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Summer: June 8-14


June 8-14  

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  1. 1. Weekly Workouts Finished

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We've got 29 (plus 2 maybes and one joining as soon as soon as her ankle's better-hi, kitten18!) WTM members doing C25K this summer, so far! Thankful for your support and accountability doing this, ladies. I'll be doing Week 1 this week.

Lots of great tips and encouragement in our original thread: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/553926-anyone-want-to-start-couch-to-5k-with-me-next-week/

Official C25K website/info: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml

I'm going to start my first workout Monday evening when DH gets home, since we're doing this together. To get ready, I need to:

  • Pick out and download a C25K app.
  • Buy a loose tank to go over my fitted one and yoga pants.
  • Buy a pack of no show socks
  • Get some hair ties since I'm down to just a few and will lose those soon too. :)

Looking forward to hearing from you all!!

Eta. Please join us anytime. There's no cutoff!

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Just got back from my first C25K walk/run. Ds went with me (under duress) & dh too (but he's a runner & this is easy-peasy for him so he was just keeping us company).


Even though it's evening here, it was still quite hot. Feeling like this was challenging for a couch potato to do, but I did it anyway!


I did download the $1.99 app from the C25K people. I don't have any music downloaded, so maybe that's something I'll consider down the road (but I hate earbuds so maybe I'd rather just do w/out music). I need to get some running shorts. I wore my capri-length yoga pants, but I'm going to need shorts for the summer.


ETA: I think someone asked in the original thread.... This app has you doing 5 minute warm-up walk, 20 minutes of walking/running, and 5 more minutes of cool-down, so the entire thing is 30 minutes. (Ours was a little longer as we did a loop around the neighborhood area & we weren't home yet by the end of 30 minutes. So we got in a few more minutes of walking too.)

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Just got back from my first C25K walk/run. Ds went with me (under duress) & dh too (but he's a runner & this is easy-peasy for him so he was just keeping us company).


Even though it's evening here, it was still quite hot. Feeling like this was challenging for a couch potato to do, but I did it anyway!


I did download the $1.99 app from the C25K people. I don't have any music downloaded, so maybe that's something I'll consider down the road (but I hate earbuds so maybe I'd rather just do w/out music). I need to get some running shorts. I wore my capri-length yoga pants, but I'm going to need shorts for the summer.


:hurray:  Awesome, Stacia!! Thanks for the tip about the shorts. I'm on my way to Goodwill, so I'll be checking for a pair or two.

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I found basketball shorts at Academy Sports for $5.99. I prefer them and roll their waist a wee bit to get a better length for my short legs. I like a short that is long enough in the in seam that my inner thighs have no chance of rubbing while I jog. If I feel them rubbing and the rash begins, it will be all I can focus on. So, I run in those or capri compression pants. I know my longer shorts aren't as stylish but I am at the point of going for comfort and not fashion :p I've tried bermuda length and they look really bad on me.. so these are in between bermuda and the shorter versions available.


We are meeting tomorrow evening at the high school track at 7pm. I always do two rounds of walking bleachers to warm up my legs, then start my c25k app. After that is complete, I continue to walk to finish out the hour. I also meet up with my friend while I am just walking at the end and just enjoy the conversations. Work and jog first, walk and chat last. It makes me happy that way, though.

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I just did the W1D1 walk/run.


I am so tired. I've gained 40 lbs this past year, after having lost 60 the previous year. I'm very very unfit right now, a literal couch potato, so it hurt.


My feet are burning, as are my calves. I need new shoes, and workout pants that fit, so I'll be going shopping tomorrow.


I did complete it though! And now, and hour later, the runners high is kicking in. I forgot about that. I really missed running so I hope I am able to keep it up this time. I stopped last year because of an injury that I used as an excuse for far too long. Time to suck it up and get back in shape!


I used the free C25K app, it worked fine. I listened to a podcast on 1.5x speed which kept me feeling like I should move faster.

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I did complete it though! And now, and hour later, the runners high is kicking in. I forgot about that. I really missed running so I hope I am able to keep it up this time. I stopped last year because of an injury that I used as an excuse for far too long. Time to suck it up and get back in shape!



Good for you for getting out there! That runners high is pretty great stuff. My head is envisioning me running a half marathon. My body doesn't agree yet. :)

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I'll join! :) 


I went for an hour walk last night which I really enjoyed and it was about a 5K. I've tried doing this before but the whole watching the clock thing always bugged me and I never made it more than a week or so into it. I just downloaded the app that you can listen to your music (or in my case podcasts) with and it will have the voiceover. I'm heading out tonight while DH is putting  the kids down for my first session. I can't wait!



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Day 1 done, but several questions for you all! 


I used my iPhone for the c25k app.  It always said that I had more time left than I should have; it was making it a 30 minute time instead of 20.  Though the instructions clearly stated a 5 min brisk walk warmup and then alternating jogging/walking for a total time of 20 minutes.  Anyone else notice this?  It kept throwing me off.  I'd like to learn how to fix it.


Another question:  the way I was holding my phone would sometimes either fast forward or rewind the app.  Is there a way to lock the buttons so I can't accidently do this?  The first time was on my first walk after the first jog and all of a sudden it told me to jog again.  Ugh.  No way 1 min 30 sec had gone by.


And we only do this 3 days out of a 7 day week?  what do you do the other days?  are you supposed to rest or do your own thing?


Thanks!  Hope we all hang in with it!

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Day 1 done, but several questions for you all!


I used my iPhone for the c25k app. It always said that I had more time left than I should have; it was making it a 30 minute time instead of 20. Though the instructions clearly stated a 5 min brisk walk warmup and then alternating jogging/walking for a total time of 20 minutes. Anyone else notice this? It kept throwing me off. I'd like to learn how to fix it.


Another question: the way I was holding my phone would sometimes either fast forward or rewind the app. Is there a way to lock the buttons so I can't accidently do this? The first time was on my first walk after the first jog and all of a sudden it told me to jog again. Ugh. No way 1 min 30 sec had gone by.


And we only do this 3 days out of a 7 day week? what do you do the other days? are you supposed to rest or do your own thing?


Thanks! Hope we all hang in with it!

The whole workout is a total of 30 minutes I think. It's 5 minute warmup, 20 minutes alternating and 5 minute cool down. That's how mine works. As it goes on I think ithe total time varies a little to get the whole thing in.

I went this morning. I made it. Knees and ankles sore. The extra weight really hurts. But all in all I'm thrilled to get even one in and get started. Thanks for the motivation. I really hope I can stick with it. I used to really enjoy running and it was the only thing that made my short dorky looking legs look good:)

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Dh and I went this morning.  We used a free C25K app.  I noticed that one of running times the app said run then immediately said walk again.  I don't know if I accidentally hit a button or if it was a glitch in the app.  We completed day one, with the exception of that 60 second run time, without feeling like we were dying.  It helps that we tried this program last year and knew what to expect.  Last year I couldn't even finish the run times without feeling like I would die.  


Does anyone have a recommendation for a comfy sports br@ ?   

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. so these are in between bermuda and the shorter versions available.

That sounds perfect! Thanks for mentioning this. I would not have thought to look for basketball shorts, but I am going to now.


I figure that I look awful when I run no matter what I wear, because I'm breathing ridiculously hard for how slowly I'm moving, my hair is a tossled mess, I'm beet red, and I'm sweating like a pig. So, fashionable clothing is acutally the least of my concerns. :lol: I just want to be comfortable!

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Just did Day 1! Yay! I actually did it!!! There's an open space area that's 0.4 miles from my front door. So that's a good distance for the warm-up and cool-down. I walk there over sidewalks, and then once I get there it's dirt trails. I hate running on sidewalks, so I'm really grateful to have the trails available close-by. I prefer minimalist footwear, and that's really hard to do on sidewalks.


My iPod is just a nano, so I can't download the app that most people are using. But I did download the music at runningintoshape.com and that worked beautifully. MUCH nicer than looking down at a watch constantly, which I have tried in the past. I think I will donate to that site, because that is going to make this training a lot easier and more fun.


I think I'm also going to reward myself with a new pair of running shorts, or two. I desperately need them.

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And we only do this 3 days out of a 7 day week? what do you do the other days? are you supposed to rest or do your own thing?

Good question, and I think everyone's answers will vary. For me personally, I've noticed from much trial and error that I need to exercise 5 or 6 days per week to make progress and to feel my best. So I am going to do weights at least two and maybe three of the other days each week. I'm doing this program: http://stronglifts.com/5x5/


I would love to hear what others are doing!

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You all have inspired me! I ran my first 5K using a similar program about 18 months ago. I loved it! Then came placenta previa with pregnancy #2, so no running or working out. Now that baby will be 7 months this week, so I think I'm out of excuse.


I completed workout one this morning - power walking intervals, no jogging yet. I'm stroller training baby girl, too, because she's used to being worn. Well, she was in tears by the end and I was huffing and puffing, but we all made it through.


I'm going to start keeping an eye in Craigslist for a good double jogger; pushing 50lbs of kid is no joke.

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Day 1 done, but several questions for you all! 


I used my iPhone for the c25k app.  It always said that I had more time left than I should have; it was making it a 30 minute time instead of 20.  Though the instructions clearly stated a 5 min brisk walk warmup and then alternating jogging/walking for a total time of 20 minutes.  Anyone else notice this?  It kept throwing me off.  I'd like to learn how to fix it.


Another question:  the way I was holding my phone would sometimes either fast forward or rewind the app.  Is there a way to lock the buttons so I can't accidently do this?  The first time was on my first walk after the first jog and all of a sudden it told me to jog again.  Ugh.  No way 1 min 30 sec had gone by.


And we only do this 3 days out of a 7 day week?  what do you do the other days?  are you supposed to rest or do your own thing?


Thanks!  Hope we all hang in with it!


Our phone goes to a locked screen after not being in use a short while (you just swipe to get back to everything), but we're still able to listen to Pandora and stuff. My husband may have fiddled with the settings or downloaded an app.? Maybe something like that might help? 


I'm going to do long stretching sessions between workouts. Even just stretching helps me tone! Plus, it'll really help with the soreness.


Well, I did the first day.  I couldn't jog for the entire 3 minutes toward the end...  I'll need a couple of weeks of doing just this level.  I'm wondering if i should download the official app and alternate doing that one with the one I already have.  I'm also wondering what the others are doing the 4 days you don't do it.  Or do you really need to wait a day.  I would like to do this level Monday through Friday.


I notice my first day is different.  it has jog for 1:30, walk 1:30, Jog 3 minutes Walk 3 minutes, jog 1:30, walk 1:30, run 3 minutes walk 3 minutes with a 5 minute warm up and cool down....   I wonder if somehow it strarted where I left off last spring, but I erased my sessions....  


The fist week is jogging 60 sec. then walking 90 sec., so you must have your workouts on the wrong week! Eta. That's week 3, I think?


Good question, and I think everyone's answers will vary. For me personally, I've noticed from much trial and error that I need to exercise 5 or 6 days per week to make progress and to feel my best. So I am going to do weights at least two and maybe three of the other days each week. I'm doing this program: http://stronglifts.com/5x5/


I would love to hear what others are doing!


Wow! That's great. You must be going to a gym for the equipment? 

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Wow! That's great. You must be going to a gym for the equipment?

Advantages of having a hubby who loves and prioritizes exercise: a house full of exercise equipment (okay, there are some disadvantages with that) plus a gym membership. We're normally very frugal, but he doesn't mind spending money on anything exercise related! :) So, depending on my mood, sometimes I will do the workout here at home with our bench and our rack of free weights. Sometimes I will do it at the gym using their machines.


Honestly, I'm not strong enough yet (yet!) to even lift the 40-pound barbell (without plates on it!) so at this point the free weights work great. I am really hoping to be able to lift that barbell someday! I started out doing the squats with body-weight only. I got up to the point where I was using 17.5 pound dumbells (so 35 pounds total). That was pretty close to the weight of that barbell! Then I got derailed when I started getting migraines 6 days a week, and I became sedentary for 5 or 6 months. Now I've finally found a treatment that seems to be working, so I'm down to only 1 or 2 days of migraines per week. But after being sedentary for that long, I'm basically starting over with my fitness. I'm using 8-pound dumbells this week. Kind of sad compared to the 17.5 that I had gotten up to. But better than the 0-pounds that I started with!

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Advantages of having a hubby who loves and prioritizes exercise: a house full of exercise equipment (okay, there are some disadvantages with that) plus a gym membership. We're normally very frugal, but he doesn't mind spending money on anything exercise related! :) So, depending on my mood, sometimes I will do the workout here at home with our bench and our rack of free weights. Sometimes I will do it at the gym using their machines.


Honestly, I'm not strong enough yet (yet!) to even lift the 40-pound barbell (without plates on it!) so at this point the free weights work great. I am really hoping to be able to lift that barbell someday! I started out doing the squats with body-weight only. I got up to the point where I was using 17.5 pound dumbells (so 35 pounds total). That was pretty close to the weight of that barbell! Then I got derailed when I started getting migraines 6 days a week, and I became sedentary for 5 or 6 months. Now I've finally found a treatment that seems to be working, so I'm down to only 1 or 2 days of migraines per week. But after being sedentary for that long, I'm basically starting over with my fitness. I'm using 8-pound dumbells this week. Kind of sad compared to the 17.5 that I had gotten up to. But better than the 0-pounds that I started with!


That's really fun to have your own gym stuff at home and a membership. Having been able to work 17.5 lb dumbbells is amazing. Wow! Being able to do 8-pounds is really, really awesome too. I couldn't start a that.  :lol:

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That's really fun to have your own gym stuff at home and a membership. Having been able to work 17.5 lb dumbbells is amazing. Wow! Being able to do 8-pounds is really, really awesome too. I couldn't start a that. :lol:

I appreciate the encouragement! :) The first time I did the squats with zero weight, I got sore! So thank you for the reminder that even 8 pounds is progress.

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How do you all manage you cell phone during workouts? Holding it seems cumbersome. The armbands sound like they might work though. Any experience?


I use this:  http://sprigs.com/banjees/sport-mesh-banjees/  It fits my phone and my keys.


ETA:  I just carry my phone for emergencies - it's not a smartphone and I'm not using it for my music or any apps.  So if you are wanting to use earbuds or headphones with it, that might not work.  The cord would be in the way.  Sorry, should have thought of that before I posted.

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On days between the C25K, ds & I are doing this summer workout challenge from Buzzfeed. It has a M-W-F-Sat schedule, but since the Sat item is cardio, we are counting our 3 days of C25K for that. So, the plan is (if we can maintain it):

Sun: C25K

Mon: Buzzfeed Monday workout

Tues: C25K

Wed: Buzzfeed Wednesday workout

Thur: C25K

Fri: Buzzfeed Friday workout

Sat: day off


Right now our weights are very small (that's all we have). I may buy heavier weights as the summer progresses if we are able to maintain the schedule. If we need an extra day of rest during the week, we may skip one of the Buzzfeed workouts that week.


We have finished our Buzzfeed workout for today, though.

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I'm loving hearing about what people are doing on their days off. I'm not ready to add any exercise in addition to c25K so far, but I definitely want to pick up a strength training habit after I have a good running habit going. 


I either use the (free) podcast when I'm running out and about or the (free) app on my kindle fire, as that's what I use to watch tv on the treadmill. 

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Well, I did the first day.  I couldn't jog for the entire 3 minutes toward the end...  I'll need a couple of weeks of doing just this level.  I'm wondering if i should download the official app and alternate doing that one with the one I already have.  I'm also wondering what the others are doing the 4 days you don't do it.  Or do you really need to wait a day.  I would like to do this level Monday through Friday.


I notice my first day is different.  it has jog for 1:30, walk 1:30, Jog 3 minutes Walk 3 minutes, jog 1:30, walk 1:30, run 3 minutes walk 3 minutes with a 5 minute warm up and cool down....   I wonder if somehow it strarted where I left off last spring, but I erased my sessions....  



I plan to do absolutely nothing on the in between days.  Our family might take a leisurely walk on Sundays but other than that, nothing. I'll be lucky if I finish to the end of the cycle.  If *you* decide to do something, I will cheer you on and be your biggest fan.  From my couch.   :tongue_smilie:

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It is raining. I went out anyway. I came back soaked with a very happy dog. It helps having such an enthusiastic walking/running partner. :)

On T, Th, and Sat I plan to do Ab Ripper X from P90X. DH and I did P90X a few years ago, but I don't think I have it in me right now to do a full workout. My midsection would appreciate some attention, and Ab Ripper did wonders last time i did it.


Earbuds never stay in. Anyone else have this problem? Anyone have a solution?

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You all have inspired me! I ran my first 5K using a similar program about 18 months ago. I loved it! Then came placenta previa with pregnancy #2, so no running or working out. Now that baby will be 7 months this week, so I think I'm out of excuse.


I completed workout one this morning - power walking intervals, no jogging yet. I'm stroller training baby girl, too, because she's used to being worn. Well, she was in tears by the end and I was huffing and puffing, but we all made it through.


I'm going to start keeping an eye in Craigslist for a good double jogger; pushing 50lbs of kid is no joke.




OK I'm in. I saw the other thread last night and got excited and then quickly started making excuses. But now I've come to my senses and will start tomorrow morning before dh has to head to work.



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I'm going to try adding a poll so we can keep track of completing workouts for the week. :)


eta. I have to edit the pole because I set it up wrong! Think it's fixed now.


eta again, well, that didn't work either so I went back to the original. The poll feature isn't the right set up for tracking workouts together, but it gets the job done okay enough. ;) 

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I'm hoping to do weight lifting on the off days. I can start with body weight exercises, and I have some smaller dumbbells. Wondering if I should invest in a bench and a barbell set. Thoughts or recommendations? I have access to a gym but at this point in my life I think the only workout that is going to happen on a regular basis will have to be at home.

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I'm hoping to do weight lifting on the off days. I can start with body weight exercises, and I have some smaller dumbbells. Wondering if I should invest in a bench and a barbell set. Thoughts or recommendations? I have access to a gym but at this point in my life I think the only workout that is going to happen on a regular basis will have to be at home.



A bench is a nice thing to have on hand, if you have the room to devote to it.  Especially the kind that you can either lay flat or incline. Free weights or dumbbells are fine for most of what you will want to do.  Then again, I've never owned a barbell so maybe it's better than I realize!  


Check local garage sales or Craig's List if you want to find some cheaper equipment.  There's usually somebody out there who bought something for their New Year's Resolution and then didn't really use or enjoy it.  We've gotten some good buys that way.

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Week 1 Day 1 complete! I went around the block which is 3 miles. I did the c25k plan to start and then walked the rest of the way home. It took me a total of 41m35s. That's my time to beat for next time. It seemed like all the running intervals started at the bottom of a big hill but I pushed through anyway. :-)


On my off days from c25k I'll probably do workout videos from Ellen Barrett and Jessica Smith. Their workouts include flexibility, calisthenics, and some weight work. I may double up and just walk too. I also take a karate class one morning a week. Trying to make this a "get fit" summer!

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I love the poll! I like checking boxes. :)


Today I went swimming for a couple of hours then came home and biked with ds for three quarters of an hour. I'm exhausted! I plan to do day 2 of c25k tomorrow after the kids are in bed.


It's great to see so many people jumping in and getting started with this program. I'm so proud of all of you!

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I'm really encouraged by you all. This is going to be a fun summer getting fit.


I love the poll! I like checking boxes. :)

Today I went swimming for a couple of hours then came home and biked with ds for three quarters of an hour. I'm exhausted! I plan to do day 2 of c25k tomorrow after the kids are in bed.

It's great to see so many people jumping in and getting started with this program. I'm so proud of all of you!


I'm not the only one then. :p


It's 93 degrees outside right now! Thankful some clouds rolled in, and it's cooling down nicely. Our workout time is at 8pm. We decided to walk at a junior high track just a few minutes away, partly so little ones could play in the little grassy middle area of the track and be safe. Our neighbor might join us, a good friend is joining us, and maybe her neighbor. Can you all tell I'm a more the merrier type of gal?  :wub:

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The boys and I have been on week 2 for about 3 weeks.  I was hoping that we could take this very slowly and after 3 weeks doing the same amount of jogging/walking it would feel easier.  


It doesn't!  It's just as hard doing the 1.5 minute jog/2 min walk as it did on the first day of W2/D1.  Ugh.  When will it start to get easier?


We're going to stay on week 2 until it starts to get easier.  

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It is hot here so I am going to go tonight before skating. I was hitting the books this morning and couldn't go before the sun got too high. I am fair and don't tan well or tolerant heat well so on hot days, I have to go at dawn or dusk or not at all. And yeah, we don't know from hot here but this is hot to me.

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Dh and I went this morning. We used a free C25K app. I noticed that one of running times the app said run then immediately said walk again. I don't know if I accidentally hit a button or if it was a glitch in the app. We completed day one, with the exception of that 60 second run time, without feeling like we were dying. It helps that we tried this program last year and knew what to expect. Last year I couldn't even finish the run times without feeling like I would die.


Does anyone have a recommendation for a comfy sports br@ ?

Moving Comfort. I hate sports bra normally but love this one. And they have them in cup sizes if that matters to you.

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The boys and I have been on week 2 for about 3 weeks.  I was hoping that we could take this very slowly and after 3 weeks doing the same amount of jogging/walking it would feel easier.  


It doesn't!  It's just as hard doing the 1.5 minute jog/2 min walk as it did on the first day of W2/D1.  Ugh.  When will it start to get easier?


We're going to stay on week 2 until it starts to get easier.  


Sorry, I'm no help. Hopefully, someone else has some wisdom for you. I think it's great you're getting out there still! That would be discouraging though.  :grouphug:


It is hot here so I am going to go tonight before skating. I was hitting the books this morning and couldn't go before the sun got too high. I am fair and don't tan well or tolerant heat well so on hot days, I have to go at dawn or dusk or not at all. And yeah, we don't know from hot here but this is hot to me.


Fair skin and dawn or dusk here too. We're thinking of getting head lamps. I don't do early morning, and the later the cooler the better!

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Well, I did the first day. I couldn't jog for the entire 3 minutes toward the end... I'll need a couple of weeks of doing just this level. I'm wondering if i should download the official app and alternate doing that one with the one I already have. I'm also wondering what the others are doing the 4 days you don't do it. Or do you really need to wait a day. I would like to do this level Monday through Friday.


I notice my first day is different. it has jog for 1:30, walk 1:30, Jog 3 minutes Walk 3 minutes, jog 1:30, walk 1:30, run 3 minutes walk 3 minutes with a 5 minute warm up and cool down.... I wonder if somehow it strarted where I left off last spring, but I erased my sessions....

Yes, you must be somehow further along. Day one is 60 second jogs and 90 second walks. I would have never lasted with your day! 60 seconds was perfect!

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Week 1 Day 1 complete! I went around the block which is 3 miles. I did the c25k plan to start and then walked the rest of the way home. It took me a total of 41m35s. That's my time to beat for next time. It seemed like all the running intervals started at the bottom of a big hill but I pushed through anyway. :-)



Thats a big block! Ours are 1/3 and 1/2 mile loops.

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Hubs and I did the app today. It ended up being a little longer, maybe 45 mi Utes because we didn't turn around at the half way mark and we lost steam, too. But we got out. On our off days we plan on just getting out for a half hour walk. Need to go buy new shoes.

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So, is anyone else thinking about signing up for a 5k this fall to really formalize the commitment? Or would that be crazy?


Crazy, right?


I found out that there's one here in my city on Oct 4 on TRAILS rather than streets. So I'm tempted! Is that nuts? I mean, I was able to do day 1 of week 1 today, but it was hard. And that's only the first of many, MANY days! I know my current enthusiasm won't last. So is this a "strike while the iron is hot" situation? Or is this more of a "she's still on a runner's high and not thinking clearly" situation?

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So, is anyone else thinking about signing up for a 5k this fall to really formalize the commitment? Or would that be crazy?


Crazy, right?


I found out that there's one here in my city on Oct 4 on TRAILS rather than streets. So I'm tempted! Is that nuts? I mean, I was able to do day 1 of week 1 today, but it was hard. And that's only the first of many, MANY days! I know my current enthusiasm won't last. So is this a "strike while the iron is hot" situation? Or is this more of a "she's still on a runner's high and not thinking clearly" situation?


I say go for it, and if you can't run the whole way, there's no shame in walking. You could always blame it on the fact that it's trails and not flat ground. :P I think it's a GREAT idea (knowing there's no way I'll be running it, haha!) and would be super motivating. I'll have to check and see what's going on in my city late summer/fall. There was a 5k in our city this past weekend. It was for cancer patients. All the cancer surviors were asked to wear blue hats. When we drove by part of the race, there were a lot of blue hats. :( And a lot of walker too, understandably so.

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Thats a big block! Ours are 1/3 and 1/2 mile loops.

Yes it is! I guess "block" isn't really the best term. We live in a rural area and just happen to have 4 roads that connect in a circle so I call it a "block". (It's a full 5k and there's actually a 5k race run through here every summer.) Think narrow, windy, hilly, roads. I pass a stream and marshland, a large greenhouse business, stables and pastures full of horses, a Christmas Tree Farm, a stone quarry, pastures full of cows, a campground, a private pond beach club, and more cows on my trip around our block. Definitely NOT a traditional city block! LOL

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Well since I committed I decided holding off the walk for a day was silly. So I did it. No jogging though. Just brisk walk/speed walk intervals. My feet, knees, and hips won't allow me to jog until I drop some weight and strengthen my legs and core.

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Oh how timely finding this! I would love to join in with everyone.


I did day one today and then did about twenty minutes of weights (biceps, chest and shoulders).


Tuesdays I usually do a HIIT workout while ds is at his PT session. So I guess I will aim for Wednesday as my day 2.

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