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Go to homeschool?


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I've heard this construction several times recently, in the sense of "this is my friend DD. She goes to homeschool" or my being asked "Does she still go to homeschool".


I guess it sort of makes sense in the context of "go to school name", but it just sounds odd. We go a lot of places, and sometimes school there, but most of homeschooling happens...well...at home!


Anyone else heard this?

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I am more likely to hear "we do homeschool" or "they do homeschool."  


I can only recall hearing "go to homeschool" once, and that was recently.  One little girl at church, a year behind my DD#1 so starting K this year, told her mom that she didn't WANT to go to [Private School], she wanted "to go to homeschool with [my DD] and [Other Friend]!"  Her mom explained what homeschooling means, and that my DD and the other friend do not go to the same place every day. ;)  But that was a 5-year-old.  I would be surprised to hear older kids using the "go to homeschool" construction, unless they have never heard of homeschooling before.

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I have to wonder if this isn't a misunderstanding of what homeschool is. I have known some people to think it's largely small home-based private schools that some of us are running and the rest of us send our kids to. 


I have a neighbor child who  "homeschool s", but it's actually attending an online charter. Close enough, but his new step dad, upon hearing that my kids are homeschooled inquired as to which homeschool we were using. I didn't even know how to answer that. After much consideration, I think he meant which charter school are we using. Which, of course, the answer is none.

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I've heard this construction several times recently, in the sense of "this is my friend DD. She goes to homeschool" or my being asked "Does she still go to homeschool".


I guess it sort of makes sense in the context of "go to school name", but it just sounds odd. We go a lot of places, and sometimes school there, but most of homeschooling happens...well...at home!


Anyone else heard this?


Yes, I have. And it takes everything within me to not reply with a supremely sarcastic comment.

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It's likely though that it's just a poor construction. Like how people say "I'm potty learning him" because they don't like the sound of potty training. The proper construction is potty teaching, and he is potty learning. But that's all a bit too involved.


"Potty learning"? "potty teaching"? I've never heard either one. I potty-trained my dc.

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The other day our local news did a sports segment about our local homeschool football team. The reporter referred to the players as "attending homeschool". I thought that was weird.


I've heard that before, too. I blame it on ignorance.


Can't forgive "go to homeschool," though, lol.

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That would irritate me, in the same way "gifting" as a verb irritated some people or whatever other pet peeves popped up in that other thread. :) I've never heard it but if it was a friend or someone I would see often, I would definitely correct them. :)


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I am racking my brain but don't think I've ever heard this. If I did, I'd take Jean's approach and go with what they are trying to say. I tend to avoid policing people's grammar because as a child who had a severe speech impairment, I got tired of people policing my pronounciations.


I tend to save my urge to be twitchy about word crimes to unfortunate signage.

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Yes, I've heard some bizarre renditions like that. It's so jarring to the ear! Part of me wants to gently correct the person so that they can stop sounding so darn ignorant about homeschooling (like the school liaison officer) but I'm not sure this would go over well. I'm not known for my tact. ;)


The one I get the most is when people see homeschool or homeschooling as two separate words. Like, "Oh, she is home.......schooled." with a dramatic pause.  Like the person had a brain fart in the middle of the sentence. That one irritates me. 



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Yes, I've heard some bizarre renditions like that. It's so jarring to the ear! Part of me wants to gently correct the person so that they can stop sounding so darn ignorant about homeschooling (like the school liaison officer) but I'm not sure this would go over well. I'm not known for my tact. ;)


The one I get the most is when people see homeschool or homeschooling as two separate words. Like, "Oh, she is home.......schooled." with a dramatic pause.  Like the person had a brain fart in the middle of the sentence. That one irritates me. 





Even Miss Manners allows us to gently correct other adults under certain circumstances. I believe this would fit into that category. "What? <laughs gaily> Oh, you mean my dc is homeschooled," or "Oh, <laughs blithely> my dc doesn't go anywhere. We learn right in the kitchen."

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It is very awkward. I thought this post was spam.


I agree, though I think I noticed it was by dmmetler almost right away, so I figured it wasn't spam, but then I also didn't expect such an awkward sentence from her.


It reminds me of "go to start; collect $200". Can I send my kids to homeschool and collect $200? :)


ETA: I don't think I've seen or heard "go to homeschool" before.

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I have never heard this construction but I wouldn't blink if it was from an elementary-age child. Beyond that, I think it's strange unless someone comes from a place where there is no homeschooling and their confusing it with a small cottage school in someone's home.

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