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Jeremy Clarkson is officially fired

Lady Florida.

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It is gone!😭😭😭😭 They say it will carry on but it sounds like it will be a leg less stool. The other 2 look like they will be leaving also, so what is the point?


The good news is it will reappear on a new network at a later date. ☺ï¸


Now if only Dr Who would do the same thing and stop making 8 episode seasons!

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I saw that too. He had a lot of fans that were pretty ticked off when he was suspended according to the article I read. I believe the show will go downhill. The article also said they weren't sure if May and Hammond would return for 2016. That would mean getting all new bodies. DH thinks that may be what the show needs anyway because he felt the show was going downhill anyway. He feels it's been stale and repetitive.

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I have long loved the show, but in recent years Clarkson's ego has become more and more out of control.  It was becoming rather painful to watch the show sometimes.  Assaulting a co-worker is never acceptable.  Firing someone who does that is a standard response.  I don't think any employee, no matter their status or popularity, should be exempt from a firing for a confirmed assault on a co-worker. 

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Over a million people signed a petition to have him reinstated. I wonder how quick any one of them would be to file charges if a co-worker (and one to whom they're a subordinate) physically assaulted them? I don't like double standards, but apparently plenty of people have no problem with them.

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Over a million people signed a petition to have him reinstated. I wonder how quick any one of them would be to file charges if a co-worker (and one to whom they're a subordinate) physically assaulted them? I don't like double standards, but apparently plenty of people have no problem with them.


I was absolutely amazed when I read this. And some of the comments under the article!!!! What is WRONG with people? 


Apparently it's ok to physically attack whomever you want for any reason you see fit, as long as you're entertaining!  :confused1:

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Over a million people signed a petition to have him reinstated. I wonder how quick any one of them would be to file charges if a co-worker (and one to whom they're a subordinate) physically assaulted them? I don't like double standards, but apparently plenty of people have no problem with them.


This is actually the interesting thing.  A producer is normally in charge of a documentary programme (my father worked as a producer for the BBC).  S/he chooses the staff, including the presenters.  Part of the issue here is that Clarkson had become so inflated as a figure that he felt that he could push around (physically in the end) the person who would normally have been his boss.

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Good riddance to bad rubbish. My continued entertainment shouldn't be at the expense of the people who have to work with him. I've never liked him. His opinions on breasts and breastfeeding annoyed me. But having irritating opinions isn't assault. For that he should be fired.

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He's anniyung. But he made the show. The beeb should have used this to renegotiate his contract, with fines for misbehavior. Too many people --the"little" people will be hurt by just killing the show. May and Hammond can't do it alone And the whole TH thing was Clarkson's brainchildðŸðŸ--and moneymaker--to start with.

AND he souls have to APOLOGIZE.



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Too many people --the"little" people will be hurt by just killing the show. 


I know what you mean here - if the series fails  a lot of people may be out of work, and that is a valid comment, although I'm sure Top Gear isn't the only show BBC produces, so they might not all lose their jobs.


But, if an abusive man continues to be in their workplace, they are at risk of  truly getting physically hurt. As someone else said upthread, I don't want anyone to be abused in order for me to be entertained. 

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I think there is more to this story then what we are seeing. I saw a report that Jeramy didn't hit anyone. That same story said that he came back to the hotel and the only thing they offered the cast for dinner was a plate of cold cuts and cheese. I am sorry but my husband would yell at me if he worked till 9:30 at night and I told him the only thing he could eat was a plate of lunch meat and cheese for dinner. That is not a meal, it is a snack, barely fit for a child, let alone a full grown man.


I personally have a hard time believing that Hammond and May would walk away from this show if Clarkson really got into a fight with this guy that was physical. This is their reputation too. Even if it was to stay on a show that may be dying.


What my theory is of what happened is this producer was a punk who was treating the cast badly for a while. That he miss handled things repeatedly and this was just the straw that broke the camels back. It wouldn't surprise me if the BBC only looked at this blow up (however rightly deserved) and based their decision solely on that. After all Clarkson just needed to do one more thing to get sacked.


My son is heartbroken I over this. There are other shows that he will watch that he likes, 5th Gear, American Top Gear and a few others, but this is the show he loved the most. I hope it comes back in some form whole somewhere. We have used this as a teaching moment though to teach him it isn't okay to loose your temper.

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My son is heartbroken I over this. There are other shows that he will watch that he likes, 5th Gear, American Top Gear and a few others, but this is the show he loved the most. I hope it comes back in some form whole somewhere. We have used this as a teaching moment though to teach him it isn't okay to loose your temper.

WHAT is 5th Gear?!


Oh my goodness--how do we get it?


Top Gear has been the primary (and usually only) show DS watches since he was 5. He was the Stig for Halloween. He is a kid obsessed. :) Of ourse, he's a kid obsessed with anything and everything cars, though, so he'd be thrilled to have a replacement program. This could make his day!


Do you watch it in the States? My DH subscribes to some European television; do you know what channels it's available on there?

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5th Gear is produced by ex-Top Gear producers. It is on Velocity in the States.


If your son is a gearhead like my son (in an act of desperation when he was 6 months old I put him in front of the TV and put on a NASCAR race and he squealed with delight. He has been obsessed with cars since then) I HIGHLY recommend Velocity channel. It is cars basically 24/7. Many of the shows are British. We like Wheeler Dealers, Chasing Classic Cars, and a few others.

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Thanks! We just severely downgraded cable--how do you get Velocity? How have we not heard of this?!


Eta If any European or British hive members are reading this thread hijack (sorry OP!), do you know what channels this show is available on? We do get some Euro tv stations through subscription. Thanks! :)

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I think there is more to this story then what we are seeing. I saw a report that Jeramy didn't hit anyone. That same story said that he came back to the hotel and the only thing they offered the cast for dinner was a plate of cold cuts and cheese. I am sorry but my husband would yell at me if he worked till 9:30 at night and I told him the only thing he could eat was a plate of lunch meat and cheese for dinner. That is not a meal, it is a snack, barely fit for a child, let alone a full grown man.


I personally have a hard time believing that Hammond and May would walk away from this show if Clarkson really got into a fight with this guy that was physical. This is their reputation too. Even if it was to stay on a show that may be dying.


What my theory is of what happened is this producer was a punk who was treating the cast badly for a while. That he miss handled things repeatedly and this was just the straw that broke the camels back. It wouldn't surprise me if the BBC only looked at this blow up (however rightly deserved) and based their decision solely on that. After all Clarkson just needed to do one more thing to get sacked.


My son is heartbroken I over this. There are other shows that he will watch that he likes, 5th Gear, American Top Gear and a few others, but this is the show he loved the most. I hope it comes back in some form whole somewhere. We have used this as a teaching moment though to teach him it isn't okay to loose your temper.


I'm sorry that your husband would treat you like that and that your child might witness that treatment.  A cold meal is still a meal, so long as the quantity is adequate.  And yelling or violence are not ever an adult way to respond to minor adversity.


The BBC is supported by every British person who watches live television, and all the overseas fees that were received from TG went to reduce the cost of our TV licence.  If you work for the BBC, you have prestige but you don't get fancy treatment - the UK public watches salaries and expenses.  Even before this incident, there was a mismatch between JC's attitude and the ethos of the BBC.  A break up was inevitable.

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I'm sorry that your husband would treat you like that and that your child might witness that treatment. A cold meal is still a meal, so long as the quantity is adequate. And yelling or violence are not ever an adult way to respond to minor adversity.


The BBC is supported by every British person who watches live television, and all the overseas fees that were received from TG went to reduce the cost of our TV licence. If you work for the BBC, you have prestige but you don't get fancy treatment - the UK public watches salaries and expenses. Even before this incident, there was a mismatch between JC's attitude and the ethos of the BBC. A break up was inevitable.

Please, my husband is anything but abusive!


They were not in some third world country or in the middle of the outback, he wasn't asking for Gorden Ramsey to prepare his meal. This also isn't a poor family that can't afford more the cold cuts and cheese. Top Gear brought in a lot of money for BBC (thus making all of us outside the UK who watch the show just as responsible for the money it took to produce the show) the least they could do is bring a caravan (camper) to this location (if it was remote) and have some staffer cook something or better yet have some staffer cook something in the kitchen that the chef that went home wasn't using.


Like I said, I don't think we are getting the full story. I could completely see that if this guy was incompetent (note he didn't report this to the BBC, Clarkson did), I could see how you could only bite your tongue for so long before you might say something. For all we know this producer could have not liked Clarkson for whatever reason and was egging him on JUST so this would happen. That might also explain why Hammond and May want to go with Clarkson.

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On the one hand, I hate to see the death of Top Gear. My guys all love it. On the other hand,  no one should have to work with someone that might turn violent at any time. Some articles have mentioned the producer had to go to the hospital for stitches. Yes, a hot meal would have been better to serve people that have worked all day, but is it really worth fighting? Could the hosts not have left the hotel and gone to a restaurant?

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They were not in some third world country or in the middle of the outback, he wasn't asking for Gorden Ramsey to prepare his meal. This also isn't a poor family that can't afford more the cold cuts and cheese. Top Gear brought in a lot of money for BBC (thus making all of us outside the UK who watch the show just as responsible for the money it took to produce the show) the least they could do is bring a caravan (camper) to this location (if it was remote) and have some staffer cook something or better yet have some staffer cook something in the kitchen that the chef that went home wasn't using.



I think you are thinking about movie sets........  I used to go on location with my dad when he worked for the BBC.  


You are not talking about American culture or an American company.  Please allow me to know what is the norm here.



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I may be in the minority, but I'm glad he was fired. Workplace violence should never be condoned, no matter how popular the offender. Way to go, BBC!


I agree.  I liked him and I liked the show, but he deserved it.  If anyone should be blamed for this, it is him for his actions.  He blew it for the show. 

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I think you are thinking about movie sets........ I used to go on location with my dad when he worked for the BBC.


You are not talking about American culture or an American company. Please allow me to know what is the norm here.



They said how big the crew was in the Argentina special, when they had to flee because of the angry mob. There were a lot of people there. I would assume the crew would be about that size if they were in the UK.


I personally don't know anyone that has anything to do with the entertainment industry.


Again I ask, if Clarkson injured someone to the point they had to go to the hospital, why wasn't he arrested right there and then? Why didn't the guy in question, or his co-worker or doctor, report it to the BBC if this happened?


At the end of the day none of this matters, of coarse. I have thought for a while that Top Gear is too conservative for the UK. I think he would probably be better suited for the American audience. Hopefully he will end up here. I bet Hammond will try to get on our tv. He seemed to really like America. I will think it is funny if they do end up here as we have a few shows like that that have crews that are British. Gold Rush and Deadliest Catch come to mind. 😄😄

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http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_GearIt is now on History. We also have limited cable (we have FIOS) but we get both channels. It looks like it is on BBC2 in the UK.


What euro TV subscription do you have? Could I get german speaking TV? I am looking for children's programming in german.

I'm not sure. I'll check with DH tonight. He has it because they like to watch European bike racing and it's pretty non existent here. I like listening in because Flemmish accents are mmmm. :)


DS apparently had heard of the show and does get BBC2. Probably he should do math before I let him loose to find out...:)

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I think you are thinking about movie sets........ I used to go on location with my dad when he worked for the BBC.


You are not talking about American culture or an American company. Please allow me to know what is the norm here.



No idea what the norm is but I visited a couple of sitcoms several years ago while they were filming. They had a lovely spread with several types of cold cuts and bread. Bagels with toppings. Nice fresh veg and fruit. Finished with lovely cookies. This show had a huge name as star but failed pretty quickly. We were there for the first episode. Also the filming didn't end until dark.


Eta. This was in LA. Culver Studios I think.

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They said how big the crew was in the Argentina special, when they had to flee because of the angry mob. There were a lot of people there. I would assume the crew would be about that size if they were in the UK.


I personally don't know anyone that has anything to do with the entertainment industry.


Again I ask, if Clarkson injured someone to the point they had to go to the hospital, why wasn't he arrested right there and then? Why didn't the guy in question, or his co-worker or doctor, report it to the BBC if this happened?


At the end of the day none of this matters, of coarse. I have thought for a while that Top Gear is too conservative for the UK. I think he would probably be better suited for the American audience. Hopefully he will end up here. I bet Hammond will try to get on our tv. He seemed to really like America. I will think it is funny if they do end up here as we have a few shows like that that have crews that are British. Gold Rush and Deadliest Catch come to mind. 😄😄


Huh, interesting.  The UK programming doesn't strike me as conservative overall or in general. 

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Huh, interesting.  The UK programming doesn't strike me as conservative overall or in general. 

I forget the british political system is backwards from the US right? I mean that Top Gear was too far right of center for the UK. All they talked about was how much they hated bicycles, thought that electric vehicles were slow and not practical, and so on. To me that isn't very left of center. 

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I forget the british political system is backwards from the US right? I mean that Top Gear was too far right of center for the UK. All they talked about was how much they hated bicycles, thought that electric vehicles were slow and not practical, and so on. To me that isn't very left of center. 


I always forget different political terms mean different things in different countries! 


But ok this makes sense.

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I always forget different political terms mean different things in different countries! 


But ok this makes sense.


The terms mean the same in the UK and the US, but the degree is very different.  The UK's major 'right wing' party (Conservative/Tory) is only a little to the right of the US' major 'left wing' party (Democrats).  No UK party could, for example, win an election by promising to dismantle the universal National Health Service.

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The terms mean the same in the UK and the US, but the degree is very different. The UK's major 'right wing' party (Conservative/Tory) is only a little to the right of the US' major 'left wing' party (Democrats). No UK party could, for example, win an election by promising to dismantle the universal National Health Service.

Edited by Susan Wise Bauer
No partisan politics. NONE.
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I think there is more to this story then what we are seeing. I saw a report that Jeramy didn't hit anyone. That same story said that he came back to the hotel and the only thing they offered the cast for dinner was a plate of cold cuts and cheese. I am sorry but my husband would yell at me if he worked till 9:30 at night and I told him the only thing he could eat was a plate of lunch meat and cheese for dinner. That is not a meal, it is a snack, barely fit for a child, let alone a full grown man.



My husband better not yell at me for offering cold cuts and cheese!!


My husband eats sandwiches just fine on a regular basis and it is a perfectly acceptable dinner. I am not my husband's employee or slave. He's a grown man, if he doesn't like dinner he can make something himself. I do like making a hot meal but I have crappy days myself and if I have a bad day and then get yelled at for offering a simple meal that would be unacceptable.

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At the end of the day none of this matters, of coarse. I have thought for a while that Top Gear is too conservative for the UK. I think he would probably be better suited for the American audience. Hopefully he will end up here. I bet Hammond will try to get on our tv. He seemed to really like America. I will think it is funny if they do end up here as we have a few shows like that that have crews that are British. Gold Rush and Deadliest Catch come to mind. 😄😄


There is no way they could do half the things they do on that show in the US.

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I am not understanding the defense of Clarkson. It is fact -- Clarkson himself confirms it -- that he struck Tymon with his fists and then reported himself to BBC superiors. There is no "other theory" to be guessed or proposed. I get that people will miss the show, but that does not make Clarkson's actions in any way defensible. Full Stop.

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