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WTF Was I thinking?!


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I'm sorry, but this is funny in a shaking-my-head sort of way because I understand the frustration.


If you have regular, round knobs, cover them with the child-proof thingies Starr mentioned.


If you have the lever handles, you can reverse some or switch them around so you can reverse them (reversing in the sense the lock will be on the wrong side, not so that the handle will stick out into the doorjamb). This works great on closets that don't have locks, but isn't so hot if you need access to the lock/don't want to get locked in a room. If you analyze carefully, you might be able to switch the handles around (just remember where you took them from so you can put them back whenever you move).


EL's idea of doorstops is good, too, but make sure they aren't the little wood or plastic wedges. You'll want something like a vase or statue. I used some of those plastic & wood ones and my cat took it as a personal challenge to work them out of place and knock them around the house. He thought they were the best toys ever. :toetap05: See? I told you I understand your frustration! :tongue_smilie:

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We've found the round turn handles kind of solve this problem as our couldn't get hold of them well enough but once they've figured out lever handles there's no going back.

We had cats that could turn all kinds of doorknobs. Fortunately, they were good cats so it didn't cause a problem and we thought it was cool. To tell you the truth, we were kind of like those obnoxious braggy parents that everyone hates...


"Oh, your cat chases a feather toy? How charming. (Insert bored, condescending yawn here.) OUR CATS CAN OPEN DOORS." :D

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I think it's more of a matter of "What was Buddy thinking?"


He thought it'd be "easier" if they could open the doors themselves. :glare: Easier because then they (the cats) could get in and out of rooms by themselves. Well, now that they can get in and out of rooms by themselves it has really improved their ability to create mischief and mayhem but at least its easier on them to do it. :001_rolleyes:


They go in the pantry and tear into the bag of cat-food at will.

They go into the pantry and get into the bread when there is no catfood. And sometimes when there is.

They get outside and leave the door open behind them. (Hello, rifraff & random neighborhood kids. Yes, please walk into my house.)

They come into my room and get their sheddy fur all over (YUCK by the way.)

They get into my closet and sleep ON my shoes--never has a cat slept as soundly as the crazy black cat does when she's ON my shoes.

They get into front closet and SCARE the living breath out of me unexpectedly. (and shed on everything all at once)

Let me tell you--few things are less pleasant than stumbling drowsily to the can at 2am only to turn around to find you've acquired an audience.

Also since they LOVE to watch me brush my teeth no longer is closing the door enough.


If I wake up with one of those felines in my bed straddling me one more time...


Of course *I* am the crazy one because I have a problem with them doing such things. The boys see the whole situation in a very "glass is half full" light. Because--hey! they can feed themselves while they are in the pantry.

They can go out when they want and won't use litter as much,

If there is an emergency they can get in the room to warn us,

by her insistence on sleeping on the shoes in the closet there is no risk of stepping on and hurting the crazy black cat mid-nap and

hey--who doesn't love a good scare when they are going through out their day and

at least someone is alert and on patrol at 2am and

"we all have to make sacrifices daddy, so if watching us brush makes them happy, why can't they?


Some days I can't win for losing...


I'm going to get some different knobs. Today.

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I do think some cats will just figure this out for them selves we had three cats that have taught themselves young but our 15yr old cat has not even slightly tried, he'll barely even push a slightly ajar door open, he just sits there staring at it, he won't even use cat flaps with magnetic catches they have to be the free swinging type. 

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Just don't let him teach them to open drawers, too! I have one who figured that out pretty early, and would drag my BooKshelves and underpants all over the house!


For the exterior doors, deadbolts! Haven't yet met a cat who could manage a key. For your bedroom, a hook and eye on the outside of the door that you can latch when you leave the room.

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For the exterior doors, deadbolts! Haven't yet met a cat who could manage a key. For your bedroom, a hook and eye on the outside of the door that you can latch when you leave the room.

But... that wouldn't be easy for the cats! Buddy has gone to a lot of work teaching the cats so everything can be easier. Latches and deadbolts will be harder for him to teach them to open. Hopefully not impossible, but definitely not easy.

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