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What do you do with your kids' baby teeth?

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I'm on a cleaning frenzy. Will I be sorry if I toss the baby teeth? Somehow they all got mixed together, and I don't know whose is whose.


I think I'm having a midlife crisis. I want to toss everything and start over.


The tooth fairy exchanges them for cash, then I bin them.



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I saved them for a while and then realized...."WHY?!?!" They look so disgusting. So, I tossed them. I know someone who gave them as a white elephant gift!! :-)


That's a good one!



When they lost the teeth, the tooth was placed in a baggy along with name and date. When I would exchange the tooth I would just toss the tooth in this one drawer I have in my dresser.


I didn't realize until I went and checked that I have every baby tooth accept for the ones that were swallowed.....:lol: in my drawer.


My kids thought it was funny so to gross them out I said I was waiting for Robbies last 4 baby teeth then I was going to make a necklace with matching ear rings and bracelet.


If you could only hear them right now....you would be rolling.....:smilielol5:

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This is kind of cheesy and embarassing, but I scrapbooked them! I did one "losing teeth" page, and made a flower shaped shadow box to put on it. Only, instead of glitter or beads or something, the shaker box has my DD's teeth in it!


DH thinks its gross. I just couldn't think of what to do with them!


Its only the wee baby teeth- my oldest has been losing molars and they are too big and groddy to keep. But both girls have a tooth shaker box lurking in their scrapbooks.:tongue_smilie:

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When I inherited my mother's things, I found a whole pile of baby teeth she'd been storing in her jewelry box. I'm afraid teeth fall into the category of medical waste for me, and I threw them away.


My dw's grandmother's "box of hair" - first curls from several generations of babies - is legendary in her family.

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I'm going to see if I can find a baby tooth that I missed throwing out. That Coke experiment would really make an impression on the kids.




I stick them in my jewelry box. At random, we have taken them and used them for science experiments. It's rather fun to see just how long it takes different liquids to eat into the tooth. Coke is disgusting. It makes you think twice about drinking it.
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...tossed the whole mess in the trash! My husband was disgusted that them (which is a lot for the man who just cleaned the tapeworm the cat hacked up). But, being a loving husband, he just dutifully moved the container aside as necessary and tried to ignore them.


But one day, I was cleaning and realized that I had NO idea whose teeth were whose. I looked over them one more time and admired the tiny little teeth and tossed them in the trash.


No, I haven't regretted it much. It falls into the same regret category I have for not going to the zoo enough when they were little or taking time to color when they were little. But, there's never enough time to do every thing and I decided I couldn't be a perfect mom or go back to change the past.


Teeth gone; good move! I say, "Toss 'em".

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My mom just gave me a box of all my old schoolwork and art. Guess what else was in there? Oh yes, my baby teeth. I can say, if you're holding them for your kids, don't. They won't want them.

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The "what to do with baby teeth" posts always wants me to post what not to do with them . . . .


Do not save your son's baby teeth and then try to give them to his fiancee!! I had no problem saying, "No thank you!" to that offer!!


I let the kids decide - oldest son - throws them away. They have given him enough grief for the weeks and months he lets them hang by a thread in his mouth (yuck!).


DD saves hers in the little change purse that she puts under her pillow when our "non-existent" tooth fairy visits.


5 yo? Don't know yet - but I'm not saving them!!


Here's an idea - you could get one of those stepping stone mosaic kits and add the teeth into the design! :lol:

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