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If mothers talked to each other the way they talk to their children.....


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If you've been online for more than one hour today, no more screen time, you'll have to watch this tomorrow. ;)


If you haven't made your bed, go make it!  Do your work before you have free-time on the computer.


Wow, your keyboarding skills are getting better.  I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. :)


Don't you think you should really go read a book? Maybe in Latin or something?

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Funny, I guess. But, I can't relate to talking to my kids like that - at least not after they were tiny toddlers.


Me neither. I have done the countdown thing and told them to stop interrupting, but not in that stereotypical "mom" tone. But I also never did baby talk so what do I know?


It was funny though!  :laugh:

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At my kids ages the equivalent would be something like:


"Nancy, we are looking forward to our family get-together this afternoon! Have you thought about all the things you need to get done before we sit down for a cup of tea? What is your plan for getting the laundry moved along, cleaning off the kitchen counter, and finally taking that pile of outgrown clothes to Goodwill? You don't have to tell ME your plan, so long as you have one, okay? Well, tell new what you are going to do first, at least."

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Have you thought about all the things you need to get done before we sit down for a cup of tea? What is your plan for getting the laundry moved along, cleaning off the kitchen counter, and finally taking that pile of outgrown clothes to Goodwill?


I would never get to drink tea with friends. 

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OMG, I seriously doubt I sound like that ever!


But on a related note: when one of my SIL's takes a turn interacting with my MIL, she talks to MIL like she's speaking to a toddler. It drives me batty! She has dementia, not age regression. SIL will say, "Well, I see you put on the nice new shirt we got you last week! You just look so niiiiiice! Are you all ready to go out to lunch? It will be nice to get out of the house, won't it?" All sing-song Mary Poppins and I just want to barf.

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At my kids ages the equivalent would be something like:


"Nancy, we are looking forward to our family get-together this afternoon! Have you thought about all the things you need to get done before we sit down for a cup of tea? What is your plan for getting the laundry moved along, cleaning off the kitchen counter, and finally taking that pile of outgrown clothes to Goodwill? You don't have to tell ME your plan, so long as you have one, okay? Well, tell new what you are going to do first, at least."

I'm past the stage in the video, but the above is totally where I am! Especially that last line, "You don't have to tell me....well, tell me at least the first bit."


No wonder my 13 year old son looks like he's bitten into a lemon during some of our conversations. I might have to figure out a way to talk to him differently. Maybe...I mean, if he actually DOES come up with a plan, you know? Because mostly he doesn't unless I prod. Le sigh. He's sloooooowly getting better. :) (He's a good kid.)


And the video was hilarious. I loved the part with them having the woman put her hand in her pocket. Adults can be so silly around little kids.

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