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I made a cake/bread in a pan and I made the rest into muffins.  They want the muffins.  They each want 2-3 muffins.   I need enough for lunches this week for my son to put in his lunch box.


I buy a bag of doritos.  I buy the lunch size for taking with us.  They want to eat the snack size, at home, and sometimes more than one snack size.


I buy snack size cheese to go in lunches.  I also buy the same cheese in a block or larger slices.  They want to eat the snack size.  And again, not just one, but a couple.


It is the SAME STUFF people! 


Driving me nuts.


Just my rant for the day.  And yes, I do tell them to knock it off, but it seems to be a battle.  

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Yep. We never even buy the snack size and yet over a period of 14 years it has never occurred even to the oldest one (this is three girls, one boy) that maybe we aren't going to give in on this one and no you can't have sugar snacks or snack-size bags for eating at home. Well, MAYBE the high schooler might have given in... last year.


We didn't have these as kids so we are less empathetic than with other things. I hear you.

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I think we can all relate to that, Dawn! :D


The individual serving sizes are more convenient so everyone grabs them. The one good thing about them is the portion control. Give me a big bag of Doritos while I'm watching TV and the next thing you know, half the bag will be gone. If I have one of the snack size bags, I'll probably quit after eating the one little bag.

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My mom had four kids and none of us, NONE of us, would ever touch the 'lunch food'.  I can't even imagine it. 


She kept it separate, not hidden, but not in an easy to access place. She didn't make it easy to just grab. And, again this is my mom, I can't even imagine what she would do to us if she saw us get into the lunch food.  Have you considered going nuclear on this one? 


I make lunch things for my older boy to take to school, lasagna, calzones,  muffins etc, and I keep them in the freezer. I pack them the night before frozen and they are fine by the time he eats them at school. Would that help you? In the freezer they aren't quite so 'easy access'.


If we ate the lunch food my mom would just not buy any more for a really long time...after she chewed us out for several hours..and she would prob make us pay her back for it.  And maybe ground us.  And send us to our room for the afternoon.  And chew us out again.  And remind us every single day that we were not to do that, and maybe get mad about it all over again. And bring it up 20 years later.

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Not touching the lunch food is SUPPOSED to be the rule.  But then DH comes in and breaks it in front of the kids!  So then they follow suit.  




And as far as the muffins and loaf thing......it is all gone as of right now, 2 hours after baking, so that isn't an issue any more!  hahahaha!

Last month I did start just putting some chips in a zip lock so I think as soon as the ind. sizes are gone, I will just do that, it is cheaper.


I used to not get the ind. sizes often, unless there was a campout or a trip coming up, but now that I have one kid in school, I do buy some.

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My mom had four kids and none of us, NONE of us, would ever touch the 'lunch food'.  I can't even imagine it. 


She kept it separate, not hidden, but not in an easy to access place. She didn't make it easy to just grab. And, again this is my mom, I can't even imagine what she would do to us if she saw us get into the lunch food.  Have you considered going nuclear on this one? 


I make lunch things for my older boy to take to school, lasagna, calzones,  muffins etc, and I keep them in the freezer. I pack them the night before frozen and they are fine by the time he eats them at school. Would that help you? In the freezer they aren't quite so 'easy access'.


If we ate the lunch food my mom would just not buy any more for a really long time...after she chewed us out for several hours..and she would prob make us pay her back for it.  And maybe ground us.  And send us to our room for the afternoon.  And chew us out again.  And remind us every single day that we were not to do that, and maybe get mad about it all over again. And bring it up 20 years later.



Ok, I will not do that.  I promise.  


I took a nap this afternoon.  Now I feel a bit better.

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I feel the pain.


I wonder at times.... was I that ravenously hungry when growing up?


I have taken to strict management of the snacks. I shop at Aldi and get a slew of snacks (good ones too!) for cheap. I have a drawer and a cupboard that I can control at all times. It's called my desk and I put everything in there. They have to ask to get into it :sneaky2: and then I control how much they get.


I started this after I found a garbage stash from the kids. It is amazing how long the snacks last now!


The hubs is bad for it too. He snacks almost as much as the kids.


On a side note, how do they all stay so skinny while eating so much. I don't eat the snacks. I buy the ones I don't really care for.... oh well.

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Not touching the lunch food is SUPPOSED to be the rule. But then DH comes in and breaks it in front of the kids! So then they follow suit.





I so get this frustration! For a while we had this bedtime routine where the boys would be all showered and jammied and settled down for a half-hour or so of family TV time before bed. And then my husband would announce that he's hungry and break open the chips. My boys were like cats to the can opener. Ugh. (He waits till they're in bed now, thankyouverymuch.)

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I feel the pain.


I wonder at times.... was I that ravenously hungry when growing up?


I have taken to strict management of the snacks. I shop at Aldi and get a slew of snacks (good ones too!) for cheap. I have a drawer and a cupboard that I can control at all times. It's called my desk and I put everything in there. They have to ask to get into it :sneaky2: and then I control how much they get.


I started this after I found a garbage stash from the kids. It is amazing how long the snacks last now!


The hubs is bad for it too. He snacks almost as much as the kids.


On a side note, how do they all stay so skinny while eating so much. I don't eat the snacks. I buy the ones I don't really care for.... oh well.


Mine actually don't stay skinny.  I have two who could stand to lose some weight.  They are just bigger built and struggle more.  DH and one son are thin.

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I feel your pain. We buy cases of water bottles during our "busy" season just so that we don't have to keep up with finding & washing reusable water bottles every week. I found out one of my kids was drinking them at home... Seriously? It's ONLY for co-op!!! My kids know this. Use a cup!! Lol

We drink the bottled water all the time, and I'm fine with it. What I am less fine with is finding empty water bottles all over the house instead of in the recycling bin.

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Not touching the lunch food is SUPPOSED to be the rule. But then DH comes in and breaks it in front of the kids! So then they follow suit.




And as far as the muffins and loaf thing......it is all gone as of right now, 2 hours after baking, so that isn't an issue any more! hahahaha!

Last month I did start just putting some chips in a zip lock so I think as soon as the ind. sizes are gone, I will just do that, it is cheaper.


I used to not get the ind. sizes often, unless there was a campout or a trip coming up, but now that I have one kid in school, I do buy some.

I buy the big 50 packs of assorted kinds of chips at BJs, but I also buy potato chips in smaller packs at the regular supermarket because BJs doesn't carry the brand I like.

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Lunch size is such a rip off, it's usually way more expensive than the bigger bags. We use small Ziploc bags and just pack some from the bigger bags. I have them bring back the Ziploc bag, I wash them and reuse them for the longest time. Would that work for you?

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Lunch size is such a rip off, it's usually way more expensive than the bigger bags. We use small Ziploc bags and just pack some from the bigger bags. I have them bring back the Ziploc bag, I wash them and reuse them for the longest time. Would that work for you?



Yes, as I mentioned, that is what I have started doing.  I also have those little Pringle plastic containers that are reusable.  I don't wash plastic bags though.   


It is just really a vent......

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As soon as ds and dh come home from weekly shopping, dd and I empty the bags, putting things away. If there's anything specific she's requested for school lunches, she squirrels it away up in her room! lol I usually remind her to put it there, or ds will munch after she's in bed.


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My rants usually devolve into a forced math lesson. I don't have the specific snack food issue you are dealing with, but I got so sick of throwing away abandoned, almost full glasses of milk that all my dc had to sit down and do the math to determine what a glass of milk costs. Now I can announce, "Here goes another quarter down the drain! It's like a buffet, people! take a bit and if you finish it, go back, free refills!"

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:smash: I know, I know why.  Waving my hand madly! :smash:   They are doing it for the same reason you are...It's easier, prep, no clean up a true time saver.  


Purchase the big bags and have them bag them in the serving sizes; it could save your sanity.



I made a cake/bread in a pan and I made the rest into muffins.  They want the muffins.  They each want 2-3 muffins.   I need enough for lunches this week for my son to put in his lunch box.


I buy a bag of doritos.  I buy the lunch size for taking with us.  They want to eat the snack size, at home, and sometimes more than one snack size.


I buy snack size cheese to go in lunches.  I also buy the same cheese in a block or larger slices.  They want to eat the snack size.  And again, not just one, but a couple.


It is the SAME STUFF people! 


Driving me nuts.


Just my rant for the day.  And yes, I do tell them to knock it off, but it seems to be a battle.  


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