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Fun article: a guy gets a taste of the monthly reality in some women's lives

Halftime Hope

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That's some funny stuff.


Then I started reading the comments...someone posted a picture of her pj pants with blood all over them. Kind of oversharing...but to each their own. But then I noticed she also posted a picture of her nude lower half showing the results of her pad leaking. Pass the brain bleach please. :O

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Never once did I think, what good timing in my life! 




Of course he doesn't get the rest of the story (all images are public):




Which is why God invented Tumblr:









nsfw (language), but ever so true:






found these here

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Great article! I was snickering quietly to myself. He still doesn't know what women go through until he's had cramps, a migraine, panic attacks, etc. etc., while homeschooling multiple children,nursing one, potty training another...............


Three months ago, I'd had enough. After 33 years of me just dealing and dh being clueless, I wrote my husband a very long detailed letter describing in minute detail exactly what happened to me physically and emotionally at every stage of each month for the last 30+ years. I did not pull any punches, he got all the special highlights. On top of that I described what happened to my body during and after pregnancy. ( I've had 5 Children and 2 miscarriages.) I also reminded him that through all those years he never went without clean clothes or food on the table if I was at home. I told him I was giving him a much needed education.


I would recommend a similar course of action to all women with men in their lives. If we don't tell them how it is they won't get it. Dh was aghast. He really had no clue what women go through. Like the article said, to him it was just a slight inconvenience for a few days. I knew I had done good when he took offense at a pms joke in a (stupid) marriage course we attended.

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