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I'm back from my check up.  I actually felt a lot better today compared to yesterday afternoon.  He said chicken soup and chamomile tea can speed recovery from a virus by a day and a half.  So, I obeyed and went to panera for chicken noodle soup afterwards, lol.  We also discussed my weight gain <ahem>.  I brought it up first.   :D   Anyway, we chatted about C25K, not really dieting, etc, and then I blamed age.  He said metabolism doesn't decrease with age, but with lack of exercise.  Exercise means 1 hour 7 days / week.  AND, it takes a month of that for every year a person hasn't been active.  So, say, prior to my C25K I  hadn't really exercised for about 10 years..... he said, "So this is a year long process."  There you go.  1 hour of exercise every single day for a year, while watching portion size and food choices and I can reclaim my metabolism.   :svengo:  

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I'm back from my check up.  I actually felt a lot better today compared to yesterday afternoon.  He said chicken soup and chamomile tea can speed recovery from a virus by a day and a half.  So, I obeyed and went to panera for chicken noodle soup afterwards, lol.  We also discussed my weight gain <ahem>.  I brought it up first.   :D   Anyway, we chatted about C25K, not really dieting, etc, and then I blamed age.  He said metabolism doesn't decrease with age, but with lack of exercise.  Exercise means 1 hour 7 days / week.  AND, it takes a month of that for every year a person hasn't been active.  So, say, prior to my C25K I  hadn't really exercised for about 10 years..... he said, "So this is a year long process."  There you go.  1 hour of exercise every single day for a year, while watching portion size and food choices and I can reclaim my metabolism.   :svengo:  

There is no hope for me.  I will give up now.

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There is no hope for me.  I will give up now.


No giving up.  I told my latest doctor that I keep sliding in to semi-invalid status and then claw my way back up.  I'm more active now than I've been in a long time but it hurts a lot.  I will not give up.  Well, hopefully.  Sometimes it gets to the point where I can't function, which is when I go back to the semi-invalid thing 


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Me too!


I seriously would have left there so discouraged that I would never try any exercise.  It would be "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow you may die" for the rest of my days.   :lol:


I have NEVER exercised for any period of time.  Do the math on that. :confused1:

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No giving up.  I told my latest doctor that I keep sliding in to semi-invalid status and then claw my way back up.  I'm more active now than I've been in a long time but it hurts a lot.  I will not give up.  Well, hopefully.  Sometimes it gets to the point where I can't function, which is when I go back to the semi-invalid thing 


You should not give up.  I will give up, though.  If you need me, I will be sitting on the couch cheering you on.  I am the C in the C25K.

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No giving up.  I told my latest doctor that I keep sliding in to semi-invalid status and then claw my way back up.  I'm more active now than I've been in a long time but it hurts a lot.  I will not give up.  Well, hopefully.  Sometimes it gets to the point where I can't function, which is when I go back to the semi-invalid thing 



Fight, Jean, Fight!!!


I used to walk with a cane, but I fought back.  The cane is in the closet collecting dust, but I can't get rid of it because I *know* I will need it again.

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I need to get off my rear end. I was active only a year or so ago, even running a 10K. Up a mountain. But I had a foot injury and had to take time off from running, and my bike broke. So now I want to earn enough the summer to buy myself a bike that I like, and I want to ease back into running. I doubt I ever get to half-marathon. 5K to 10 K is kind of my distance.

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They must not realize that every English teacher has a secret elephant ninja alter ego.  And a red pen.


Sic 'em!!!!

It is subtle, but it is there.    


The same interesting phrase used in both essays that was nowhere in the story...a similar (and unusual) closing sentence concept.  (Because NO, Mathilde did not have a better life after she saw her friend and found out that the necklace was a fake.  I promise you that was not the moral here. :hat: )


I have a nose for this stuff.  So now I get to communicate this with them so they can knock it off.  They are good lads, but you cannot let two 14 year old boys get away with this stuff.  If you do, they just keep it up.  If you tell them, they are horrified and knock it off.  These two will, anyway.  Talking to them will be the easy part.  They will both die of shame, and I will need to use a light touch.  I am struggling with whether or not to inform moms.  What do you all think?  I fear that moms will overreact, which will be counterproductive.  These lads are 9th grade.

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It is subtle, but it is there.    


The same interesting phrase used in both essays that was nowhere in the story...a similar (and unusual) closing sentence concept.  (Because NO, Mathilde did not have a better life after she saw her friend and found out that the necklace was a fake.  I promise you that was not the moral here. :hat: )


I have a nose for this stuff.  So now I get to communicate this with them so they can knock it off.  They are good lads, but you cannot let two 14 year old boys get away with this stuff.  If you do, they just keep it up.  If you tell them, they are horrified and knock it off.  These two will, anyway.  Talking to them will be the easy part.  They will both die of shame, and I will need to use a light touch.  I am struggling with whether or not to inform moms.  What do you all think?  I fear that moms will overreact, which will be counterproductive.  These lads are 9th grade.


Maybe tell the boys that you won't tell their moms this time.  But if it ever happens again...

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Maybe tell the boys that you won't tell their moms this time.  But if it ever happens again...

I really feel sorry for them. :lol:  They are nice kids, and I have known them for awhile.  I have good rapport with both of them, and they have a healthy respect for me.  They will clean up their acts after this, and overall, it is a cheap lesson if it is learned with this.

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Okay, it will be difficult to talk to the boys by themselves (logistics of time and privacy) and humiliating for them, too, so I'm thinking of speaking of it in class with enough specifics that they will know who it is directed to and that I am onto them.  I will say if you wonder if this may be you, please come talk to me.  It will be not be a heavy-handed talk.  I have a story to tell of my own high school experience, not of me cheating but along a similar vein.  This is a hair shy of cheating.  I just need them to understand that I am hip to it and that they need to knock it off.  What do you think about that?

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And they delivered my new mattress today. The one I have been sleeping on (while a good mattress in its day) was 30 years old. :glare: Good riddance. 

I'm looking forward to a bed that doesn't attempt to eat me whenever I crawl in it at night.


I want a new mattress. The mattress we have is DH's from before we married and I don't like it. 


Maybe tell the boys that you won't tell their moms this time.  But if it ever happens again...

I agree. I think, if they really are good boys, that they will not do it again. Put the fear of God in 'em! 

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Maybe tell the boys that you won't tell their moms this time.  But if it ever happens again...



Okay, it will be difficult to talk to the boys by themselves (logistics of time and privacy) and humiliating for them, too, so I'm thinking of speaking of it in class with enough specifics that they will know who it is directed to and that I am onto them.  I will say if you wonder if this may be you, please come talk to me.  It will be not be a heavy-handed talk.  I have a story to tell of my own high school experience, not of me cheating but along a similar vein.  This is a hair shy of cheating.  I just need them to understand that I am hip to it and that they need to knock it off.  What do you think about that?

I could never pull that off, but I totally believe that YOU can!  :hurray:

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There is no hope for me. I will give up now.

Since I hit peri-menopause the pounds have been racking up quickly. I know there are improvements in my lifestyle I could make, but I wouldn't say I live an unhealthy lifestyle. I cook from scratch, fast food is minimal, I don't drink soda (except when we go out to eat, which is rare), we have salads almost every night and fruit for every meal. I do like chips, but I don't snack on them. Both my GP (a woman) and my OB/GYN (a woman) told me that unless I want to invest an incredible amount of effort, it really isn't going to happen. And I think about my lifestyle - 5 youngish kids (1 who is extremely difficult to parent, the others are just high maintenance), homeschooling, church, etc. I'm just too tired to try to fight my weight, too. Edited by KrissiK
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If you think the boys are aware enough to pick up a pointed story, go for it. My almost 14yob can be surprisingly obtuse. It does need to be dealt with and I'd love to be a fly on the wall when you address it.


Mine probably wouldn't infer either. Chances are good that they wouldn't understand what the fuss was about unless it was addressed directly and explained. I don't think it would bother them either if handled in a matter-of-fact way.


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My speech is taking form. It will include advice not to share your work with others in the class until after it has been turned in. These boys both ask my boys for advice and send them pictures of their essays. Today, one of these boys asked a question of me through one of my sons. We are pretty cozy in this little class. They are also both sensitive, intuitive, and bright. They will know. ;)

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Since I hit peri-menopause the pounds have been racking up quickly. I know there are improvements in my lifestyle I could make, but I wouldn't say I live an unhealthy lifestyle. I cook from scratch, fast food is minimal, I don't drink soda (except when we go out to eat, which is rare), we have salads almost every night and fruit for every meal. I do like chips, but I don't snack on them. Both my GP (a woman) and my OB/GYN (a woman) told me that unless I want to invest an incredible amount of effort, it really isn't going to happen. And I think about my lifestyle - 5 youngish kids (1 who is extremely difficult to parents the others are just high maintenance), homeschooling, church, etc. I'm just too tired to try to fight my weight, too.

This describes me, as well. I can lose weight but it takes a lot of effort. My effort is going other directions at this point.
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I have three kids who are being absolute bullies to one of my poorest students. 

The student wore a Dora shirt the other day and an iCarly shirt today. So, they deemed themselves superior since they wear UnderArmor and Nike and decided that it was appropriate to make fun of this girl for her clothing.

It happened in library so the librarian tore into them; and when I found out, I tore into them, too. I'm going to talk to the principal and counselor and see what they want me to do (other than what I'm already doing).  It's apparently been going on for a little bit and I'm just now finding out. 


I am so mad I can hardly see straight.  :cursing: You don't get to decide who is better than you based on clothes!!!! 

Why are kids so mean? Beez. 


On the bright side, the nurse had a really cute top that she let my little girl change into and she came back with a big smile on her face. 





Just :cursing: .


We are considering enrolling DD in our local charter high school (It would be mostly as an "online student;" code for "homeschooled," but would give DD access to social events and cheap dual enrollment options.)  The morning I dropped off the application, the principal was giving a talk to the assembled HIGH SCHOOL students that we do not mock people for the clothes they wear, the way they talk, or the way they look. :huh:   These are HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS.  I thought that part was bad. 


The next part of the talk was "We all know about the Facebook page where people as saying nasty things about other people in Our Town.  Well, the two suicides over at Traditional High School were kids who had been picked on there..."


I had no idea that these things were going on.  There are no words.   Needless to say, we are struggling mightily with our decision about next year.



I seriously hope that you can reach those children, Mary.  I cannot believe how cruel our general culture has become.  (And, yes, I know that cruelty has always existed, but the pervasiveness and use of anonymous outlets-I'm just lost.)


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: , Mary.


Sad to say, it starts in preK.

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Sad to say, it starts in preK.

:( That just makes me so sad. 


I know my dd will tell me that she doesn't like a certain girl, but I think that's mainly because girl is older and bossy and tells dd 'no' which doesn't fly with my bossy girl. haha But, I would be furious if she was making fun of another student. (I don't think she's mature enough for that yet, but maybe in a year? Heaven help me.) 

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When I was 13, I moved out of my mom and step-dad's house, and moved in with a family that I had known my whole life. It was kinda like a foster family, but they didn't get any money or anything like that. They owned a gas station and the the lady (we will call her my foster mom) cut hair and such as that. She had been cutting my hair since my first haircut. So when I went in to get my hair done one day, I broke down and told her how bad it was at home. She offered to let me live there so I did. They had a basement home under the gas station and her shop. I lived with them and their son for a little over a year before I moved in with my grandma. A while after I moved in, after I was settled in school and began to feel more comfortable, I started to work for them in the gas station as a cashier. I made $1 less than minimum wage which at that time was $3.85, so I made $2.85 an hour. This helped them cover my expenses, and I had money to buy lunch, books and other things. I worked for them for 5 years, and even after I was married I worked when they needed me or if I needed extra money. In other words, they were always there for me, and I tried to help them if they needed me.


This is a big long story just to say, my foster dad passed away today. I am sad. Very, very sad. He committed suicide. He was getting older and having a lot of problems with his lungs and breathing. He was a heavy drinker too.


They sold the gas station many years ago and moved, but not too far away. I have not kept in contact with them since I had the twins. I always spoke if I seen them out, but I haven't went and visited like I should have. They gave me a home and a family when I had none.


Their son that lived with them when I did became one of the best friends I ever had. He was adopted. The mom couldn't have children so they adopted two boys. Anyway, he kinda adopted me as his sister. He was 6 years older than me, and he took me everywhere he went: to the lake, swimming, boating, shopping, out to eat. He also got me to talk and to heal from all the fighting and alcoholic rages my mom and step-dad did. When he died, the foster mom called me, and said my picture was the only one in his wallet.


I have been an emotional wreck the past two months or so, and now I feel heart broken. I don't know what to do. I feel like I should go see the foster mom. She was so good to me, always good. But it has been so long.


Sorry this is such a long ramble. Typing it all out has helped. Now I'm going to shower and have a good cry.

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