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Ok...I've gotta shelve my Earth Science Study for now.  I just can't take any more...lol.  I've got calluses forming on my palms from having them resting on the laptop all week.  My poor kids have been running amok all week.  My poor hubby is tired of covering for me every single night.  Time to put things away for a bit.  


I've got all of Unit 1 and most of Unit 2 done...but you can tell my enthusiasm has started to wear off because much of Unit 2 is lacking.  But at least I can begin their lessons and continue working on the rest of Unit 2 and all of Unit 3 as we go.


For now...I need to turn my attention to our upcoming vacation.  


7 hour road trip.  Yaaaaaaay!  /sarcasm  


I'm going to pack some activity boxes for the kids.  And schoolwork.  Yes schoolwork.  The Thursday we're leaving, I have a school day planned for that day and they might as well make good use of the time they'll be in the car.  


DH is all, "Pack lots of movies!  Keep 'em busy!"  But I'm opposed, lol.  I feel like a giant hypocrite because I let them play on their tablets and Wii all week to help cut down on the kid ping-pong, but I won't let them watch movies in the car for 7 hours straight.  


Oh well.  I'm the mom.  I can be a hypocrite if I want.  ;-)  





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Ok...I've gotta shelve my Earth Science Study for now.  I just can't take any more...lol.  I've got calluses forming on my palms from having them resting on the laptop all week.  My poor kids have been running amok all week.  My poor hubby is tired of covering for me every single night.  Time to put things away for a bit.  


I've got all of Unit 1 and most of Unit 2 done...but you can tell my enthusiasm has started to wear off because much of Unit 2 is lacking.  But at least I can begin their lessons and continue working on the rest of Unit 2 and all of Unit 3 as we go.


For now...I need to turn my attention to our upcoming vacation.  


7 hour road trip.  Yaaaaaaay!  /sarcasm  


I'm going to pack some activity boxes for the kids.  And schoolwork.  Yes schoolwork.  The Thursday we're leaving, I have a school day planned for that day and they might as well make good use of the time they'll be in the car.  


DH is all, "Pack lots of movies!  Keep 'em busy!"  But I'm opposed, lol.  I feel like a giant hypocrite because I let them play on their tablets and Wii all week to help cut down on the kid ping-pong, but I won't let them watch movies in the car for 7 hours straight.  


Oh well.  I'm the mom.  I can be a hypocrite if I want.  ;-)  





Note:  This is in NO WAY an endorsement of the vulgarity of Mel Brooks.  But it is funny.


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I am gouging my eyes out while trying to put together a daily schedule for Breaking the Barrier. I really wish they would just put one into the book!

I plan on using that for French later on. Not this year. Good to know that I will need extra chocolate when it comes to scheduling!

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The materials are rather underwhelming when they arrive, fwiw.  I was impressed by the content in the iBook, but my kids couldn't handle the interactive workbook. When the materials arrived, it all came in a 11x14 ziplock. I personally would have organized the material differently.  As I went through the content, though, I was reminded that it is fairly approachable and thorough. (On the other hand, so is Easy Spanish, Step by Step, and it's only $8 on amazon and covers most of the same material!).  I'm definitely going to add in some Duolingo for additional practice, and I'm looking for some decent videos....

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The materials are rather underwhelming when they arrive, fwiw.  I was impressed by the content in the iBook, but my kids couldn't handle the interactive workbook. When the materials arrived, it all came in a 11x14 ziplock. I personally would have organized the material differently.  As I went through the content, though, I was reminded that it is fairly approachable and thorough. (On the other hand, so is Easy Spanish, Step by Step, and it's only $8 on amazon and covers most of the same material!).  I'm definitely going to add in some Duolingo for additional practice, and I'm looking for some decent videos....


We are using a hodge-podge of little workbooks for Spanish 1.  I was using BJU's Spanish, but the dc both balked and said that it was hard to do without learning vocabulary first.  So we have done weeks and weeks of mostly vocabulary and are starting to add in more grammar.  Easy Spanish and the sequel are now in my amazon cart.


Ds15 and dd13 are both doing Duolingo.  Dd13 is about ready to pass my score.  Maybe I need to spend more time on that site and less time on this one.  ;)  






Nah.  :lol:  

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I went to the local homeschool consignment shop today.  I found the book that I was searching for months ago (The Private Eye) and decided that I didn't actually like it.  I didn't find the other book I was looking for (Choosing Your Way through the World's Ancient Past).  I'll probably find it in a few months and will decide that I don't like it either.  I did get some critical thinking books and some literature guides. 

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I got a deva cut tonight while Tex was purpling her toes, then I spent 4 hours in Starbucks with my IRL besties.  We can talk a heckofa lot. Tonight was mostly about lice and transmissions and speaking in tongues.  It is too bad they are real, and they are ps-ers, because if they were pretend and were hs-ers, they'd make awesome ITTers. :D  The last 15 minutes, we talked in the dark in the rain, because Starbucks had closed.  


DS is feeling much better.  No word yet on his urine labs.  He's not been put on antibiotics, because the burning seems to be sporadic, but he is being sent to Children's to see if they think he has the same genetic connective tissue disorder his sister has.  Which really wouldn't be a big deal (or a surprise) if he does in fact have it, but could explain things like GI issues and UTI's.  


Hugs to everyone who is sick!  And to everyone experimenting with drugs.  And a special welcome-back-you-were-missed hug to Prairie.  


Pat on the back to Lynn for standing up for homeschoolers everywhere in that other thread out in the big bad wide forum world.  



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Give me a reason this is a bad idea.



Kid #3 coming along.  With possible kid #4 in tow, unless it's just elbows.




Seriously, while mostly, it IS a great idea, you may want to consider two dishes per kid if it's affordable.  The more kids I've had around here, the more I've come to understand why big homeschool families' sinks are usually full of dirty dishes.  When school becomes more involved for Mary and John, and you still have a toddler around, you may find that morning dishes just don't get washed until midafternoon most days.  Even if you are a neatfreak like me who never thought you'd be able to even stand such a thing.   And you'll want something clean you can throw on the table for lunch.  


Just some thoughts I thunk when I read your post.  FWIW.   :001_cool:

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Spanish for All


Spanish the Easy Way


Enjoyable Spanish


Spanish Conversation and Literature


Spanish for Tongue and Heart  :lol:


Step by Step Spanish


Imma learn some Spanish, Yo!  :lol:



I have not caught up as I'm only on page 840. But, I did a Throwback Thursday in honor of still-needing-a-classroom-name, and decided on one of these. :D


No, it was not "Imma learn some Spanish, Yo!"


I also hope that Lynn is not expecting any type of payment, since these weren't copyrighted.


A little too late, dd16 just came up with (in honor of Tex), Smarmy Spanish for Sassy Senoritas. "Learn to speak Spanish the diva way!"



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I will catch up sometime in this lifetime. Wow, page 845. I'm really behind. I'm also really tired and going to bed. Yes, I read every post, because I'm a reader, and really nosy, and always have something to say.


So there.


And good night.

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My thread search foo is broken today.  The book recommended during the encopresis discussion a few months back. Can anyone dig that title up for me, please? 


Oh yay, another poopy booyah.




Just in case no one has answered yet, so far I have found "Care and keeping of you." I can look more tomorrow if need be.


Now, I'm going to bed.

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So bestie and I are planning a get together with our families for Resurrection Sunday. They have five kids, plus our four...all age 10 and under. We always have a blast when we get together.


Anyways, we're planning a feast. And because we're commemorating the day Jesus defeated Satan (hereafter referred to as "the devil"), we'll be eating all things devil.


Devil's food cake

Devil dogs

Deviled Eggs

Deviled Ham



What else do you think we should have? (Seriously...this is the kind of sick sense of humor we have...lol)

What a great idea!


We are having slow cooker corned beef with potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. Dh's request. Plus it can be cooking while we are at church all morning. I think I will also buy a key lime pie. Because pie. And spring.


I could really go for some lobster bisque right now.

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I want to be Batman.





-Knows how to avoid injury

-Hot in his old age






Oh, I also forgot, that while looking for the Spanish class names, I re-read this portion of the thread. Page 501. I like this post. So does dd16, all-things-Batman fan.


Ok, NOW I'm going to bed.

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What a great idea!


We are having slow cooker corned beef with potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. Dh's request. Plus it can be cooking while we are at church all morning. I think I will also buy a key lime pie. Because pie. And spring.


I could really go for some lobster bisque right now.


Yum.  Lobster bisque sounds really good.  I am eating up a storm over here.  Because no solid food for 3 days.


But my tummy feels so much better.


The pain that I got this time was not nearly as bad as what I've gotten in previous episodes.


I went to the ER once last year because the pain was unmanageable.  They gave me morphine and it didn't even touch it.

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What a great idea!


We are having slow cooker corned beef with potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. Dh's request. Plus it can be cooking while we are at church all morning. I think I will also buy a key lime pie. Because pie. And spring.


I could really go for some lobster bisque right now.



OMW...lobster bisque would be AHMAYZING right now.  


Alas...I will need to settle for a leftover cheeseburger...lol



Seriously?  Two in a row???











Edited by Sweetpea3829
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I actually need to get to bed, too, Junie.


I just finished our week dinner menu and shopping list.  We usually go as a family on Sundays after church but...that's not happening, lol.  And Saturday, the boys are going to a neighbor farm to help pluck rocks (grrrrrr) from his field...and DD has a riding lesson.  So I'll be doing my shopping tomorrow instead.  


Which means no 3AM wake-up call!  


Night everyone!  

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