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I have a fitness question

Desert Strawberry

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. Is it bad to do a workout before breakfast? Should I fuel up first?
If I do it before I leave my room in the morning, it's most likely to get done. I can take my time and really work it. 
After breakfast, my day has begun, and then I have to find somewhere to cram it in. 
But I'm having some trouble balancing my blood sugar and not feeling like a corpse. Am I setting myself up for instability?

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I do exactly what you describe (exercise before I leave my room) and it works great for me, but it's not like I'm running a marathon or anything and I don't have any blood sugar issues. I walk (4 mph) or jog (5 mph) for 30 min on my treadmill. I do some stretching exercises or light weights. I don't eat until maybe an hour after I'm done--no problems.


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I always work out before eating in the morning and have no problem with it. Now, if I try to go for a long walk or something in the afternoon without anything in my stomach, I get all dizzy and weak feeling. Just try it and see how your body takes it. If you get dizzy or weak or otherwise feel bad, maybe eat a few raisins, peanuts, or some little something like that first. 

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When I was younger I could work out on an empty stomach without a problem. Now I need a small breakfast. I think the intensity matters though. I could roll out of bed and go for a long walk or do a yoga video without breakfast. I could not go to an hour long spin class or run 6 miles without at least a banana and some water.

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I love working out before breakfast.  It's my favorite time to do so.  For one thing, then my body using fat for fuel instead of whatever's in my stomach.  For another, it just gives me a head start on not eating too much the rest of the day.  If I've worked out, I feel better and so have a better attitude about food/eating the rest of the day.  Hopefully.  ;)

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But I'm having some trouble balancing my blood sugar and not feeling like a corpse. Am I setting myself up for instability?


Are you measuring your blood sugar, and have a medical condition where you need to keep things in control? If so, then I would suggest getting expert advice from a doctor and/or other health professional.


If you are feeling weak and/or dizzy, then you probably need more readily available "fuel" for your body before or during exercise. Quick fuel is usually sugar (fruit, sweet drink), starch (potatoe) or simple carbohydrates (e.g., white bread, crackers). Do not use sugar-free products as your body needs actual sugar.


Also, make sure you are hydrating and replenishing electrolytes (e.g. salt). Dehydration and low salt can also cause weakness, dizziness and cramps. 

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