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The reason I have bags under my eyes.


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At least today.


We assisted this little girl into the world at 1:45 last night. Then we took another hour to get her and her mommy settled into the barn and nursing well. So my hubby and I got about 5 hours of sleep.


I think she was worth it. I told my dh I don't mind losing sleep for a live lamb. I'd really hate it if she hadn;t made it.


Mother and baby are both doing well. I sure did feel for the ewe. The lamb was somewhat awkwardly presented and very large for a virgin ewe. I think momma's forgotten all about it though.







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I'm thinking that virgin ewe in an animal that is giving birth means something different than in a human. . . 



Another way to put it would be "first timer"


Some people consider their cows heifers (young female cattle) until they've given birth to their second baby around three years of age!


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What a lovely little girl! She looks huge compared to our lambs! What breed is she?


We raise Finns and typically have a minimum of triplets with each breeding. Two years ago our herd queen had sextuplets. That was a very busy spring!


Enjoy your little bundle!


I hope you are able to take a well-deserved rest today. :)

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What a lovely little girl! She looks huge compared to our lambs! What breed is she?


We raise Finns and typically have a minimum of triplets with each breeding. Two years ago our herd queen had sextuplets. That was a very busy spring!


Enjoy your little bundle!


I hope you are able to take a well-deserved rest today. :)


She's mostly Dorper. Mama is 50-50 Dorper and Katahdin. Ram was 100% Dorper.


I was so glad she only had one. This was our first lambing, so I'm glad I don't have to figure out how to feed the ewe for two babies.

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What a lovely little girl! She looks huge compared to our lambs! What breed is she?


We raise Finns and typically have a minimum of triplets with each breeding. Two years ago our herd queen had sextuplets. That was a very busy spring!


Enjoy your little bundle!


I hope you are able to take a well-deserved rest today. :)




How often do you have to bottle feed? Do they have enough milk for 3?


What about the sextuplets? Did they all make it? Did you have to bottle feed some of them?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't find my normal camera that has pictures of the sextuplets on the memory card, but she was able to feed four of them comfortably. We fed the remaining two and supplemented a couple others. She is a great mama, but we sold her this past fall because she was too prolific for us. She never had fewer than quads.

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At least today.


We assisted this little girl into the world at 1:45 last night. Then we took another hour to get her and her mommy settled into the barn and nursing well. So my hubby and I got about 5 hours of sleep.


I think she was worth it. I told my dh I don't mind losing sleep for a live lamb. I'd really hate it if she hadn;t made it.


Mother and baby are both doing well. I sure did feel for the ewe. The lamb was somewhat awkwardly presented and very large for a virgin ewe. I think momma's forgotten all about it though.







Sooooo sweet . . . as if the little calf in your signature line wasn't too cute already. I love that calf.

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My reason for bumping this thread was that I found a couple new additions to our small flock this morning. One of our ewes surprised us. She was a first timer and actually carried triplets, but one was stillborn. All three were little black ewes with white markings on their faces.


Still trying to share their cuteness via photo posting, but I can't get it to load. I keep getting the message that the file is too big.

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My reason for bumping this thread was that I found a couple new additions to our small flock this morning. One of our ewes surprised us. She was a first timer and actually carried triplets, but one was stillborn. All three were little black ewes with white markings on their faces.


Still trying to share their cuteness via photo posting, but I can't get it to load. I keep getting the message that the file is too big.

Keep trying, tease.

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