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  • Slache


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  • KrissiK


Well, to quote a famous "Gone With the Wind" line..... "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies".... Although I do like to say that all the paperwork and dealing with the foster care system were my "pregnancy, labor and delivery!"


So, I just finished planting my garden. It is absolutely glorious day out. Sunny blue sky with big puffy clouds, enough of a breeze to make my wind chime sound pretty, birds singing.... It's really quite grand out there! Planted 12 colored pepper plants, 10 Japanese cucumber plants (bought a 6-pack, but there were a lot of doubles), and 3 tomatoes. Had to forcibly remove Persnickety Kitty from my herb bed. She was sleeping right where I wanted to plant my Rosemary. I tried explaining the situation to her at first, but all she did was give me a dirty look and start washing her paw. So, I had to get The Law after her. Then I got my Rosemary and basil planted. I'm very happy with my herbs this year. My parsley over-wintered beautifully, my oregano is doing great, as are my chives and my sage looks good, too! And my boysenberry bushes are blooming and have plenty of bees. I have to say, it is a great day to be a gardener.

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I'm sorry you felt badly. Most of the time I hate to say how much I loved being pregnant and how amazing I felt. But I feel like I can tell y'all. :)

I, too, had a wonderful pregnancy. I often think it was to make up for what was to come: allergies.


ETA: I'm a marvelous milk maker.

Edited by ikslo
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I had relatively easy births, too, except for dd8 who was rather large.


Producing milk though -- I struggled with this.


Me too. If I dropped below a certain weight, milk suffered. Every little thing - milk. It's amazing we got as far along as we did. And milk came late regardless of how I birthed. So those who said milk comes earlier with a vaginal birth, lied.

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Well, to quote a famous "Gone With the Wind" line..... "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies".... Although I do like to say that all the paperwork and dealing with the foster care system were my "pregnancy, labor and delivery!"



And you went through it more times than many folks. We considered adoption, but dh was never really on board with it.

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I joined an infertility forum when we went through 11 years of secondary infertility. I have a lot of empathy for the struggles.

Speaking of which, one of my best friends from high school just announced they are adopting from China. Little 3 year old girl. So cute.

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So my surgeon is quite lovely. He is sending me for more biopsies because he wants all nodules tested & also he told me he has 'trust issues' and only trusts one pathologist to examine & interpret thyroid biopsies so he's sending me to HIS guy.

Basically he was as reassuring & calm as he could be & said pretty much everything I already knew. If I do eventually have to have my thyroid removed (which he is currently leaning against, but obv we have to reassess after repeat biopsy) I'm good with this man doing it. He did say that part of the problem is not that the goiter or nodules are that large, it's that I'm small, so they look big glommed onto my neck  LOL.  

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 So those who said milk comes earlier with a vaginal birth, lied.

putting my ibclc hat on :) 


Welllll, no, they didn't. It's just that what's true for a population as a whole, isn't true for each unique individual. In large population studies we see a clear, statistically significant link between mode of delivery &  onset of lactogenesis.



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This is my last pregnancy post. I think I will have everything said I wanted to say earlier.


I absolutely love being pregnant. I never felt better. I was never sick. I had low blood pressure and couldn't work, but I always felt amazing when I was pregnant. I took care of myself, ate well (very well), drank plenty of water, took my vitamins, etc. I really think I could've had babies for ALL THE PEOPLE (not shouting, just emphasizing) if my body would've let me.


However, my baby bearing days are over, but Slache, I am so happy that your pregnancy is progressing well. Don't be worried or anxious. Find a different doctor. Enjoy the experience, each and every day. It will be over before you know it. Soon you will be buying prom dresses, tuxedo rentals, wedding flowers. Enjoy the moment. I say this not only for your sake, but mine as well. Ya know I love you. :wub:

I have a regular and we love him.


If you have twins, we will send you a $100 Amazon gift card as a way to ease the blow.  I am very confident, though.  Even from way over here in Texas.   ;)


Twins was one of my greatest fears.  I could barely handle one baby at a time.  It never got any better, either.  They were always like weird aliens who stressed me out.

I recently had to explain to my friend that it was OK to be afraid of twins. If you had planned on one thing and been surprised by another it's OK to be surprised. It doesn't mean you don't love them, just that different is scary and you can have time to adjust if you need. She was so surprised to hear me say that.


I think that Slache is not anxious about twins, but anxious for twins.  I was like that with a couple of my pregnancies.  Two for the price of one.  But then baby was born and didn't sleep (only dd5 slept), and I was thankful that God only blessed me with one at a time.



Maybe a little...


Well, to quote a famous "Gone With the Wind" line..... "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies".... Although I do like to say that all the paperwork and dealing with the foster care system were my "pregnancy, labor and delivery!"

I do not look forward to this!!


I set the stove on fire. Put it out with baking soda. The soup survived.

I didn't know that was a thing!






ETA: I don't make milk either. :( We're trying again.

Edited by Slache
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Susan, I'm so glad the soup made it. It would've sucked to have went through that for no food. :D



I know, right? And despite the fact that it was boring "turkey broth with leftover vegetables" soup, the kids still ate it and said it was good! (I think it was the potatoes - they are fans of anything involving potatoes.)

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So my surgeon is quite lovely. He is sending me for more biopsies because he wants all nodules tested & also he told me he has 'trust issues' and only trusts one pathologist to examine & interpret thyroid biopsies so he's sending me to HIS guy.


Basically he was as reassuring & calm as he could be & said pretty much everything I already knew. If I do eventually have to have my thyroid removed (which he is currently leaning against, but obv we have to reassess after repeat biopsy) I'm good with this man doing it. He did say that part of the problem is not that the goiter or nodules are that large, it's that I'm small, so they look big glommed onto my neck LOL.

I love this doc for you! That's what the oncologist said about the young lady with cancer. She wants HER pathologist to look at biopsies, not just any pathologist.
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I'm glad I had my two, because after that, I wanted no more of the whole pregnant-birth-lactation thing. Ever. I shall spare you the details.

I'm enjoying Sister Wendy's Story of Painting DVD very much! I think we may just have to watch these for Art Appreciation this fall. She makes me giggle, and that's something. Plus, she sees these paintings far better than I do!

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The appointment was painless.

The doctor was pleasant.

I got a new incurable but hopefully manageable diagnosis to add to my list.  I'm not sure that is painless or pleasant but I choose to focus on the first two sentences. 





:grouphug: , Jean.

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Apparently, if you use water on a cooking fire, grease droplets may just float on the water and cause the fire to spread. A sprinkle of baking soda put it out in an instant.



I knew I couldn't put water on it but I thought I had to use a fire extinguisher. So far my plan has been to not start a grease fire and it has worked out well.

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:grouphug: Jean, and Susan, and hornblower...


How are your headaches today, Junie?


My headaches have been so much better.  They are much, much lower in intensity and I am no longer getting them every day.


I have a follow-up with the neuro next week.  Thanks for thinking of me!  :)

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Re:Twins, I mean I did NOT want twins. Ever. I did not think myself capable. I'm sure many people think this, but I was kinda old and tired by that last pg. 😂


I actually wanted twins until I was so big with just one, I was scared I would have been double the size. Then I would have been tipped over. Or unable to be upright at all.

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Apparently, if you use water on a cooking fire, grease droplets may just float on the water and cause the fire to spread. A sprinkle of baking soda put it out in an instant.



And then if you throw vinegar on top of the baking soda, you get a volcano!
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putting my ibclc hat on :) 


Welllll, no, they didn't. It's just that what's true for a population as a whole, isn't true for each unique individual. In large population studies we see a clear, statistically significant link between mode of delivery &  onset of lactogenesis.




Yeah, unfortunately, that doesn't answer the question "WHY ME??!!"



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I should note that I'm not having new problems.  Instead, I have a good doctor (finally) who is putting names to the problems that I've had for a long time.  And he's actually treating them instead of shrugging and giving me the doctor's version of "It sucks to be you".







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I really don't like the doctor I saw yesterday. I mentioned my concern about having two and he laughed and shook his head like I was some sort of idiot. I said I was measuring big and he said I was measuring incorrectly so I asked him to measure me and he got irritated. As he pulled the measuring tape our he said I should be between 26 and 28 inches. I mentioned that I thought he might be really big and he said that he wouldn't be really big yet, then he was silent when I measured at 31 inches. I asked what the meant and he said "I don't know but I'm sure everything is fine." Then when he listened for the heartbeat I asked him to look for a second and he refused. I acknowledge that it's near ridiculous for me to think they actually missed a baby, but would it have killed him to spend a minute looking? And his reassurance that everything is probably fine sucked. I'm not worried about the baby but that's 3 inches over what it's supposed to be. Is my due date wrong? Is he going to be 15 pounds? Are there two? Oh! And then he got irritated when Matt asked for a note saying that I needed him home for two weeks. He said that his office should supply paperwork for him to fill out, but they just want a note and he got all pissy. I don't want to see this guy again.

"If I wanted someone to ignore the details, belittle my concerns, and act irritated when I made a specific request, I'd have posted my question on an Internet message board, dude."


I hate it when doctors act like you're a charity case. I pay your bills, this is my body, LISTEN TO ME.


Just sharing the anger. :)

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:grouphug: for Mr. Sweetpea.  I did not mean to cast aspersion on scruffy guys.  I was just thinking of one up the mountain behind us – the registered kind- and being grateful it wasn’t him.  And feeling sorry for the grandmother who saw only the scary last night.


Yay for Gwyneth!  The chicken envy, it burns.  Well, this morning it simmers but that lacks.



Oh, I didn't take it that you were casting aspersions...lol.  I was just saying that it's funny how quite often...those scruffy guys that look so scary have the softest centers.  Maybe they wear their scruffiness to compensate for their "inner softness"?  



Chicken envy is a real thing, I tell ya!  Want a couple?  I'll ship some chicks...lol.  I always have too many.  

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Yeah, I'm 4'11 so baby has nowhere to go but OUT.



Awww, Renai!  We're SHAWTY twins!  I'm 4'11, too!  (and 3/4"...because every bit counts).  


And I looked like a freaking beached whale with all four kids.  I gained a TON of weight.  My heaviest weight was 90lbs heavier than my lightest pre-pregnancy weight.  I hit that point with kid 4.  


Lost most of it (70lbs) within 6 months of kid 4's birth.  Have hung on to the last 20 lbs...gone up a bit, down a bit, up a bit, down a bit, etc.  


People were asking me by week 24 if I was having multiples.  By week 30, I'd get, "Almost there!"  And I'd be all, "Nope..10 more weeks!"  And they'd be all...ep.gif  

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