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If I keep posting on FB how much Vitamin D has helped me...

Hikin' Mama

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do you think I can greatly inflate the price, sell it, get others to sell it for me, make money off of their sells, and win a trip to somewhere?


Okay, I'm being snarky. But if you (general you) want to have a "business," make a business page and go on and on and on about the benefits of your products there. I have friends (not involved with multi-level marketing) who have businesses ranging from computers to crafts and they have separate business FB pages. And they seem to do very well without bombarding everyone about the miracle benefits of their products or services.


Rant off. Snark off. And now I am going to go run off my bad attitude.


P.S. Yes, I do know about the unfollow feature, thanks to the wonderful Hive, and I am seriously considering using it. Except I really like these people, I just don't like their MLM. Or maybe like another poster who started another FB thread, I should take a break.

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There's an MLM for vitamin D? But it's cheaply accessible in any pharmacy or even Walmart.

No. I was being sarcastic. Vitamin D has been beneficial for me in terms of energy. And I know people who are marketing their health products (essential oils, vitamins, etc.) and claiming that they cure everything. And going on and on and on about how they couldn't live without them. Sorry if my post wasn't clear.

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No. I was being sarcastic. Vitamin D has been beneficial for me in terms of energy. And I know people who are marketing their health products (essential oils, vitamins, etc.) and claiming that they cure everything. And going on and on and on about how they couldn't live without them. Sorry if my post wasn't clear.


Ok, sorry, I get it now.  Brain dead today, apparently.


Yeah, the stuff gets sort of annoying.  Most of the stuff I just ignore.  The ones that bug me are the ones who can't seem to wrap their mind around the fact that I'm not into their product line.  I have a close family member who sells 31 (bags) and, well I forget the other company (jewelry, like charm bracelets, kinda like Pandora, but something else).  They keep trying to get me to have parties for them.  I would do it, too, if I thought any of it would sell.  But I'm not into those products (the most expensive bag I ever bought was $20 at a consignment sale, and I only bought it because I'm deeply in love with the number of pockets it has for things....I usually get them at thrift stores, and only after I have trashed the one I'm currently using.....and I don't wear jewelry at all, except my wedding rings).  My friends aren't into those products.  I'm really doing her a favor here, but she can't seem to get that.  It would be a massive waste of time.  But she just can't seem to believe that there are people who don't want to spend $100 on a purse, much less 6 of them.

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It must be part of the company policy to like and comment on every post by every consultant. Every post my Nerium friend posts has 10 consultants commenting "Great stuff!! So proud of my company!!"


What I really hate is that everything turns into a pitch. "Walking with the kids, so thankful Nerium lets me work from home!" Such a huge turn off.

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All unfollowing/hiding does is make it so their posts don't show up on your wall. You're still friends, you can still go to their wall to see whatever they post that you usually see on your feed, you can still message them and they don't know you've hidden them. Sounds perfect for this situation ... I've actually hidden ALL my FB friends so nothing from them appears on my feed.

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There's an MLM for vitamin D?  But it's cheaply accessible in any pharmacy or even Walmart.



Yes, but that's the factory-farmed, GMO, "bad" vitamin D.  Let me sign you up for my probiotic, natural, fair-trade, "good" Vitamin D, and after a few hundred dollars weeks, then you'll see the difference.

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Yes, but that's the factory-farmed, GMO, "bad" vitamin D.  Let me sign you up for my probiotic, natural, fair-trade, "good" Vitamin D, and after a few hundred dollars weeks, then you'll see the difference.


I LOL'd at "fair trade", because around here, after trying several "fair trade" coffees and teas, we've concluded that "fair trade" is code for "tastes like dirt".

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Oooh! Product parties - How I hate them!


Fortunately, I long ago made a policy - I don't *have* product parties and I don't *attend* parties. I'll take your product flyer and *maybe* you'll hear from me (don't hold your breath), but that's it.


It's been very nice over the years as various friends have gotten into various products to be able to say, "sorry, I don't do product parties of any kind". That way I've never had to get into my opinion of the product.....


And everyone I know knows that this is my policy - so it's never a problem.



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Ugh, one of my friends has done this. Gummy vitamins. Like a PP mentioned, EVERY post finds some way to work them in. "Look at my precious daughter! So glad these vitamins have allowed her to stay healthy throughout flu season!" Two days later: "Daughter has the flu. So thankful that she's still getting her vitamins in when she's sick because she loves these gummies!" And of course most of the posts come with the religious guilt factor of how GOD has provided such great options for their family and they're so BLESSED, with the MLM cronies chiming in with their stream of "AMEN!" comments. Good gravy, it's like watching the birth of a cult in action.

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I have a niece that lives in another state. I've rarely seen her throughout her life and I suddenly got a friend request from her. Her page is filled with ads for those body wrap things and she constantly posts before and after pictures of women in their underwear. Ugh. She also posts pictures of her toddler and makes comments about how lucky she is to make money at home because of her MLM business, except she fails to mention that she still has a job outside the home. I had to unfollow her.

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Ugh, I've unfollowed several people due to their MLM posts. The most obnoxious one is a guy from college who is in some level of management at a well-known appliance company, but has started selling a line of "miracle" face creams, complete with before and after close ups of droopy neck skin. Blah. I don't need to see that all over my newsfeed.


Edited to add: I included his day job description because it seems like he should be doing well without the MLM junk.

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I do find this sort of thing annoying, but I think less annoying than having people call me about it on the phone.  A friend of a friend has recently been calling people I know telling them she has an opportunity for them, could they meet about it?  It's some sort of pyramid thing, I think.  I'd much rather hide FB posts than put someone off in person/on the phone.

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Oooh! Product parties - How I hate them!


Fortunately, I long ago made a policy - I don't *have* product parties and I don't *attend* parties. I'll take your product flyer and *maybe* you'll hear from me (don't hold your breath), but that's it.


It's been very nice over the years as various friends have gotten into various products to be able to say, "sorry, I don't do product parties of any kind". That way I've never had to get into my opinion of the product.....


And everyone I know knows that this is my policy - so it's never a problem.



Mine, too. A blanket policy is very convenient.

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But I always wonder - do these people not realize their posts about how great X is are totally transparently self-serving?


I was talking to someone I respect and like a lot about this. She is new to a company (not an MLM...I think) and she's expected to post two things each day on social media. She explained that there's a ratio (for this company) of X amount of "gives" and then one "ask", for ex. "Won't you join us?" or "Who will be the winner of this contest?"  That's company policy.


Perhaps some of these MLMs require X amount of social media posts each day? I agree that a business page is the place for that, not a personal FB page. But what do I know? I'm anti-FB.

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My latest encounter was with a relative I have not spoken to in a couple years asking me if I was interested in having a catalog party and if I sold X amount of stuff, I'd get half off one item.    No "How are you?  Haven't talked to you in a while."  That would have been nice.  :glare:


I have been to many of these parties and have some good products that I've used for years (Pampered Chef) but I've been saying no to more and more.   

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Oooh! Product parties - How I hate them!


Fortunately, I long ago made a policy - I don't *have* product parties and I don't *attend* parties. I'll take your product flyer and *maybe* you'll hear from me (don't hold your breath), but that's it.


It's been very nice over the years as various friends have gotten into various products to be able to say, "sorry, I don't do product parties of any kind".



I'm another one with a blanket policy on parties, no matter who is hosting. It really does simplify things.

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