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How to be an Atheist


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HA! I seriously wish these were overstatements but I've heard almost all of them said in straight faced contexts.


Very amusing vid :)

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Perhaps this slagging on others' religious(or not) beliefs might be better suited to Facebook...


Yeah, I wonder what the reaction would be if someone started a thread with the sole purpose of posting a video that distorted and mocked Christian beliefs in order to make them look like morons.  :confused1:

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Yeah, I wonder what the reaction would be if someone posted a video that totally distorted Christian beliefs in order to make Christians look like morons.  :confused1:


If it's funny, can we do that?



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Lighten up! It was clearly meant to be tongue in cheek.


Dale reminds me of my favorite history professor. Nice, nice man, but unintentionally amusing at times.

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Yeah, I wonder what the reaction would be if someone posted a video that totally distorted Christian beliefs in order to make Christians look like morons. :confused1:

It happens all the time - there are some hilarious ones out there, and they're funnier because they're true. Getting overly wrapped up in one's own seriousness is never a good thing.


I should drag out some of my favorite evangelical fad lists.

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Lighten up! It was clearly meant to be tongue in cheek.


No doubt. I've got lots of tongue in cheek stuff, too. I do. 





Dale reminds me of my favorite history professor. Nice, nice man, but unintentionally amusing at times.


I enjoy his videos, too, but this community has a thing about religious beliefs being respected. Surely a truly Christian person would want to do unto others, no? 


But if the community is ready to laugh at itself, I think that would be fun.



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Lighten up! It was clearly meant to be tongue in cheek.


Dale reminds me of my favorite history professor. Nice, nice man, but unintentionally amusing at times.


Very much so.  He has another one, "How to be Ultra Spiritual," that had us rolling.  And the guy is "an emotional healing coach" whose website is "Inner Awakenings:  Living a More Meaningful Life," so I think he was targeting certain elements, so to speak.  Elements who might want to check their humor.


(Edited to bold the tongue in cheek part.  This is meant to be deliberately funny, not unintentionally so.)

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Oh goody! Let's put up Tm Minchin & Ricky Gervais!


Not so sure everyone would be ok with being told to lighten up...

Hey, if it isn't filled with cursing I'm game. I own a sense of humor and find it very important to not take myself overly seriously. I don't think any group should be immune from a little humorous examination. Straight insults or vulgarity aren't really worth much, but a little ribbing and parody never hurt anyone. Even a creationist.

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Very much so. He has another one, "

," that had us rolling. And the guy is "an emotional healing coach" whose website is "Inner Awakenings: Living a More Meaningful Life," so I think he was targeting certain elements, so to speak. Elements who might want to check their humor.


(Edited to bold the tongue in cheek part. This is meant to be deliberately funny, not unintentionally so.)

HAHAHAHA! Competitive spirituality, indeed.


I particularly like the "use different spiritual words to describe the exact same belief system" part. I cannot tell you how often I've seen that!


And the ESV bible as the tm for Christianity? Too true. I only have.... six ESVs in my home, not counting ebooks?

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Very much so.  He has another one, "

," that had us rolling.  And the guy is "an emotional healing coach" whose website is "Inner Awakenings:  Living a More Meaningful Life," so I think he was targeting certain elements, so to speak.  Elements who might want to check their humor.


(Edited to bold the tongue in cheek part.  This is meant to be deliberately funny, not unintentionally so.)


Wow! Really he has other bigoted videos.... Maybe I can look forward to ones on Islam and Judaism too. Hinduism might be too easy a target? :)


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Perhaps you've missed the Duggar threads?  


I personally have lots of thought on the Duggars. I have refrained from posting them here and have instead posted the on the Great Orange Satan(DailyKos). This is a homeschool board not a religious or political board.


ETA: While I've avoided the Duggar threads... they are mostly about child molestation not religion... If you happen to be Christian you could refer to Matthew 7:20.

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It has such a catchy tune.

It totally does. I'm absolutely out of likes or I would have just liked your post. I introduced dh to Tim Minchin last year-ish. He watched it on the iPad before we went to bed one night. It's the first time I've ever heard him giggle uncontrollably. *sigh* Good times.

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Perhaps you've missed the Duggar threads?  


Perhaps you missed the fact that most of the people commenting in those threads were themselves Christians? The fact that everyone in those threads opposes incest and pedophilia, as well as groups that distort their religion in order to hide those things, does not in ANY way constitute an attack on Christianity. 

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Perhaps you've missed the Duggar threads?  


Calling out hypocrisy is not mocking xianity. Working out feelings of deception and betrayal is not mocking xianity. I'm pretty much an equal opportunity supporter of freedom of speech, and that includes mockery and ridicule of deeply held beliefs (ironic, since atheism is by definition the complete lack of certain beliefs). I'm also a supporter of a free environment in which mockery, ridicule, and articulate examination and challenge of ideas can be freely exchanged. WTM forums does not serve this function. Raptor Dad has a point - it functions as a homeschooling community. Part of maintaining a cohesive community here is to maintain a culture in which religious ideas are considered off bounds for mockery and ridicule. The OP knows this. The in-group bias that either blinds her or emboldens her to post anyway is not uncommon here, and I think probably each and every member of a group feel at one time or another they're being unfairly attacked. If one has reason to protest, they should do so, but one should not mistake wishes and emotions for well-reasoned arguments. And one shouldn't be afraid to hear and consider rebuttals to those arguments. We should promote the Socratic method of discussion a bit more on this public education discussion board, even considering such restrictions as religion and politics. 

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Lighten up, indeed. Whatever. You know, both of you Artic and JoJo, that if someone out of the blue posted a Tim Minchin video the virtual sh!t would hit the fan here.


You both know that very well.

I've never seen one. Do you have a link to a good one, provided it isn't full of profanity?

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Those of you who are "distraught" over the "bigotry" might want to check out the man's website; he's about the farthest thing from a conservative Christian that one can imagine. One of the reasons his "Ultra Spiritual Life" videos are so funny is because he is firmly in the spiritual camp.

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Those of you who are "distraught" over the "bigotry" might want to check out the man's website; he's about the farthest thing from a conservative Christian that one can imagine. One of the reasons his "Ultra Spiritual Life" videos are so funny is because he is firmly in the spiritual camp.


Doesn't make it funny. And that's what jokes are supposed to be, after all.


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Those of you who are "distraught" over the "bigotry" might want to check out the man's website; he's about the farthest thing from a conservative Christian that one can imagine. One of the reasons his "Ultra Spiritual Life" videos are so funny is because he is firmly in the spiritual camp.


So it's OK to start a thread with the sole purpose of mocking the beliefs of fellow board members, as long as the video wasn't made by a Christian? Is it OK to start a thread mocking Christians as long as the video isn't made by an atheist?


If a Muslim started a thread saying "How to be a Christian" and linked a video that distorted and mocked Christian beliefs, do you believe that the Christians on the board would all just laugh along with the joke? Even without being the target of the mockery, I would still call that poster out for being rude and posting just to stir the pot. I'm not a Muslim or Hindu either, and I would say the same thing if someone was mocking them. 


What exactly was the point of your post? There are a million funny videos on youtube, but for some reason you felt compelled to post one mocking atheism on a board that has a lot of atheists?

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I've never seen one. Do you have a link to a good one, provided it isn't full of profanity?


Nice dismissal of her point.  


You can watch any Tim Minchin video you want. He's an entertainer and not full of profanity. Although, I would stay away from the pope song. 

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Those of you who are "distraught" over the "bigotry" might want to check out the man's website; 


Tell me, by putting the words distraught and bigotry in quotes are you saying that those who are expressing offense are:  (please choose one)


1. Not really having those feelings


2. Are not entitled to those feelings


3. Are ridiculous for having those feelings. 


4. All of the above



Because the use of quotes has meaning, and I am just trying to understand exactly how you are justifying your OP by telling yourself that others are at fault here. 

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Nice dismissal of her point.


You can watch any Tim Minchin video you want. He's an entertainer and not full of profanity. Although, I would stay away from the pope song.

I didn't dismiss her point, it was baseless and I couldn't give an answer one way or the other, because I've never seen or heard of the man before. If he is funny - give me a recommendation and a link. I'd be happy to give my opinion after watching.
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Nice dismissal of her point.  


You can watch any Tim Minchin video you want. He's an entertainer and not full of profanity. Although, I would stay away from the pope song. 


by some definitions, Minchin is 100% profane in that he treats things sacred to others with complete irreverence and disrespect. Also swear words :) Sam's Mum has 2 in over 5 min of music. I don't know if that's "full" or not...


Also this whole thing made me giggle because atheists swear. I couldn't think of a single atheist comedian that didn't swear.  So saying Oh, I have a sense of humor about my beliefs just don't show me swearing, means I couldn't share most good atheist comedy routines.

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but for some reason you felt compelled to post one mocking atheism on a board that has a lot of atheists?


Many parents who have raised a child with behavioral problems may be familiar with a particular technique used to modify unwanted behavior. The parent ignores the inappropriate behavior, and reinforces the alternative, appropriate behavior (after instruction and with prompting and all kinds of good things). Parents are often warned that while the child experienes the habitual behavior not function the way it always has - it will no longer solve his/her problem and get them what they want - they may very likely vamp up the intensity of the behavior. After all, it's always worked in the past, even if not consistently. It's worth trying harder this time, too. Eventually that behavior is expected to be abandoned as it simply gets no response, and the alternative, socially appropriate behavior does get the desired response. The "last hurrah" of this attempt to use what always seems to have worked in the past is called the "extinction burst." It's like a burst of the very last hope before the behavior goes extinct. Threads like this, and cries of persecution, strike me as being an "extinction burst" of sorts. The way I think about it, public shaming of non-members has often worked with regard to keeping members in line, as well as keeping non-members out of the way. In a society where xianity is losing relevance, this kind of behavior seems to be an attempt to try what's always worked. This video does nothing more than serve to shame and embarrass "those" people, people who are not keeping in line. The dismissal to just lighten up, or calling people "borg" or "cultist," "jerk," or "evangelical" within a discussion is also popular. Just a personal opinion of course. 

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And bottom line, it's not whether the guy in the vid is a bigot or not that's the issue.


It's that posting it here is disrespectful of people here.

Ya know, I didn't even find it disrespectful. The video was not funny. Mocking the validity science? All that does is make me question the IQ of those who Do find it funny.

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Okay - just found a few Minchin vids. It didn't fit my request for no profanity (mostly in his commentary before) but the songs were actually pretty hilarious. The Good Book is catchy :D



The man needs a hairbrush and marginally less blue eye shadow, but I could say that about a few women I know too :o

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I didn't dismiss her point, it was baseless and I couldn't give an answer one way or the other, because I've never seen or heard of the man before. If he is funny - give me a recommendation and a link. I'd be happy to give my opinion after watching.


Surely an educator would know how to research the matter, given such resources as the man's name, and the fact he's on youtube. The point has been dismissed because it's not relevant to you, maybe?

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