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Actually, they were.  Their mother is a bibliophile.  We live in a library.   :)




ETA:  It's a We-love-books! Booyah.


Having a mother as a bibliophile and living in a library is no guarantee of having quiet children actually reading. Just throwing that out there for people who have a kid(s) like mine. :D

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Why do people keep posting in this Ignore This Thread thread? Is it just to spite the OP?

We do nothing out of spite! This is where all the cool people hang out.


And it's been going so long, we now have our own language, traditions, inside jokes and history!

Edited by KrissiK
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By the way, I mentioned the iPad thing so someone could talk me out of it if they had a better idea. I like the Samsung Galaxy Tab A just as much and it's the same price, but I can get the iPad for $10/month and I don't have $250 to blow on something I don't need.

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How many extra days do you think I should try for in DC? Because if we're going I want to do it right.


:w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

As many days as you can manage!


We were there in 2011 and had five full days and we saw a lot, but not nearly everything. The National Cathedral and Washington Monument were closed due to a recent earthquake, but we loved Arlington, National Gallery (ds and I went twice), Library of Congress, Holocaust memorial, National Archives, Old Post Office Tower, etc., etc. Some of our favorite memories are having picnics - on the mall, on benches next to whatever building we were near, in the National Gallery sculpture garden (with a free jazz concert!), walking around Chinatown. And we took a sunset monument tour (trolley) that was really fantastic.


We took the metro almost everywhere, though a couple times we drove and parked at Union Station. That was helpful on the day we went to the White House and Capitol Building because you pretty much can't bring anything in with you.


I remember that the people there - on the streets, on the metro, in stores, etc. were some of the most helpful and friendly people I've ever run into. It was as though everyone was on special notice to be particularly nice to a clueless family with a whole pack of children plus grandparents. :D

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As many days as you can manage!


We were there in 2011 and had five full days and we saw a lot, but not nearly everything. The National Cathedral and Washington Monument were closed due to a recent earthquake, but we loved Arlington, National Gallery (ds and I went twice), Library of Congress, Holocaust memorial, National Archives, Old Post Office Tower, etc., etc. Some of our favorite memories are having picnics - on the mall, on benches next to whatever building we were near, in the National Gallery sculpture garden (with a free jazz concert!), walking around Chinatown. And we took a sunset monument tour (trolley) that was really fantastic.


We took the metro almost everywhere, though a couple times we drove and parked at Union Station. That was helpful on the day we went to the White House and Capitol Building because you pretty much can't bring anything in with you.


I remember that the people there - on the streets, on the metro, in stores, etc. were some of the most helpful and friendly people I've ever run into. It was as though everyone was on special notice to be particularly nice to a clueless family with a whole pack of children plus grandparents. :D

No, everyone there is really, really nice. That was one of my favorite things about living there. All the immigrants too. It reminded me of home (San Francisco area). I would always go sit with a class from Korea or whatever and talk to them while they ate lunch. There have got to be pictures of me on Facebook in at least 15 countries. The kids love it. They're so shy because of their bad English but they love the locals.

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Speaking of baby. You know how when you Google something a bunch of images pop up above the search results? Well, I was trying to remember how the baby leaving the body process goes so I googled mucus plug. Don't do that. A bunch of regurgitated banana slugs will pop up on your screen and you won't be able to eat for a few hours.

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By the way, I mentioned the iPad thing so someone could talk me out of it if they had a better idea. I like the Samsung Galaxy Tab A just as much and it's the same price, but I can get the iPad for $10/month and I don't have $250 to blow on something I don't need.


I don't know if you should do it or not, but after trying to get the hang of an android-thingy phone once, I am now a true, blue "I" user - Iphone, Ipad, Ipod (don't have one, but just sayin'). 


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I have Inothing.

I do appreciate the beauty in the simplicity of the technology, but the price is an issue for me. I have a refurbished iPod and it's EFFING FABULOUS but there's no way I'd pay full price for that thing. I've never had an iPhone but I've only had 2 phones and they both cost less than half of what the iPhone was at the time. If you buy an apple computer you have to buy apple software. Not only is it more expensive, but we already have a few things that we don't care to replace, like photoshop. If we buy a windows machine we can install our photoshop onto it, but we couldn't if we got an apple. Windows 10 is making me rethink my position on this though.
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By the way, I mentioned the iPad thing so someone could talk me out of it if they had a better idea. I like the Samsung Galaxy Tab A just as much and it's the same price, but I can get the iPad for $10/month and I don't have $250 to blow on something I don't need.

If your kids are going to use the technology, get the Samsung tab. They have a kids "app" that locks them in when they go into it. You can assign which apps you want them to use, no internet, etc. I LOVE that aspect of it. I haven't found anything like that on the iPad. 

I honestly feel like it's worth just saving up to get it. 



ETA: I like the iPad I have (school issued), but I am really starting to love the tablet. Like, really love it...like, I'm going to switch from iPhone to Galaxy when that long awaited time comes. There are a lot of features that the iPad just doesn't have. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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We're like Texas, dude.  


Who keeps up something for a year out of spite?  Who even does this?


On my third load of laundry, giving attention to pets, have vacuumed, have bathed/washed hair and and almost completely unpacked.  We made it home with our star point guard's basketball and wallet (with $132 in it - I counted) and one kid's phone charger.  Bob's my uncle.  The struggle is real.  I am toast, yo.

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If your kids are going to use the technology, get the Samsung tab. They have a kids "app" that locks them in when they go into it. You can assign which apps you want them to use, no internet, etc. I LOVE that aspect of it. I haven't found anything like that on the iPad.

I honestly feel like it's worth just saving up to get it.

They won't be using it.


I wanted to say more about planning for school and you being a Tiger Mom but I'm a flake so I didn't. I didn't think you were a tiger mom at all by the way. I have read book after book and blog after blog on homeschooling because I know people in real life that absolutely hate homeschooling and feel that's it's ruining them as mothers and I was scared so I started researching and found out I really liked researching this stuff so I just keep doing it. Run on sentence. Ahem. So, you might think that what I've learned is stupid and you can't relate to it at all, but I have learned a lot so I wanted to encourage you to look at blogs and read books because there is just so much out there you have got to love some of it.


After reading The Latin Centered Curriculum I came up with a 13 year plan concerning what I want to achieve based on the phases of a classical education. Example:


Language Arts

K-2nd (Primary) Intensive phonics, lots of read alouds

3rd-9th (Grammar and Logic) Grammar, Latin, Progymnasmata, intro to Literature Analysis

10th-12th (Rhetoric) The great books, high school writing


I'm hoping that my basic list of goals will keep me from chasing the new and shiny. I have a hard time staying grounded because I'm such an airhead.


I read a blog post about Sabbath Schooling. That's 6 weeks on, one week off. I thought that was brilliant. I may never actually stick with that schedule, but the idea of sitting down and assessing progress every 6 weeks seems perfect. Why are we 3 weeks behind on our science? Oh, because we hate it. Maybe we should do something else. John is behind on his math. Maybe we should discuss it.


Lastly, I started keeping notes from books and hive members on a Google doc a few years ago. The notes are by category like "Large Family Logistics" and "Classical Education". I made those up. I don't remember the categories off hand but I've read through the notes often.


Anyway. Maybe my ideas are stupid, time will tell, but listening to those who have gone before me in the past has saved me quite a few bumps and bruises, and I really want to love this journey.

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Congrats to Jo!!!  What an accomplishment!



Who was asking about the Galaxy Tab?  We have two.  My stepmom and dad figured they would help our kids to become more technology savvy (because I've kept them in the dark world for the most part).  


They bought them the pair of tablets last summer.  Not being really up on the know-how with all of the recent technology, it took me some time to figure them out.  Mostly, to lock them down so the kids couldn't rack up hugemantic credit card bills.


Or...access naughty websites while performing otherwise harmless searches.  (Side note...be very careful when googling earthquake simulators.  Because yeah...apparently earthquake simulators means more than just plate tectonics)  (Extra side note...Google's Safe Search isn't quite so safe)  


The Tabs are otherwise ok.  I really would love to have an iPad, as there are many many more apps available.  Apps that target learning disabilities...apps for early readers, etc.  Seems like every time I hear of a cool new app...it's not available for Android.  


I still haven't figured out how to effectively use these Tablets with Microsoft Word and whatnot.  

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So...started the day out in the chicken coop.  We had some flooding a few weeks ago and I needed to get the deep litter cleaned out.  The top of the litter was dry, but it was soaked and heavy underneath.  Had a good foot of litter in that coop.  


One of my bantam hens has been broody for a couple of weeks.  Efforts to break her have failed so I gave her a couple of "throw-away" eggs a few days ago.  Eggs that I wouldn't otherwise have hatched.  Gave her 5 and woke up this morning to 3.  :-(  One had apparently been eaten...and another was clearly pecked.  While out there, I noticed one of my olive eggers picking on her, so I moved her with her eggs to our grow-out pen.  


Got the garden stakes plotted out...and hubby began moving the calf manure and bedding from last fall's calves, over to the proposed "garden" site. We'll see how this goes!  Last year...we planted a "garden" and I think we managed to successfully grow 2 butternut squash...lol.  This year...I'm managing the gardening.  Hubby, love him to pieces, is apparently a terrible garden manager.  


Well...off to do some laundry, feed cheesecake to the kids (because they earned a treat helping out in the coop, lol) and then maybe I'll sort and file the kids schoolwork.  Maybe I can convince Hubs to head to bed early so I can watch whatever chick flick I want!  

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I'd spend at least a week in DC if you can manage the expense.  You could literally spend 3 months in DC and not see it all, so read up & plan.  I prefer to fly into Reagan National.  DC is manageable without a car if you must, but I preferred having a car when I could arrange it. Crystal City has some of the more affordable hotels, fwiw. 


Our favorites:

Smithsonians & the Mall & Lincoln Reflecting Pool/other memorials on the Mall

Holocaust Museum

Spy Museum

National Archives (with all of the original documents---across the street from the Smithsonians)

Washington National Cathedral

dinner in Georgetown!

Capitol Hill



not worth it, imo:

Folger Shakespeare museum


Supreme Court tour



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Well, I dragged out younger ds to the store to try on new dress slacks.  He tore a hole in the knees of his slacks last week at church. I came home and dyed my roots and made dinner, and now I'm going to spend the evening hemming dress slacks. I have three pairs to do for older son from when I ordered unhemmed slacks from Lands End.

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I have an iPad, and despite the fact that I use it all the time, I would much rather have an iPad-sized PC. Is that what an android tablet is? I am definitely a PC person. There are too many things about Macs that annoy me.



I guess pretty much, an android tablet would be an iPad-sized PC...lol.  But the functionality of the tablet is less...at least, I haven't discovered how to make it quite as similar.  


I was hoping to buy a keyboard attachment thing, so the kids could use their tablets to type up Word docs, whatever.  But Word seems sooooo much less functional on the tablet than it does on a PC.  

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I have an iPad, and despite the fact that I use it all the time, I would much rather have an iPad-sized PC. Is that what an android tablet is? I am definitely a PC person. There are too many things about Macs that annoy me.



I guess pretty much, an android tablet would be an iPad-sized PC...lol.  But the functionality of the tablet is less...at least, I haven't discovered how to make it quite as similar.  


I was hoping to buy a keyboard attachment thing, so the kids could use their tablets to type up Word docs, whatever.  But Word seems sooooo much less functional on the tablet than it does on a PC.  

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We are not an Ifamily. Not no how, not no when. FYI.


Napped through "The Day the Earth Stood Still." Great nap. Watched the first two episodes of the original "Hulk." It was really quite good. I shall have to keep watching (five seasons).


That is all.

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We are not an Ifamily. Not no how, not no when. FYI.


Napped through "The Day the Earth Stood Still." Great nap. Watched the first two episodes of the original "Hulk." It was really quite good. I shall have to keep watching (five seasons).


That is all.


The Incredible Hulk is the very first TV show I remember watching.  One of my mom's friends was babysitting me and my sister.  I was taking a nap in a bedroom upstairs (or maybe I had been put down for the night?).  I remember walking down the stairs and into the living room.  The Hulk was on TV and he was really scary!!!!  (I was in preschool.)


I'm wondering now if we didn't have a TV, because I have no memories of watching TV at my house until years later.  I might have to ask my mom about that.

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They won't be using it.


I wanted to say more about planning for school and you being a Tiger Mom but I'm a flake so I didn't. I didn't think you were a tiger mom at all by the way. I have read book after book and blog after blog on homeschooling because I know people in real life that absolutely hate homeschooling and feel that's it's ruining them as mothers and I was scared so I started researching and found out I really liked researching this stuff so I just keep doing it. Run on sentence. Ahem. So, you might think that what I've learned is stupid and you can't relate to it at all, but I have learned a lot so I wanted to encourage you to look at blogs and read books because there is just so much out there you have got to love some of it.


I just watched about 9 Daniel Tiger episodes. I'm a "Tiger Mom" - ha....ha...ha.  :huh:  :lol: 

I crack myself up. haha



It has a lot more free apps; you can add external storage - SUPER handy for us and trips; it has infared (use as a remote control); it has swipe (you don't have to type, you can just drag your finger and it will predict (very well) your words); if you have a Samsung tv, you can mirror your screen  (we have free movies from Google Play on our tablets  that we can play onto our tv); the ability to run multiple apps and switch between windows; you can easily share things between tablets; etc. 

iPad may have a few of these, but I think they're easier on the tablet. 

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I guess pretty much, an android tablet would be an iPad-sized PC...lol. But the functionality of the tablet is less...at least, I haven't discovered how to make it quite as similar.


I was hoping to buy a keyboard attachment thing, so the kids could use their tablets to type up Word docs, whatever. But Word seems sooooo much less functional on the tablet than it does on a PC.

So probably I just need a very small, thin laptop.


Alas, I own an iPad already, so I shall suffer until finances allow a change. Hense and thus is my woeful fate. And Bob's my uncle.




Squeeeee! It's a Bob's your uncle Booya!


(No h just for Slacheypoo.)



(Sweetpea, this is the ITT theme song.)


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

Edited by Susan in TN
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I've settled myself in with a cup of hot tea to catch up.

It's spring here. Plum tree out back is in full bloom. Cherry in front just getting ready.

I've been busy. 


Finally decided on and bought a car. Arranged to pick up the car. Avoided being upsold a bunch of extra stuff.  Love my new car, still got new car smell & still getting used to all of its features.


Saw a specialist. Got a fine needle biopsy on my very lumpy thyroid (as an aside, finally got my hands on the actual u/s report so I know exactly what they saw. 4 nodules, all bigger than 2cm, largest 2.4 cm + cysts + overall enlargement) . No results yet. Being stabbed in the neck a bunch of times wasn't as bad as I expected so that was something... Had a 12 lead ECG done too just in case my thyroid was messing with my heart. I guess I'll get those results at the same time as the biopsy.


Convinced ds to get a first aid +CPR certificate. He went for a whole day course (with some homeschool teens but a group we don't know & he knew nobody there) and he had great time. I think he needs to get out more. Teen boys are hard. It seems half the people I know are worried their kids are never home & what are they up to, while the other half is moaning that they never leave the house.



Edited by hornblower
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We are not an Ifamily. Not no how, not no when. FYI.


Napped through "The Day the Earth Stood Still." Great nap. Watched the first two episodes of the original "Hulk." It was really quite good. I shall have to keep watching (five seasons).


That is all.


Yes, love the Hulk. I started watching it again while back on Hulu, and now it's on Netflix too. I have my girls hooked. :D

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