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I just had a visit from the police.  My car is not parked in close enough to my house.  The mailman would have had to get out of his truck to deliver the neighbor's mail.  Since it was the neighbor's mail and not mine, they called the POLICE.  


The policeman was very nice about it.  Almost apologetic.  "Could I pull my car in a little more?"  I don't think so.  I'd hit my daughter's car.  And he ended with I'm not parked illegally.


Of course after he left, I thought I should have asked him about all my neighbors who are parked illegally.  The ones who pull nose into the cul-de-sac, not park with the car longwise.  (DH looked it up.  That's how the law reads.)



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I know that in some areas, you aren't permitted to block the access to a mailbox or else the mail carrier can opt not to deliver your mail, but it sounds like this is nothing more than a case of a nasty neighbor who doesn't want people parking in front of his house.


What a nuisance -- both for you and for the police officer who had to waste his time responding to such a ridiculous complaint!

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So the policeman made a personal visit to tell you...nothing? Everything you're doing is fine, as far as the police are concerned? Yikes. The real message here is that you either have a mailman problem or a neighbor problem, sorry about that.

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Ugh. So you were visited, but told you weren't parked illegally?


Do you have any interest in a relationship with this neighbor? We had a mean neighbor till yesterday (yes! She moved out yesterday and we are dancing with joy!) ... In 15 years, I tried various coping techniques, and at one point I'd have said, "go over with a plate of cookies, an apology for making her worried about getting her mail, and ask to work together on the solution." I don't know if I'd say that about your neighbor, but it would've worked on our mean neighbor. It didn't make things perfect, but kept them bearable, and she knew she could call us with concerns instead of jumping to the police. Your call though, your neighbor might not be as harmlessly mean as ours was. (Was!!! Woo hoo!)

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We have had several instances of our mail delivery being delayed and even received notices because our neighbors parked in front of the mailboxes.  The notice stated that if a certain amount of clearance wasn't provided, the boxes would be considered inaccessible.  If it was just one day, they usually mark the envelope "blocked mailbox" and try again another day.  When it became an ongoing issue, the postal service sent the notice.  Fortunately, the neighbors were blocking their own mailbox so they got the notice too and quick parking in the way (usually).

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What a pain. Once upon a time, I would have tried to make nice with the neighbor also--cookies, the whole bit. But in my old age, I find that most people who want to be that way are just going to be that way. I can pat myself on the back all I want for mollifying her this time, chant "blessed are the peacemakers" and all that jazz. But next time, it will be something else, and then something else, and it will never end. She will always be a thorn in your side. Plant a privacy hedge.


Can you tell I have had it up to HERE with her ill today?

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I know that in some areas, you aren't permitted to block the access to a mailbox or else the mail carrier can opt not to deliver your mail, but it sounds like this is nothing more than a case of a nasty neighbor who doesn't want people parking in front of his house.


What a nuisance -- both for you and for the police officer who had to waste his time responding to such a ridiculous complaint!

We apologized to the local postmaster when our mailperson skipped us because a friend's car was blocking the box. See, she left us a note in the box, but not the mail. The postmaster got upset-he said if the box was blocked, the mail person should dismount (yes, that's the word he used) from her truck and put the mail in the box.


I know we tried hard to never block the box, they are supposed to deliver the mail. If it's an ongoing issue, I can see someone saying something for sure.

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Perhaps you missed the new-for-2015 Post Office motto:


Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds unless there be a car parked in front of the mail box.

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I had some of those neighbors before I moved to the middle of a national park. When I get annoyed that my cell phone doesn't work, or that I have to drive an hour for a package of peanut M&M's I remember the neighbor who called the police EVERY single time ds practiced the drums. And I remember that trees are better than people sometimes.

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While I would never call the police I find it rude to block access to someone else's mailbox. At our last house our neighbor's nanny would park in front our our mailbox so the mailman would just skip us on those days. She was not parked illegally but it was very inconvenient for us. Thankfully the kids only lived there every other week so no nanny on the off weeks and then we moved.

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What I find odd is the rule about 'blocking' the mail box.  'Blocking' as in parking beside?  I can't imagine how that would be an issue.  I did, however, grow up on a street where the parking looked like this, so the idea of leaving space next to a mail box seems bizarre.

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Weird. I live in a place where the mail carriers deliver on foot and most of the mailboxes are attached to the house or are mail slots. But my parents live in a place where the mail carrier comes by vehicle and if the mailbox is blocked, he brings the mail to the door. It's been that way for years.

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What I find odd is the rule about 'blocking' the mail box. 'Blocking' as in parking beside? I can't imagine how that would be an issue. I did, however, grow up on a street where the parking looked like this, so the idea of leaving space next to a mail box seems bizarre.

In some places, the mail carrier delivers on foot, so the parking thing wouldn't be an issue, but in many areas, mail carriers pull up to the mailboxes in their vehicles to deliver the mail, so it is a nuisance for them if a parked car is blocking their way.

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In some places, the mail carrier delivers on foot, so the parking thing wouldn't be an issue, but in many areas, mail carriers pull up to the mailboxes in their vehicles to deliver the mail, so it is a nuisance for them if a parked car is blocking their way.

I suppose I just think of that as 'something that mail deliverers cope with'.  But clearly expectations are different.

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