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Can we pretend...?

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that we're good friends and you are coming to visit me and my family while I'm laying here on bed rest for my spinal headache. You want to be helpful by cooking a dinner for me and my family and by being good company.


1. What would you bring me for dinner? (not to be ungrateful, but I can't take too much more of dh cooking)

2. What would you do, if anything else to help pass the time or be helpful?


I don't really have any friends or family (that like us) nearby, so I can pretend, right? :confused:


(ps this is worth rep.!!)

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first of all....ACK! Sorry about the headache....


1. My delicious NW Smoked Salmon Clam Chowder.....it is sooooooooooo good!


2. Clean the house and offer to play Scrabble or something....if you are feeling up to it....otherwise we could watch some really great chic flicks together!

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I'd bring you Vietnamese Chicken and fragrant rice. My family loves it and it disappears very fast. I have given it to many friends and they always ask for the recipe. It is not too hard to make just one difficult step and one unusual ingredient. I am carmelizing the sugar now, just for you!!


I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I was so sure that the procedure would work. When did you get it done and why is it not working?

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First, I'd give you a :grouphug:


Second, I'd ask you what your favorite food is! I'd also want to know your favorite author, or reading genre, so I could bring you a stack of books.


I can sooo relate! When I was pregnant with #3, I spent 5 months in bed (from weeks 19 through 36). I had an 8yo and a 5yo and my husband worked an hour away from home.


I did alot of crossword puzzles, and I read the entire Robert Jordan "Wheel of Time" fantasy series, and I watched alot of television.


I spent alot of time cuddling with my kids. We read alot of books together .. I read the Tolkien series to my oldest...I remember that vividly!


And I learned that children are capable of sooo much, when given a chance! My 8yo vacuumed, swept the floors, made me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and loaded the dishwasher. She helped to keep her younger brother entertained.


And I had no family or friends to help out either....my oldest daughter and I truly bonded during that time and she matured alot over that summer (she's been a big help ever since)


I hope this helps and that you're soon up and about!!

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I'm so sorry. Did you opt not to do the patch?


I'd bring you Cheeseburger Soup, French Bread, and Chocolate Silk Pie.


I'd clean up the house and try to restore some order (unless, of course, your dh has it under control :)). Then we'd just chat.


:grouphug:. Bedrest really stinks. Bedrest with a spinal headache stinks even worse.

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I would make you a 5 course meal that was, "Simply no trouble at all. I'm sure your headache is much worse than mine, Dear."


Then I would proceed to tidy up your house right in front of you. Gingerly lifting things to look under them for mold or mushrooms while saying things like, "How long have you had that headache, Dear? You should have called me when it started. I wasn't that busy last year." Then I would sit down next to you and take your hand and give it a gentle pat and ask, "Now, tell me again, why did my son marry you instead of that beautiful woman he was dating before you."


Oh no wait. That's not what *I* would do. That's someone else.

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I would make you a 5 course meal that was, "Simply no trouble at all. I'm sure your headache is much worse than mine, Dear."


Then I would proceed to tidy up your house right in front of you. Gingerly lifting things to look under them for mold or mushrooms while saying things like, "How long have you had that headache, Dear? You should have called me when it started. I wasn't that busy last year." Then I would sit down next to you and take your hand and give it a gentle pat and ask, "Now, tell me again, why did my son marry you instead of that beautiful woman he was dating before you."


Oh no wait. That's not what *I* would do. That's someone else.


I would make you homemade pear, gorgonzola, and walnut pizza. Then I'd bring Zelda over to entertain us 'cuz she's a lot funnier than I am!



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I love my homemade chicken noodle soup when I am sick. Unfortunately no one else in my family knows how to make it. Maybe some warn bread as well and if you have a sweet tooth then I can fix you right up with some homemade chocolate sour cream marble cookies. Then I would clean the house and watch the kids so that you could relax and get some sleep. I am sorry but with your kind of headache, no sitting up or laughing too hard. If you were bored maybe I could read to you or we could do a cross word puzzle or talk about whatever you would like. Hope you are feeling better soon.

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I would make you a 5 course meal that was, "Simply no trouble at all. I'm sure your headache is much worse than mine, Dear."


Then I would proceed to tidy up your house right in front of you. Gingerly lifting things to look under them for mold or mushrooms while saying things like, "How long have you had that headache, Dear? You should have called me when it started. I wasn't that busy last year." Then I would sit down next to you and take your hand and give it a gentle pat and ask, "Now, tell me again, why did my son marry you instead of that beautiful woman he was dating before you."


Oh no wait. That's not what *I* would do. That's someone else.


That sounds just like my mother-in-law! When did she visit your house???





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that we're good friends and you are coming to visit me and my family while I'm laying here on bed rest for my spinal headache. You want to be helpful by cooking a dinner for me and my family and by being good company.


1. What would you bring me for dinner? (not to be ungrateful, but I can't take too much more of dh cooking)

2. What would you do, if anything else to help pass the time or be helpful?


I don't really have any friends or family (that like us) nearby, so I can pretend, right? :confused:


(ps this is worth rep.!!)


I would bring some delicious chocolate. Which we could chase with more chocolate.


I'd also bring trashy gossip magazines for us to peruse while I pass the time with you. Because everyone knows that People magazine is simply something to line the litterbox with until you are in labor or some other sort of pain. Then it is fine literature. But you must not read it alone, you must have a girlfriend to read it with. Those are The Rules.


We would also spend a goodly amount of time talking about the people on the WTM boards, in particular about their method of brewing tea. Because...HOW COULD WE NOT TALK ABOUT THAT?!


Feel better! I'm sorry you're feeling bad.

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I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I was so sure that the procedure would work. When did you get it done and why is it not working?


The problem was there was a dispute over whether I was having a spinal headache. ER said yes, labor and delivery dept. said no because they thought a week later was too late to get one.


Soooo, I went back to the ER and met with the anesthesiologist, who definately agreed it was a spinal headache. Since I waited so long, I had gotten past the worst part, but he said that the blood patch might give me another headache... so since it looked like it was declining it was thought best to give me some meds and tell me to lie down ( for a week or two) until it went away on its own.


I will have the blood patch done if it gets worse, however it is getting better each day. If I let the meds and caffiene wear of it isn't much fun though, it still hurts a lot.

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You are in my prayers!


I had the worst headache of my life this weekend. No amount of drugs fixed it and all I could do is lay there. A few friends suggested the Coke remedy and it worked like a charm. I have never heard of it before!


Keep resting and try to smile when dh brings those meals. He's so sweet to be working so hard for you all. How is your little bundle doing?

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First, I have gotten major migraines for two long periods in my life, so, while they aren't anything like yours, my sympathy is deep, and if you live anywhere near the south of Richmond, VA, I would love to bring you something and visit :).


Second, I would bring something very mild, since I know when I have headaches, I can take no smells. I think macaroni and cheese, or a rice dish (I am vegetarian and can't cook meat), or a veggie stew, something soft to chew. I'd love to bring over some soft music or a quiet comedy (Notting Hill?), and share time with you. When you could nap, I'd watch your kids, do some cleaning and laundry, and make some cookies for the kids.


I hope you feel better soon!

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I would find out what everyone's favorite food is...whether it be something fixed homemade or take out and bring it.


I would show up at your door with my kids who would sit and entertain your children while I fixed dinner for you. I would also try to bring several types of meals over for your husband to just heat up so you wouldn't have to eat his cooking. They would be prepared for the freezer.


I would bring my world famous special choco chip cookies along with a huge bucket of all ready frozen cookie dough balls for your husband to just pop in the oven when you wanted a freshly baked cookie and not have to worry about the mess.


I would clean...do laundry...and bathrooms...and make sure you were just pampered.


A good foot massage while you are in bed. That would take your mind off your head and probably put you to sleep.


I would come back the next day if you needed me to...........


I'm sorry....those are the worst headaches. I can really feel your pain. BTDT

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I'd bring you a bunch of stuff for your freezer (since everyone here has filled your fridge) - stuffed peppers, minestrone soup, homemade bread, "par-baked" pizza crusts with all the fixings, and maybe some breakfast things that are quick to heat up and eat (breakfast burritos, pancakes, french toast).


I've HAD that headache and it's horrible. Good news is, you feel SUPER-GREAT when it's over.


I'd do your laundry. I'd make sure you had fresh, fluffy sheets everyday - same with towels. I'm a loon, so I'd probably rearrange your furniture and paint a room if you wanted one painted.


I do wish I was closer to help with even just a little bit. Hang in there, sweetie, you will feel better soon. ((()))

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You are in my prayers!


I had the worst headache of my life this weekend. No amount of drugs fixed it and all I could do is lay there. A few friends suggested the Coke remedy and it worked like a charm. I have never heard of it before!


Keep resting and try to smile when dh brings those meals. He's so sweet to be working so hard for you all. How is your little bundle doing?


Coke remedy?

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I don't want to give an intimate portrayal of our day, because I don't really know you, but I am so sorry you are going through this. I have heard that Spinal headaches are the worst, and some mommies forego any kind of pain treatments for fear of them. And with a new baby to take care of. You poor thing!


I would definitely hire a massage therapist and send her to your house (provided you are comfortable with that) and send flowers.

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Looks like I'll have to take a #!


1. I'd bring deli meat, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and buns to put it on. Fresh cut up veggies, a fruit salad, and some homemade cookies. And I'll clean the kitchen afterwards!


2. I'd give you a massage. When my children are older, I'd like to become a massage therapist for pregnant women and teach infant massage. You can be my first recipient.



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If you are pretending, I'll pretend too. I'll pretend I live across the street, am not a preggie brained moose head, and am instead a perky person who loves cooking. So, I'll make you Heart of Palm soup, and won't be offended if you don't like it. Then poached chicken breasts with parsley sauce and salad. If you have any appetite left, you can have some of my apple crumble and cream. Very nice crumble, with oats and sunflower seeds. Don't be offended, but I'm unlikely to be fishing for compliments on my cooking badly enough to stew my own apples. You won't mind if I open a few tins, will you?



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I understand what you are going through. I was on complete bed rest for 6 months when I was pregnant with the boys. My DH cannot cook, but he tried. Oh, did I wish for a decent meal that was cooked by someone who did not need repeated instructions on how to boil an egg.


I would ask you what your favorite foods are and bring them, soup to nuts, which includes dessert.


One of the things that used to really bug me was that I knew the house was not being cleaned, so I'd offer to clean your house -- at the very least, the bathrooms, kitchen, and floors -- and do laundry. Because it is you, I would even put the clean, folded laundry away if you said it was okay.


I'd bring you a couple of recent movies, a book or two, and best of all, I would not bring my noisy, loud children or my dog.


I'd also help out with your kids -- whatever you wanted me to do. I especially love playing with little kids. I'd bring them each a surprise, to break the ice.


If you want a back rub, you'd get one for as long as you want.


If you need errands run (including the grocery store), I'd do that, too. I know that my DH would go to the grocery store, but he can always be counted on to bring home lots of junk food and to not know what certain items on the list are. (I put green onions on the list last week, and he couldn't find any green ones, so he brought home 6 lbs. of yellow onions to add to my already ample stash.)


I hope you feel better soon. I would be going nuts, and be super-frustrated because I have things to do and cannot do them.



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If we were really good friends you would understand why I brought take out and not anything homemade.;)

I would bring a massage therapist and some chocolate, too.

I would clean your house and we could surf these boards together.


My sister just moved from the New England area back to Georgia. It is so nice to have her near and help her out. I remember the days she needed help and didn't have anyone to ask up there. I really know how you feel and it stinks.

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I would love to sign up to bring you a meal also! If you are up to a visit, I could bring some food to cook out on the grill like I did for a friend a few weeks ago. I marinated chicken breasts in fresh herbs, and grilled hot dogs and burgers for the kids. I made a potato salad, and a fresh green salad using veggies from my garden. I also brought fruit, tortilla chips, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert, and left them with her so she would have easy snacks for the kids for a few days. Then we prayed together and enjoyed a nice meal while the children played. Oh, and don't worry about those dishes. I will take care of everything and leave your home cleaner than I found it.

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I was on bedrest with my 2nd for 8 weeks and a wonderful lady came over on Good Friday because she had the day off from work and cleaned my house from top to bottom, including laundry! She completely got me caught up. Wow, what a gift!


I made you a big pot of beef stew with lots of veggies and a couple of dozen homemade rolls. You can reheat the stew for days and even add veggies to stretch it.


I'd change your sheets and straighten up your bedroom for you and even declutter the room (even if temporarily).


I should be nice and take your kids for the day, but I know that I'm just not the kind of person who adds other people's kids to our mix cheerfully, so I'd just give the kind of help I can do.

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How about if I bring you a lemon chicken and new potatoes? It will be nice because when you are done (and I'm done cleaning the kitchen, of course) I'll make some enchiladas with the leftover chicken and get them all ready for dh to pop in the oven tomorrow night. No....cancle that. I'll be back tomorrow night to put it in myself. No....cancle that. I'm going to spend the night so we can hang out together this evening. I'll bring a good movie and popcorn. I'll bring you a great book that you have been wanting to read and you can read while I play with the kids for awhile and then do a little house cleaning.


Phew, now I'm tired!! This is hard work but it is so worth it to help a friend. Anything else that you need?!?!

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...then I would go get it for you. When I was in the hospital once someone made me that offer, and I sent them out for an Erik's Natural High. I have been returning that favor ever since, and it's always a big hit.


I would bring along my DD who is 12. She can do an anti headache rub on your forehead like you wouldn't believe. She calls it Mommy's off button. She will put you right to sleep.


I would shoo the kids out, tempting them with oven roasted ranch potatoes and chicken and dumplings. I believe that carbs soothe everyone, and that soothed children are quiet children. I would let them eat carrot sticks and radish roses beforehand, and count that as veggies.


Then I would read to them.


OK, I'm trying to remember ages. I'm thinking youngish, so I would read:


"Baby Talk" which I would have brought over. It is the best book I know of for an older sibling with a new baby.


"Grandpa Bear's Fantastic Scarf"


"Amelia Bedelia"


"I Love You As Much"


"But Not the Hippopotomus"


Then I would take them outside and tell them the Aesop's Fable about the sun and the wind, and we would act it out. Then we would chant the moral together a bunch of times "Persuasion is better than force!"


Then I would come back inside with them. You'd be awake and refreshed, and hardly in pain at all.


So then DD would watch them for a while in the family room, and you and I would talk about some cool book while I knitted.


See how easy?

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Oh, this is fun! Let's see...I'd come over & put some bread in the bread machine, so you could smell it cooking.


Then I'd clean the house like crazy. It would smell pretty, & everything would be really organized. You could open closets & drawers, & they'd be *pretty.*


Our dc wouldn't get in the way, because my dh would take them all to the zoo. You & your dh could keep ea other co while I clean. I brought GREAT movies & games for you to choose from.


(Funny how the verb tense changes the longer we imagine, huh? Pretty soon, I'll be thinking a thank-you note is in order, lol!)


Ok, so the house is clean, dinner's served & cleaned up...oh wait...what did I serve??? Hmm...how about salad w/snap peas, almonds, etc., the bread, &... maybe lemon-grilled tilapia, wild rice, &, uh, steamed... green beans--you don't mind if I try those out on you, do you? Yeah, well...maybe I should have gone w/ take-out after all, lol.


There would be dessert. *At least* 2 kinds. And sparkling grape juice,water, & decaf coffee w/ dessert.


Everybody else is tired now, except you, & you're starting to feel guilty for being upset that everyone's about to be so selfish as to go to sleep & leave you alone. But never fear! I have a newborn to feed, & I get bored w/ sleep, too!


So we can watch some movies, flip thr magazines & plan the remodels we'll be doing on your house in the AM, play games, start fascinating threads about tea...


And in the morning, I'll send dh to the hardware store w/ our dc to get the paint & supplies for the projects we planned, because, see, I follow through!


How's that?



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I think I need to make some new friends! LOL


Or at least some friends who live in the same location, I seem to be really good at making friends with people who live at least 1000 miles away. (My best friend lives in Tacoma, and I'm here in MA)


I have to confess sometimes I wish I had a mil...I feel like I am missing out on all the mil antics. But my mil was a really nice person who was liked by everyone, helpful, supportive of homeschooling and knew how to bake really well. I never got the chance to meet her.


Fil, however, he is good but a bad bad cook. One time he saved all the lunch meat from a party platter, froze it, and waited until it was good and freezer burnt. From there he used it as the meat in one of those stir fry kits... ew. We lived with him for about a year after we were first married, those times I will never forget, nor wish to relive!

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Coke remedy?


Yes, that is what I thought too. Apparently, if you have a bad headache a can of coke will help. Something about opening up the bloodflow to your brain :001_huh:...not sure. I just tried it this weekend and it worked.

I never would have thought it....it's called the Black Sludge of Death around here and dh *loves* it.


:seeya: Hope you are feeling better Philothea!! Take care.

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I would make you a 5 course meal that was, "Simply no trouble at all. I'm sure your headache is much worse than mine, Dear."


Then I would proceed to tidy up your house right in front of you. Gingerly lifting things to look under them for mold or mushrooms while saying things like, "How long have you had that headache, Dear? You should have called me when it started. I wasn't that busy last year." Then I would sit down next to you and take your hand and give it a gentle pat and ask, "Now, tell me again, why did my son marry you instead of that beautiful woman he was dating before you."


Oh no wait. That's not what *I* would do. That's someone else.


You are hilarious!:lol: (and I have never used this smilie before!)

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