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I had this done a few years ago. I was sore for a few days, but it wasn't too bad. Or if it was I don't remember. :unsure:


Hope your sister heals quickly! Does she live near you so that you can take her dinner or whatever?

No. She lives in Texas. I was going to send Tex over for me. But she's retired. So I sent her a return text instead:


Well, bummer.

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No. She lives in Texas. I was going to send Tex over for me. But she's retired. So I sent her a return text instead:


Well, bummer.

I am not retired, but I would have gone.  J/K.  I know it is your sister who is retired.  Her kidney stone sounds like my worst nightmare.  


I am ketched up.  


I cannot respond any more because my dh is making me go upstairs.  He is pushy.  Hurrumph.

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JJM, so sorry about Jo's little friend.  How awful for her.  Is she in a public school?  With parents like that, I actually hope she isn't homeschooled.  I guess they already have her college picked out, too.   :crying:


She goes to public school.  They are planning to move back to California, though.  More "educational opportunities,"  I guess. :sad:


We're praying extra hard for her.  Now my latest parenting challenge is going to be discussing with my child the imperative to witness without being pushy or obnoxious.  Which is hard, because I am extremely good at both pushy and obnoxious.


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Junie!!  That is insane.  I am so grateful for the outcome, but I would have sobbed for the rest of the day and slept it off for a week.  



Krissi!!  :hurray:


I actually was so relieved that they were OK.  Dh came home and we talked about it for a few minutes.  Then I took ds15 to baseball practice.  I knew that for my family, getting back to routine would be very important.


I hope everyone sleeps tonight...

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Oh Junie!! I feel a bit panicky on your behalf!


I am so sorry for Jo's friend. I have a child with anxiety issues, and can't imagine what is going on in those parents' messed up heads! This could be a job for elephant ninjas & co.


:iagree: Elephant ninjas is exactly what they need.

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I will say I am so proud of my kids.  When ds15 called me, everyone was already in the safe room.


One of the dc (I can't remember which one) said that it ended up being a good drill in case there ever is a break in.


I'm glad that I had prepared them for this kind of emergency.

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Yay for no melanoma, yay for *false* alarms, lithotripsy is magic (had it 20yrs ago), sad face about Jo's friend (but she made a friend and heard some supportive adult talk from JoJosMom and sometimes even a few words like that will be heard and carried for days or months to comfort her)


Allergies in full force here. Love spring but we're all sneezing and by early eve my Aerius wears off and I'm all stuffed up. Dd and I were watching Grey's Anatomy again - we missed a bunch of seasons but whatever... Though I miss Christina and Izzy...

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Only if it's apartment trained.


Hmmm....I mean...we could try diapers....I've seen stranger...





That's awesome news, Krissi!


On the medical front my sister had surgery today for a really, really large kidney stone. But she is home now and doing well. ðŸ‘


Ugh...DH has kidney stones from time to time, most recently just a few days before Christmas.  He even gets stones in his face...his salivary glands.  We had to take a trip to Pittsburgh to see this specialist guy who can remove them with an endoscope.  The alternative was to have a local yokel cut his face in half and remove the entire gland (as DH would describe the procedure).  


Glad you're sister is feeling better! 




Exactly.  I am a big fan of following the manual and that's my high school plan.



Wait, what?



NOOOOOO!  But, but, but...that's my PLAN!



Yes, me too.  I'll even do the cow part.



Yes, please.  If it's a Scottish Highlander.


Sorry...these are Brown Swiss/Angus cross.  But I would love me a nice woolly cow like a Scottish Highlander!





Are you interested in buying swamp land too, by any chance?  :D



Hehe...we have a swamp.  I love our swamp!  Turtles and tadpoles and stuff and all! 

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So, I had an interesting day.


While I had dd11 getting her glasses adjusted, ds15 called me on my cell phone.  He rarely calls me when I'm out and when he does it's usually a question about opening a new bag of potato chips.


Not today.


"Mom, the alarm system is going off.  I think someone's in the house."  :scared:  :scared:  :scared:  :scared:  :scared:  :svengo:


So this was me  :auto:  trying to get back to the house while I talked to the 911 dispatcher. Actually, it was more like this :willy_nilly:  , but behind the wheel.


When I got to the house, there were several police cars and about 6 officers.  Since they had searched the outside of the house and saw no sign of entry, they waited until I got home with my key instead of kicking in the door.  They knew the kids were safe because dispatch was talking to them on another line.


Praise the Lord, it was a false alarm.


Ds15 and dd13 did a great job of getting all of the kids to a safe room with a phone (and a locked door).


The police officers said that they did a perfect job.  I'm a proud mama.  But that was exhausting.


So scary!  Oh my gosh!


But...excellent use of emoticons, Junie!  Bonus points for you!

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I am not retired, but I would have gone. J/K. I know it is your sister who is retired. Her kidney stone sounds like my worst nightmare.


I am ketched up.


I cannot respond any more because my dh is making me go upstairs. He is pushy. Hurrumph.

No, I meant you are retired from helping everyone else around you.😆

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No, I meant you are retired from helping everyone else around you.😆

That's what I thought you meant.  :)


Thanks for all the well wishes for my sister, everyone! I shall pass them along.


My dad gets them, too. So far I'm the only one of his offspring not to have experienced one. I lucked out on that part of my inheritance I think.

(Am I remembering correctly that a beer a day is supposed to help with kidney stones? :cheers2: )


Good morning, Lynn! Have a wonderful day!

You too, friend! 

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That's what I thought you meant. :)


(Am I remembering correctly that a beer a day is supposed to help with kidney stones? :cheers2: )


You too, friend!

Except my sister doesn't drink. But I will keep that in mind shouldst I ever need the info. Thanks. 😀

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Good morning!


I have to take tlih to the neurologist this afternoon. Today is her birthday so we will go out for lunch too. She is 70 today.


Dd16 is on spring break next week and half of the next week as well. They were scheduled for two full weeks, but are using 3 of the days for snow make-up days.


Hope everyone has a good day!

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Happy 70th Birthday to tlih!! Hope you have a lovely (and "uneventful") day with her, Dawn. :)


I want one of those cows. Her name would be Barbara.


I had a kidney stone when I was pregnant with dd7. I think it must have been pretty small, because I only had real discomfort for one night and then passed it before I could get to the doctor.


We have a day at home today - dd17 has a voice lesson this morning and a theater rehearsal tonight, but she drives herself. It's like having a day off with only lessons to do with the youngers.


Have a great day, ITT!

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My parents have worked full-time in a church ministry for decades and I've heard so many different stories. You really see the ugly sometimes. :( Like JoJo's mom said "Unfortunately, churches are full of people." 


I'm honestly not sure what to expect should I get one of the positions. I know it won't be all roses, but I'm hoping it would be a good change anyway. My church has 2 locations and is getting ready to build a 3rd. Weekly attendance is over 8,000 (between both locations and 2 services at each location). So, I know it would not be like my childhood church of 300 where I knew everyone. :/ It would be a brand new venture. 

But, I have years of data entry as an inventory control specialist (LOTS of attention to detail there); I've been in management in retail and in childcare; I've worked for a hospital billing group, so I have clerical work; plus, I've got "administration" just in dealing with 23 kids, all the paperwork, the parent communications, etc. It's not all traditional "clerical/administration" experience, but it's definitely experience to show I can handle what is needed. I just hope they can see the experience, too. 


There is good and bad in all kinds of jobs, because, you know, people. 


I've worked in the church since I was about 15 years old. I've had many good experiences, in many different positions. But, people are people, including me.


Mary, you have a lot of admin experience like I do. Are you my twin???? I actually started out as secretary of the church (our family and the pastor's were the first members :)) and that experience helped me land other such work. I've also worked in a medical office doing clerical work, and even done call center work (b&m and at home). I have so many different experiences, it's hard to tell where I belong. Sometimes I think of going back to admin, but it's been so long since I've done it (other than the classroom), I don't know if it would count against me.

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"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walked into mine".   This is the thought that I woke up with.  I wonder what my dream was like? 

I dreamed that I found naked selfies of a friend from high school.  She had them stuck in a journal that she put under her mattress.  Also, I went to a grand opening of a swanky home store, and Brad Pitt's cousin was one of the servers.  I was going to get to meet Brad Pitt, guys!  I also observed babies in the NICU receiving chiropractic care by my chiropractor.  They all had people to hold them all the time.  They were in their own rooms, like in isolation. :leaving:

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I accidently killed some kids in my dream the other night.  But no one knew it was me.  Something about a large power switch and a monorail system on the side of a mountain.  Power switched off, cars go flying.  Oh, and they were open cars, sort of like mining cars.  It was like - I wonder what this switch is for?  All the power in area goes out.  And I was like, Oops!  and turned it back on, but too late.  I found out later some kids had died.  I woke up in a panic. 



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There is good and bad in all kinds of jobs, because, you know, people. 


I've worked in the church since I was about 15 years old. I've had many good experiences, in many different positions. But, people are people, including me.


Mary, you have a lot of admin experience like I do. Are you my twin???? I actually started out as secretary of the church (our family and the pastor's were the first members :)) and that experience helped me land other such work. I've also worked in a medical office doing clerical work, and even done call center work (b&m and at home). I have so many different experiences, it's hard to tell where I belong. Sometimes I think of going back to admin, but it's been so long since I've done it (other than the classroom), I don't know if it would count against me.

I've done call center, too. I did orders for a baseball cap company. I never knew there were so many different types of caps! 

And I agree - I wonder if I've been out of it long enough to have it count against me. But, I figure, if I can handle 23 kids and all their paperwork, I can surely handle the work of an admin asst. 

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Ok, well, Good Friday morning, everyone! Boy, lots has gone in in the overnight hours. I think I have ketchupped. Although frankly I prefer thousand island dressing. Thank you all for the well wishes regarding the biopsy. It is definitely a relief to not have that hanging over me.


And kudos and well wishes to sick family members an sweet little girls with crazy parents and false alarms and going back to bed and getting up and accomplishing much. And potential new jobs and retiring from helping people who really should be figuring out themselves, and bizarre dreams...and.... I think anything else I forgot, here's good wishes and appropriate thoughts and remarks and comments. And big hugs and Shamrock shakes for all!

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Sorry...these are Brown Swiss/Angus cross. But I would love me a nice woolly cow like a Scottish Highlander!



Are they related to the red angus? My family created the red angus. Is that something to be proud of? Actually our last cattle rancher just died. They're walnut farmers now. The man that made the switch is the one that just died. Bert Crane. He was a big deal in the cattle world once upon a time. I've met several cattle ranchers over the years and dropped the name just to find out that they've met him or that I'm actually related to the person I'm talking to! Small world. Edited by Slache
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