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OMW...lobster bisque would be AHMAYZING right now.


Alas...I will need to settle for a leftover cheeseburger...lol



Seriously? Two in a row???








Why not Zoidberg? Edited by Slache
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People...I'm not even sure I can get mine to survive to teenagehood, nevermind dating and adulthood.


Here's my 9 yr old.  Up a tree that is *if you fall from this high you will die* sized.  







Apparently I can't sleep.


I'd probably be up there with him. Need a long rope with a pail at the end to bring up snacks for when hungry. 

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I have not caught up as I'm only on page 840. But, I did a Throwback Thursday in honor of still-needing-a-classroom-name, and decided on one of these. :D


No, it was not "Imma learn some Spanish, Yo!"


I also hope that Lynn is not expecting any type of payment, since these weren't copyrighted.


A little too late, dd16 just came up with (in honor of Tex), Smarmy Spanish for Sassy Senoritas. "Learn to speak Spanish the diva way!"




Yay!  I love dd's contribution also! 


Oh, I also forgot, that while looking for the Spanish class names, I re-read this portion of the thread. Page 501. I like this post. So does dd16, all-things-Batman fan.


Ok, NOW I'm going to bed.


Pro-Batman here too!

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Good Friday Morning!  (Really, it's Good Friday!)


Oldest ds is on spring break.  By the way, the chemistry test he made up (from when he was sick) was posted and brought his grade up to passing.  There should be some labs and a mini-test that get graded over or after break, hopefully they will pull it up some more. 


Coffee Time!!!!

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Good morning all. And indeed, it is Good Friday, as Lynn stated. I was glad for the reminder.


The prom is a formal dance given for the juniors and seniors at our high school. It is chaperoned by teachers, principals, etc. Dd16 is a sophomore, but would be attending with a girl that is on the prom committee. So we bought a dress yesterday in the big city at the mall. So I'm ok with her going. I will be talking to dh. She is a good girl. Her attitude, personality, commitment impresses me daily. I trust her. But I don't trust the world. I know I have to let her grow up, but I don't want to. Geeesh, now I am crying. Who knew when you have babies they would grow up so quickly.


Eta: I've settled down now. This place is magic. Therapy. ;)


This is the dress. I hope the link works.http://www.dillards.com/p/jodi-kristopher-crystal-beaded-cage-back-gown/505914462?di=04635573_zi_ice_mint&categoryId=667452&facetCache=pageSize%3D48%26beginIndex%3D0%26orderBy%3D1%26facet%3D-11971114101101110

Edited by Openhearted
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For now...I need to turn my attention to our upcoming vacation.


7 hour road trip. Yaaaaaaay! /sarcasm


I'm going to pack some activity boxes for the kids. And schoolwork. Yes schoolwork. The Thursday we're leaving, I have a school day planned for that day and they might as well make good use of the time they'll be in the car.


DH is all, "Pack lots of movies! Keep 'em busy!" But I'm opposed, lol. I feel like a giant hypocrite because I let them play on their tablets and Wii all week to help cut down on the kid ping-pong, but I won't let them watch movies in the car for 7 hours straight.


Oh well. I'm the mom. I can be a hypocrite if I want. ;-)

I found that when we had movies in the car, the kids fought and complained way more than without. We will bring a couple of our favorite short books on tape, but otherwise they have books and paper and pencils and small toys and occasional snacks. I do buy Nutter Butters just for car trips. :D

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Good morning all. And indeed, it is Good Friday, as Lynn stated. I was glad for the reminder.


The prom is a formal dance given for the juniors and seniors at our high school. It is chaperoned by teachers, principals, etc. Dd16 is a sophomore, but would be attending with a girl that is on the prom committee. So we bought a dress yesterday in the big city at the mall. So I'm ok with her going. I will be talking to dh. She is a good girl. Her attitude, personality, commitment impresses me daily. I trust her. But I don't trust the world. I know I have to let her grow up, but I don't want to. Geeesh, now I am crying. Who knew when you have babies they would grow up so quickly.


Eta: I've settled down now. This place is magic. Therapy. ;)


This is the dress. I hope the link works.http://www.dillards.com/p/jodi-kristopher-crystal-beaded-cage-back-gown/505914462?di=04635573_zi_ice_mint&categoryId=667452&facetCache=pageSize%3D48%26beginIndex%3D0%26orderBy%3D1%26facet%3D-11971114101101110


:grouphug: , Dawn.


Tell DD that is one VERY pretty dress!


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Oh.  I forgot.  I must vent.


From the "Things That Make Me Go GRRR" file:


DD likes Minecraft.  She and others online built a "world" and in it she built an elaborate house.  So, one night, someone went in and blew everything up. Why would someone do that?


(DH is in charge of all things computer, so I will be asking why DD is participating in an online anything in which there are unidentifiable participants.  But that's a different vent.)

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I'm exhausted. I had a nightmare that we lost the baby and woke up in a total panic.


I'm irritated with the apartment search. This place has one of the highest costs of living in the country. We really need to stick it out for 2 more years, but then we're out.


Dawn, love Love LOVE the dress!


Sweetpea, Zoidberg is a character from Futurama made by the creator of The Simpsons. Why not Zoidberg is a meme. Matt tried to get me into the show, but it was a no go.


Eta: my phone corrected Sweetpea to sweatpants and I accidentally left it as sweatpea which is not sexy. Sorry.

Edited by Slache
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Dd is sick, so I wasn't able to take my weekly arthritis protocol on Wednesday. I'm still able to take my daily drug, but I REALLY hurt now.  If I ever think about stopping my weekly med because of all of the dangers it brings, remind me that my ankles and fingers flare with the torture of a thousand blazing suns in them without it, ok?  


I'm so grateful a friend invited us over to spend Easter with her family.  I only have to make a potato dish, and I already have Easter basket stuff taken care of.

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Dd is sick, so I wasn't able to take my weekly arthritis protocol on Wednesday. I'm still able to take my daily drug, but I REALLY hurt now.  If I ever think about stopping my weekly med because of all of the dangers it brings, remind me that my ankles and fingers flare with the torture of a thousand blazing suns in them without it, ok?  


I'm so grateful a friend invited us over to spend Easter with her family.  I only have to make a potato dish, and I already have Easter basket stuff taken care of.


:grouphug:  I know.  I'm so sorry.

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I'm exhausted. I had a nightmare that we lost the baby and woke up in a total panic.


I'm irritated with the apartment search. This place has one of the highest costs of living in the country. We really need to stick it out for 2 more years, but then we're out.


Dawn, love Love LOVE the dress!


Sweetpea, Zoidberg is a character from Futurama made by the creator of The Simpsons. Why not Zoidberg is a meme. Matt tried to get me into the show, but it was a no go.


Eta: my phone corrected Sweetpea to sweatpants and I accidentally left it as sweatpea which is not sexy. Sorry.


Hugs on the nightmare and apartment search.  


My like was on the bolded.   :lol:

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Good morning all. And indeed, it is Good Friday, as Lynn stated. I was glad for the reminder.


The prom is a formal dance given for the juniors and seniors at our high school. It is chaperoned by teachers, principals, etc. Dd16 is a sophomore, but would be attending with a girl that is on the prom committee. So we bought a dress yesterday in the big city at the mall. So I'm ok with her going. I will be talking to dh. She is a good girl. Her attitude, personality, commitment impresses me daily. I trust her. But I don't trust the world. I know I have to let her grow up, but I don't want to. Geeesh, now I am crying. Who knew when you have babies they would grow up so quickly.


Eta: I've settled down now. This place is magic. Therapy. ;)


This is the dress. I hope the link works.http://www.dillards.com/p/jodi-kristopher-crystal-beaded-cage-back-gown/505914462?di=04635573_zi_ice_mint&categoryId=667452&facetCache=pageSize%3D48%26beginIndex%3D0%26orderBy%3D1%26facet%3D-11971114101101110



Oh my.  Such a beautiful dress.  I would be crying too. (Actually, I am.)    :crying:

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Cranky start to my morning - I was going to weigh myself on the wii which is stressful enough because I've been more than a bit in denial about weight gain. When I use the wii scale I always do it at a set time, wearing same thing etc, because I figured otherwise, what's the point of having inaccurate data. If I wanted that, I can just get on my old spring scale. 

So the stars all aligned, I got up at a reasonable time, remembered I wanted to do it, didn't chug my morning beverages (because that's one of the rules, no eating/drinking. Because 1 L of liquid weight 1 kg and if you drink it, you weigh it..) 

And the stupid thing won't turn on.   :glare:   Actually *it* turns on, but there's no picture on the tv screen and the sound is intermittent. I'm guessing something is mixed up with cords but there's no way I have the time to do more than jiggle a few wires and that did nothing. I hate the stupid set up we have with this huge maze of wires & dh got all fancy & wanted to have a 'clean' look so the wires are all tightly zap strapped & hidden behind panels in the furniture which  means it's a total pita to sort out what goes where. 

On the bright side - I have no idea how much I weigh so I guess I've delayed that reality for at least another day. 

It's a school day for us so after quick coffee, I have to hustle. And adjust my mood. This isn't worth  :cursing: about. 


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I have not caught up as I'm only on page 840. But, I did a Throwback Thursday in honor of still-needing-a-classroom-name, and decided on one of these. :D


No, it was not "Imma learn some Spanish, Yo!"


I also hope that Lynn is not expecting any type of payment, since these weren't copyrighted.


A little too late, dd16 just came up with (in honor of Tex), Smarmy Spanish for Sassy Senoritas. "Learn to speak Spanish the diva way!"





My grandbunny loves me. 


So do the dogs.


And the cat. 


I'm blessed with fur. 

Me, too, and it is grand.  Also, Aiden, the dog of some bball peeps who thinks he is a person, gives me kisses repeatedly.  He never kisses anyone.  I am his favorite.  <3  I have dog chemistry.


Good morning all. And indeed, it is Good Friday, as Lynn stated. I was glad for the reminder.


The prom is a formal dance given for the juniors and seniors at our high school. It is chaperoned by teachers, principals, etc. Dd16 is a sophomore, but would be attending with a girl that is on the prom committee. So we bought a dress yesterday in the big city at the mall. So I'm ok with her going. I will be talking to dh. She is a good girl. Her attitude, personality, commitment impresses me daily. I trust her. But I don't trust the world. I know I have to let her grow up, but I don't want to. Geeesh, now I am crying. Who knew when you have babies they would grow up so quickly.


Eta: I've settled down now. This place is magic. Therapy. ;)


This is the dress. I hope the link works.http://www.dillards.com/p/jodi-kristopher-crystal-beaded-cage-back-gown/505914462?di=04635573_zi_ice_mint&categoryId=667452&facetCache=pageSize%3D48%26beginIndex%3D0%26orderBy%3D1%26facet%3D-11971114101101110

The dress is lovely.  I really understand.  (((hugs)))  It is hard on the mama heart.  I recently told someone that rearing my girls has been so much harder than my boys and that I would have made a great four boy mom.


Don't take risks in treacherous trees!

My peeps!!!


Dd is sick, so I wasn't able to take my weekly arthritis protocol on Wednesday. I'm still able to take my daily drug, but I REALLY hurt now.  If I ever think about stopping my weekly med because of all of the dangers it brings, remind me that my ankles and fingers flare with the torture of a thousand blazing suns in them without it, ok?  


I'm so grateful a friend invited us over to spend Easter with her family.  I only have to make a potato dish, and I already have Easter basket stuff taken care of.



Cranky start to my morning - I was going to weigh myself on the wii which is stressful enough because I've been more than a bit in denial about weight gain. When I use the wii scale I always do it at a set time, wearing same thing etc, because I figured otherwise, what's the point of having inaccurate data. If I wanted that, I can just get on my old spring scale. 


So the stars all aligned, I got up at a reasonable time, remembered I wanted to do it, didn't chug my morning beverages (because that's one of the rules, no eating/drinking. Because 1 L of liquid weight 1 kg and if you drink it, you weigh it..) 


And the stupid thing won't turn on.   :glare:   Actually *it* turns on, but there's no picture on the tv screen and the sound is intermittent. I'm guessing something is mixed up with cords but there's no way I have the time to do more than jiggle a few wires and that did nothing. I hate the stupid set up we have with this huge maze of wires & dh got all fancy & wanted to have a 'clean' look so the wires are all tightly zap strapped & hidden behind panels in the furniture which  means it's a total pita to sort out what goes where. 


On the bright side - I have no idea how much I weigh so I guess I've delayed that reality for at least another day. 


It's a school day for us so after quick coffee, I have to hustle. And adjust my mood. This isn't worth  :cursing: about. 



Your ignorance was meant to be.  I doubt you are huge because I have seen you doing that sit down and cross legs and stand up thingie, and you are the most adorable thing ever.  EVER.  I ate too much cake yesterday and gained weight.  

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Friends, I awoke with more spots and clawing at my belleh so I relented and took the prednisone. :crying:  I am on 60 mg for three days and then on a step down for a week longer.  I hate it, but I hate the thought of uncontrollable poison ivy more.


So today dh and I are supposed to spend time together around his work stuff and oldest coming over for a shot later, and I hope the prednisone doesn't make me a nut all day.  By Sunday, I should be in rare form. :huh:   And we have been invited to our bball friends' son's house so I need to not be a nut.  Pray I'm not a nut.  Thankyouverymuch.





Edited by texasmama
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Today I turned Thomas on for the kids.


They all looked at me like I had four heads.


"Really Mom?  Thomas?  That's BABY stuff."





They use to LOVE Thomas.  All I ever heard about was Thomas.  Thomas and Percy and James and...and...and...


Why do they have to grow up?!  I need another baby.  Stat.  Just to borrow though...from maybe birth through...3.  Yeah.  No...wait..5.  

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Friends, I awoke with more spots and clawing at my belleh so I relented and took the prednisone. :crying:  I am on 60 mg for three days and then on a step down for a week longer.  I hate it, but I hate the thought of uncontrollable poison ivy more.


Last night I went to open gym with the boys and there were some bad young adults, but they weren't bad to our teens except for extremely colorful language, which one new guy was talked to about.  This gym is actually at a church so they asked him to show respect.  College girl called me and I was talking to her at open gym, which was loud, but she was crying and sad and wondered about her decision.  But I think it is the right one, to break up, and it just hurts because her heart got involved.  Then I had to quick hang up because my friend came in with some shoes for me and also, her sister.  So I talked perimenopause and thyroid with her sister and tried on these heeled plantar fasciitis flip flops that were a bit big for my friend.  And I went to write her a check for these two pairs of shoes which will not murder my feet, and she said "This is a gift for coach's wife."  Her son is not even on our team anymore because he went to a university model school and played for them this year.  I almost cried.  She was always looking out for me and trying to protect me since dh gave so much time to the team.  I told her I miss her because no one else seems to feel this way, and she said, "That is terrible!  No one???", and I said, "I know, right???" and hugged her a lot.


So today dh and I are supposed to spend time together around his work stuff and college girl coming over for a shot later, and I hope the prednisone doesn't make me a nut all day.  By Sunday, I should be in rare form. :huh:   And we have been invited to our bball friends' son's house so I need to not be a nut.  Pray I'm not a nut.  Thankyouverymuch.




Will do.


On a regular day, sans prednisone, I am a nut.  Y'all see that, right? :lol:


Hadn't noticed.

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I'm knocking out syllabi and schedules like a champ.  I have ancient history, ancient literature, geometry, spanish, biology, and art schedules and syllabi done. Boom!  I just have a couple of half credit electives to go!


I want to Boom!, too.


Post your syllabi so I can copy them and go Boom!

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