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It's so strange that after all this time I have a great relationship with my father. He's the only one that thinks I'm weird and loves me anyway. My mother doesn't like me and my MIL still thinks she can fix me. FIL doesn't care and is just glad his son is happy.


Eta: I say that's strange because my father and I didn't have a relationship while I was growing up.


Excuse me?  I love you.  And I don't even think you're weird.  :toetap05:

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I'm sorry for being Miss Debby Downer. Here's a list of positives.



1. God is good.

2. Dinner was absolutely fabulous.

3. I'm still really excited about the pillows.

4. These are arriving this week (in blue).

5. I'm having a bowl of strawberries.


When you feel ill and barf half the day, you get a pass on the grumpies.


The fish pie looks tastier than the shoes.

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Good Monday Morning!!!


It's our last day of CC for the younger ones!  (Challenge level has another month.)  Pizza party at lunch!  Fun all around!  I love the last day - we made it!




(((Jean)))  (LOL at the Hemingway reference.)  Yay for sandwich making the night before!


Tex, how was Easter dinner w/ friends on the prednisone (misplaced modifier)?  How's the rash?  Are you doing a Silkwood nuclear exposure scrub down on dh after he sprays poison ivy?  


Yay for Ellie cooking and not crashing!


Yay for Nana cooking and JJM not popping!


Krissi, is stealing flowers from you neighbor's yard on Easter a Christian thing to do, lol?  (j/k)


Renai, we watched the last half or so of King of Kings last night.  (from the 1960s)





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I've been binging on Lost.


Tex, hope the meds are helping the rash without messing you up too much.

Slache, bazooka.

Jean, I hope you managed to sleep in.

Dawn, hope you feel better today.  If not, make it an "educational video day" - it's a thing.

Hornblower, leave the kids' candy alone! 

Ellie, yay for energy!


Happy Monday, everyone. :)


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I've been binging on Lost.


Tex, hope the meds are helping the rash without messing you up too much.

Slache, bazooka.

Jean, I hope you managed to sleep in.

Dawn, hope you feel better today.  If not, make it an "educational video day" - it's a thing.

Hornblower, leave the kids' candy alone! 

Ellie, yay for energy!


Happy Monday, everyone. :)


That's brilliance in action right there.

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I forgot to mention that on Good Friday, there is a pilgrimage tradition around here. There are many reasons people do the pilgrimage, but many say it represents Jesus' walk to Golgotha. Some people walk from great distances to get here:


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You're not dead yet!

Bring out yer dead! Bring out yer dead!

I'm not dead.

Yes you are!

I'm getting better!

No you're not! You'll be stone dead in a moment!

(Paraphrased Monty Python for your Monday morning,)


Excuse me? I love you. And I don't even think you're weird. :toetap05:

I think you're cool and quite witty! I think all the ITT gals are cool and quite witty!


Good Monday Morning!!


Krissi, is stealing flowers from you neighbor's yard on Easter a Christian thing to do, lol? (j/k)


It's definitely not a Christian thing if you're stealing California Poppies, which is our state flower and supposedly illegal to pick, but I've always wondered how it could be illegal of it's on private property.


Good Morning!

We are back to school today. Dd16 is still on break for a couple of days.

I haven't been feeling well. I have been binging on Downton Abbey as well. I finished season 4 yesterday.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

We have Easter Break this week. DS's school took Thursday and Froday off last week and all this week. I'm not really complaining!


Good morning!


I haven't told DD yet, but her day will start with a trip to the dentist. :scared:

DS has a dentist appointment today as does DD. DS is just getting a cleaning, whereas DD is getting a rotten tooth pulled and a spacer put in.


Have a great Monday, people!

Edited by KrissiK
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Hello, friends.  I am as ketched up as I am going to get.


I was awake until 5 am night before last and this made for an interesting day.  Last night, it was 2-3 am when I fell asleep.  I have stepped down the prednisone to 40 mg for the second day.  Tomorrow is 20 mg so I hold onto this.


Oldest is here, and she is a hot mess, yo.  The girl has all the feels.  


The odd father called me yesterday to remind me that I have to pick him up at the transmission place at 9 am in the 'hood.  I think dh felt sorry for me so he volunteered to do it.  I did not sleep late, but I don't think this is bad.  Maybe it will help me get on a better schedule sleeping in general.  Hope springs eternal!


The lady of our couple friend is a little OCD, and she scolded me soundly for letting a dog lick me in the face.  I was so gobsmacked by being reprimanded by someone in public at my age that I kind of stammered around.  That was the weirdest thing about the whole gathering.


I had no idea that Sister Wendy had art DVD's.  We have the book, and now I want the art DVD's.  I think that might even cure my poison ivy and whatever disease I have from letting dogs lick me in the face for my whole entire life.



Edited by texasmama
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I've been binging on milkshakes. Lost would be less fattening.


Matt would be upset if I murdered his mother with a bazooka.


It's only illegal to pick poppies from public land.

Don't aim it at her, silly. It's for the space two feet to her right. Shake her up a bit is all. Put some fear into her. Then calmly tell her, "You might want to refrain from speaking." She'll get the picture.




I don't own a bazooka irl, nor do I advocate violence of any kind other than theoretical violence for the purposes of self-calming daydreams which are viewed in one's head while the offending individual is conversing in a manner akin to adults in Charlie Brown cartoons. If you happen to interrupt her mid-sentence with a pop of your lips as if something were exploding, accompanied by appropriate exploding hand gestures, and then walk away seemingly randomly - well, all the better. Bazooka.

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I had no idea that Sister Wendy had art DVD's.  We have the book, and now I want the art DVD's.  I think that might even cure my poison ivy and whatever disease I have from letting dogs lick me in the face for my whole entire life.


The Sister Wendy DVDs are great!  There are a couple bits we still quote. & then there's the whole thing of a nun pointing at paintings of nudes which just makes us snicker.... 


The woman and the dog licking reprimand - wow, just wow.  I take it she didn't want to cheek kiss you good bye later  :lol:

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DS survived another doctor appointment. I wish we had this week off, but MIL & FIL are coming in a few weeks and I want that week off, so we have school this week.


We are completely out of coffee. I'm not sure how that happened. Fortunately there is chocolate.


Spam is back.

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On a serious note (I had to edit that because my fingers typed 'senior' at first) 

One of the dogs woke me up at very early this morning & after I quickly helped him & popped back into bed I couldn't fall back asleep!  This really doesn't happen to me & I had a momentary thought of "oh no, is this what my ITT pals were talking about?"

I was very stern with myself, did my regular "go to sleep fast" routine but it didn't work & and then I even had to play the "put your troubles in this box and lock it and put it down over there where you can see it in the morning" thing. Took what seemed like forever but was probably 30 min and I finally did fall asleep but since it was so close to my normal waking time, I decided to sleep in a bit. 

So here I finally am & the troubles that are worrying me & which I packed in a box & told myself I could ask ITT about them in the morning are this:   My ds needs friends and can't figure out where to make them. There aren't many teen activities for homeschoolers, many go back to school and he's pretty much aged out of few groups that exist as there's a pretty big sea of interests between 13 (& most groups allow tweens so there are 11 & 12s) and 17. He has gone to a couple of the teen events in the past year but didn't really click with anyone. Honestly, I think he barely spoke with anyone.

I think the local college will be good with all the clubs and the general sense of 'you're new and might not have friends yet so join us' but there's no DE here and he feels unready to just go right now & we've decided to homeschool one more year. But he needs friends & social contact.  His hobbies and interests are those of old men. He builds scale models of things & there's a club but when he went to their show/open house thingy, the average age was something like 112.   :lol: 

I'm actually not sure he knows HOW to make friends anymore. & having not done it really since childhood, I worry whether he knows how to be a friend, or if he's a good judge of character to tell when someone is being a friend or a user. 

& I don't think he learned anything from us through modelling because we're all a bit 'off'.  Dd is prickly and introverted. She makes acquaintances; she has work and school "friends" but refuses to really socialize with anyone. Dh has one friend whom we see about twice a year & occasionally he plays online with him. I'm also friend challenged.  

So now I need to add to my list some possible solutions to this. I was going to get him that Dale Carnegie book. And I have to find places for him to meet nice people who might be interested in making new friends. 


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I should have said this about packing, but you should be filling bags as you unpack for goodwill and the garbage. Moving is the perfect time to purge.




Ikslo, love the fine print.

We did. We literally ran out of garbage bags. :( also, much of it is inherited.

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We did. We literally ran out of garbage bags. :( also, much of it is inherited.

Feel free to disagree with me but I think "it's inherited" is not a good reason to keep something. "It's inherited from someone I love, and it reminds me of them so I want to keep it" is, but I don't keep anything out of guilt.

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I am awake for the second time.  I am having all the stress, so I am drinking my Natural Calm and am doing a lot of slow breathing. 


I have the first load of laundry going.  It has my pants in it.  Getting that done will alleviate some of my stress.


Throwing some ideas out for Hornblower:  YMCA (ours has nature/environment camps and rock climbing camps and leadership camps for older teens).  Can he join some of the local school clubs?  (ours are supposed to be open to all, though that isn't always easy to enforce).  Library teen activities?  On-line friends (ds18 has a lot of Skype friends that he's picked up in gaming). 

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The boys have surprised me by plowing through their work in a timely fashion. Usually the first day back from a layoff is a plod.

So far we have not even considered the friends and activities end of things. It may be that since the boys came as twins, they seem to think they already have a best friend, so why bother with more? And they are both exceptionally introverted, since both DH and I are just about as reserved as you can get and still be human, and not bats in a cave.

We do get to practice our "friendliness" on cousins and the kid across the road. I hope to have us all go to the writer's group soon. I'm hoping that they end up with a good mix of kids that are just a little younger, kids that are older and some adults so that it's a good mix of experiences for them. 

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We did. We literally ran out of garbage bags. :( also, much of it is inherited.

The Kon-Mari book has something to say about inherited stuff, gifts, etc. Helped me get rid a lot of guilt I felt about keeping and storing things I didn't really like, but were given to me by someone I loved.
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Feel free to disagree with me but I think "it's inherited" is not a good reason to keep something. "It's inherited from someone I love, and it reminds me of them so I want to keep it" is, but I don't keep anything out of guilt.

It's not guilt though. It's really cool stuff we want to pass to the kids. Like 150 year old sheet music and a box of keys his dad picked off the ground on Vietnam or something and stuff like that.

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I am awake for the second time.  I am having all the stress, so I am drinking my Natural Calm and am doing a lot of slow breathing. 


I have the first load of laundry going.  It has my pants in it.  Getting that done will alleviate some of my stress.


Throwing some ideas out for Hornblower:  YMCA (ours has nature/environment camps and rock climbing camps and leadership camps for older teens).  Can he join some of the local school clubs?  (ours are supposed to be open to all, though that isn't always easy to enforce).  Library teen activities?  On-line friends (ds18 has a lot of Skype friends that he's picked up in gaming). 


We don't have a network of YMCA per se here..but we have municipal rec centers. I will check what they have.  

School is out. They have huge legal barriers for unenrolled people being on the property.

Will check the library book club. I think they did one last year. 

Ds plays online but doesn't seem to engage much with anyone & definitely hasn't made friends. Hmmmm. I have an idea but need to let it percolate as it might be a bad idea....

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It's not guilt though. It's really cool stuff we want to pass to the kids. Like 150 year old sheet music and a box of keys his dad picked off the ground on Vietnam or something and stuff like that.

Yes, we have a closet of that stuff too. My husband has lots of Red's Baseball memoribilia and I have stuff from my grandparent's travels.
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Interesting thing: I did have a cup of decaf tea last night around five, just when I was beginning to get antsy. It did settle me out and didn't keep me awake. I'm thinking afternoon decaf along with taking the younger dogs for a good walk in the afternoons might just do the trick with this mild anxiety thang.

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