be a funny story someday but hugs for now.


Ugh--no kidding! Earlier this year dd got sick and missed the toilet in her bathroom. She had also had something red to eat/drink because it was all red/pink splattered all over the bathroom. Then she came in my room to let me know she'd thrown up and, of course, had to throw up again and managed to miss the toilet in my bathroom that time. So I got to clean up 2 bathrooms full of splattered red goo in the middle of the night.


My dc have all been told that if you can't make it to the toilet try to throw up in the sink or tub. So much easier to clean. But I guess in the throes of such illness one can only do so much.


To BlsdMama-- :grouphug:

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I was down yesterday.  I think I slept for about 22 hours.  Oh. My. Goodness.  Thank goodness DS was functional.  He held down the fort yesterday while they were all little vegetables in front of the TV.  The two babies hit the beds a couple times, but they were the most mild.  The 10yo has apparently never been taught HUG the potty, never vomit from 2' above it.  


Honestly?  I left all of it yesterday.  Today is recovery mode.  Laundry, laundry, laundry... And showers.  And I'm opening windows.  :D

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The most I've had at once was 5 in a single day.  But we only had 5 at the time.  I don't want to set a new personal record now that we have another kid.  We just pass empty ice cream buckets all around.  Much better chance of them hitting that than making it to the bathroom on time.  Sorry you are going through this. 

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I'm really sorry that you experienced that. :sad:


On the flipside:  I usually read the posts from mamas of large families with sick envy in my heart (I only have 1 for medical reasons), but your post made me really, REALLY glad that I only have one.  Thanks, BlsdMama!

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Nine pukers in three days.


I don't know what this is, but it must go. Yuck.

No. I have blocked the exact when but I have not had sufficient time to block the day my husband called from a business trip last year? The year before? And I was a bawling incoherent mess because it seemed like every inch of my home was covered in puke from 10 kids all sick at both ends within the same 48 hour period. A kid had leaned over the upstairs balcony that overlooked the living room to tell me he didn't feel so good and puked from on high all over the love seat and floor and the woodwork on the wall and the floor in front of him. A kid was coming downstairs in the middle of the night to get mommy and puked all down the stairs and tile. A kid turned the wrong way in his sleep and puked down the wall from his top bunk to the one below. And those are just the highlights.


Between lack of sleep, stress, sitting at the hospital with dehydrated kids at various points and catching the bug myself I was just a blob of useless tears and chapped hands from scrubbing and disinfecting everything I possibly could to clean what was messed on and sanitize every inch of the house to keep whatever the plague was from repeating and spreading. Worst 4 days of my parenting career ever.

Edited by Murphy101
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I'm sorry. I've had all 4 within three days, with 2 of them actively vomiting today. I'm just sitting here hoping it hits me today so that I can be all better before I have to work on Friday. Thankfully, this particular one seems unusually short-lived, even moreso than a typical GI bug.

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