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The two cookbooks my dad brought over were GF ones from America's Test Kitchen.  They look fabulous.


I'll let you know tomorrow if the yellow cake with chocolate frosting is fabulous. 


I don't go to parties. Because walrus.


ETA: I can say with certainty that the chocolate frosting is fabulous. And the cake batter was more than satisfactory. 


Edited by Critterfixer
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I'm party neutral. I don't like hosting them, though. Too much pressure. I'm relieved now that youngest is old enough to accept the one friend for a fun day dealio. So much better. Her BFF is very sweet and no trouble at all so it works out.

The walrus is just about the Beatles song, but it meant nothing. Pure nonsense, it was.

Edited by texasmama
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I buy a nice cake from an area bakery (which may not happen anymore because the cakes went from $30 to $70+ last year).  It's a cake with whatever theme they want.


I use to bake them a special cake.  A shaped one.  I did a ladybug for DDs first...a dump truck for DS first...and monkey for one...I can't remember the other's first....lol.  




At the end of the day...I think our little family celebration is better.  


I made a birthday cake - once. It turned out good, but... Dd16 made a cake for Gymnast in January and decorated with My Little Pony. There's a photo in this thread somewhere. We usually just go to the local panaderia and get a pastel de tres leches. Yum! And only $15-20. And delicious. Did I say yum? I've known the owner of this panaderia since I was pregnant with dd16. Her pastel de tres leches is really yummy. Since we only buy it for special occasions, it's really a treat. Did I say yum? Anyway, I really like her cake. It's yummy. Did I say ... oh, wait, I did. Ok.

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I don't like parties. Ever. At all.


I don't go to parties. Because walrus.


We need people like you in this world. I wish I was one of them! :)

I'm not a party person either.

We can be this girl together...in our own houses...in spirit...because we don't do parties. 



Edited by Southern Ivy
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Also, dh gave me his man-cold. I haven't even been sleeping in the same room the last few nights and I STILL go it. Darn him. 

ETA: I do have to give him allowances for his whininess with this cold. This thing hit me hard and fast this afternoon. I feel like I got hit by a truck and I just want to whine all night long. I've never had a cold hit like this. :( I just want my bed.


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:coolgleamA: And I'm back with my sunglasses.   <_<


I have another appointment with the neuro at the beginning of April.  We need to have a talk about meds.  The preventative meds are almost working.  I still am getting almost daily headaches, but they are usually about a 1 on the pain scale.  Tonight's is a 2.  Some of the headaches before I saw the neuro were getting up to 6 on my pain scale.  (For reference, when I was in labor with dd8 I said my pain was a 4.)


The pain med that he gave me for my headaches, though, is worthless.  I'd rather down large amounts of Tylenol and Arizona green tea.  It doesn't always work, but the prescription never worked.  I want something better.

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We had a first bday party for our oldest.


Never again.  






At this point, it's supposed to be "special bdays" only, (like 5, and 16); but last year I gave up on dd5's fifth party when we hit the three-months overdue mark.  


So really we are down to nobody but us, and pizza night with cake or apple pie, and half a dozen gifts plus goody bags.  (I'd like to drop the goody bag thing but the mini bossypantses demand it).   Everyone seems ridiculously happy with the arrangement, overall, so yay for me!  No more big parties.  


We attend the parties of exactly two best friend families.  We give dollar store gifts at their request.  It is good.  Were I not already homeschooling, public-school full-classroom-party-invitations-that-must-be-reciprocated-upon-pain-of-social-death,  times five children, would singlehandedly drive me to it.   

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(((Junie)))  (((Mary)))  (((Dawn I think.... It's a blurry sorta ketchup, so I'm not sure; and when I do a fast ketchup, I tend to unintentionally conflate Dawn and Junie into one single pretend friend because I don't know why)))))


No worries.  It's because we've never met in real life.


There are certainly worse people that you could mistake me for.

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No worries.  It's because we've never met in real life.


There are certainly worse people that you could mistake me for.





Did the two of you have a period where you were both simultaneously sick?  That might be why.  


Or maybe because I am old and operating on precisely 2 brain cells.  That is probably it.  

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Did the two of you have a period where you were both simultaneously sick?  That might be why.  


Or maybe because I am old and operating on precisely 2 brain cells.  That is probably it.  


I think it's the fact that you have 5 children still in single digits.  :)

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Now that I'm a grown-up person, I like to host parties. But I don't entertain the guests; it's up to them to do that with each other. Which is not the same thing as A Dinner. A Dinner is a limited number of people (eight at the most, including Mr. Ellie and me) at the dinner table, and we all talk. Big groups of people milling around, for a potluck or a cook-out, those are fun. I usually keep busy in the background and let them talk amongst themselves.

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So tonight we did Beatles Music Appreciation, Medieval Japan Minecraft Art, Home Ec (I ironed thanks to the Queen), and Shakespeare. Okay, 4 lines a la MCT, but still.


Too bad someone already cleaned up the main board.  You could have studied Korean.

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I feel affirmed.  No, authenticated.  No, vindicated.  No... some other such word that is on the tip of my brain but I just can't seem to pull up, even with the help of Google.....


But thank you.  Surprisingly few people acknowledge the impact of 5 single-digit children on a person.  As has been demonstrated by no less than three formal requests this past week that I volunteer for time-intensive leadership positions.  Really?  Don't they understand that my great accomplishment this week was finally finding a pair of clean underwear for myself?


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I feel affirmed.  No, authenticated.  No, vindicated.  No... some other such word that is on the tip of my brain but I just can't seem to pull up, even with the help of Google.....


But thank you.  Surprisingly few people acknowledge the impact of 5 single-digit children on a person.  As has been demonstrated by no less than three formal requests this past week that I volunteer for time-intensive leadership positions.  Really?  Don't they understand that my great accomplishment this week was finally finding a pair of clean underwear for myself?


I get it.  I used to feel like I was being pampered if I got a shower two days in a row.


I still don't volunteer for much, especially things that are time-intensive.  Or that have to be done at a specific time.  My life just doesn't work that way.


So, yes, I know.   :grouphug:


I feel like I'm writing the script for one of those "It Gets Better" commercials.  But it's true.  It gets better.

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I get it. I used to feel like I was being pampered if I got a shower two days in a row.


I still don't volunteer for much, especially things that are time-intensive. Or that have to be done at a specific time. My life just doesn't work that way.


So, yes, I know. :grouphug:


I feel like I'm writing the script for one of those "It Gets Better" commercials. But it's true. It gets better.

Just hold up your towel with the smoking poodle and they'll baaaack off right quick!

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We're back from Micheal's and Bed Bath & Beyond. I got one of those magnifying mirrors because I'm getting old. Apparently I have eyebrows in places I'm not supposed to have eyebrows. I hope nobody noticed. I also got a Mehndi coloring book (think boho, India, elephants, Hindu gods) and Artist's Loft pencils. Not as expensive as others but according to the girl at the store they'll give me the same color quality as the more expensive ones. I used a 50% off coupon so I think it was about $5 for 24 colors. The kids got coloring books too, and Mary got an Anna hat with braids. Have you seen Frozen yet? She fell in love with the hat $15 ago, but now that it was on clearance we said okay. And Matt got a shirt that said "Kiss me I'm Irish" because he's Irish now. He's also going to make me watch Boondock Saints tomorrow.


Goodnight. :)

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I am not wearing anything green. I had a coworker say something once (I was like, dude, aren't you a little old for that? -in my head) so I told him my underwear was green but he wasn't going to get to see it. He walked away.


I have green boogers in my nose. Does that count?

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Good morning!!!


Today is laundry day pt. 2: sheets, towels, random sock which hid from me yesterday; also clean bathrooms and change sheets on bed. Bathrooms are finished, sheets presoaking (all white cotton, non-chlorine bleach), bathrooms have been cleaned, bed is airing; will put on clean sheets when I take the finished laundry upstairs. Yay me.


Today, Carman is coming to Mr. Ellie's church. It's sort of Carman karaoke: just him, backed up by several humongous screens. Mr. Ellie is going over there now, because he is the on-site Technical Guy in Charge. I'll go over there about five.


That is all.

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