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I blew through a police stop yesterday


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I was driving up a small side street.  A new church (annex of a larger church in town) just opened recently.  It was about 7pm and pitch dark (we don't have street lights out here).  I was driving along and out of nowhere a police officer was in the middle the street and turned on a red light to stop traffic for the church crowd to start leaving.


I didn't see him until it was too late to stop.


He moved and just shook his head at me like I did something horribly wrong.  I honestly think there wasn't enough warning.  I was not speeding.


But it made me feel like I a was a bad driver.  

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Oh, that awful head shake!


It reminds me of two weeks ago when my daughter had her wisdom teeth out.  We were an hour late, but not really.  When a receptionist confirmed the appointment with us a couple weeks earlier, she told us that the dentist had said that general anesthesia would not be necessary in her case afterall, so could we come in an hour later (they save the earlier slot for those with general anesthesia), and we said that would be fine.


Somehow the appointment was not changed in their computer.  They still expected her to have general anesthesia and to have been there an hour earlier.  They were clearly upset when we arrived an hour late.  We explained why we were, but it was obvious they didn't believe us, and the receptionist we had talked to on the phone wasn't even there.  We could see them shaking their heads at each other as we sat down.  Good grief!  You want them to know that you're not that kind of a person, but oh well.

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If it makes you feel any better, I went through a stop sign earlier this year—right next to a cop! There was construction on the driver's side of the street, and I was so focused on that and the police officer who was moving a construction sign that I didn't notice the stop sign until I was already midway through the intersection. He scowled at me but didn't flag me down. I felt really stupid.  :blush:

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I once blew past a school bus (opposite direction) because I have NO idea how to judge how long their yellow lights will flash before they go red.  Bus stops around here aren't usually marked, and this particular driver went from yellow to red much faster than I could have stopped, but she honked her darn horn long and loud, anyway!

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I once blew past a school bus (opposite direction) because I have NO idea how to judge how long their yellow lights will flash before they go red. Bus stops around here aren't usually marked, and this particular driver went from yellow to red much faster than I could have stopped, but she honked her darn horn long and loud, anyway!

They turn red?
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I once blew past a school bus (opposite direction) because I have NO idea how to judge how long their yellow lights will flash before they go red.  Bus stops around here aren't usually marked, and this particular driver went from yellow to red much faster than I could have stopped, but she honked her darn horn long and loud, anyway!


I was passing a school bus that was stopped by the side of the road, no red lights flashing, no STOP sign activated, no kids getting on or off.  Often buses stop after dropping kids off so the driveer can walk back and make sure all the little darlings did get off at school before they drive to the bus barn.  Anyway, as I was almost completely past the bus the driver HONKED and THEN activated the STOP sign as my rear wheels were about equal to the front of the bus.  Since there was no one else on the road, she was honking at me - hey, lady, how am I supposed to know you FORGOT to put your STOP sign out until you saw a car passing you as you sat at the side of the road.


Since I have had a special needs kid riding buses for over a decade, I am very attentive to buses.  This made her honking extra annoying, Did I mention the bus gave no indication it was stopping to let kids off, and that there where no kids getting on or off, either, as I passed the pulled-over parked bus?

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I'll never forget the evening of my 16th birthday.  I had just gotten my license that day.  I was with a friend.  I was pulling out of my neighborhood onto a four-lane road.  Just to the left is a hill, which blocks the view of oncoming cars.  Just beyond that is a stop sign, so the cars are never coming very fast over that hill.


Anyway, I stopped at the intersection and looked.  A car was coming over the hill, and I realized that the front of my huge station wagon was sticking out a little bit, so I backed up (slowly, a couple of feet).  No problem, except that a police car had just pull up behind me, and I bumped his car!  I looked back and saw him.  He did the head shake, coupled with the naughty-naughty finger.  I was horrified!  I will never forget that feeling.  I just slinked away.  


(btw, this was 1979, when cars were big, and bumpers were steel.  No harm was done to any vehicles in this accident)

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I've had similar things happen to me.  Driving through Brooklyn a few years ago, I stopped at a stop sign even though a cop was waving me through the intersection.  It was just a bad moment of "ack, conflict, what do I do!"  My (adult) nephew was navigating me through the city - I hate driving in cities - and he was like "whoa, Aunt, do what the cop says."  I didn't get a ticket but I bet the cops were like "go away, suburban people." 


Another time I was zooming down the highway when a car blew past me on the left.  Then the cop came right behind, lights flashing.  I knew he wasn't after me (even though I was speeding, I wasn't going as far as the person who passed me) but the cop yelled out on his loudspeaker "I see you too, Mustang!  Slow down!"  I was alone but so embarrassed! 

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I once blew past a school bus (opposite direction) because I have NO idea how to judge how long their yellow lights will flash before they go red.  Bus stops around here aren't usually marked, and this particular driver went from yellow to red much faster than I could have stopped, but she honked her darn horn long and loud, anyway!

They turn red?


The buses are the same here--yellow flashing as they slow down, then red flashing when they stop and the stop sign goes out. I hate it when I'm coming up on a bus going the opposite direction and I see the yellow flashing. I usually slow down and sometimes they pass me so I can go on. But one time I didn't slow down and it stopped sooner than I expected and then it was too late for me to stop. The bus drivers here don't honk their horns at cars, though.

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My embarrassing cop story:

Once when I was in college, I was coming home for the weekend. I'd been driving 4 hours and was about 5 miles from home. Well, up the road a bit I see break lights and flashing lights and cars and I think, "oh no, an accident." So I pull over, U-turn, and take a side road to bypass the "accident."


Well, it wasn't an accident. It was a license check/road block...and they thought I was running from them. That side road I turned down: a road block and dogs and drawn rifles.


It wasn't so bad, once they realized who I was and why I'd done it (rural area). Worst part: how quickly the story got around...

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We had a weird bus incident this past week.  I was heading South on a busy street.  A bus was coming North.  The bus driver stopped, NO lights flashing, and put out her stop sign.  The guy in front of me didn't know what to do, so he abruptly stopped but apparently not fast enough.  The bus driver opened her window, yelled at the guy, and then pulled in the stop sign and drove off.

I have NO idea what that was about.  It was 6:50am and there were NO kids out waiting or getting on, so there was no reason for it.



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My embarrassing cop story:

Once when I was in college, I was coming home for the weekend. I'd been driving 4 hours and was about 5 miles from home. Well, up the road a bit I see break lights and flashing lights and cars and I think, "oh no, an accident." So I pull over, U-turn, and take a side road to bypass the "accident."


Well, it wasn't an accident. It was a license check/road block...and they thought I was running from them. That side road I turned down: a road block and dogs and drawn rifles.


It wasn't so bad, once they realized who I was and why I'd done it (rural area). Worst part: how quickly the story got around...



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Ugg, been there. 
My aunt and I were leaving a large church Christmas program and the police were directing traffic in and out. Well, the officer waved me on, then started screaming at me because I guess she had changed her mind in the middle of it. She started throwing her hand up to signal 'stop' and continued yelling at me. 
Irritated me, especially since my aunt saw her signal for me to continue, too. 

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My embarrassing cop story:

Once when I was in college, I was coming home for the weekend. I'd been driving 4 hours and was about 5 miles from home. Well, up the road a bit I see break lights and flashing lights and cars and I think, "oh no, an accident." So I pull over, U-turn, and take a side road to bypass the "accident."


Well, it wasn't an accident. It was a license check/road block...and they thought I was running from them. That side road I turned down: a road block and dogs and drawn rifles.


It wasn't so bad, once they realized who I was and why I'd done it (rural area). Worst part: how quickly the story got around...


 I think you are the winner!


This is nowhere near like that but just a funny memory.   One year coming back from a Renaissance Faire with a friend - both of us in our outfits, with tightly laced bodices and low neckline on our blouses - we got pulled over.  I was driving which was good because my friend always had more to drink than I did - and I always stopped in plenty of time to drive home. (We would be there from 9 am till the last straqglers were kicked out around 7 or 8 pm.)  I remember being so very nervous but the officer was so professional, didn't bat an eye at our clothing - we were a good distance from the Faire so it wouldn't be a sure thing that he would know where we'd been - and no ticket.  No drunk test (I would have passed).  Just a warning and "have a good night."  Who knows what he thought we were up to. 


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My embarrassing cop story:

Once when I was in college, I was coming home for the weekend. I'd been driving 4 hours and was about 5 miles from home. Well, up the road a bit I see break lights and flashing lights and cars and I think, "oh no, an accident." So I pull over, U-turn, and take a side road to bypass the "accident."


Well, it wasn't an accident. It was a license check/road block...and they thought I was running from them. That side road I turned down: a road block and dogs and drawn rifles.


It wasn't so bad, once they realized who I was and why I'd done it (rural area). Worst part: how quickly the story got around...

That's terrifying. I would have peed my pants.
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My embarrassing cop story:

Once when I was in college, I was coming home for the weekend. I'd been driving 4 hours and was about 5 miles from home. Well, up the road a bit I see break lights and flashing lights and cars and I think, "oh no, an accident." So I pull over, U-turn, and take a side road to bypass the "accident."


Well, it wasn't an accident. It was a license check/road block...and they thought I was running from them. That side road I turned down: a road block and dogs and drawn rifles.


It wasn't so bad, once they realized who I was and why I'd done it (rural area). Worst part: how quickly the story got around...

I did this once too - no guns in my case (our police aren't armed), but a plain clothes car that tailed me down the road and then pulled me over, and a MUCH more thorough check than the usual breath test.

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My embarrassing cop story:

Once when I was in college, I was coming home for the weekend. I'd been driving 4 hours and was about 5 miles from home. Well, up the road a bit I see break lights and flashing lights and cars and I think, "oh no, an accident." So I pull over, U-turn, and take a side road to bypass the "accident."


Well, it wasn't an accident. It was a license check/road block...and they thought I was running from them. That side road I turned down: a road block and dogs and drawn rifles.


It wasn't so bad, once they realized who I was and why I'd done it (rural area). Worst part: how quickly the story got around...


I could see myself doing that. Though, I'm usually one to just chill and sit in traffic rather than try to go around an accident. I've never experienced a road block/police stop before, and have only heard of them in this forum. I wonder if they aren't legal or just don't happen in my state.

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