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I've mentioned unkers 3 times and nobody says anything.


Hey slache, what's unkers?


Oh nothing. Just THE CURE FOR THE COMMON COLD! It also cures sunburn, bug bites, my sore back and the weird skin rash I had for 4 years. And almost anything else you can think of. It's like God's spit or something.



Common knowlege, Slashaboo.  Common knowledge. 

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I've mentioned unkers 3 times and nobody says anything.


Hey slache, what's unkers?


Oh nothing. Just THE CURE FOR THE COMMON COLD! It also cures sunburn, bug bites, my sore back and the weird skin rash I had for 4 years. And almost anything else you can think of. It's like God's spit or something.

I though about asking, but I assumed you explained what it was several pages back and I didn't want to let on that I hadn't read every last word that's been written since the last time I visited this thread. So I thought I'd do what I always do in conversations where I have no idea what they are talking about.... Listen until I pick up enough context clues to figure out what it is!
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All liars will have their place in the lake of fire.



Even the hilarious ones?



I think there's a loophole for funny.  







Common knowledge is a joke between dh and myself; his friend and office mate years back was a bit of a trivia freak, and constantly in earnest used the phrase with dh.  As in "You mean you don't know that a pregnant goldfish is called a twit?  It's common knowledge." Still makes us laugh.  

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Wow. Overachievers.  I don't even have pants on yet.  


Vitamin E on my winter-cracked lips is shiny.  Does that count as self-care?  I threw out the rest of my makeup, as it hadn't been used in five years.  






I did shower.  


I concur. Except I had pants. 


I don't do makeup; it makes me break out. I'm dark, so I have enough color already. Thus, I am not interested. I put on a pair of earrings and am done. tyvm


I did brush my teeth. :D

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Hey, Renai, THANKS!  This Destinos isn't just a Spanish-language TV show, it's part of an educational website!  I've got to look into this stuff more -- they have other educational stuff, too!  I briefly saw something that mentioned world history.  This might be right up the kids' alley as well as mine.


Thank you thank you thank you!   :party:  :party:


There are syllabi based on Destinos available for free on some MOOC. Can't remember which. I'm only on page 590 so I don't know if you've responded to my other post about learner.org. I've posted periodically about this site over the years. They have a lot of educational videos that were put out by the Annenberg Foundation. There are several foreign language series as well as other series. Many used to be played on PBS or other educational channels. It's a great resource.


The VHG is putting together a course(s) based on Destinos for the high school school students. Since it's a college course, we're stretching each semester to a year. I haven't worked on it in a while though.

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Creo que entiendo, mas o menos.  (I don't think that phrase is exactly right, but Renai promised she wouldn't laugh at me... My reading comprehension is much better than my speaking/listening ability.)




I'm teaching Spanish 1 to ds15 and dd13.  I recently took the practice CLEP test and earned a high enough score to pass 4 semesters of Spanish at our local cc.  (I was surprised that I remembered that much from high school.)


I bet you understood just fine. I would never laugh. And I always advise adults to learn with other adults, not with children.


Also, to answer someone else's commentary about a "window" to language-learning, it has to do with picking up the accent, not the language. Adults have a distinct advantage in learning a language in that they have more of a vocabulary and life experience foundation to build upon than a child does. The only difference is the manner in which children vs adults are usually taught.

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Man. I'm whipped. It's Weekly Great Pizza And Bad Movie Night, so now The Catch-Up, The Catch-Up.


Ignoring you all is getting to be a tad stressful.



Do not, I repeat, DO NOT aim for page 100 tonight. I'm too tired and it's getting late. I don't even intend to aim for Booya; but somehow missing the event just doesn't seem right. Tomorrow, say 10am EDT? That works for me.


ETA: I Booyahed and didn't even know it. What's the point in that??

May 15th 2015. The day you stopped being my favorite boardie. :crying:
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My mother, brothers and I lived briefly in Brooklyn. I was just 17. :-) People kept greeting me in the elevator as if they knew me, and finally one day I met my doppleganger. She was older than I, but still...


People don't usually tell me I look like anyone they know, except Meryl Streep. o_0


You do look like Meryl Streep. You're very pretty.

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I bet you understood just fine. I would never laugh. And I always advise adults to learn with other adults, not with children.


Also, to answer someone else's commentary about a "window" to language-learning, it has to do with picking up the accent, not the language. Adults have a distinct advantage in learning a language in that they have more of a vocabulary and life experience foundation to build upon than a child does. The only difference is the manner in which children vs adults are usually taught.


I took 4 years of Spanish (and 2 years of French) in high school.  I also took 2 semesters of Spanish in college.  However that was a long time ago.  Now that I am teaching Spanish to some of my dc, it is coming back.


Right now I am teaching what I like to call "Kindergarten Spanish":  colors, counting to 100, basic vocabulary.  We will be moving into some grammar after Christmas.


Our church has a Spanish service, and one of my friends from church was born in a Spanish-speaking country and came to the US when she married an American.  I'm also friends with a Spanish teacher and her fiance who is a native Spanish speaker.  It's nice to have resources!!

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I took 4 years of Spanish (and 2 years of French) in high school. I also took 2 semesters of Spanish in college. However that was a long time ago. Now that I am teaching Spanish to some of my dc, it is coming back.


Right now I am teaching what I like to call "Kindergarten Spanish": colors, counting to 100, basic vocabulary. We will be moving into some grammar after Christmas.


Our church has a Spanish service, and one of my friends from church was born in a Spanish-speaking country and came to the US when she married an American. I'm also friends with a Spanish teacher and her fiance who is a native Spanish speaker. It's nice to have resources!!

Are you pulling from resources or making it up as you go?

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Make - up - I know I'm late to the party.  I always do a moisturizer and under-eye concealer, even if I'm not wearing make up because without that it's scary.  A normal day also adds a tinted moisturizer for base, very neutral/light eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara (because otherwise, no eyes), and lip stick - usually neutral ish, sometimes towards berry (see avatar).  I used a mineral foundation for awhile but the make up brush would leave little hairs behind and that was a total pain.  Yes, I washed the make up brush a gazillion times.  It wasn't even a cheap one.  #aintnobodygottimefordat.






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Are you pulling from resources or making it up as you go?


I made up my own curriculum using a combination of several small workbooks.  I may end up making my own, but for now this is working.  BJU Spanish was recommended to me, but the dc didn't like it.  They said that it was hard to put sentences together because they didn't know enough words.  So, we are learning words first.


The dc will be taking a midterm (as soon as I get it written).  It's 150 vocab questions.


If you want to know what workbooks I'm using, let me know and I'll dig them out and tell you what they are.


Junie, cookies update?


Delicious, especially with egg nog.  :)  Thanks!!

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Oh, yay!  We can drift off into painkiller bliss together. 


Root canal for me at 9:30 (ET).  I can't wait to stop hurting.




:grouphug: I hope all goes well. :grouphug:



I've mentioned unkers 3 times and nobody says anything.

Hey slache, what's unkers?

Oh nothing. Just THE CURE FOR THE COMMON COLD! It also cures sunburn, bug bites, my sore back and the weird skin rash I had for 4 years. And almost anything else you can think of. It's like God's spit or something.

Sounds amazing. I will have to get some. I haven't heard of it before.

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I don't know what Jean said but I'll never use WWE/FLL because they're scripted. I tried 100 EZ and thought well I'm never doing anything like that ever again. <3 Miquon, <3 SWR/RLTL, <3 TWSS (hope it works for us), don't <3 scripted. At all. I felt like I never knew what I was doing and I looked like a fool in front of my child. I want to learn the method and apply it. Which is a bummer because RightStart looks so yummy.


There's nothing that says you have to follow the script. But, yeah, I know what you mean.

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I am at the dentist. Waiting.


Little ds vomited this morning. He has been sneezing a lot, and now seems to be congested in his lungs. No fever. It is kind of odd unless the mucus drainage caused the vomiting. However little dd has been nauseous as well. She went to the bathroom twice feeling like she needed to vomit, but didn't.

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I have one really amazing picture of myself at 16. Holy crap. If only I knew how hot I was!!!!


My favoritest picture of me ever was lost in a flash flood in the late 1990's.  It was of the back of me, standing atop a dune at Great Sand Dunes, with my arms raised.  My friend took it when we made a trip there, and the framing and light was beautifully captured.  

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Time to whine a little, so I get it out of my system.


Time should simply STOP when I am sick until I can recover and take care of things again.  Trying to think clearly and stay on top of everything when I am stuffed up or feeling crappy just doesn't do it for me.  It should stop for EVERYONE dealing with more than they can handle.


You'd think after so many years down here I'd have it all planned out for the last quarter of every year, but no, I never do.  6 birthdays, 3 holidays requiring prep time (4 if you count New Year's), our wedding anniversary, autumn allergies, educating kids, NaNoWriMo -- it's all a bit much.  The things I CAN unload from my schedule I am unwilling to let go of, and the things I want to go away are perennially unavoidable.  Of course.


I don't wanna have to do laundry right now!  So I made myself fold and put away the clean towels.

I don't wanna have to worry about food and meals right now!  So I cooked breakfast for my kids.

I don't wanna have to drive anywhere cuz I'm stuffy!  So I have taken some meds to be in fit shape to drive the kids to the dentist.


I've made lists of what has to happen between now and Christmas.  I've broken the lists out into specific days, to emphasize which things have earlier deadlines and which can wait until early next week.  I've plotted and planned and communicated the timing necessary for various things so the immediate family is not taken by surprise and can't complain that I didn't let them know.


I have been responsible, and will continue to be responsible.  But I don't wanna.




Okay, fuss fest over.  Time to stop feeling sorry for myself over minor troubles and get on with life.  Thanks for listening.

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I  know, right???  Even my 17 year old drivers' license "look to the side" picture is hot.  And I thought I was fat. :smilielol5:


I never had a "look to the side" driver's license.  No state I lived it while a minor had yet instituted this practice.

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My mother, brothers and I lived briefly in Brooklyn. I was just 17. :-) People kept greeting me in the elevator as if they knew me, and finally one day I met my doppleganger. She was older than I, but still...


People don't usually tell me I look like anyone they know, except Meryl Streep. o_0


People who knew my MIL and me both before DH and I ever married kept insisting after the marriage that MIL and I had the same last name because we were mother and daughter.  Even when I was pregnant!  REALLY?!?

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Oh, yay!  We can drift off into painkiller bliss together. 


Root canal for me at 9:30 (ET).  I can't wait to stop hurting.  


I'm sorry!  I hope by the time you see this everything is all better!

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I am at the dentist. Waiting.


Little ds vomited this morning. He has been sneezing a lot, and now seems to be congested in his lungs. No fever. It is kind of odd unless the mucus drainage caused the vomiting. However little dd has been nauseous as well. She went to the bathroom twice feeling like she needed to vomit, but didn't.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Does little ds have asthma? Because mucus drainage causing vomiting is a common symptom.

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I've mentioned unkers 3 times and nobody says anything.


Hey slache, what's unkers?


Oh nothing. Just THE CURE FOR THE COMMON COLD! It also cures sunburn, bug bites, my sore back and the weird skin rash I had for 4 years. And almost anything else you can think of. It's like God's spit or something.



Omigosh, you all have to go check out Google today!  I went to google "Unkers" (thanks, Slashie-poo!), and saw lots of Google Beethoven fun!  They have little composition puzzles -- a little video plays, then you have a puzzle.  Once you complete the puzzle more video clip plays, and then another puzzle!



ITT and Google are raising my spirits quite well right now!   :001_tt1:  :001_tt1:  :001_tt1:  :001_tt1:

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My mother, brothers and I lived briefly in Brooklyn. I was just 17. :-) People kept greeting me in the elevator as if they knew me, and finally one day I met my doppleganger. She was older than I, but still...


People don't usually tell me I look like anyone they know, except Meryl Streep. o_0

I can totally see Meryl Streep. :) 


I go to a very large church - large enough that I will NEVER know everyone there. My good friend goes there as well. 

So, I few Sunday's ago, I was looking a few rows down and thought I saw  Ashley. I tried to get her attention, but got ignored. lol Then, I kept looking because something was different, but I could not figure it out. I thought she did her makeup differently or something. Nope. Just a girl who could have passed for her twin. 

I'm sure she thought I was a major creeper. 

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This is the best thing I've heard all month! Susan wins the internet!!!



Susan, now that the internet is all yours I have a few things I'd like you to fix on it.  Let's do lunch and we'll talk.


ETA the next day because




 Booyah booyah party!   :party:

Booyah booyah party!   :party:

Edited by AMJ
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Even the hilarious ones?



I think there's a loophole for funny.  







Common knowledge is a joke between dh and myself; his friend and office mate years back was a bit of a trivia freak, and constantly in earnest used the phrase with dh.  As in "You mean you don't know that a pregnant goldfish is called a twit?  It's common knowledge." Still makes us laugh.  


"Twit" is one of my favorite appellations to use towards people who can't hear me and who have done some numbskull maneuver.  (Well, "twit" and "idiot".)  I will have to inform the girls of this definition so we can laugh together the next time I call someone a twit!

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