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I am also a promiscuous liker. <hides head in shame>




Snow day for us too!  No CC, and no CC next week either, because of February vacation.  So I may actually have time to finish up those Valentines.   :D  


The ducks have already been out in the snow, with the exception of Ds1, who wandered about with mournful puppy-dog eyes saying "hat?" and "cold?"  and "out?" in his super sweet little voice while pointing at the back door.  Totally broke my heart that he couldn't join them, but Daddy had already left for work and Mommy doesn't do snowball fights with the kiddy back-pack on.   Meeeeean mommy.  <more hiding my head in shame>


Happy day, everyone!  

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Hello...it's me.


I have washed my hair already because Chuck the fix-it dude is coming to replace the tub faucet.  Cold water has been broken for awhile, and I've been using a wrench or vise grips or something to turn it on so I don't give myself third degree burns in the tub.  I almost always bathe rather than shower. Good times.


Yesterday, one kid turned in a beautiful essay.  The writing was kinda clunky, as he put it, but his thought process was deep.  I was verklempt over it and read it aloud to dh.  When I went to discuss it with ds, he said, "Did I fail?"  This is always his response.



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I have three kids who are being absolute bullies to one of my poorest students. 
The student wore a Dora shirt the other day and an iCarly shirt today. So, they deemed themselves superior since they wear UnderArmor and Nike and decided that it was appropriate to make fun of this girl for her clothing.
It happened in library so the librarian tore into them; and when I found out, I tore into them, too. I'm going to talk to the principal and counselor and see what they want me to do (other than what I'm already doing). 
 It's apparently been going on for a little bit and I'm just now finding out. 

I am so mad I can hardly see straight.  :cursing:
 You don't get to decide who is better than you based on clothes!!!! 
Why are kids so mean? Beez. 

On the bright side, the nurse had a really cute top that she let my little girl change into and she came back with a big smile on her face. 

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Third Monday without my favorite librarian.  I thought she may have been on vacation at first, so today I wondered out loud to the librarian who was there if she had changed her schedule.  She passed away.  The Tuesday after I saw her last.  She had a heart attack.  She was 39.  DS wouldn't even take a lollipop after he heard.  We held it together until we got to the car.  DS buried his head in the couch when we got home and sobbed.  She was such a wonderful, nice woman.  DS just said to me that going to the library won't be the same anymore. 


Needless to say there will be no school tonight.  I just can't.


:grouphug: , ikslo.


And another :grouphug: for your son.



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That is rough, Mary. :grouphug:


They are obviously poopy heads :D


What is up with that political discussion thing, though? That doesn't sound like an overture of friendship... It sounds like an ambush. And I don't even know which side either of you are on. Maybe you can just be a slightly aloof, but warm, mama teacher til the end of the year. A interpersonal role shift, so to speak;-)


It sounds like you had such a great experience with your friend. It is hard to lose that:-(


Eta: this Booyah is dedicated to Mary:-)

Yeah, exactly. She and I are polar opposites in our political views, so it wouldn't be fun. Even "friendly" discussions rarely stay friendly in my experience. 


I'm planning on the professionally friendly/warmly aloof personality. I can be polite, but I'm not going to play games and try to fit in. I did that through jr high/high school and just got screwed, so I'm over that. ;) 



Mary, I am sorry you have to deal with poopheads. Especially poopheads that you can't legally take care of with Elephant Ninjas.

My Ninja Elephant is my new principal who is pretty ticked off about this whole situation. She and the counselor are going to meet with them as well. My principal is really nice, but she said "I hope that they are crying by the time they are done with me." So, here's hoping she and the counselor get through to these kids. 

The sucky part is that I have to contact the parents. I HATE that, but oh well. 

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Jean clearly does not want to do Tuesday or February. So hows about we unite our Elephant Ninja / Duct Tape Brigade / ITT powers and get rid of them for her?


Do you think Jean knows how much she doesn't want to do Tuesday or February?  Or maybe it's her computer, or the forum, or the whole internet trying to get the word out?  :D

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I have three kids who are being absolute bullies to one of my poorest students. 

The student wore a Dora shirt the other day and an iCarly shirt today. So, they deemed themselves superior since they wear UnderArmor and Nike and decided that it was appropriate to make fun of this girl for her clothing.

It happened in library so the librarian tore into them; and when I found out, I tore into them, too. I'm going to talk to the principal and counselor and see what they want me to do (other than what I'm already doing).  It's apparently been going on for a little bit and I'm just now finding out. 


I am so mad I can hardly see straight.  :cursing: You don't get to decide who is better than you based on clothes!!!! 

Why are kids so mean? Beez. 


On the bright side, the nurse had a really cute top that she let my little girl change into and she came back with a big smile on her face. 




Just :cursing: .


We are considering enrolling DD in our local charter high school (It would be mostly as an "online student;" code for "homeschooled," but would give DD access to social events and cheap dual enrollment options.)  The morning I dropped off the application, the principal was giving a talk to the assembled HIGH SCHOOL students that we do not mock people for the clothes they wear, the way they talk, or the way they look. :huh:   These are HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS.  I thought that part was bad. 


The next part of the talk was "We all know about the Facebook page where people as saying nasty things about other people in Our Town.  Well, the two suicides over at Traditional High School were kids who had been picked on there..."


I had no idea that these things were going on.  There are no words.   Needless to say, we are struggling mightily with our decision about next year.



I seriously hope that you can reach those children, Mary.  I cannot believe how cruel our general culture has become.  (And, yes, I know that cruelty has always existed, but the pervasiveness and use of anonymous outlets-I'm just lost.)


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: , Mary.

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I have three kids who are being absolute bullies to one of my poorest students. 

The student wore a Dora shirt the other day and an iCarly shirt today. So, they deemed themselves superior since they wear UnderArmor and Nike and decided that it was appropriate to make fun of this girl for her clothing.

It happened in library so the librarian tore into them; and when I found out, I tore into them, too. I'm going to talk to the principal and counselor and see what they want me to do (other than what I'm already doing).  It's apparently been going on for a little bit and I'm just now finding out. 


I am so mad I can hardly see straight.  :cursing: You don't get to decide who is better than you based on clothes!!!! 


Why are kids so mean? Beez. 


On the bright side, the nurse had a really cute top that she let my little girl change into and she came back with a big smile on her face. 




There's just no excuse for that. People do it because sin; the only thing to do is not let them get away with it. Ever. Not even once.


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Do you think Jean knows how much she doesn't want to do Tuesday or February?  Or maybe it's her computer, or the forum, or the whole internet trying to get the word out?  :D


I knew that I didn't want to do it but I didn't know that I didn't want to do it that much!  There was one of those Cloud Fare (or is it Flare?) shut downs right when I posted. 

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I am so sore, I feel like I've been pummeled by a walrus.


In other news, I found out that one of my meds is really dangerous and that my doctor has had me on it like 10x longer than you are supposed to (it's supposed to be a short-term thing.)  I stopped taking it.  I don't think it has anything to do with being pummeled, btw. 

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Just :cursing: .


We are considering enrolling DD in our local charter high school (It would be mostly as an "online student;" code for "homeschooled," but would give DD access to social events and cheap dual enrollment options.)  The morning I dropped off the application, the principal was giving a talk to the assembled HIGH SCHOOL students that we do not mock people for the clothes they wear, the way they talk, or the way they look. :huh:   These are HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS.  I thought that part was bad. 


The next part of the talk was "We all know about the Facebook page where people as saying nasty things about other people in Our Town.  Well, the two suicides over at Traditional High School were kids who had been picked on there..."


I had no idea that these things were going on.  There are no words.   Needless to say, we are struggling mightily with our decision about next year.



I seriously hope that you can reach those children, Mary.  I cannot believe how cruel our general culture has become.  (And, yes, I know that cruelty has always existed, but the pervasiveness and use of anonymous outlets-I'm just lost.)


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: , Mary.


The culture, as seen by the teachers through the students, is becoming deplorable. I pray they get better as they get older, but I fear I have little hope for that. 

I have seen such a drastic change in just the last 8 years. I loved my first 3 classes (one was a student teaching experience). They were all dolls. A bit of drama and attitude, but nothing like now. The last 3 years have progressively gotten worse in regards to sexual content, girl drama, gossip, and out and out disrespect. 

I had a horrible student last year, but the rest of my class was fairly good. The class this year? Goodness. I'm pulling my hair out from all the rudeness and disrespectful attitudes and words. It worries me how they will be in high school - I certainly wouldn't want my child in with this group. It will be Mean Girls, but real life.  :thumbdown: 




There's just no excuse for that. People do it because sin; the only thing to do is not let them get away with it. Ever. Not even once.



I feel horrible that it's gone on other times and I haven't known about it. The principal is putting the fear of God into them today, but if it does continue, then they will not like the consequences. 


The sad part for me is when I see it in the parents too and I realize that this is a perpetuated cycle of meanness. 

That was mentioned when I met with the principal and counselor. She said to go ahead and inform the parents of what is going on, but the dad of the boy involved won't care and I fear that the mom of one of the girls won't care either. 

I'm hoping the mom of the other girl will get fired up because she called me at the beginning of the year over this same thing happening to her daughter. So, I'm hoping that she will deal with her daughter well. 

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Syphilis is going around at our high school. I would like to say I was shocked, but I wasn't. I feel sad for teenagers. They are throwing their childhoods away. There are many teen pregnancies as well which is why I wasn't shocked.


Last year, a seventh grader had a baby. I think there was some defects, and it passed away about six months ago. It was almost a year old, I think. Devastating. Things are just devastating.

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Kids are mean! I was just talking about this to mil yesterday. My nephew (her grandson) is a sophomore, and would be a prime target for bullying. He is tall and gangly, has severe acne (he's under a doctor's care for that and it is getting better), he's extremely smart (doing college calculus as a sophomore), rather high strung and quirky. Fortunately, he is being homeschooled, but he's taken some classes with other kids and has had bad experiences and has even had bad experiences in youth group. He is now in an adult men's Bible study and has found acceptance. He's a nice kid, but kids are mean. They really are and it just makes me want to punch people who are mean to others. I even see it a little in Awana. Makes me really want to keep my kids home until they hit college.

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We are doing school at the library. I'm hoping that this will improve our discourse.

We are doing school from my sick bed. I have a sinus infection and feel like crud! But, we bully through because I don't take sick days. We have all the books spread out on the bed.
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My random afternoon thoughts:

1. I realized that two years from now, my youngest will be in kindergarten.   This means that this coming year is her preschool year.  I will be doing preschool for my fifth and last time.  :crying:  Dd and I sat and played with some Lauri puzzles, did a cutting sheet, and I assessed her fine motor skills with my "teacher eyes" on. I'm going to spend this afternoon digging out my preschool stuff and putting together a little shelf for her in the schoolroom. 

2. I need to bring back morning basket and wrangle the younger three together.  Youngest is ready to hear all of the great fairy tales formally. Older DD is just the right age to bring out If the Wolf Were an Octopus and let her do literary analysis on said fairy tales.  Younger ds needs the remediation work of doing those upper level questions from that same book. I think I have a plan. Mwah hah hah.

3. I have no ice-cream or chocolate in the house and this is a big problem.

4. It is sunny and beautiful outside.

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I am reliving some blessed memories from my childhood by reading aloud King of the Wind to my children. It was one of those books (along with The Melendy Family, A Little Princess, and Where the Red Fern Grows) that I read many times. I have a copy of the same edition as well, which makes it even more specialler. (Notice that I am NOT at the library using sophisticated words.) :D

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Syphilis is going around at our high school. I would like to say I was shocked, but I wasn't. I feel sad for teenagers. They are throwing their childhoods away. There are many teen pregnancies as well which is why I wasn't shocked.


Last year, a seventh grader had a baby. I think there was some defects, and it passed away about six months ago. It was almost a year old, I think. Devastating. Things are just devastating.

Our county (and city) had such a high teen pregnancy rate that the state stepped in and took over the sex-ed program. It was BAD.

Several of the kids have the same dad - he was in 7th grade. :/ 


The drug use at our school is pretty high as well. My chiropractor asked her daughter why she didn't date anyone in the high school. The daughter said, "Well, if I do date anyone, you'll just have to accept the drug use. It's all over the school - especially the athletes." 

Now, I know that not every single male at the high school uses drugs, but I do know that it's pretty high, especially with the athletes. 


All of this nonsense in schools is a major reason that I homeschool.  It's so sad.


I was picked on in school because of what I looked like and how I dressed.   :grouphug: to your little student, Mary.

DH was picked on for his clothing. I never fit in because I was chubby and awkward. It's hard and it scars a kid for life. :( I wish I could protect dd from all the mean stuff in the world. I know I can't, but I wish I could. 

All of this nonsense is a big part of why I am homeschooling though. I've seen too much just in 4th grade and I don't want that for my dd. 

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We are doing school from my sick bed. I have a sinus infection and feel like crud! But, we bully through because I don't take sick days. We have all the books spread out on the bed.

I seem to get sinus infections all the time, then they immediately drop to my chest and I deal with bronchitis. 

You have all my good thoughts and prayers. Ugg. I know how miserable those things are. Feel better soon! 

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((Krissi))  I hope you have meds for that infection. 

I'm going to try to fight this one myself. I was successful last time. I just don't want to get more antibiotics. If I don't kick this by the end of the week I'll go to the doctor. I just hate going to the doctor. And I do like my doctor.

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Is it a common thing to be able to count accurate seconds "out of the blue"?

I can. I can also tell you what time it is without looking with about 3 minutes grace, even if I haven't looked at the clock in hours. Both are very common. Ask random people what time it is and see how many don't look at a clock. I'm positive the two are related.



Super power Booya.

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I can. I can also tell you what time it is without looking with about 3 minutes grace, even if I haven't looked at the clock in hours. Both are very common. Ask random people what time it is and see how many don't look at a clock. I'm positive the two are related.



Super power Booya.

I can't keep seconds. I can get close for a short time but I will be off before long - especially if I'm doing something else.

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Is it a common thing to be able to count accurate seconds "out of the blue"?

I don't even understand the question. :lol:


Also, I woke up this morning and didn't know what day it was so don't look to me for much. :leaving:


I'm going to try to fight this one myself. I was successful last time. I just don't want to get more antibiotics. If I don't kick this by the end of the week I'll go to the doctor. I just hate going to the doctor. And I do like my doctor.

Take Mucinex twice a day - just Mucinex, with nothing else added.  Drink a ton of water.  If it is not better soon, go to the doctor.  A cousin's dh died of an untreated sinus infection so now they scare me. :leaving:

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I have this sudden, burning desire to go sit in a steam room. It's probably the talk of sinus infections. I have never had one. The DH has had a number of them. I'm positive that my super-power keeps them away. I can sneeze and blow the roof of a building. Nothing ever gets a chance to go past my nasal passages. It's a seriously loud sneeze. People laugh at me it's so loud.

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