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For funsies, I've been googling if cats can give you mites.  Yes, they can, but it is more of a dandruff causing mite, not this sort of rash thing.  It makes me want to give the pets 100 meds and myself some, too.  The doc today said that the cure for scabies is basically putting insecticides all over yourself, so I didn't want it to be that.  She made a face when she said it so it made it sound even worse.  I wonder if I want to wait a little bit to take the prednisone to see if it goes away on its own. :leaving:


I have to decide if prednisone is worse than this rash.  It is spreading.  Sigh.  What if I waited a few days to see if it stops....I am a minimalist with meds.  Did I tell y'all I talked to her about my thyroid meds and she gave me a higher dose while I was there showing her my belly?  Yeah, I did.  So there's that.  


I think prednisone is of the Devil.  I was on gobs of it for much of my pregnancy.  I think it permanently altered my metabolism. (A short course should not do that,though, but I still hate it. Not because it doesn't work - it does - just on general principle.

Today, I went to two doctors, two grocery stores, got gas, and put the dog's i.d. tag back on after it fell off one hundred times and ds13 couldn't make it work.


Also, I know I told y'all that the church fired their business dude and changed software so our giving statement was WHACK, and then I went through all these online statements and figured out what we gave to the best of my ability, so help me God, and the new dude told me to just tell his assistant what we gave and she would give us a statement to that effect.  Well, y'all will appreciate this...the church screwed up, and the new dude knew it so he was being helpful.  However, his assistant evidently is no good.  I called her and left a message.  She did not call back.  So I emailed him and he gave me her email address.  Then I emailed her and told her that her boss told me to give the amount we gave and send a statement.  I gave her the amount and requested a statement.  So then she never responded to the email OR called me.  By now, over a week has passed.  I am not pleased.  So I received a statement in the mall today with HALF OF THE YEAR'S GIVING included.  So now I have a statement from June 21st on.  Nice.  Also, not helpful.  I was so made I said a string of bad words.  Church is not supposed to make you lose your religion, but I did.  So dh was meeting with the boss dude anyway today about using the church gym so I put him on it because I was so mad after all this trouble and run around and no communication and still not having what we need to do our taxes that I did not think I could be nice.  Plus, I have a weird rash and too many appointments.  So he did.  The boss promised to send out a statement.  If he doesn't, I will lose my religion again.  Church makes it hard to keep your religion because it is full of people.  


Bazooka time.

People suck.  I am moving to a deserted island with the gut-kneading cat, even if she is the one who gave me poison ivy mites or somesuch.


Also, I made sweet potato fries and asked the kids to save me some.  Well, they did, but while I was on the phone for a long time with college girl trying to help her figure out how to know if a guy is "the one", dh ate them. :confused1:   First poison ivy and now this.  Duct tape.  DH needs duct tape. And while I was recovering from all of that trauma, and also the trauma of showing my flabby belly with a rash to my super skinny friend at open gym last night because she asked since her sister had bed bugs once, my odd father called!  Right after college girl and the sweet potato fries incident.  So he was worried about me because we have been having weather and he thought I might have migraines, and he wanted to know if I was okay.  What I wanted to say is, "I am sure the hell not", but what I actually said was "Yes, I have not had any migraines in spite of the weather".  He talked to me a long time about a lot of stuff, and I really had to pee but I held it.  Then right after I was able to get off the phone ds15 was worried and thought he had erased his facebook account and lost his $10 weather radar app due to the ipad misfunctioning.  I told him I couldn't even begin to help him at that point because my brain was broken but I would look at it later.  I did reassure him that it would all work out and you can't really lose apps once you pay for them.


It's kind of a bummer about the lack of wine, Tex.  I'll have a glass for you.  You should feel less like strangling someone in a few minutes ( I might have had a wee head start.)


Thank you for listening to all of that. :leaving:




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Today is fine.  I tried my new med last night.  I did not die or turn purple with pink polka dots (always a fear when I have a new med).  But the side effects are not the greatest and actually put me back a step in my general functionality.  I was supposed to take the med today too but I flaked out at the last minute.  It was such a busy day that I couldn't afford to be put back even more steps in functionality.  My plan is to try it again tonight and to make a decision tomorrow as to if I want to keep taking it.  I'm supposed to go back to this doc in a week.  I'm really tempted to cancel my appt. and pretend that I never went to see him about this.  I got the information that I needed :  the actual diagnosis.  There is no known cure.  I'm not sure that I want the meds if they make other things worse.  I know that if I go to see him and tell him that this one doesn't work, that he will try yet another drug on me.  Sorry - this is long and convoluted.  I'm giving myself therapy by typing this all out. 



I went to public school. It didn't kill my spirit. What killed my spirit was being poor and having to work a job I hate, in order to support a family. School isn't a drop in the bucket. If school kills the spirit, what kind of spirit was it, anyway? I don't even LIKE school.


But what else is there for us? Fulfillment means nothing when your babies are not fed. He'll be fine. After all... the author of the books survived, did he not?


On the other hand, I am really, really sorry about your diagnosis.

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They have all three. Well, the Eva Braun book they only have one copy which is out, so I put it on hold, and each of the other two they had 17 copies. I love reading ww2 stuff.

Oh, you'll like the Larson book. Was the Eva Braun book the one by Angela Lambert? That's the one I read. It's good.
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Did you make this or buy it?



I made it.  I managed to get a ream of continuous feed printer paper.  You know?  The stuff from the '80s and '90s that had those little perforated side things that you could peel off.  I posted a request for a ream on Freecycle, thinking surely somebody somewhere would have one.  Sure enough...some elderly dude in Rochester was all, "Here ya go, Missy!  Well....back in MY day...."


Nice guy.  He had a cooler of sodas waiting for our arrival.  I think he was lonely...so we stayed and chatted for a few minutes.


Then....I made it into a timeline!  




***Calvin and Hobbes...


DS9 loves Calvin and Hobbes.  But we had to shelve him for a bit.  Turns out, DS9 and DS*Almost8* were going off to Sunday School and telling their teacher about how they were going to do some "smokers" and, "Hey, I'll be right back...I'm going to go have a cigarette."


The girl's father mentioned it to us and we were...needless to say...a bit shocked.  We don't smoke and nobody around them smokes.  Took a week or two to weed it out of them, but they learned about it from...duh duh duh!  Calvin and Hobbes.  




Anyways...DS still loves Calvin and Hobbes and wanted a Hobbes tiger.  Did you know you can't buy them?  Bill Watterson (is that his name?  I can't remember and I'm too lazy to Google) never signed licensing permission.  All you can get are handmade ones and/or a pattern to sew one.  Too bad I have ZERO sewing ability, because DS would really love an authentic-looking Hobbes.  


His beanie tiger will have to just do.  

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Oh, you'll like the Larson book. Was the Eva Braun book the one by Angela Lambert? That's the one I read. It's good.


No it was not, and *GASP* my library system does not have The Lost Life of Eva Braun.  I may have to ILL that one.  But I have three books on hold now, so it'll have to wait.   I have a few on my nightstand still waiting for me to find the time.  Because I am only on season 2 of Lost.  :lol:

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Prednisone makes me happy. I never feel quite so good as I do when I'm on prednisone.


WOW!  Who knew?

We call prednisone my loopy pills. 


Dang, I wish I had this reaction.  It could be fun.  ;)

Found an apartment. 3 bedrooms for the price of our 2, stupid kitchen, nature trails, communal laundry rooms, pool. They have an opening April 30th. What do we think?



It sounds nice, and I don't think the kitchen is the stupidest I've ever seen.  What is your laundry situation now?  I would hate a communal laundry room, particularly with a bunch of kids.  I would much prefer a tiny stackable washer/dryer even if I had to do five loads a day but not leave my apartment.  My kitchen is probably the stupidest part of my house.  A man who never cooked designed it, I think.

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When I woke up, the first part of the rash that started looked like it was a little bit better so I am going to hold off the prednisone because I don't need to be any crazier than I already am, as anyone who was on the thread yesterday can plainly see. :huh:   I believe that overwrought is the word. :leaving:

Edited by texasmama
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Dh and I talked.  I ended up not trying the new med last night because by nightfall I was rapidly going into a flare.  Was it triggered by the new med?  Or is it just coincidental timing?  He thinks that I should just tell him that the med. didn't work well for me and that I'm not taking it.  And that I'm being helped by another med by another doctor - a med that this doctor had contested.  I'm afraid that there will be dueling doctors.  My question is:  can I get away with just telling him via MyChart (you can send messages to the doctor) and then cancelling my follow up appointment in a week? 

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Good morning! First day of Easter Vacation and I refused to get up when it was dark. So there! Poor DH, though. He doesn't get Easter Vacation!


Slashie, go with the apartment! I've lived in lots of apartments and they all has stupid kitchens. I think it's a requirement that apartments have stupid kitchens. But nature trails..... now that's what I'm talking about!


IKSLO, try to find the Lambert book.


Ellie, the Triduum sounds meaningful. I grew up Mennonite, we are now Presbyterian, but I still have an even greater longing for a more High Church, liturgical type worship. The Catholic Church really appeals to me in that way. We have a wonderful Good Friday Service at our church. It is relatively liturgical (compared to our normal services). It is a candlelight service to begin with and between each "set" of Scripture reading and music one candle is put out. Finally, the last candle is removed and walked out and the whole church is in silence and darkness and we leave, silently.

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Dh and I talked.  I ended up not trying the new med last night because by nightfall I was rapidly going into a flare.  Was it triggered by the new med?  Or is it just coincidental timing?  He thinks that I should just tell him that the med. didn't work well for me and that I'm not taking it.  And that I'm being helped by another med by another doctor - a med that this doctor had contested.  I'm afraid that there will be dueling doctors.  My question is:  can I get away with just telling him via MyChart (you can send messages to the doctor) and then cancelling my follow up appointment in a week? 

I would do that.  I don't like to argue with docs or have confrontations in person unless necessary.  


But if you didn't try the new med, how could it cause you problems?  Did I misunderstand?


Overall, I think you should do what you want to do and let your docs sort out their duels the old fashioned way, with lances and such.

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Ellie, the Triduum sounds meaningful. I grew up Mennonite, we are now Presbyterian, but I still have an even greater longing for a more High Church, liturgical type worship. The Catholic Church really appeals to me in that way. We have a wonderful Good Friday Service at our church. It is relatively liturgical (compared to our normal services). It is a candlelight service to begin with and between each "set" of Scripture reading and music one candle is put out. Finally, the last candle is removed and walked out and the whole church is in silence and darkness and we leave, silently.

This sounds really meaningful, and I would love it, too.  The liturgical churches appeal to me.  Somehow, I ended up at a non-liturgical church with a rock band.

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It sounds nice, and I don't think the kitchen is the stupidest I've ever seen. What is your laundry situation now? I would hate a communal laundry room, particularly with a bunch of kids. I would much prefer a tiny stackable washer/dryer even if I had to do five loads a day but not leave my apartment. My kitchen is probably the stupidest part of my house. A man who never cooked designed it, I think.

We have a small stackable set, but I would trade it for the nature trails. Our current apartment has a lot of storage and this doesn't which is half my issue with the kitchen. We're Costco people. I think I might set up a shoe/coat station in the hall and make the coat closet a Costco closet. The coat closet is by the back door which makes total sense, right? I think I can make it all work nicely. We have the money to move in so Matt's calling today. The other places we've seen are at least $200/mo more.


Does anyone have a shoe/coat station by the front door? Is it horrible? I was thinking one double hook per person and a closed shoe thing. We only have 2 pairs of shoes per person. Everything else can be kept in their bedrooms.

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We have a small stackable set, but I would trade it for the nature trails. Our current apartment has a lot of storage and this doesn't which is half my issue with the kitchen. We're Costco people. I think I might set up a shoe/coat station in the hall and make the coat closet a Costco closet. The coat closet is by the back door which makes total sense, right? I think I can make it all work nicely. We have the money to move in so Matt's calling today. The other places we've seen are at least $200/mo more.


Does anyone have a shoe/coat station by the front door? Is it horrible? I was thinking one double hook per person and a closed shoe thing. We only have 2 pairs of shoes per person. Everything else can be kept in their bedrooms.

We have no mud room or place by the entry for coats and shoes so I hung a five hook rack kind of lowish by a back door.  Kid's coats and dog leashes go on it.  I do have cubbies for the kids with their schoolbooks and hooks for backpacks and coats, as well.  Ikea has all sorts of stuff for storage.  I think you can rig up something that will work based on their ideas.


Re: kitchen storage, maybe you can put a two door cabinet (like a teacher's cabinet you would see at a school) right next to the end of one counter.  In an apartment, though, any space is fine storage because it is small enough you aren't having to run to the opposite end of the house for a can of beans for dinner because it is in the far bedroom under a bed.

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I would do that.  I don't like to argue with docs or have confrontations in person unless necessary.  


But if you didn't try the new med, how could it cause you problems?  Did I misunderstand?


Overall, I think you should do what you want to do and let your docs sort out their duels the old fashioned way, with lances and such.


I tried the med the first day.  It made some things worse and didn't improve other things.  The things it made worse are known side effects.  I stopped taking it.  I was then going to try the med one more time just to make sure it didn't help.  That was the part where I chickened out. 


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I tried the med the first day.  It made some things worse and didn't improve other things.  The things it made worse are known side effects.  I stopped taking it.  I was then going to try the med one more time just to make sure it didn't help.  That was the part where I chickened out. 


Okay.  I think it is hard to tell if it helped or hurt with one dosage, but I would probably chicken out, too.  Overall, the one time you took it, it didn't seem to give any benefit, though and caused side effects.  

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We have no mud room or place by the entry for coats and shoes so I hung a five hook rack kind of lowish by a back door. Kid's coats and dog leashes go on it. I do have cubbies for the kids with their schoolbooks and hooks for backpacks and coats, as well. Ikea has all sorts of stuff for storage. I think you can rig up something that will work based on their ideas.


Re: kitchen storage, maybe you can put a two door cabinet (like a teacher's cabinet you would see at a school) right next to the end of one counter. In an apartment, though, any space is fine storage because it is small enough you aren't having to run to the opposite end of the house for a can of beans for dinner because it is in the far bedroom under a bed.

We don't run to our current Costco closet for stuff so that's not an issue. The Costco closet is the stuff you would keep in a garage. Paper towels, toilet paper, cases of canned goods and condiments, things like that. I think I can fit everyday life in that kitchen. I think...

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Dh and I talked.  I ended up not trying the new med last night because by nightfall I was rapidly going into a flare.  Was it triggered by the new med?  Or is it just coincidental timing?  He thinks that I should just tell him that the med. didn't work well for me and that I'm not taking it.  And that I'm being helped by another med by another doctor - a med that this doctor had contested.  I'm afraid that there will be dueling doctors.  My question is:  can I get away with just telling him via MyChart (you can send messages to the doctor) and then cancelling my follow up appointment in a week? 


YES.  It's your body, your health, your life; they don't own you.


(Can you tell that I've experienced a period of "owned by the medical profession?")

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Found an apartment. 3 bedrooms for the price of our 2, stupid kitchen, nature trails, communal laundry rooms, pool. They have an opening April 30th. What do we think?





Stupid kitchen is workable and you aren't buying the place.  Lower rent would tip the scales for me in your situation.


We have a small stackable set, but I would trade it for the nature trails. Our current apartment has a lot of storage and this doesn't which is half my issue with the kitchen. We're Costco people. I think I might set up a shoe/coat station in the hall and make the coat closet a Costco closet. The coat closet is by the back door which makes total sense, right? I think I can make it all work nicely. We have the money to move in so Matt's calling today. The other places we've seen are at least $200/mo more.


Does anyone have a shoe/coat station by the front door? Is it horrible? I was thinking one double hook per person and a closed shoe thing. We only have 2 pairs of shoes per person. Everything else can be kept in their bedrooms.


I lean Tex on the laundry thing, but that's choice.  The nature trail is awesome with little kids in an apartment.


As for storage, there are lots of cheap storage ideas like the one you propose (WalMart is evil, but you might want to look.  Also, thrift stores.); we use a system similar to yours in our no-mudroom-but-live-in-the-country-where-it-rains-snows-ices-hails-and-poops house.  It's not ideal but it works.  I think you could rock it in your situation.

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:seeya: It's a sunny cool morning here after a night of thunderstorms (and scared children).


Slache--I'd go for the apartment. The kitchen doesn't look so bad. I'm not wild about communal laundry (the cost would kill us), but the extra room and nature trails sound lovely.  I'd use hooks and a boot tray near the door. It's hard to use shoe holders when shoes are damp, and kids sometimes fumble with the organizers.  Boot trays do the job, and are inexpensive.

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Good morning, all. 
It's been a crazy week, but I'm still alive. 

My husband and I made a rather sudden, but heavily prayed over decision that I am not to return to school next year. I applied for 3 positions at my church (thanks to ikslo for checking out my resume!) and turned in my letter of resignation on Monday. It was a crazy fast turn around since Thursday night when I saw the positions and even started considering it, but it's just one of those peaceful "this is the right move" decisions. No idea when or if I will hear about an interview, but for now, I'm just peacefully waiting to hear what happens. 

Crazy how your life direction can change so suddenly, whether good or bad. 

I'll keep you posted on the church jobs or if I don't get those, I'll keep you posted on the job hunt. ;) 

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Hi, everyone.


I should be working.


Does anyone else have any life issues that you'd like for me to sort out for you?

Yes. How can I motivate my ds to a) get his learner's permit b) start volunteering somewhere/start applying for work (which he won't get because he hasn't even volunteered anywhere) 



Also, how can I motivate myself to make some healthy meals in advance so I don't keep eating all the carbs because I've gained weight since Jan & I don't like it. But right now it seems I hate cooking more. 


Do you have motivational fairies by any chance? 

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Yes. How can I motivate my ds to a) get his learner's permit b) start volunteering somewhere/start applying for work (which he won't get because he hasn't even volunteered anywhere) 



Also, how can I motivate myself to make some healthy meals in advance so I don't keep eating all the carbs because I've gained weight since Jan & I don't like it. But right now it seems I hate cooking more. 

Do you have motivational fairies by any chance? 

My brain is not working today. I almost reported this, instead of quoting. :/ 



Anyway, I did not get a fire lit under my butt about my learner's permit until I was 17. I don't know why, but I honestly didn't care one way or another if I drive. 


I need a bookoo/buku/beaucoup (?) of motivational fairies for my students. They are so unmotivated. 

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Oh, hornblower.  You know the answer already.




Yes. How can I motivate my ds to a) get his learner's permit b) start volunteering somewhere/start applying for work (which he won't get because he hasn't even volunteered anywhere) 


DUCT TAPE. Get moving or be duct taped to the chair.

Also, how can I motivate myself to make some healthy meals in advance so I don't keep eating all the carbs because I've gained weight since Jan & I don't like it. But right now it seems I hate cooking more. 


DUCT TAPE.  Then you don't need to even worry about carbs.

Do you have motivational fairies by any chance? 


Don't need them.  Because DUCT TAPE.








ETA:   Ooo, ooo, ooo!  It's a Duct Tape BOOYA!





Edited by JoJosMom
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Anyway, I did not get a fire lit under my butt about my learner's permit until I was 17. I don't know why, but I honestly didn't care one way or another if I drive. 


I need a bookoo/buku/beaucoup (?) of motivational fairies for my students. They are so unmotivated. 


There was a thread about this on the main boards... it's not that unusual but it's still starting to become annoying. 


j'ai beaucoup de difficultés avec ma motivation


(oh how I wish I was blingual in French.  Alas.... je suis paresseux....)

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Oh, hornblower.  You know the answer already.











I am suitably chastised. 


ok, I can duct tape the carbs (or my mouth??!)  but the teen? He *wants* to be duct taped to my basement.  It's like I've raised a hermit.  (no, he's not depressed... just inertia keeping him all, meh, whatever, that's too much effort..)  Maybe I need to duct tape him to the driver's seat of the car. 


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